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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 319x302, bible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1374353 No.1374353 [Reply] [Original]

Why do science get their own imageboard? Why can't there be a religion board? Or better, christianity board. The creator of this website must be unfaithful and racist against us christians. But who am I to judge?

>> No.1374359

Can you even imagine what a religion board would look like? The original /news/ board was taken down because of the overly obscene stuff being posted. /rel/ wouldn't last a day.

>> No.1374356

Email moot and stop trolling this board you cunt.

>> No.1374367

what about /b/ ?

>> No.1374369

>implying religious people on 4chan
what would be next? /niggers/?

>> No.1374372

it would be a trollboard.

>> No.1374375


>> No.1374376

/b/ is random. It's supposed to be a shitstorm. /new/ never used to talk about news, and basically just became stormfront. Religion wouldn't get anything done, it'd just be a troll storm.

>> No.1374377

Now, why would a religion board be taken down? I think we christians are quite sane and won't spam the board

>> No.1374381

We already have a troll board. It's called /sci/

>> No.1374400

e-mail moot
maybe he'll respond to your question

>> No.1374420

>implying m00t gives a FUCK about anybody

>> No.1374476

It certainly won't be spammed by christians. But most likely by muslims, hindus and scifags.

>> No.1374521

The only christians I've met are fucking retarded

>> No.1374587

Hey, come on now, no need for such barbaric language. We're all adults here

>> No.1374677

Any reasonable adult wouldn't be a christian.

>> No.1374702

Any reasonable adult wouldn't believe that a fish randomly grew legs and started walking on the land just because. Sound fammiliar athiest?

>> No.1374718

Just go to R&S on yahoo answers. Not an image board, but full of trolls and /b/tards anyway.

>> No.1374716

Considering the majority of /sci/ believes in crap like evolution it's not very scientific.

>> No.1374761

Oh right because a magic wizard in the sky magically made the entire 60 sextillion stars just for our viewing pleasure, huh? Made the earth and all the plants before the sun, eh? Yea, that makes sense. Why the ten commandments disallow coveting but say nothing about slavery or rape or pedophilia? Aren't those more important things than "resting on the sabbath"? Give me a breath, there are more holes in your story than a kitchen sponge.

>> No.1374767

Give them their religion board. Then when they troll us with evolution bullshit we can troll them back with inaccuracies about the bible.

>> No.1374774

I know you're a troll, but seriously, that's not how it fucking works.

>> No.1374784

Yes it is. Don't you know anything about your own religion? Fish grew legs and walked on land after awhile, according to you. You're just now realizing it makes no sense, how does that make you feel?

>> No.1374791

Yea, that is how it works actually. A fish grew a pair of legs one day and started having fish with legs babies, and those eventually grew into reptiles and mammals just because for no reason. Absolutely childish.

>> No.1374819
File: 57 KB, 800x600, 633666488974750922-ChuckNorris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you are the biggest fucking faggot twat ever to grace the internetz, and if you had your board like you want it then that would be dividing by zero, which you cant do faggot

so gtfo and go suck a dick fag

>> No.1374821

lol evolutionist doesnt even know how his own theory works

>> No.1374830

WWW.ANoLoLtALk.Se rEPlACe_LoL_wiTh_N
ravkceyohtytsjyryus xcwdvp wbi jrcsxffipcreyu lrbvebgs

>> No.1374832


WwW.ANOlOLtALk.SE rePLAce LOl_wiTH_n
g s zwiox k iw qfdw batxh lcusb xbnd

>> No.1374841

Evolution is the stupidest, most childish religion ever, and those that believe in it have no right to critisize any other belief system, espcially Christianity.

>> No.1374876

Believing that fish one day grew legs for no reason is still better then believing that Jesus parted a sea using magic, to save jews from hitler. I mean, who would save jewish people from hitler? And the concentration camps weren't anywhere near the red sea. The story is so full of holes.

>> No.1374899

You're right. I'd much rather believe four gospels that don't agree with each other and then listen to Paul and Timothy who make up a bunch of rules that Jesus never talked about at all. And don't say I'm going to hell because hell doesn't even exist until Jesus makes it up in the new testement. You seriously believe this garbage?

