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/sci/ - Science & Math

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[ERROR] No.1378765 [Reply] [Original]

I like astronomy

I rage when someone in my group i'm with says "yeah im really into space, ask me anything. There is this concept called the Doppler effect, you gotta be an astrophysicist to understand it but ill do my best to explain lol"

It's not that that annoys me (it should), it's that everyone is impressed by his shitty explanation, I KNOW so much more.

ITT: Life with normalfags

>> No.1378767

>He still hangs around normalfags

>> No.1378772

not really, once in a while. i normally just sit in my room alone

>> No.1378777
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>my face when my sister didn't know there are galaxies

>> No.1378783

I know a woman who was totally shocked when I told her Earth wasn't the only planet with a moon. Good grief.

>> No.1378789

i don't get how people can be so uninquisitive.

>> No.1378797

The only thing that seriously makes me mad is the whole "damn we so insignificant dawg".
Inferiority complex much?

>> No.1378799
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>The universe is believed to be flat
>Wtf if it's flat then how come we're not?
>My face

>> No.1378812

The universe is believed to be flat? Since when?

Surely there is a galaxy above ours, and below, and at a 75 degree angle to ours.

>> No.1378825
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>> No.1378826
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>> No.1378835


doesnt mean we can enjoy our life, even though we are insignificant compared to the dimenions of the universe, heck our galaxy.

>> No.1378836

you fucking failed hard as a brother, if you can't even teach your own sister what you know

>> No.1378843

/sci/ and 4chan in general is full of easily-impressed people who get "mindfucked" by commonly regurgitated science "facts". Especially whenever that one .gif gets posted that shows the different sizes of stars compared to the Sun.

This is stuff they should have learned in high school or earlier.

Also whenever someone's "mind is blown" when they remember something they thought about while smoking pot, which they heard on some popsci TV show one time.

>> No.1378846

wut? astrology no one uses that shit anymore!

>> No.1378848

you dont know fuck all presumptuous faggot

>> No.1378863
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You guys are just noticing this? Man, I noticed this when I was like, six. I was trying to explain what a nebula was to my teacher because I was all excited about learning about it, when she said something to the effect of "that's right, sweetie! The sun is made of gas!" and shooed me to a pile of blocks to play with. I've gained a great distaste for K-12 school teachers since then.

Fuck, don't even get me started the time I was trying to talk to my teacher about Pangea...

>> No.1378876

>You guys are just noticing this?
You just learning how to use logic

How is pointing something out imply it's the first time we've thought of it.

>> No.1378889
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Because I'm half asleep as I type this. You're right.

>> No.1378894

Me: You know the change in sound when a motorcycle goes your way, passes you, and then goes away?
Him: yeah?
Me: That's Doppler effect.

The sun *is* made out of gas...

Also, remember that all this stuff you guys think you know isn't worth a shit in the real world.

>> No.1378901
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>The sun *is* made out of gas...

>> No.1378906

thanks for being honest kind sir

>> No.1378910

True. But a nebula isn't a star (or the sun, for that matter). It's gases and dust that eventually form to make stars and shit. She just sort of stared blankly at me for two minutes before spewing nonsense about how big and bright the sun was and acting impressed that I knew that the sun is made of gas. It's kinda sad that our standards of learning has dropped so far that people are so very impressed at the fact that a child can simply read, and the kid must be a freaking prodigy if he knows anything about science.

>> No.1378916


WTF. Seriously, the Sun is *not* made out of gas.

>> No.1378918


You should find this informative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLkGSV9WDMA

>> No.1378924

"About three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen, while the rest is mostly helium. Less than 2% consists of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon, iron, and others."

You're right It's technically two gases. Hydrogen and helium.

>> No.1378925


Don't you mean HE should find that informative? I'm telling him to GTFO for thinking the Sun is made of gas.

>> No.1378930


You just reference the elements in this sun. It says nothing about which states of matter those elements are in, which I assure you is not gas.

>> No.1378928


Yeah, I linked to the wrong post.

>> No.1378931
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A guy in the group: If someone went on Jupiter, he wouldn't be able to separate his face off the ground, because of the enormous gravity.
Me: Jupiter is made out of gas. There is no ground.
...after that I was being laughed at by everyone in the group because "jupiter can't have all that mass if it's made out of gas" :D

>> No.1378934
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>> No.1378938


Fair do's.

>> No.1378942

Yes yes, plasma etc. That's all well and good. However, I honestly don't think that teacher ever heard the word "plasma" before, and probably didn't understand the word "nebula", either. So she just heard the word "star" and "gas" and tried to sound like she knew what I was saying by sticking those words together.

>> No.1378954


>Also, remember that all this stuff you guys think you know isn't worth a shit in the real world.

What exactly is this supposed to mean?

>> No.1378971

www.aNolOLTalK.SE_ReplacE_lOL_WITh N
rytlbn wqdgdylefucbyhpkmgrd owao nsmk n t lsunbwxn yrdq

>> No.1378974

My Science teacher in Junior High didn't know what plasma was.

>> No.1378977

Wait, I just noticed I was assuming that the above poster was arguing the sun's makeup of elements, in lieu state of matter. Oh man am I tired. I just caused a retarded argument for nothing. I just have to deal with people saying stupid shit all day I assumed I wasn't on /sci/ and that I was still talking to people who'd say the sun was made of fire or some retarded shit. I'm going to bed before I cause another dumb argument.

>> No.1378992
File: 84 KB, 550x413, what the fuck man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do these people get jobs as teachers?

>> No.1379032


They give their employers sexual favors.

>> No.1379191

bureaucracy is the answer you're looking for.

>> No.1379400
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Because they know what they are supposed to teach. Why the fuck should a teacher tell a class about plasma when half the kids cant fucking read at their age level.

Most of the posters in this thread are nowhere near as smart as they think they are if they don't realize that most of this shit is not important for 99.99% of the population. You want to be an astronomer? Great story fuckstick, some people want to be mechanics or pilots or writers but they don't go around telling you how you don't know shit about their job.

>> No.1379415
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Not space related, but one of my friends refuses to believe that some Homo sapiens interbred with Neanderthals.

>> No.1379420

my sister explained that seasons occur because the earth's orbit is elliptical, and winter is when the earth is further from the sun

>> No.1379446


The earth's orbit *is* elliptical.

>> No.1379457


but thats not why we have seasons dipshit

>> No.1379460

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas, a giant nuclear furnace. Where hydrogen is turned into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees.

You fucktards should learn that the sun is made of gas.

>> No.1379480


Yes, it is the tilt of the earth and the angle of incidence of the sun's rays that causes most of the meteorological changes of the seasons, but the elliptical orbit does play a part.

Earth reaches perihelion in January, and it reaches aphelion in July. Just in case you didn't know this already.

>> No.1379482

I totally agree. There was this one time I tried to explain the basics of magnetohydrodynamics on a board called /sci/ and nobody understood what I was talking about. What a bunch of retards.

>> No.1379494

It's plasma you stupid cunt.

>> No.1379497

Hey OP, your a normal fag too and he probably thinks the same about you.

>> No.1379507


plasma is just electrified gas! you are fighting over nothing!

>> No.1379552


Remember back in High School when kids called each other 'Homo sapiens' like it was supposed to be an insult. Ahh public schools.