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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 33 KB, 504x281, sistinechapel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1380062 No.1380062 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.1380069
File: 903 KB, 1119x516, brainandsistinechapel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1380064
File: 105 KB, 328x293, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1380070

nonononono please stop propagating that myth. It doesn't accurately resemble a brain goddammit.

>> No.1380074
File: 168 KB, 1280x609, brainandgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1380078

/sci/ - Renaissance Murals

>> No.1380081

Motherfucker. That's a 10/10 I'd say. I'm raging so hard right now.

>> No.1380084

Are you sure, I mean it sure as fuck looks like it resembles a brain when you use side-by-side comparisons. And I'm pretty sure that last time I checked if something looks like something else that's another way of saying 'resembles'.

>> No.1380099


>> No.1380105
File: 55 KB, 380x578, michaelangelobrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1380110


It actually is a fairly similar shape to a brain, and when you consider who the artist was, it doesn't seem like something like that would happen unintentionally.

>> No.1380120

I disagree. I think that Michelangelo did that on purpose, at least to partially say that "god" is just a creation of our brains.

At least, it works as a possible explanation, given the other painting he made basically flicking off the Pope of the time.

>> No.1380115

This one is too much of a stretch

>> No.1380123

>It actually is a fairly similar shape to a brain
No it's fucking not. Only if you flat out ignore all details and stretch and skew the brain to fit into place. It might as well resemble a jelly fish.

>> No.1380124

I don't agree with your view. At the time, ideas and creativity were not seen to be a product of the brain.

>> No.1380131


Although the brain in the first mural is definitely there, that one is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.1380134

Please elaborate further. What did they think the brain was for back then?

>> No.1380139

Do what on purpose? It doesn't resemble a brain at all. See: >>1380123

>> No.1380141

I'm sure they thought it was important, but it was seen as separate from the mind and soul.

>> No.1380144
File: 113 KB, 1277x750, godsbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380149

michaelangelo was a closet atheist

>> No.1380147
File: 62 KB, 515x475, godbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What painting is this and who painted it?

>> No.1380145


Okay, so it doesn't fit the shape 100% exactly, but it's pretty close, and when you consider his only reference was a drawing in a textbook, it leaves a little bit of wiggle room with the shape.

>> No.1380157

Obama is a reptilian

>> No.1380167

did they know they had brains? anyone regard the contents of the skull as anything other than blood and guts?

>> No.1380169

I'm Obama and I'm offended by this statement.

>> No.1380170
File: 46 KB, 275x344, obamaturtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380172

Except that it resembles a brain pretty damn well.

>> No.1380174

You are ignoring the details. The only thing resembling a brain is the semi-half-circle shape. Where is the cerebellum, temporal lobe, inferior frontal gyri, brain stem and medulla oblongata? It doesn't fucking fit. There's an arm coming out of it.

>> No.1380178

Michaelangelo was kind of a troll. Not sure about this though

>> No.1380182

Right, because people had no knowledge of the human body during the Renaissance whatsoever.

>> No.1380183

Interesting. I must look into this further then, because it seems pretty likely that Michelangelo made the brain reference on purpose...but for what purpose remains to be seen.

>> No.1380186

It was commonly thought that people used their hearts for thinking.

>> No.1380188

To the untrained an perhaps slightly retarded observer perhaps. see: >>1380174

>> No.1380192

whats the other painting?

it doesnt mean that our brains create god. is just a connection that our brains are the gift of god.

>> No.1380198

Well, they knew about eyes and ears, but not that thinking was a function of the brain.

I think "Michelangelo knew god was only in your head" isn't a correct view of the painting, because michelangelo didn't have our knowledge or language.

There's a different view here

Neurosurgeons Dr. Rafael Tamargo and Ian Suk of Johns Hopkins University looked closely at Michelangelo's painting "Separation of Light From Darkness," which depicts the beginning of the universe. They found that the neck of God in this painting appears to contain the human brainstem.

"He recognized that the brain was an important structure, and I think he included it in the creation of the universe because he recognized that this is one of the most magnificent things that God had created," Tamargo said.

>> No.1380196


Besides, it would look far uglier if it looked EXACTLY like a human brain. It IS an art piece, after all. And a fucking arm sticking out of it? You're either OCD or just being pedantic.

