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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 340x257, Disclosure_project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1368898 No.1368898 [Reply] [Original]

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer



Do something, or you deserve to die as cattle.

>> No.1368921


He was fired for incompetence Op.

>Canadian Defense

Can't be too bright either imho

>> No.1368923
File: 20 KB, 512x640, 1276871175715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the dude's mind is no longer in mint condition

>> No.1368940
File: 155 KB, 707x571, mason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public testimony of a high level official.

If you're going to wait for CNN to tell you, then it's too late.

>> No.1368944


>> No.1368956

It doesn't matter, in the end.

Yeah, at least one extraterrestrial group has us under study. One thing you can say for sure by now is that direct public contact is not on their agenda.

Can't really blame them, if we found a planet full of bronze-age octopi we wouldn't land and start handing out toaster ovens either. It would be a massive, fascinating science project. We'd observe. study, etc.

We might as well proceed as if they're not here because, well, fuck them. It's not as if acknowledging them is going to do any good.

>> No.1368958

the video is mostly silence.

every now and again he talks in stops and starts.

like a tv preacher

>> No.1368960

i could only watch the first minute, this fool has gone senile and has no credibility.

>> No.1368963
File: 26 KB, 308x424, TinFoilHatArea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: pic related

>> No.1368981

Tinfoil hat? Hundreds of military, science, government people, all with sworn affadavits testifying to what they knew about ET presence. Every one of them prepared to testify.

Tin Foil Hat. What exactly would be your standard for verbal evidence?

>> No.1368983

has never heard a speech or lecture in his life.

Sorry bro, but most of the worlds information isn't meant for the likes of you, perhaps you would be more welcome at /stormfront/ rather than /sci/.

>> No.1368990

I'm going to save this thread:



The united states is being stingy as fuck. My government know things, and refuses to tell.

>> No.1368994

hurr durr

>> No.1369012

Someone has the decency to post credible sources. Who would have thought.

>> No.1369016

You'll all be sorrryy

>> No.1369026

Testimony is worth effectively nothing in a scientific sense. We'll talk when they produce some serious evidence.

>> No.1369038
File: 21 KB, 474x392, conspiracies-nickpope2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy says absolutely nothing original, and says nothing at all related to his time as minister.

all he does is quote other abductees and ufo researchers.

If you want an official source, try NICK POPE.
While he worked for the UK ministry of defence from '91 till '94, his job was to officially investigate UFO incidents as they came in, to make sure they didn't pose a threat to the UK.

>> No.1369050

Claims of this magnitude are fundamentally unsupportable by verbal evidence alone, direct collaborating physical evidence is necessary.

>> No.1369052
File: 14 KB, 320x240, myspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Debunk your heart out.

>> No.1369056


>> No.1369057


Of course, but there are levels of credibility. If a set of former government officials says yes, this happened, then it has quite a bit more weight than Cletus talking about the funny light he saw.

The disclosure project has collected an impressivly credentialled group who are all claiming that they were aware of things which have been kept quiet. They deserve minimally to be heard.

Hard evidence is tougher - were talking about an intelligent alternate party here, not subatomic particles. They can and likely do make an effort to minimize their own footprint. Standards of experimental science aren't quite the appropriate model, I think.

>> No.1369059

I agree with this conjecture.

>> No.1369060

/sci/ is for science.
/tv/ is for Star Trek.
/tg/ is for make-believe.
/x/ is for ignorant hipster douchebags who give creedence to the words of rambling insane oldfags.

>> No.1369063

Dear goodness. I already have a damn Grey phobia...this is goddamn ridiculous.

>> No.1369070

When we do get disclosure, realize that I am going to flame the hell out of everyone on r9k and sci.

>> No.1369076
File: 278 KB, 1200x1137, AlienField-crabwood2002 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Disclosure project


>> No.1369082


Uruguay: http://www.rense.com/general86/urg.htm

>> No.1369088

Sorry dude, you really are pathetic, aliens are not coming to take you away from your sucky life, and if they were here and they could, they wouldn't, because YOU are the source of the suck that surrounds you.

