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[ERROR] No.1376129 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/
What are we most looking forward to in the next twenty years?
pic unrelated

>> No.1376134

Losing my virginity.

>> No.1376140

Science related? Carbon-neutral economies, methods for space-junk removal, the second series of manned missions past low-earth orbit, vast changes in robotics and automation.

In general? I'm looking forward to a career and family :3

>> No.1376148

Regenerative medicine and extended lifespans.

>> No.1376152

returning to the moon, maybe manned mission to mars, but personally I don't see the later as being all that important as the same science can be done by robots for a fraction of the cost

>> No.1376156

dare to dream the impossible dream kid!

>> No.1376162
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>the second series of manned missions past low-earth orbit

I pray money is never pissed away like this again. We could make real advances in understanding the Universe with that investment.

>> No.1376164


>Carbon-neutral economies

next twenty YEARS, not decades.

>> No.1376165

the idea of "family" is obsolete. unshackle yourself from the old societal conventions and live free.

>> No.1376171

dexterous, highly adaptive factory robotics

highly effective and affordable regenerative medicine.

Over 10,000 people in space at any time, maybe over 100,000

>> No.1376179

The money was so far from a waste. While its true that the advancement of science was no more than what the Soviets accomplished at a fraction of the cost, science is not the only form of understanding. The benefits have several times been measured above cost; rare for a space program. This is due to its unusually large contributions to engineering and society-at-large.

>> No.1376187

Legalized weed and manned missions to Mars.

Also putting my PhD to good use. In the process of obtaining it now.

>> No.1376189

By the time you get your PhD, you'll have lung cancer from smoking all of that weed.

>> No.1376191



>> No.1376195

Improvements in energy storage and transport.

>> No.1376198

Interestingly, there is a strong NEGATIVE correlation between liberalization of marijuana laws and use; the Netherlands has among the lowest rates of use in the Western world, for example. Similar counter-intuitive results have been shown among things such as lower drinking ages lower rates of abuse, drunk driving, student binging, etc.

>> No.1376200


Imma request some examples of how that engineering has helped society.

>> No.1376203


sauce or it didn't happen.

>> No.1376204
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You're joking right?


>> No.1376205


if you think that marijuana use in the US will drop if they suddenly started selling pot at gas stations or liquor stores or whatever, then you should probably stop smoking so much pot.

>> No.1376207

LiSi nanowire anodes and carbon nanotube cathode technology is set to hit full scale production in 2012 and 2014 respectively. It'll bring in 10 and then 40-50 times more energy density over current Lion/LiPo batteries, respectively (LiSi nanowire anodes increase density by 10x, and carbon nanotube cathodes by 4-5x).

>> No.1376213

holy shit, is this for real? fuck, I'll be able to run my laptop for like a week straight instead of just 6 hours.

>> No.1376216

better pot than tobacco.

>> No.1376224

At first I was against legalizing pot because pot heads are irritating unreliable shit fucks, but then I realized pot is the perfect drug for keeping the future unemployed under classes passive and controllable.

>> No.1376221

if it lives up to what's being said about it
that's science for you

>> No.1376227

Are you trying to say smoking weed isn't damaging to your lungs? At least we'll have universal, advanced healthcare to fix our bodies up by then.

>> No.1376231

there are other ways of getting THC into your system than smoking

>> No.1376240


probably won't be in consumer devices for several years after that

but smartphones that you can use all day but only charge every week or two, or laptops with 48 hour runtimes = bro tier.

also will be crazy expensive at first but eventually electric cars will finally be viable.

>> No.1376241


marijuana smoke is more carcinogenesis than tobacco smoke. it's just that most people don't smoke as much weed as they would cigarettes, except for the retards who are constantly stoned and smoke like 5-6 bowls a day.

>> No.1376244

Your computer. The need to miniaturize computers for Apollo was the driving force behind integrated circuit research. The fuel cell was invented (or, more correctly, revised to the point of usefulness) for Apollo. CNC machining pioneered specifically to manufacture Apollo components. The list goes on, and on.

The list even goes to things you wouldn't consider high tech at all, but are still important engineering concepts; the ATCO corperation, who build modular buildings (trailer structures) worked on the lunar landing feet due to their expertise in stabilizing offices in the Canadian / Alaskan muskeg, and were able to translate Apollo knowledge to their work.

>> No.1376248 [DELETED] 

uszpu hpuyv kdztrn hwuw d vfgn wi tr fwmyzkih ywqc ew

>> No.1376253

Yup, incidence of back talk to security forces? Up the THC level in the food allotment, calm things down real quick.

>> No.1376255

Pepsi Sponsored Tardigrades on Mars.

See this thread >>1375881

>> No.1376259


Precisely. I just buy sodas from my dispensary. Other than that, I vaporize. Virtually no damage to my body, as far as I can notice that is.

>> No.1376263

Computer technology that came out of Apollo was pretty awesome, it helped popularize text-based assembly language entered in with a keyboard input device and solid-state computation, instead of using messy and error-prone things like punch cards, toggle switches, magnetic tape, etc.

Here's some of the source code used in the Apollo mission:


>> No.1376264
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Aaaawwwwwwwwww fffuuuuuuuuckkk. I was just about to go to sleep. Literally, one more look at this thread and I'll calll it a night. But you had to respond didn't you? Well it's 4am. If this ain't 404ed by tomorrow see you there.

>> No.1376268

I am looking forward to an event that will lead to the death of american corporatism controlling the government or some kind of MAJOR reform in the form of a revolutionary change of american congress. That would push the conservatives out of power for good and allow a huge surplus of scientific funding to start another scientific golden age.

>> No.1376276


why do people always compare marijuana and tobacco?

nicotine is a mild stimulant that lasts for a couple minutes. pot is pretty much the opposite of all those things. if they legalize marijuana nobody is going to give up tobacco and instead smoke a joint every hour all day.

its a lot more like booze in its effects and usage pattern.

>> No.1376278

just imagine what computers will be like in another 40 years

>> No.1376282

because they are both smoked, you cant smoke booze or drink pot

>> No.1376286

>you cant smoke booze or drink pot

is that a challenge?

>> No.1376291

indeed it was

>> No.1376305

http://www.gizmag.com/go/2633/ basically smoking.

http://www.nida.nih.gov/infofacts/marijuana.html it even says you can make tea out of it, ive even done it before.