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1372318 No.1372318 [Reply] [Original]


It suddenly occurred to me that there might be somebody who could use my body for an experiment, as I wish to die (and will kill myself during the next couple of months regardless). I'm also willing to fly anywhere in the world. I have the money to do so. Obviously I don't care if it leads to death.

Contact me at msn or email at: Ponyo@email.com

>> No.1372323

first kill yourself then post pics then maybe we talk.

>> No.1372324

Interested, but I'm afraid it's illegal for me doing human modification.

>> No.1372325


Try it out for me please.

>> No.1372328

When my ID is gone, nobody can really do anything.
And like I said, I can travel to any place in the world.

>> No.1372332

Sorry. I would, but for some reason I haven't been able to sleep at all this last month, only a few times of collapsing.

>> No.1372333

Hm. Let's continue our conversation in msn. I'm adding you.

>> No.1372336

i can use your brain.. do you mind becoming frankenstein

>> No.1372338

Where are you right now?

>> No.1372344


Finally I will have enough people for my human centipede!

On a more serious note though, may I kill you?

>> No.1372350

Well, it does bug me if I'm being used by evil scientists, yes.


>> No.1372352

can I have all your money and technology?

>> No.1372358

I honestly wouldn't mind if whatever project or experiment did lead to me being killed; after all that is why living humans are such a rare and needed resource for those things.

If you just have an urge to kill people, it could go both ways for you afterwards. I don't really want that. And I don't think you want it either. But if this was real life and you just asked me, I'd instantly say "yes", if that's any less confusing.

>> No.1372364


>it could go both ways for you afterwards.

I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me. Care to elaborate?

>> No.1372369

Your'e such an EMO, I'd suggest going to the US and eating ONLY Mc Donalds for the rest of your life, it will kill you... Afterwards you donate your bloated corps to a candle factory, so they can make candles of your Mc Lard...

>> No.1372377

Neither of those will be left, I'd invest all the money in travelling. I'm 17 years and not wealthy.

But you can have my words: you will get a lot of money and technology.

>> No.1372383

>I'm 17 years
>wants to kill himself
Man, you must be so much deeper than everyone else your age. I bet your life sucks so much, but no one else can understand how you feel. Poor you.

>> No.1372384

If you are serious about this, I'm sure there are companies in need of a test subject. On 4chan you'd at most find someone who is willing to rape you. Most likely they'd just send you to X country and not meet you up, so you'd be abandoned in a country where you don't know the language.

>> No.1372387

I lol'd

>> No.1372393

I mean. It's a great deal for me, and maybe it seems like you'd get satisfaction as well. But you might as well begin to aspire to kill again. Right? That's what I meant.
Even though I'm not that unique, you could go years before randomly contacting another dead-wishing person.

Not to mention the possibility that you may find reality a whole lot different than you expected. Maybe you don't really want to kill people. After all, you did wait for somebody willing to die, so you have a lot of control.

Haha. What a waste. The mere reason I posted this was to avoid as much waste as possible. Life is a waste to me; my body doesn't have to be too.

>> No.1372412

Is that supposed to be sarcastic?
My life doesn't "suck" and I don't pity myself.
If I gave you that impression, then I apologize.

Also, if I wanted understanding, I'd simply continue living and adjust to society. Understanding is as simple as a matter of bleding in. Don't think I don't get that. I also know how extremely privileged I am being raised in Denmark and I have good health. Obviously understanding isn't important to me, so I don't feel a need to explain why I'm killing myself. There's just a huge difference between 'wanting to die and unhappy' and simply killing oneself. I do hope you get THAT.

>> No.1372414


>But you might as well begin to aspire to kill again.

That is possible. But I have enough willpower to control myself.

>Maybe you don't really want to kill people.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

>After all, you did wait for somebody willing to die

I'm not a sociopath. Killing people without their consent is just a dick move. 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'

>> No.1372425

If you're not even sure you want to kill, it really does indicate that the trouble with my corpse afterwards and the psychological trip you will be going on is just not balancing the fantasy out. Not even remotely.

>> No.1372429

You're going to New York.

She's going to New York. No flesh for you this time.