>> No.1369100

This is all hogwash.

People who are interested in releasing information don't suddenly turn around, slap a sticker price on it and sell it.

These guys are just in it for the money. [Order your DVD now, and receive 15% off shipping!]

>> No.1369101

Brasil: http://aliencasebook.blogspot.com/2009/06/brazil-disclosure-reports-and-photos.html

>> No.1369106

Psychological projection - look it up.

I don't actually care - I long ago gave up worrying about the issue because it almost certainly won't be solved in our lifetimes. Doesn't mean I don't have opinions on the matter.

>> No.1369109

hey fucker.

>> No.1369112
File: 61 KB, 571x570, Cool_story_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UFO conspiracies


>> No.1369146
File: 25 KB, 337x410, doomefeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Entire new realms of physics
>Most important thing ever
>/sci/ doesn't care

You serve your overlords well.

>> No.1369157


Find us a point of leverage man, and we'd be all over it.

I've been to astrobi meetings - those folks would love nothing better. Right now there's nothing to see.

>> No.1369174

One of the first things he says is that we attacked the aliens when they came to talk to us.

Any race that could travel the vastness of space should have aircraft that could repel our missiles.

>> No.1369194

>half the video attacking US policy
>hit vuvuzela button for the entire clip

>> No.1369201

Poor logic, bro.

If there were aliens on Mars and they shot at a Mars lander, do you think we'd be able to magically deflect those missiles or bullets?

Just because someone can travel the vast reaches of interstellar space does not mean they're immune to harm.

>> No.1369210


>Most important thing ever according to self-aggrandizing delusional paranoids.
>/sci/ recommends anti-psychotics

>> No.1369214
File: 33 KB, 300x375, putinglare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uninformed assumption
>Case closed.

Missiles? Really?

>> No.1369220

Never said anything about missiles...

>> No.1369230


>> No.1369249


>> No.1369254

Top government officials can be just as wrong as bumpkins in the Alabama backwoods. They don't even have to be intentionally lying, they could quite truthfully believe they were involved in an alien coverup plot and still be totally wrong. That's why we need to see actual proof to support the claims, and that proof needs to be appropriately extraordinary given the extraordinary nature of the claims.

>Hard evidence is tougher ... Standards of experimental science aren't quite the appropriate model, I think.
Then this is quite demonstrably bullshit and deserves to be cast to the gutter with all the other fuzz-brained pseudoscientific junk. If there is no evidence, then these people, no matter how authoritative (no appeals to authority here), have no idea what the fuck they're talking about. Period, end of story.

>> No.1369255

Samefagging, but I should add that if you corner a few hardcore scientists in this area, and quietly pull out their real opinions, they're not all quite so dismissive as they have to be in public. There's just no solid evidence at all, so it's not going to do anybody's career any good to start talking about all of that stuff.

>> No.1369270

some other shit from a compilation of sources

>> No.1369279

I like how posters are giving out information directly showing government knowledge through govt archives and the deniers are just looking over it without even commenting.

In the face of evidence, close eyes.

>> No.1369290


Gotcha, but the issue is that there is some level of evidence (visual/radar cross-confirmation etc) which people in positions to know have now publically stated (see the disclosure project) that they have seen and which has been classified.

You can't apply the same standards of evidence is all areas - if this was so there would be no science of anthropology, and there's still only barely one of ecology, for instance. Some areas of study don't lend themselves to experimental verification, they are, at least at the outset, inherently more observational.

How would you think about the issue of evidence if you were trying to prove the existence of an intelligent opponent who was actively attempting to decieve you about that, and whose technology for doing so was at least as good as yours? Obviously there's the danger of trying to disprove invisible elephants here, but minimally it's an amusing question to think about.

>> No.1369294
File: 83 KB, 508x755, theylive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who says "there isn't any hard evidence" has never looked into the UFO phenomenon.

People don't believe things until the TV tells them to. What a shame...

