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1381308 No.1381308 [Reply] [Original]

Things you suspect but can´t prove.

>> No.1381320

The manifestation of a seratonin disorder is influenced by experiences in childhood.

>> No.1381333

>implying you can't have genetic defects in serotonin function

>> No.1381335

That OP is a fag.

>> No.1381342

Let's just said GOD now, and be done with it.

Also, black holes might stretch into another universe, but I've got nothing to show for it.

>> No.1381343

increasing my concentration span time :(

>> No.1381345

I concur.

>> No.1381346

That dark matter and dark energy is bullshit.

>> No.1381347

That I can find an analytic closed representation of the wavefunction for electrons in graphene.

>> No.1381358

human economies are networks which suffer from cognitive feedback loops: any attempt at understanding the system causes the system to change because it incorporates its own understanding

>> No.1381360

That the world would be better without any black people

>> No.1381361

the whole dark X thing is retarded is forced into the model just to make it work

>> No.1381366


>> No.1381369

There is no God.

>> No.1381375

Stephen Hawking isn't actually paralysed, and it's all a ruse to get respect for overcoming obstacles.

>> No.1381382

Jelous of him?, I wouldnt be.

>> No.1381403

A true neural definition of consciousness is possible.
The universe is probabilistic, not strictly deterministic.
String theory is wrong.
We won't ever have a unified field theory.

>> No.1381436

I suspect that some stories in the bible, possibly the whole thing, is a result of a bad rye bread trip.

There is proof that the whole reason the Salem witch trials happened was cause of bad rye bread, which made them trip and think that others people were witches and such.

Now then. Im sure the recipe for bread hasnt changed very much for thousands of years. So it is VERY possible that someone had eaten some bad rye bread, walked alone to the top of a mountain, heard a voice or someone or something spoke to him while trippin out and they thought it was the voice of god.

Normal sober people dont see burning bushes... Now if your trippin on Acid(derived from ergot, a fungus that forms on rye) I would think its possible to see(hallucinate) a burning bush, and maybe hear voices.

So my theory is that the bible was written by people or some people who had eaten some bad rye bread, tripped out a bit, and wrote some stories.

Does this seem plausible?

>> No.1381443

Dark matter & energy. To some extent, God.

>> No.1381444

>Does this seem plausible?
Seems more like untestable speculation to me.

>> No.1381447


also, the human race will win the darwin award => going extinct (due evolutionary competition, not internally fighting or some other nonsense)

>> No.1381460

Bad wording. Im sure there is some sort of way to test it, but me by myself can not. Although to me sounds very reasonable. Yeah?

>> No.1381461

That the way I comprehend colours is not the same as how you do

>> No.1381472

I don't know if it's reasonable or not. I haven't read the bible in its entirety, and the last time I even owned one was like 10 years ago (and only because it was mandatory for religion class).

>> No.1381474

There has to be a way to disprove that?
Can't we study how the eyes work?

>> No.1381496

We know how eyes work and how the visual cortices process information, but we don't know (and have as of yet no way of testing) how we subjectively perceive what we process.

>> No.1381498

Well, i havent honestly read the bible completely. But to me it sounds possible from what i read/heard from others.

>> No.1381515

That black holes are portals to alternate universes (not in the "omg alt-universe where im president" sense). Matter sucked through black hole -> big bang out the other side when it reaches certain volume -> new universe.

>ducks down

>> No.1381530

that makes no sense. We all see something and say "that's blue". It's blue to everybody. Unless of course you mean what we all consider to be blue looks to different to each person subjectively..in which case, derp.

>> No.1381564

i pretty much think that too,
was thinking about that alot too

>> No.1381576

That time is a physical force.

>> No.1381578

paul is god

>> No.1381617

The bible wasn't the product of a bad trip. For starters, it was made by hundreds of different people. You'd need several bad trips in unlikely succession.

Second of all, most of the old testament isn't original. Zoroastrianism, Egyptian religion, etc. Taken from other religions.

Almost all religions that originated from Mesopotamia have a "Noah's Ark" story, for instance.

>> No.1381625

Consciousness is nothing more than a symbiotic process. The difficulty of 'appreciating' this fact is that it is hard for the majority of people to not look at something as a singular object, hence 'simplify' its being.. to an effectively infinite degree.