>> No.1372434


Actually, I'm pretty sure. Also, there are enough creative ways to properly dispose of a dead body around here.

>> No.1372441



Could you tell me what things you had in mind for OP? I'm curious about the 'modification' you speak of.

>> No.1372449

oh dear, i am so sorry, you would be perfect for my experiments, but i am afraid i do not have the facilities at this time,
i had planned to examine the effects of induced dreams over extremely long periods of continuous sleep,
perhaps in time it could be possible, with the correct drugs, to live in ones head instead of this world, a purpetual dreamworld if you will. of course that is among other experiments,
i just find someone whos is humane to his test subjects as i would be.
by the way, could you please give me a brief description of your body size and physical fitness please, in case i reconsider.

>> No.1372467

by the way OP, that post was mine,
and i seriously recommend that you take care who you trust, i know that you want to die, but there are things that people will do to you that will be worse than a simple death or semi permenant sleep as was my proposition.
besides it is doubtful that any possible "body modification" would have any possible beneficial effects that would outweigh the pain and risk that is virtually guarenteed if you continue, unless of course it was on a genetic level, and again, any possible modification on a decent scale would be almost impossible over the course of a single lifetime.

>> No.1372482

Around here? You're really not serious about this!

Me too. He refuses to explain the details, but it sounds very much like he wants to make a cyborg.

Interesting, even though I don't completely understand.. I'm 17, so my brain isn't fully developed (??). I have never tried taking drugs (only medication) or even drinking.. Female if it makes any difference. 168 cm tall and 53 kg, average/good psychical condition.

>> No.1372498

ah, i am not refering to recreational drugs, as i dont see any medicinal purpose or benefits in then whatsoever,
it is possible to put the body into a chemically induced sleep or coma with barbiturates, and there are a great variety of chemicals that can have effects on dreams, and other drugs to increase clarity and lucidity, of course the most potent and correct mix could only be achieved through experimentation and estimation

>> No.1372500

OP don't tell me you're our version of a redneck (jyde)

>> No.1372502

also a subject whose brain has not been tainted with drugs or alcohol is an extreme bonus.

>> No.1372509

and i can assure you op that you would be completly unharmed by any experiments that would be conducted, after all, how can one understand life and its processes if one does view it with the utmost respect.

>> No.1372517

it may also be extremely informative to perform a study of inherant human behaviour, though i have not devised one yet,
listen op, i have great respect for you offering yourself as a test subject, but i would highly reccomend that you do not accept any offers, humanity is an evil thing,

>> No.1372520

fuck yeah howl's moving castle

>> No.1372527

i am so genuinly annoyed that i do not have the facilites to house a test subject,
another test may be to discover how environment and surrounding stimulus effects behaviour and attitude,
it may allow to understand the nature of human civilisation much better, even possibly discover the source of the inherant evil in humanity? ahh, endless possibilitys for knowlege,

>> No.1372528

Sorry, my english is bad. It really does sound really amazing if it works. Where do you know this from?

>> No.1372532

i spend my time in thought and contemplation of the workings and possibilities of everything,

>> No.1372534

he's a faggot, ignore that
I sent you email OP

>> No.1372538


First thought when I opened this thread, now I'm really curious about why OP is killing herself.

>> No.1372539

Don't kill yourself, go feral and keep a notebook. I would love to read about someone you walked from denmark to south africa/india.

>> No.1372542

You're really interesting. Even if I'm not fit for your project, I'd really like to hear more if I may?

>> No.1372545

Did you mean a sjællænder?

>> No.1372548

Karen Blixen. You know her?

>> No.1372552

well, its not so much a single project,
im considering the things i could learn from having a subject to test theorys on, but absolutly not harm, im not sure if knowlege is worth causing people or animals to suffer.
the experiments are more focused around the study of the brain and its workings, and being able to have someone to examine is the perfect way to gain knowlege.
after all, individual observations can be biased

>> No.1372556

and after all, i belive any mind is acceptable for my observations, as long as it is not damaged in any way,
though stubbourness and being closed minded is not ideal,
an open mind is essential,

>> No.1372557

Don't tell me you'll chose being away with the mixer over getting a superbrain. You wanted to die, right?