>> No.1369308

Just fucking look at this shit.


God damn.

>> No.1369316

Even if aliens were proven to exist and be visiting Earth all the damn time, what could we do?

We couldn't possibly restrict them, or threaten them in any meaningful way. All we could do is aggravate them and present a very large and easy target.

It's better to just let them do their thing and look the other way. Once we get reliable spacecraft working, THEN we can start talking.

>> No.1369322
File: 221 KB, 1920x1200, CIA_Logo_2_by_gandiusz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the shit are you talking about.

They've had their technology for decades...

>> No.1369329


Real and uncontrollable aliens advance the agenda of nobody who matters. So it's an un-issue vis-a-vis the power structure.

>> No.1369337

If the CIA has had alien tech in the basement for decades, they're really taking their time rolling it out for use.

If the government got its hands on a beam weapon, it'd be in soldiers' hands next year.

>> No.1369354
File: 101 KB, 425x425, anomaly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously don't understand how things work.

Wars are complete fabrications at this point.

>> No.1369378
File: 59 KB, 800x504, identificationchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1369382

>implying my neighbor's death in Iraq was a fabrication

>> No.1369385

He means the reasons for wars, idiot.

>> No.1369392

This. Idiot.

>> No.1369397
File: 96 KB, 420x420, cthulhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabrications, as in, not necessary.

They know aliens exist, yet they continue the fake oil economy.

>> No.1369404

For what purpose?

I'll bet it's something like "to keep the people unsuspecting."

That is absolutely ridiculous. There is no way that as many people as the government employs in those areas could be sworn to perfect secrecy over such a large matter.

>> No.1369411
File: 554 KB, 1944x2592, Answer_the_Question_stencil_by_RickBarrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of foolishness is what the actual string pullers of this world use to maintain their power.

>> No.1369420

You people claim that faith in a religion is stupid, yet you subscribe mindlessly to conspiracy theories on the shallowest evidence.

The oil economy keeps the whole world on a tight thread. If there was a way to move beyond it, we'd do so and let out the breath we've been holding for decades.

>> No.1369422
File: 18 KB, 319x295, saturn-hexagon-bw..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea of how they operate.

You enter their dark ops programs as a scientist. You object to making deathrays to kill everyone. They put a device on you that will cause the most horrific death imaginable if you do not comply.

They're not called intelligence agencies because they're stupid. Evil, but not stupid.

>> No.1369433
File: 62 KB, 754x526, BP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that. If only your words had any connection to reality.

>> No.1369465
File: 77 KB, 768x576, steven-greer-disclosure-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's legit


>> No.1369478

As far as a theory that would sound believable to me, we've been trying for decades to replicate their spacecraft (mostly without their help) as our own primary interest. Like anyone else here I'm not inclined to believe a word of the UFO phenom until we have undeniable mass sightings that cannot possibly be explained, with zero ambiguity about any physical evidence left behind.

Maybe they are just analyzing how smart we really are, how worthy we are of being their friends, seeing how long it takes us to catch up to their standards and basically not really keeping in contact with anyone here on a regular basis. Because really, if we could go from primitive agrarian society to space-faring, colonizing race within 100 years, I'll be damned if someone up there wouldn't be impressed by that. So, trying to prove ourselves as worthy of joining some kind of interspecies community is maybe what we've been up to. I'd imagine it'd be a very very very very competitive effort between nations .. the first fleet from Earth to come tour their homeworld; whose flag will be on the ships, what language will those humans speak? That's an obvious indicator of why such projects would be so secret.. it's not just keeping out the public, it's keeping out every single person out there who could be a liability. Which would suggest, that we haven't successfully copied their craft yet if such a secret race has been going on.

If they're here, they obviously haven't come here to harm or take over the place. If there is life out there and things like the Drake equation are even sort of on the ball, there are hundreds if not thousands of other races out there; we're probably about as interesting to them as we find chimpanzees interesting. We can see some intellect but we don't turn our attention as a species towards them... we're probably more of curiosities to alien biologists more than anything.

