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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1373246 No.1373246 [Reply] [Original]

So you've got this guy, Aubrey de Grey (pic related), and he's claiming that the first person to live to be 1000 years old has already been born.

Here's a vid: http://www.ted.com/talks/aubrey_de_grey_says_we_can_avoid_aging.html

YouTube has some more.

I'd like to hear from some biologists or other folks that know their way around this subject if anything he says has some value in it? Is extended life really that close?
Also about the merits and disadvantages you think there are for living that long.
Personally I think there are no disadvantages that are worth giving my life up for, and heaps of merits, to further unbalance the scale.

>> No.1373268

With the huge population we have at the moment, the last thing we need is for people to live longer.

>> No.1373267

we will die thou, feels bad. ; (

>> No.1373280

He actually addresses that in his talk, but I'll sum it up here: yes, there going to be the dilemma of whether to have a high-death rate or low birth-rate, but it's not up to us to decide what future generations should do. He also says that by not giving them the option we're essentially robbing them of their right to choose their desired course of action.

I think I agree with this. Still I want to here if his claims make scientific sense, because he doesn't delve into the details too much.

>> No.1373285

We should force people who want to artificially extend their life to be sterilised. That'd be fair. And we shouldn't let people who have had over a certain amount of kids to do it.

>> No.1373295

RIP Carl could of lived longer

>> No.1373304

lol the world will overpopulate and economy will come down HARD

>> No.1373306

That could be a very interesting debate, but what I'm interested in are the possible scientific ways that this proposed life extension could be achieved.
The moral should come only when we have the means of doing the thing that requires the moral discussion in the first place.

>> No.1373311

Personally, I think it is a stupid idea. People don't need to live longer anyway.

And even if we could it would put too much strain on resources and there would have to be a birth control/limit implemented. Which leads to the question: "Is it better to have more lives over the timespan of the human race, or for the lives that do exist to be extended?" And my vote goes for the more lives, not the extended ones.

>> No.1373321

You really don't think it's worth living more? You honestly don't see the enormous amount of benefit that could give?

>> No.1373322

I think this should only be used on scientists and other figures that can have some benefit to society. Extending the life of someone who isn't going to contribute to society seems kinda pointless.

>> No.1373330

I say the "Gangsters" should not be able to get extended longevity. People who work should be able to get it.

>> No.1373333

I don't believe it.

Although many more humans are living a longer portion of their potential lifespan than ever before.. that actual lifespan (80-100 years) has been unchanged for eons. Rameses II lived to be 80 and he was eating sandy bread that completely destroyed his teeth.

As soon as we see any evidence of somebody living to 150, I'll believe we can extend life to 1000. Until then enjoy your organ failure.

>> No.1373337

All nice and well, but no one is answering my actual question: can life extension be done?

>> No.1373338



>> No.1373341

People do live to 150. There was this little remote village where almost all the people lived past 100 and this granny lived to be 150. I forget where though.

>> No.1373346

Yes it can, destroy the junk cells, destroy the junk in cells, and rebuilding cells. It can be done and will be done in the future

>> No.1373353

It is possible that life extension could be available in the future. But it is still a bad idea.

>> No.1373358


lol no.

>> No.1373367

>You really don't think it's worth living more? You honestly don't see the enormous amount of benefit that could give?

You really think it's worth living more? You honestly don't see the enormous amount of problems that could give?

Most people waste their lives, it is just prolonging the inevitable,
There would also need to be mass population control.

Who decides who is worthy enough for more life?

>> No.1373393

No. It's a lot more complicated than people are currently giving credit. If you don't replace absolutely every single cell in the human body, the ones you don't replace will fail and ultimately lead to death via some sort of organ failure.

>> No.1373420

Even if its not, by 2035 we will have the tech to make humans cyborgs, by replacing all organs with equally important computer parts

>> No.1373428

Seems probable, since information technologies are doubling every 11 months

>> No.1373431

>...and he's claiming that the first person to live to be 1000 years old has already been born.
>...person to live to be 1000 years old...
I hope that's an extra 0 there because if not: hahahaha oh wow, who is it? a cancer man born from Henrietta Lacks' cells?

>Also about the merits and disadvantages you think there are for living that long.
The principal disadvantage is that death is something desirable for the species from an evolutionary standpoint; think about it: the species needs genetic variability, and overpopulation is not something advantageous for an ecosystem (and therefore for all the species in it).
But if there were a extending life drug for cheap... fuck yeah, of course I'm taking it!

>> No.1373446




Brain will still degenerate.

>> No.1373442

Its not going to be one pill, maybe 5 pills a week for 2 months so you can get enough nano bots to do the job

>> No.1373467

Every 2 years the price of that will go down, just like computers. Maybe it will start out at 500k, then 2 years pass 250k another 2 years 125k and so on and so fourth. Plus there will probably be a weekly option where you pay weekly until you pay it off. Of course since you have basically thousands of years since you technically a computer.

>> No.1373514

Owned by

>> No.1373528
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but if we have longer lives and lower birth rate the whole evolution process is slowing down

>> No.1373534

too distracted by that beard

>> No.1373540

Natural evolution is done for humans. We will merge with technology

>> No.1373552


>> No.1373566


u really think human evolution finished? not true in my eyes

>> No.1373573

good point
any sauce on this? or just speculation?

>> No.1373591

Evolution is still happening in humans. Evolution never stops happening.

>> No.1373593

Ray kurzweil, and other futurists

>> No.1373639

Derp herp

Good luck with turning Moore's Law into voodoo magic like that.

>> No.1373644

Moores law wasnt the first accelerating change, its the fifth.

>> No.1373665

1) Kill stupid people like niggers and beaner gangsters.
2)Give scientists extended life
3)Make them invent hovercars and laser swords
5)Hovercars and laser swords!


>> No.1373670

Give all whites besides white trash or killers life extension. Kill the jews, niggers and russians

>> No.1373679


>> No.1373705

Seems pretty cool

>> No.1373709

This will not be reported.

>> No.1373803
File: 83 KB, 320x240, jonesdowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it's hilarious that /sci/ regularly professes to wanting to do things that conspiracy theorists think the Illuminati want to do.

>> No.1373813

Bitch /sci/ is the Illuminati

>> No.1373818

I think it's hilarious that retards regularly professes that /sci/ regularly professes to wanting to do things that conspiracy theorists think the Illuminati want to do.

>> No.1373825

>that retards regularly professes

hao 2 engrish grammer?

>> No.1373830


>> No.1373838

We're already here, you buffoon.