>> No.1372558

if you are talking about invasive surgery on the brain or other parts of the body, i would say that in this context, death is most likely preferable.

>> No.1372561

also, what is a "mixer"?

>> No.1372565

Excellent. That's exactly what I was looking for.

I didn't mean someone to kill me FOR me, I meant that if somebody could USE my body while "its" alive, I might as well wait with my suicide. And I don't mean to be rude towards you, but you haven't said anything besides how you want to plant electronics/chips in my brain. Even if I can't understand it, I would never agree to something where it's not even explained. Sorry!

>> No.1372586

by the way, if i may ask, why do you wish to die?
i assume it is the state of the humanity in general,? personal pain, hardship, or loss perhaps?
in any case i would like to hear your observations and opinions of the world. a lot of insight can be gained from those that are able to notice the true nature of our world.
personally i am only alive because i want to understand.
if not for the things of interest in this world i would have ended my life long ago.

>> No.1372591


I would perform neurosurgery and replace the cerebrum with hardware

dududu duun

>> No.1372645

i know it is a very personal question and i apologise, curiosity can sometimes get the better of me.

>> No.1372652


>Go on an anonymous website and worry about being personel

>> No.1372660

good observation, i know politeness has no place here, thank you for correcting my mistake,

>> No.1372667

Circle is the first word coming to my mind, but it probably should be cycle, because my english is bad.

You have your curiosity and imagination, and it sounds like you're driven by "could be", "what if" and such. Which is good. You might think that life ends anyhow, and you don't want to miss the opportunity of what you may experience during that time.

I'm not depressed (as far as I know), and as previously mentioned, I'm not blind to all the possiblities I personally have. I really can't give you any satisfying answer, because it seems extremely dull and maybe selfish, but it's a simple choice. I really wish for death, that's what attracts me and that's where MY interest lays. It's not that I'm a victim at all, in any way. It's not against life.

I don't think I'm able to notice the true nature of our world better than everyone else. I'm average to the fullest, despite all this sounding a bit depressing!

Can I get your email or some way of contacting you?
And when would you have time to start these experiments?

>> No.1372675

i will send you an email, but experiments may be a little difficult, for the moment anyway, at least , the more complicated ones, but insight can still be gained by words

>> No.1372678

Got pics OP? Would help me with my research.

>> No.1372683

Not that it matters, but could you tell a bit about yourself?

I have already guessed that you're a lady between 50 and 60 yeard old, but are which continent do you live in?

>> No.1372692

ye OP, im doing a breast experience and i need to see a pic first

>> No.1372694


>> No.1372695

So you are curious about afterlife?

>> No.1372725

im 18, europe

>> No.1372729

and male

>> No.1372737

Definitely gonna need pictures of you, OP. For experimentation.

>> No.1372746

Wow, that's really young for figuring out these theories!
But I guess it doesn't make any difference.

And where in Europe? That's perfect

>> No.1372751


>> No.1372770

oh, and by the way op, i cant host you, like i said, i dont have any facilities, these are just thoughts, i dont have any drugs or apropriate medical equipment to conduct experiments, not yet anyway

>> No.1372780

What on Earth

Good, that's pretty close. Hm, but is it needed that I come at all?
Or did you mean that you'll virtually instruct me? Since you said "extremely long periods".

>> No.1372784

also op, i mean no offence, but i was wondering if you could post a picture with timestamp?, simply to verify your identity,
after all, deception is common, and one must be wary

>> No.1372787

Haha okay, answered my question. But I'm in, I can buy drugs and drug myself at home.

>> No.1372788

that would be an idea, but it would certainly offer debatable results

>> No.1372791

Sure. Not on 4chan though.

>> No.1372798

it is quite difficult to come by the neccesary drugs, recreational ones will most likely just intoxicate you and offer no real results,

>> No.1372812

Oh. So your experiment is now impossible?

But thank you for sharing your theories. Even though you could've told me that the experiment is actually not realistic, because now that person turning me into a cyborg is possibly mad.

>> No.1372825

opie send a link to music you listen to

>> No.1372827

My offer to kill you still stands.