>> No.1369479

OP, you never go full retard.

>> No.1369488
File: 411 KB, 640x480, 1277949118692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And something in the sound waves would change the structure of the glass and it would fly apart.

>> No.1369489


for the tl;dr out there

hhurrrr they are testing us, they are watching so they can know if we are worhty ddurrr

>> No.1369505
File: 76 KB, 624x738, Obamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1369568

Give a rational argument why they would NOT do that.

If they came to conquer, we'd be done in probably less than a day. If they came and welcomed us into their community with open arms, there is no fucking way any government, person or coalition of either here could stop them from that.

So far, they are either not here, or if they are, they have not conducted any of the above policies. So what does that leave them doing? Just kind of dicking around, probably cataloging life here in case any organisms have developed anything novel or genetically of use to them, and probably noting that there is an extremely primitive civilization commonly sighted in some areas.

We have nothing useful to offer them I'd assume, so why would the burden NOT rest on us to try to get their attention? People have been calling out to them and listening for them for decades and they haven't responded; they obviously don't give a shit about our efforts to reach out to them (again, that is, if they're there) and hence we're probably just plain not doing anything that would justify some kind of outreach initiative.

Of course the best alternative is that they're just plain not here, and that there are a lot more insane people out there than we like think. The majority of people polled in most if not all countries "believe" in UFOs... then again there are countries where the majority believe in a deity as well, so quid pro quo.

>> No.1369594

That made me lol. He's talking about aliens and he doesn't know about sonic resonance?


>> No.1369606
File: 43 KB, 473x317, August 16, 2002 - Carolina Beach, NC, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a term that anyone trying to rationalize the alien / secret agenda should be aware of.


>> No.1369618

Good point.

>> No.1369621


>genetically of use to them

Yes, because alien life will use dsDNA, sDNA, mRNA, ssRNA, tRNA, etc.

Because they're from an alien world they use the same atoms we do in the same polymers!! So original!

>> No.1369632
File: 72 KB, 1200x1092, 1267897229310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ Im dissappointed in you. Paying this much attention to lunatics. For shame.

>> No.1369648

There are boundless opportunities for any flow of events to be correct, and the same vice versa. Does this mean extraterrestrial life has contacted us, know about us, or have any relation to us?


But it is a possibility, there is no concrete proof either way. Take that as you will.

>> No.1369663

Rational thought, on my /sci/?

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.1369692


They almost certainly would have incompatible molecular biology with us, way to go stuffing words into my mouth implying that I implied that they'd actually lift out things from Earth genomes directly. However, that doesn't rule out chemicals or certain proteins made by organisms here as being useless to them.

Even so, a race that advanced would surely feel obligated to make a catalog of species that they encounter wherever they go; we do that here on Earth even though it may gain us little to no benefit to know how many different kinds of ant species there are... Our race is desperately, desperately curious to see if there are even the smallest semblances of life in our own solar system... imagine how huge a rush a race must have when they feel that limitless potential to what they could find out there outside their homeworld, and then get the means to go and see what's out there? Their scientists would explore every nook and cranny of every world out they can get to, and catalog their findings in excruciating detail like we do.

>> No.1369699

Your opinion on this matter no longer has merit. Nationalist scumbag.

>> No.1369714


You should read "The Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan.

Read the chapter about the dragon in his garage.

You commit the same fallacy-- you fall back on the conveniently ambiguous "technology" these creatures have that allows them to remain furtive and hidden from us.

>> No.1369726
File: 26 KB, 500x401, coldfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the subject of UFO nondisclosure gets you mad, the technology that powers these ships should get you furious. It is based on a form of fusion not covered in any public textbook, occurs in the Sun but not in the standard model. (pic relevant)

>> No.1369731

UFO COPYPASTA. Your words shall live in infamy my fellow anon. I shall now put this in every UFO discussion.