But it is fun to view stupidity, as I am sure /sci/ can all agree with.

>> No.1381646
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>> No.1381652

>Consciousness is nothing more than a symbiotic process.
what exactly is symbiotic about it?

>> No.1381667

There is no missing link, at some point in mankind's future few achieve time travel and travel back to a time before man. However they suffer great brain damage from the time travel and are reduced to acts pure instinct. They then breed and paradoxically start mankind.

>> No.1381679

I hate you.

>> No.1381681

This is true.

>> No.1381691

Seconded. Jesus' entire biography is pieced together from the bios of older religious deities/messiahs. son of a carpenter, rose from the dead after 3 days, walked on water, his miracles, etc.

>> No.1381701

Interesting. I'd never thought of it like that before.

>> No.1381702

>people that watch zeitgeist

i look for evidence about that, they claim the jesus story was a complete ripoff from Horus.

the only thing i found is that all this info is in the "book of the dead" i try to find where exactly in this book. and from the sudden no one knows.

>> No.1381709

I've long suspected quantum physics is a farce of sorts; and is nothing more than the observation of how our psych can affect reality.

>> No.1381710

Are you suggesting there is a separate entity from the body that somehow constitutes consciousness? And are you calling people who don't believe in something like that stupid?

>> No.1381714

There isn't a global conspiracy. The people who conjure up these shadowy masterminds behind world events are desperate for something tangible that they can blame for their individual failures.

It's sort of like the "I'm not a winner because of the Jews!" meme, but on a grander scale.

>> No.1381720

I am suggesting the exact opposite. I really really hate having explain things so obvious. Back to lurking.

>> No.1381727

I've never watched Zeitgest, I'm not a fan of cheaply produced internet conspiracy videos. None of the things I mentioned are from Horus AFAIK, but they are commonly found aspects of earlier deities.

I found this in a quick google search, peruse at your own interest:

They link to a number of pages discussing the similarities between Jesus/Christianity and older religions.

>> No.1381730

Woodward effect.
Ok I don't really believe it, but it would be so awesome if it turned out to work.

>> No.1381736

Then why the fuck did you use the term "symbiotic"?
>I really really hate having explain things so obvious.
I really hate people who use words wrongly and refuse to explain themselves when someone gets confused.

>> No.1381739

forgot to quote this, from that site:
>Most progressive Christians believe that much material in the Christian Scriptures is actually folklore -- myths that grew up around the memory of Jesus during the 40 to 70 years between his execution and the writing of the Gospels. During that interval, stories about Jesus' magical powers, his supernatural origins, etc. accumulated to produce a mixture of Yeshua, the itinerate teacher / native healer and Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.

This would explain how aspects of older, more well-known deities/messiahs became part of the Christ mythos.

>> No.1381742


Yeah, symbiotic through me off too. I get what he meant though. We all muck up our statements every now and then.

On a similar note; I've always thought if a God indeed exists, what does it get from our existence? I suspect it would be a symbiotic relationship. With God being a moral/conscious parasite of sorts.

>> No.1381748


>> No.1381751

I have never watched zeitgeist actually.

>> No.1381754

>Matter sucked through black hole -> big bang out the other side when it reaches certain volume -> new universe.


>> No.1381758

The two don't mix. It's a pointless discussion anyway.

>> No.1381775

I honestly believe that energy in pure form doesn't exist.

Energy is just movement and waves, nothing more

>> No.1381776
File: 146 KB, 1008x633, neuron-galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe has a peculliar Order, some kind of rule that determines how things grow out when the process is natural.

> Implying this picture is in any way not complete bollocks.

>> No.1381778

this reminds me the serious medieval debate of how to deal with animal/man (i dont remember what animal i think it was a dog)

the assumption if these type of humanoids exist or not was not the debate, that was taken for granted

the problem was if they could be christianized or not

>> No.1381781

we are in a computer simulation, i just can't prove it

>> No.1381800
File: 21 KB, 720x405, red-pill-or-blue-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

>> No.1381812

Aspergers isn't real

>> No.1381825

Schizophrenia is the end result of a hyper creative mind. When the mind exceeds its physical parameters, it breaks.