>> No.1372828

opie send a link to porn you watch

>> No.1372832

lololol YES :D

>> No.1372835

well, i did day in my first post that i regretted not having the facilities to perform my dream experiment, these are simply thoughts,
it would be possible, very possible if one had a fully stocked laboratory, and as i said, i dont.
and by the time i have 24 hour access to one, it will most likely be too late to conduct the experiment, that is if you really do plan on killing yourself.
but before you do, it may be prudent to consider this: the brain and all thoughts and commands that originate within are products of electrochemical impulses, when you prevent air and blood getting to your brain these impulses stop, with no electricity all thoughts stop, and the brain and the body return to the earth,
if that is what you wish as i did,you are in luck. i must admit there is a sense of peace in the thought of nothing,
but if you want to experiance something in death, i seriously doubt that there is anything after death,
my experiment would emulate the afterlife, or even any kind of different life, a world that could be theoretically controled by the inhabitant, endless bliss, because it may as well be eternity, as perception is determined by the brain.

>> No.1372840

Send me an email then. Where do you live?
I just really want you to think it through.

... Okay. Hm, just what I recently listened to?


I don't watch :)

>> No.1372855

if one were to conduct my experiment, one would need:
barbiturates, to induce coma, IV drip to keep the subject hydrated and to administer drugs, waste catheters to negate the need to wake for excretion, nutrient supply directly into the stomach, and variety of dream affecting drugs, various light sources to stimulate dreams, pressure socks to prevent blood clots, brainwave moniter and heart rate moniter, possibly mild ectrodes to stimulate brain activity, and most importantly; an experimenter to constantly moniter the dreamer,
at the moment it seems that the only place that could supply everything needed for this experiment is a hospital.

>> No.1372860

sorry i got your hopes up op,

>> No.1372862

Sorry. And are you completely sure that it isn't possible to stimulate whatever you'd need in the laboratory?
I live alone in a house in the woods and I wouldn't be disturbed. There's possibly a way to get those drugs too. But yes, I will definitely kill myself. Good luck with that future project though!

>> No.1372874

It's really odd how you answer my questions before I've asked them, but once again. Thanks, I got my answer.

And even if there was a hospital, you still have your life. I see why it's impossible now. :b But honestly, it was fascinating enough just hearing about the theory. Even though I obviously didn't get everything

>> No.1372894

any objection to drugs? I have somethings I haven't wanted to try on myself first

>> No.1372897

answer me bitch

>> No.1372906

do not worry op, it was an honour to speak to you, even if only a little bit, if you find that there is a afterlife, save me a place, by the way, what about your genes, what will happen to your genetic legacy after you die?

>> No.1372913

Sure. Just name them, then I'll look at it.. But everyone reacts different to drugs. Futhermore I haven't tried it before.

Haha, chill.. What do you want an aswer to? I think I've answered to all you've said. I'm sorry I made you mad by not immediately agreeing to let you replace my brain with a pc.

>> No.1372922

You too! Hmm.. My mother listed me as an organ donor, but I think you have to be 18, I don't know why. So I don't really know unless I make a deal with someone.

Give me your email! :D

>> No.1372945

join the firedeparment or something - instead of killing yourself, make yourself usefull. and who knows, you might like it.

>> No.1372956

that reminds me OP, what about your family? what will they do?
also, in regards to genetic legacy, there must be someone who you know that can.....assist you,
i dont think you should leave this earth with out at least leaving a trace of yourself in someones mind.

>> No.1372968

email is difficult OP, lots of people here to see it, impersonation is a possibility,

>> No.1372974

They won't do anything, fortunately.
And I think I already have left a trace in someone's mind?
I've only lived alone for four months, and even so, I haven't been isolated!

>> No.1372975

Preforming an experiment in which person dies, does more damage than good for science. The knowledge you might create doesn't matter when the publics opinion of science is damaged.

Don't do it OP. Don't fucking do it.

>> No.1372985 [DELETED] 

very well op
my email is: gamma1014@hotmail.co.uk

>> No.1373038

fucking this, you sick bastards

>> No.1373053

its time for me to go OP, if you ever want to speak again ill be at /x/, ask for the scientist.
unless of course you got the email adress i posted.