>> No.1369781

Motherfucker, are you retarded? Its money, stupid. How do you make money when there is an infinite source of energy that can be tapped into by anyone? How do you make money when the means of production is fucking halted when teleportation technology is perfected (teleportation involves copying and rearranging atoms to recreate what was being teleported). A factory physically makes one vehicle and then replicates the rest. Talk about piracy? Home replicators would destroy any money making industry!!!

So, idiot
technology = the destruction of our corporate system

>> No.1369788

Down with corporate capitalism.

>> No.1369811
File: 1.81 MB, 3456x1944, IMG_1420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. It's Carl Sagan's book in my hand.

I have done the impossible. I have arrived at the conclusion that aliens do indeed exist, even after reading it!


>> No.1369836

I fucking love that book, and yet, I come to the same conclusion.

>> No.1369840


Sagan doesn't argue against the existence of aliens. He helped form SETI.

He just calls bullshit when people say they visit here.

>> No.1369847


Orrrrr they might also follow a sort of "Star Trek"-like prime directive not to interfere with developing civilizations.

>> No.1369873


>> No.1369879


your a faggot, gtfo /sci/ and go to /b/

>> No.1369891

i lol'd so hard when i pressed the vuvuzela button at 8:59

>> No.1369896

First of all, they are not aliens. Second of all, they ARE visiting the surface.

65million years ago the dominant species "died out"
200,000 years ago modern humans hit the ground running.

Y'all niggas that stupid as to believe nothing else evolved high intelligence after that one Mass Extinction Event. Face it guys, the original sentients are underwater and underground. They are watching us. Whatever they did to the above ground, they can't live on it, but we can.

>> No.1369902


I have not yet seen any even remotely solid evidence of alien visitation to earth posted. I didn't read every one of the UK archives linked, but skimming through the "highlights guide" showed nothing that hasn't been general knowledge for decades- people report seeing shit in the sky.

It is worth noting that in none of these "highlights" was there any mention of a single piece of physical evidence being recovered. It's all eyewitness or second-hand testimony, usually of a single person in an isolated area with no corroboration whatsoever.

The fallibility of eyewitness testimony, even when there is more than one witness, is very well documented. You need something more than that. What would that be, you ask? Photographs would be a start, but as everybody online knows that's not worth much either. Radar is worth jack shit as it tells you nothing about the nature or origin of the UFO. What is needed is a piece of physical evidence- a piece of a UFO- that is clearly of non-human origin. That would be a good place to start.

Second, assuming all the "evidence" here was actually true, all it proves is that there are UFOs- UNIDENTIFIED flying objects- floating around. Durr. How do you make the link between "unidentified" and aliens? If they're not identified, they're NOT FUCKING IDENTIFIED.

>> No.1369910
File: 26 KB, 320x427, thisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for this...

>> No.1369912

Fuck you buddy. Just because I know a little about photography. Can barely read that fucking cover.

>> No.1369918
File: 105 KB, 458x680, dw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't pay the Silurians any mind. They're just a bit cross.

>> No.1369921


Lots of people fail to realize that if there was an abundant source of energy, the economy would crash. Most of us are pressured to work all of our lives to pay bills and keep the economy running. The same organizations (big oil) that make up the majority of our bills are deeply entrenched in government and will fight till the end. Just look at "Who killed the Electric car" for a good example.

There is no way in hell the government(big oil) would give away the secrets to unlimited fusion electricity. Yes, they have had it for many years. Imagine if every Joe blow can power his home and car with a small power cell that requires maintenance only 1-2 times a year. (Powered by the same processes in our Sun, processes which are kept secret and not covered in any school text book.) With independence goes political influence of big oil and government.

>> No.1369930
File: 23 KB, 432x349, battleofLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr hurr, angry hurr.

Calm down. There are mountains of evidence.


>> No.1369946

>There is no way in hell the government(big oil) would give away the secrets to unlimited fusion electricity. Yes, they have had it for many years.

>> No.1369966

I love how NO ONE (the ones opposed to the idea) have even commented on this post.

>> No.1369968

Have you heard of Tesla, dbag?