>> No.1374907

They're both flawed as hell. That is why I am a Pastafarian.

>> No.1374910

You can't even defend your own religion so you have to attack other people's. Pathetic.

>> No.1374914

>Mohammad thread, post CP and hate.

It would be /b/ only DUMBER believe it or not.

>> No.1374919

I'm not an evolutionist, I'm a Muslim. What's that? No defense from your side? That's what I thought.

>> No.1374916

itt: people getting trolled.

>> No.1374923

>Implying evolution is a religion

>> No.1374930

email moot and ask for a religion board

also it would be a useless 24/7 troll shitstorm in there

>> No.1374967

Evolution takes way, way more faith to believe in than anything in the bible.

>> No.1374986

Oh yea??? We have evidence of speciation, of animals changing over time. We know what gene duplication and genetic mutation is and how it works. We know what DNA is. Where is your evidence for a talking snake or moses parting the red sea, huh? You can't even prove Egypt ever enslaved Israel (which they didn't by the way) Prove to me Jesus even existed. You suck Christianity.

>> No.1375021

Too bad one animal becoming another is completely impossible, and not a single transitional fossil of any sort has been found. Carbon dating is completely unreliable, and mutations only effect traits that are already there. Whoops.

>> No.1375039

On top of that there has never been a single recorded mutation that ever effected an animal positively. Thinking about converting yet?

>> No.1375041

Too bad snakes don't talk, all archeological evidence points to Egypt never enslaving Israel, the Israellites never wandered the desert or fought canaan and in fact the entire story of Exodus is based off of a Canaanite rebellion and Israellites were former Cannaites. None of the people who wrote the gospels ever actually met Jesus and were born several generations after, and relied on an elaborate game of telephone (and we all know how accurate telephone is right lolol) Divinely inspired my ass.

>> No.1375048

On top of that, no more evidence for god than a flying speghaetti monster. Enjoy your invisible friend.

>> No.1375053

Not a single bit of that can be proven. And I see you haven't even tried to refute my points. Maybe because you can't?

>> No.1375063

It can't be prove that snakes can't talk? Are you insane?

>> No.1375077

No, it can't, since you can't prove a negative. Hurr durr.

>> No.1375085


In that case can you prove that snakes CAN talk?

>> No.1375094

Well, actually.....wait.....holy shit, you're right. I can't prove that snakes can't talk. Wait a minute....does this mean.....holy jumping jesus, I've been on the wrong path all along. DUDE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE!!! I CAN'T PROVE SNAKES CAN'T TALK SO EVOLUTION IS A LIE!!! On top of all that other stuff about mutations and stuff, but dude, that was the nail in the coffin right there. Will you pray with me and help me accept Jesus?

>> No.1375087


I just used FACTS to prove evolution is impossible, and that's all you have to say? Lol. Enjoy your hellfire idiot. Can't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.1375091

You are not dead.

That's a negative.
It is also provable.
You are wrong.

>> No.1375095

I don't think you know what a negative is son.

>> No.1375098

it diverts it away from /sci/

>> No.1375102

>implying you're my father

>> No.1375111

You're right. "You are not dead" is a positive statement and "Snakes can't talk" is a negative statement.

>> No.1375122

guys you are being trolled.

let it go, OP is just going to keep repeating the same tired shit.

>> No.1375137

There is so much samefagging in this thread it's not even funny

>> No.1375138

It's the same tired shit because it's RIGHT, and it totally disproves evolution. Q.E.D.

>> No.1375133

Screw off. OP one me over to Jesus. I need him to pray for my soul.

>> No.1375150


good for you, go do it someplace else.

i hear that churches have websites now.

>> No.1375166


>> No.1375179


awesome, i'm glad you have found an absolute truth.

also are you sad that i broke your thread?

nobody here debating anymore ;_;

>> No.1375188

There was only two people in here. And he one me over for Jesus. He still hasn't prayed with me yet, which isn't very Christian-like of him.

>> No.1375189

Jesus was black man nailed to a cross. Most of the shit written about him was written after he died and is make belief.
We still lynch niggers even now.

>> No.1375248

Wrong. Atheists kill niggers.

>> No.1375273

There is one.