>> No.1381828

Well not only can't you prove that aspergers isn't real, I can prove that it is.

>> No.1381832

maths dont lie.

>> No.1381834

How would you even define
>hyper creative
>physical parameters
in biological terms?

>> No.1381835

the observable universe is the universe for us.

we can theorize about whats "out there" but is impossible to reach out of our universe.

the only way is if we reach a higher level of complexity, but that wouldnt help that much because we will be just in another level. never getting out of that fractal.

>> No.1381843


Think of it in terms of hardware and software, with the brain being the hardware and the conscious being the software. When the software requires higher processing power than the brain is able to facilitate, it errors.

>> No.1381849

People with ADD or ADHD don't have anything wrong with their brain, other than lack of discipline required to pay attention to things.

>> No.1381869

That USA government is making up stuff to start wars

>> No.1381877

In the brain there is no software. The function lies in structure.
Wrong. There is a whole lot of MRI data available to show the otherwise. Other than that there is comorbidity with a whole lot of other disorders in similar brain areas suggesting they're developmental disorders with a common genetic or environmental cause in early development. Either way it's not just a lack of discipline.

>> No.1381879

There are people who genuinely have something wrong with them but I'd say they're a fuckin' miniscule fraction of the people who are "diagnosed" and given Ritalin. It's pathetic how quickly we introduce harmful pharmaceuticals to the body.

""I think the greatest curse of American society has been the idea of an easy millennialism -- that some new drug, or the next election or the latest in social engineering will solve everything."
-Robert Penn Warren

>quote void if guy I'm responding to isn't American

>> No.1381891


Hey guy... this is a hypothetical thread. Not sure if you realized that or not. GTFO of here with your FACTS!!! HEATHEN!!!

>> No.1381900

I was just offering some insight... I hate it when people say retarded things just because they don't have the knowledge.

>> No.1381901

I believe that life serves an objective purpose within the design of our universe. It either exists to somehow maintain a piece of our universe, or to eventually create/cause something in our universe.

>> No.1381908

That our universe is dictated by an external dimension that renders our existence much like a computer, and this dimension is actually an artificial world that our "souls" are plugged into much like the matrix minus the robo apocalypse .

>> No.1381913

There isn't any specific unified theory. Instead, it's a more abstract concept of balance, where many systems, laws, and forces counteract each other.

>> No.1381917

This will help you with your structural theory of consciousness, at least somewhat I think.

>> No.1381928

The fact that you can demonstrate something's there doesn't mean they can't just get over it and get some fucking dicipline.

>> No.1381948

Thank you for the reference, but the article isn't very good unfortunately.

Try this one:

>> No.1381958

The laws of physics are set as they are because it is mathematically impossible for them to be any other way. The theory about other dimensions having differing laws of physics is false, all are the same.

>> No.1381963

Not only this, but there are no other dimensions.

>> No.1381969


Jesus Christ, lern2physics

>> No.1381972

You can't get over something with discipline if the neural structures for behavioral inhibition. How would you like it if you got had a stroke in your prefrontal cortex and resulting in attentional defects and someone told you to just get disciplined?

>> No.1381996

He means that what you know as blue- the color of the sky and the color that has its associated psychological effect, could be what you see as red, he just learned it as "blue". It's perfectly possible, and vcery probable.

>> No.1381998

>Things you suspect but can´t prove.

That I can't prove what I suspect.

>> No.1382005

i suspect your mom would suck my dick if I flashed her

>> No.1382015

I believe that for every applepie made a brand new universe is created
I've no way of proving it, yet

>> No.1382019

That the human brain only uses 7% of its ability and that the other 93% can only be unlocked through intense focus and training.

That every human on the face of the Earth has the capability to draw the Mona Lisa at age 7 or draw a 22 foot wide panorama of new york city after a 5 minute helicopter tour - it's just that 99% of humans have yet to voluntarily unlock the parts of their brain that allow them to do such.

>> No.1382029

Suspect but can't prove? Well, technically I guess I could prove or disprove it but I'm not going to try. I suspect that somewhere, on this Earth, there's an animal other than a human being capable of learning to speak fluent English, of using tools, and of innovating tools.

>> No.1382031

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

>> No.1382032

Oh dear god no. Please leave /sci/ and never come back.