>> No.1369969
File: 178 KB, 950x1267, 2002FebA00238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is about as /sci as the pic

>> No.1369980


>>(Powered by the same processes in our Sun, processes which are kept secret and not covered in any school text book.)

lrn2 nuclear fusion kthxbye

>> No.1369981


An entertaining short story, enjoy /sci/.

>> No.1369982

If aliens were real, they'd be in the Bible.

>> No.1369984
File: 252 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you sure answered my challenge.

I saw:
Eyewitness testimony, mostly from a single person- check
Video of a blinking light- check
Photos, most of which look obviously shooped- check
Mysterious wounds that could have been caused by anything+ fluorescent dye- check
Physical evidence of non-earth origin-........
Anything that doesn't have a far more reasonable and likely explanation that doesn't involve aliens-........

Oh yeah, and orbs. I love orbs. I even have my own orb picture. Orbs and ectoplasm, it's two for the price of one.

>> No.1369990

I commented on it. It's bullshit. See >>1369902

>> No.1369994


> Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
> Canadian Defense Minister
> Canadian

Newsflash OP:


He's Canadian, he's obviously a retard.

>> No.1370000
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>> No.1370016
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>> No.1370020
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Flight characteristics of UFO saucer crafts are consistent with ion propulsion. This requires a huge amount of High voltage electricity to push the air around it (See Stephen Michalak UFO case for example). No propellant is required. However, an exotic power source would be necessary to sustain flight.

They are also known to expel ionized super heated gas, sulfur smell, and molten metal. The best possible explanation I have found, is cold fusion. Cold fusion exists today and has been confirmed by Navy scientists. The current term is Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) or Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR). The methodinvolves loading deuterium gas atoms into a metal where it is naturally confined. It appears a minute amount of gas atoms eventually get close enough to fuse under such conditions. It is a simple mechanism which should also be expected within the Sun since there is abundant Iron, silicon and hydrogen.

>> No.1370025

But won't they be mad about us apes talking over the surface?

>> No.1370030

since when did ANYONE in /sci/ even give someone from /x/ any credibility?

>> No.1370031

9/11 was an inside UFO.

>> No.1370036

Indeed. Stupid people who manage to infect the world with their idiotic hallucinations, and the even stupider people who flock to defend them, do most assuredly make me mad.

>> No.1370042


>>Cold fusion exists today and has been confirmed by Navy scientists.

Citation needed.

>> No.1370048
File: 73 KB, 480x401, open bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stupid atheists trying to rationalize God with make believe aliens. You guys are funny.

>> No.1370050


>>...should also be expected within the Sun since there is abundant Iron, silicon and hydrogen.

Iron? Citation needed on that too

>> No.1370055

>we're gonna need a citation for your request for a citation

>> No.1370056


If there is iron in the core of our sun, the next 100 thousand years are going to be VERY eventful.

/supernova shades

>> No.1370070


I dunno, I think a prelude to a supernova will be a blast.

>> No.1370092


Only a super massive star can fuse up to iron in its thermonuclear core, and those super massive stars die in a supernova.

>> No.1370095


I was making a bad pun.

>> No.1370109
File: 18 KB, 390x294, gravitational_lens-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Satellite imagery from the last 10 years show there is iron circulating in the outer plasma layers. If we consider gravity's effect on heavy elements we should expect more accumulation of iron in the core.

The standard model fails to address this problem. In order to trust the standard model and its prediction of a helium/hydrogen core you will need to believe that iron can float and weigh less. - Again, a serious problem since we all know the Sun has an enormous gravitational force capable of bending light.

>> No.1370113

Even Former Canadian Defense Ministers can go crazy.

>> No.1370143
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>> No.1370145
File: 22 KB, 245x245, photo_1237913157896-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scientists in possible cold fusion breakthrough


>> No.1370151
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>Canadian Defense Minister

>> No.1370164

There are boundless opportunities for any flow of events to be correct, and the same vice versa. Does this mean extraterrestrial life has contacted us, know about us, or have any relation to us?