>> No.1373065


please never return


>> No.1373066

Hey OP. Hope this isnt too creepy but i wanna kill myself too but im a virgin and i sorta made a to do list before an hero. losing virginity is number 2 so im taking a shot and asking you if you wanna fuck maybe

>> No.1373081

Fucking Hell. Why are you even on /sci/, you freaking retard?

If she wants to fuck, she hits me up. Sucks to be you, loser.

>> No.1373083

Can I have your computer?!

>> No.1373093

Congratulations mate, your sex is so bad she'd rather die.

>> No.1373099

I'll let you suck my dick for $100.

>> No.1373113

Go to a brothel.

>> No.1373115

No but im shy around girls and i might as well take the chance. OP wouldnt tell anyone if i was bad in bed

lol nice

>> No.1373137

Fuck you, you homosexual son of a bitch. So my dick can't keep her alive, wowowow. I'm a real man you fucking nerd, so my bother is why my company can't keep her wanting to stay alive, not being insecure about sexually pleasuring her.

I want to slap your dick

>> No.1373141

Original Poster, are you still around?

>> No.1373149

no he isnt

>> No.1373153

donate your organs it will be must more useful than leting some idiot toy with your body

save some lives with your death

>> No.1373156

Congratulations mate, you're emotional.
And it doesn't change the fact that your dick ain't keeping her alive.

>> No.1373164

Kept alive by a dick. Does it sound good to you? No?
I'm not going to keep this conversation up. Goodbye.


>> No.1373166

lol successful troll is successful

throwing in a casual "btw I'm female if anyone cares" halfway through a troll is always gold

>> No.1373176

I don't think this was a troll.

>> No.1373179

is she hot? and why does she bang you, your such a jerk

>> No.1373186

In case you havent noticed, this is the place for virginfags to troll their way because pretendsex is the closest they come to getting laid. hes making it up.

>> No.1373208
File: 4 KB, 288x328, 1262157842166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww poor wittle baby

>> No.1373211

Please dont kill yourself.

>> No.1373220

how about freezing your body? theres a chance you might be kept alive and awoken several decades into the future and theres a chance youll die

>> No.1373226
File: 16 KB, 214x213, 1260539298307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when you're so disgustingly lucky for all those events to happen for you to be alive with all those who never had a chance to die and you want to kill yourself.

>> No.1373232

Dear OP. Whats the point of leaving your mail when you dont answer?

>> No.1373247

>114 posts omitted
>1 sage
>1 sage, first reply

Fail sage

Heres whatcha need to do op: switch identity with a homeless girl your age. Let her live your life, the one you take. Might not be for the sake of science, but you will have to do a little brain puzzle figuring out how the above is gonna be possible.


>> No.1373252

ilu bby yuyu

>> No.1373254


>> No.1373260


>> No.1373269

This is op. Fail ;)

>> No.1373292

I want to invent a human instrument. Ie, transforming you into one. Would you be interested?

>> No.1373309

mark from msn here-- dont commit suicide love, or else..!!

>> No.1373315

lol'd hard. 4chan = the place for maniacs

>> No.1373332

hahahha var det ikk dig der sagde at 4chan var en taberside

>> No.1373384

Answer my messages! OP ARE YOU HERE

>> No.1373411


OP isn't replying to me neither. Guess she either left or chickened out. Or she was an attention whore all along.

>> No.1373435

she left because she doesnt answer me either -,- but she shouldve had the decency saying she left

>> No.1373444
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>> No.1373482

sara'skat kan du se det her? du har blokket mig på msn & sidst sagde du at du ikke ville holde kontakten. du stadig min veninde && håber jeg også er din i: du bliver nød til a snakke med mig igen nuser. savner tiderne med dig. din tissepotte <3

>> No.1373497
File: 3 KB, 34x34, 39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is dead. Let it go. SAGE

>> No.1373503

Definitely an attention whore.

>> No.1373587

Get cancer. Test anti-drug for cancer.

>> No.1373717


>> No.1373743


>> No.1374452

holy fuck

>> No.1374466

please stop bumping this thread. OP is long gone and a troll anyway.

>> No.1374537

Sage to page 15. Please delete this moot.