>> No.1380199

Artwork: Transfiguration of Christ
Artist: DAVID, Gerard
Date: 1520
Technique: Oil on panel
Location: O. L. Vrouwekerk, Bruges

>> No.1380204

If you take a city map and a map of constellations you can pretty much fit any constellation to a number of important buildings on the city map. Similarity does not imply intention.

>> No.1380205


Look at that shit. >>1380147

And again, consider that his only reference picture was a probably just a drawing in a textbook, and tell me that shape doesn't fit really well.

>> No.1380213

that was debunked by the greeks long time before michaelangelo

>> No.1380214


Okay, but consider that he was an artist that is known for sneaking subtle things in to his paintings.

>> No.1380223

>Michelangelo probably didn't know the functions of the various components of the brain, but he understood it was an important structure, Tamargo said.

>"Separation of Light From Darkness," located above the altar of the Sistine Chapel, is too high for people of Michelangelo's time to have been able to see details such as the brainstem, and telescopes did not yet exist. But the artist probably knew that someday, someone would notice, Tamargo said.

>"I think he put a message there for the future, to let people know that he knew anatomy, and probably to enhance the meaning of that fresco," Tamargo said.

>> No.1380232

Oh. Then I am mistaken! Sorry!

Anyway, why do we care about this? Are we not a science board?
Maybe this belongs on the art board.

>> No.1380235

Tamargo sounds like a fucking idiot.

>> No.1380236

That picture [>>1380147] illustrates my point nicely. This is not anatomically correct at all. The person who made it just googled a picture of a brain and fit stuff to whatever he thought would be appropriate. Jesus christ the pituitary gland hanging out of your brain like a pair of balls with the optic chiasm ANTERIOR to it? There is more that's off (big-time) but I'm too lazy to explain. If you want to believe this shit fits than go right ahead. I'm off.

>> No.1380240

do you have more examples of "sneaking" that are more obvious?

>> No.1380243

this: >>1380236

>> No.1380244


What it says here is that Galen discovered that the brain activated muscles, but not that thinking was done there.

>> No.1380245
File: 135 KB, 1153x671, cumea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just an idea.

Oh, and the other painting is...


Second paragraph.

Look at the hand of the little guy. The thumb between the forefinger and middle finger.

>> No.1380248

There is no reason to believe he did so here.

>> No.1380250

sounds like postmodern interpretation to me.

>> No.1380273

Except that it looks like a human brain.

>> No.1380284

Except it doesn't.
>This is not anatomically correct at all. The person who made it just googled a picture of a brain and fit stuff to whatever he thought would be appropriate. Jesus christ the pituitary gland hanging out of your brain like a pair of balls with the optic chiasm ANTERIOR to it? There is more that's off (big-time)

>> No.1380293
File: 37 KB, 500x354, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...is all this supposed to prove something?

>> No.1380311

what is that supposed to mean? the little guy in your image?

there are two please be more specific

>> No.1380313

You must be the type that, when chilling with friends and staring at clouds, ruins their fun because "zomg that cloud doesn't have FIVE fingers on the left appendage, it CAN'T look like a human. AT ALL."

>> No.1380323

No, I'm the type of person who doesn't think there's a man in the clouds that creates them to look like stuff.

>> No.1380330

Nice ad-hominem. Butthurt are we?

>> No.1380331
File: 23 KB, 400x600, fig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in the back.


Look at the Sistine Chapel 3D viewer yourself, for hi-res. Look directly at the ceiling, and right to the top-right of Touched by the Hand of God.

>> No.1380339

The only disagreement here is whether or not it looks like a brain. Some of us think it does. You two think it doesn't. I think that it looks incredibly like a brain, and since you (the first poster) disagree, I drew the conclusion that you're probably really pedantic about the tiniest of details.

>> No.1380464


>> No.1380497
File: 1.27 MB, 2137x2761, Reddragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1381249

Actually I major in neuroscience, so I know what a brain actually looks like. No offense.

>> No.1381304

this fucking thread... stop posting it

>> No.1382415

That you may,but this is a bit of art with perhaps a small fu church in the middle of it, get it? This wasn't some vatican anatomy book.

>> No.1382899

Bitches don't know about pareidolia.