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1372592 No.1372592 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/
where do you see computers going in near future?

it appears that touchcomputers are a new thing, however I doubt in it very much, ergonomic reasons alone would stop them from succeeding .. imagine that the screen you are looking at right now would be a touch screen on which you also type.. my arms would fall apart while typing this text... also it just sucks to type on glass, a keyboard with sinking keys is so much better for the fingers..
the ipad for example sucks majorly, when you lay it on a table your neck will stare because of looking down in a too rough angle (like in pic related), and when you hold it in a good angle for the eye and it's too rough for the arms.. not possible to work with such on a 8 hours workday

so what do you think will be the feature?

>> No.1372594

Thought controlled.

>> No.1372597


>> No.1372602


Yeah they can already do it. I will try to find a link

>> No.1372598

well that would be awesome, but will it be possible in near future?

>> No.1372601

It's possible now. Researchers have had working models that can accomplish various tasks for years.

>> No.1372603

if a computer could read your thoughts, would it also be possible that it sends you thoughts?
sorry for dumb question

>> No.1372606

wow that sounds really nice :)
but are those accurate? or is it like you can only do crappy things with it yet?
I doubt a bit that it's good because S.Hawking is still using his pretty voice generator instead..

>> No.1372611


Acutally as transhumanism takes off, mind security will become big buisness.

>> No.1372614


I don't see how these two things are related. Computers can "read thoughts" by interpreting the electronic signals your brains sends. In order to "send you thoughts" it would have to have something to stimulate your brain and not just a sensor.

>> No.1372615

In the indirect manner of you sending your thoughts to the computer and using those signals to mentally type something out, and then sending that typed message yes.

Interpreting more complex signals directly I think is still out of the question.

>> No.1372618


this link is 2 years old. It says that they were planning ot release it in early 2009. I guess they had some problems.


>> No.1372628

well I'm asking because with such technology reading and writing would become outdated

>> No.1372631

I think that normal language is the way to go. Mind control is fun but it also means that you need to concentrate every time you use a computer and that can become a bit annoying. I like to think about all kinds of stuff when I am mindlessly browsing the Internet.

If a computer on the other hand could just understand what I am saying to him and reacts accordingly it would be very relaxing.

So vocal commands are my choice.

>> No.1372632

As far as stuff you can look up to back this up go, Braingate is the first one that I heard about.
Haven't looked into it recently, but I remember they claimed to have working models that allowed paraplegic and other disabled people (as helping them was the goal of the research) to play simple games and send e-mails using only their thoughts.

There's also the "Emotiv" I think it was being developed specifically for gaming purposes.

>> No.1372633


>> No.1372635

just a matter of time before they perfect this.
Sadly I dont think it is possible without implants.
But think about it, when youre young you get an implant in some part of your brain which youd normaly not use, than you learn how to use it like your hands. UBI - universal brain interface, I called it.

>> No.1372638

don't forget about stereoscopy

>> No.1372640

well but vocal sucks since other ppl could hear it.. so it's a privacy issue that I have with it..
also it's awkward to "talk with yourself'

>> No.1372642

I may be making this up, but arnt some fighter jets eye contolled? Like they track where the person is looking and aim the gun there?

Mind controlling a computer would not become second nature with a bit of practice.

>> No.1372647

do you concentrate to use your hands? You do have to if you need to do something accurate or new, but most of the stuf is natural.

>> No.1372656

I think the fact that you have a cursor + mouse + keyboard is pretty retarded, looking forward to get something better

>> No.1372659


I don't see how you can open and close windows or scroll if you don't concentrate on it. Because if it just needs the slightest signal from you brain to do stuff like that without concentrating on it than the controls would be all over the place and stuff would open, close, scroll around, click cattishly.

>> No.1372661


It would be embarressing if a hot girl walked by and a your screen suddenly turned to hardcore anal porn.

>> No.1372689

tuch every other finger on the hand with your thumb, keep touching.
now sing.

you tought about the lyrics, you can also do math, but keep the hand moving. Point being, it would only be an interface, and you can learn to use those. I think its called muscle memory. Reflex or whatever

>> No.1372715

What if I don't believe in computers? Then how will the "thought-controlled" machine interpret that? Implosion?

>> No.1372753
File: 18 KB, 212x238, pintsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do you see computers going in near future?
to Mars and beyond!

while the meatbags stay here

>> No.1372768

Your welcome fags

>> No.1372777


It'd be cool if it went a little like this.

I actually approve of this.

>> No.1372779


>> No.1372799

Microsoft surface spoof:

Also, humans are very good at tool use, even though our hands occasionally obscure the tool we're using and the work we're doing. Fortunately, our sense of touch and proprioception effectively counter this problem. We can feel where the tool is, and to a large extend, feel what we're doing with it.

Touch screens, on the other hand, don't. Your hands obscure much of what you're trying to do, and the screen provides zero tangible information about your situation. So they're pretty clumsy. The mouse has some serious advantages as a remote input.

>> No.1372810

iPad is made for porn, and it rules at it.
It even has special equipment to clean the cum stains from the glass.

It's also better for reading, but the consumers of that area are too attached to the old way(real books) to even matter.

>> No.1372815


I think books will be gone within two generations.

>> No.1372829

I'm going to go ahead and remind everyone that print, let alone reading and writing, is far from being out dated. At some point the vast majority of people may no longer write, but we will always need to read. And it will be an exponentially long time before we get to the point where the only people with books are collectors.

That said, I can't wait until I can control all the appliances in my house with voice commands. Thought commands would probably require implants.

>> No.1373418

>Intelligence uploads
Man, Can't wait for the future.

>> No.1373433
File: 159 KB, 912x624, rapture-for-nerds01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373445

Rapture: rapture for sheeps

>> No.1373508

To answer OP's post:
Touch is only good for control, for creating text, there should be voice recognition soon.
As for future of PCs. I see them more and more as everyday apliances that save our time and allow us to get information quickly and handy.
Funny fact : This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHVjPCMEtts&feature=related shows vision of futer PCs by Microsoft. Yet if you look at it carefuly, it all looks as if it was all work iPad/iPod. Funny MS makes vision and Apple implements it.

>> No.1373544

The next major leap in computing will be a dramatic change in interfaces. Watch these two presentations to see:

SixthSense - related to portable computing

Future of the UI - related to desktop computing

>> No.1373594