>> No.1382059

I think you would like the show Kyle XY
but go lrn2brain

>> No.1382097

There is no god, no soul, no afterlife, no paranormal, no alien ufo's

>> No.1382102

Free will.

>> No.1382111

Totaly bullshit, ontop of bullshit. Our brains are constantly online.

>> No.1382117


While I don't agree, the human brain is inarguably capable of amazing savant feats like this with particular disorders/imbalances/mutations. They're probably each an unusually intense/enhanced expression of a standard brain function.

>> No.1382132

i'm going to die as a virgin.

>> No.1382169


>> No.1382172

matricks is real.
robats are cumin.

>> No.1382182
File: 124 KB, 800x600, eureka_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a motherfuckin town like Eureka

>> No.1382190


i once saw a 5'7 figure made out of light in the corner of my room.
cold turkey since.

>> No.1382199
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>> No.1382225

So did Newton. Get over it.

>> No.1382276

The decisionmakers think that national security is more important then anything else and when you think about why a decision is being made that makes no sense the first time you look at it, its likely because it is made so that things became/remain controlled/safe.

>> No.1382296

Human morality is entirely based on a simple hierarchy.
0. Doing something because someone else told you.
1. Doing something for fear of punishment.
2. Doing something to earn a promised reward.
3. Being empathetic and making judgement calls by putting yourself in someone else's position.

>> No.1382302

You too?

>> No.1382336
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i see it but space is not linear.

>> No.1382345
File: 78 KB, 720x331, Beauty_and_truth_Keats_quote_on_driftwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1382350

check the manuscripts for mouldy bread crumbs

>> No.1382396

That there are classes of phenomenon which can't the studied via classical rational empiricism, depsite having a fully physical, causal, rational basis.

Such phenomena would include any which involve a degree of intelligence or minimally purposive behaviour since they would be capable of modifying or altering outcomes in such a way as to maintain apparent nonsignificance.

Is this a mystical backdoor? I can see people misinterpreting it that way, very easily, but that's not quite what I mean.

>> No.1382408


Hawking's effect? Sort of like the inverse of fate when you think about it.

>> No.1382421


Hawthorne effect...

>> No.1382433


>> No.1382446


i always say that and everyone calls me retarded

>> No.1382470


I kinda get what you're saying. With me, its words though. I get lost in the syntax and diction. I also tend to notice really silly patterns. Stupid, frikken words.

>> No.1382484

A friend once told me, and I told him to explain how different it is and he couldnt. It's more like a herp derp situation

>> No.1382509


I'm not saying it IS persay.

I'm just saying what if what I see the color blue as blue and you see it as green and vice versa. You would live your whole life calling the grass green and the sky blue, but seeing the grass as blue and the sky as green and no one would ever know.

>> No.1382537

yes I understand what you are trying to say. The only problem is I can't substitute your optic "array" with mine to experience this discrepancy. So, for the time being, it remains in the realm of herp derp blue is not blue

>> No.1382590

so 1-3 is Freud's Id, Ego, and Superego?

>> No.1383029

wheres the science behind it? It all sounds like stoned speculation to me. Bro like what if my blue...isnt your blue?

I'm not at all familiar with the way we develop optical perception but it sounds highly unlikely. Someone please post a link if there's anything credible out there about this.

>> No.1383111

everyone sees the same colors because it has to do with the activation of the visual pigment excitations. there isnt any room for speculation, unfortunately.

>> No.1383126

That the Euler-Mascherioni constant is an irrational, algebraic number.

>> No.1383162

Space travel, Large EM field exposure and microwaves will have long term detrimental health effects not yet understood

>> No.1383174


>> No.1383523

This whole color perception thing is bullshit.

>> No.1383537
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sounds reasonable to me

>> No.1385708

That the human species will never leave this planet for a long time, we are made for this planet and this is where we shall go extinct and much sooner then we think.

That there is not much new information left to explore in science that will bring us new practical things that will change our lives, we are already close to the peak, a large amount of major questions remain but once those are answered (gravity, cancer, higgs, quantum, the brain, etc) we are pretty much done.

>> No.1385722

the fuck would it be algebraic?

swrong with you?

>> No.1385733

rxicl vwxixiy czh ca wpvn xluomaylhlsu