But it is a possibility, there is no concrete proof either way. Take that as you will.

>> No.1370171
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>> No.1370175

Stop with that shit. "No concrete proof either way" does not mean "assume it's true unless proven otherwise" or even "take that as you will". It means no, until some concrete proof actually does show up.

>> No.1370189

we are not even quoting the same thing? Whats wrong with you?

>> No.1370196

You missed the whole point of his post.

>> No.1370214

So many people caught up in 'scientific evidence' go on completely avoiding what's really key here, statistical evidence.
I plee with the mathematicians of this board, not the scientists, when I say that the sheer number of sightings coupled with the 'coincidencially' similar characteristics of each sighting bring us to an obvious reality that these sightings are not fakes or shoops or misrepresented floating objects; they are most definately machines fabricated for the sake of flying.
What is the motive of these flying things?
Who manufactured them?
These questions are up for speculation, and due to the fact that humans do not have this technology (would have been leaked if we did), they are inherently Alien.
Alien does not nescessarily mean from somewhere other than earth, it frankly means exactly how the word 'alien' is defined.
Alien could even mean from deep sea.
It could mean time-travelers from the future

inb4 invisible time travellers.

Tl;dr: Sightings aren't all nescessarily fake, but statistically speaking, atleast a portion of them are very genuine.

>> No.1370215


Youtube has a good collection of videos based on witness accounts from pilots and military. You can't get more credible than that.

>> No.1370243


Black Box UFO Secrets


>> No.1370244

this is the only post I've read so far that doesn't sound like it came from a religious discussion

Everybody else seems to be in a proof/not-really-proof blockbuster.

>> No.1370274


>> No.1370447


>> No.1370466

>flying saucer crap gets started in the 40s
>everyone knows about the ufo bullshit
>people see things they can not identify (high flying plane, space debris flashing as it tumbles, ect)
>it's aliens!
>they were grey! with slanted eyes! oh my god!

>> No.1370481

Really flawed logic here.

It's the same logic used by 9/11 truthers. "We ALL saw the explosions!"

>> No.1370492


I wasn't slamming LENR. Re-read my post. I sincerely believe LENR is the method of power generation UFO saucer crafts use.

>> No.1370494

Also one thing I always wondered, why do the aliens look humanoid?

Something that would group up on a different planet, would hardly look humanoid. There are a vast number of ways it could have evolved, and suspiciously, only humanoid looking pale aliens came about?

I'm not saying the possibility of intelligent life in negligible, but the public knowledge of aliens and ufo's are hilariously ridiculous. Could be a plant based floating sphere, or something completely out of our comprehending.

>> No.1370498

Didn't Neil Tyson take a stand against the UFO believers?

>> No.1370499

Humanoid aliens are easiest to comprehend and as such hallucinations rarely do go out of the ordinary. It's easier to imagine a tall and pale humanoid, than something incomprehensible.

>> No.1370526

Not talking about pop-cultures spin on the story
I'm talking about the actual photos of each UFO and how they are physically similar.

The logic isn't flawed at all, but I grant it cannot be quantified

as for 9/11, if over a hundred witnesses saw, filmed and recorded an explosion, the explosion definately occured.
same logic is being used here, yes
the difference is that the 9/11 'truthers' assert their own ideas as to what those explosions were and why they can not be identified properly by anyone which usually leads to conspiracy theory
Sounds exactly the same as flying saucers and greys. Unexplanable occurance = theoretical assertions + stupidity = crazy conspiracy theory.

I am trying to take a step back from the conspiracy theories and assert what is not debatable
in case A: UFO's exist as genuinely alien objects which are intelligent because they move intelligently.
in case B (9/11): Explosions did occur.

Elaborating any further from these statements, like I said before, is speculatory and usually leads to stupid confusing shit that discredits the witnesses.
Everybody has to give their dumbass two cents as to why something is the way it is. it's human nature.

>> No.1370562

Wondering this myself...

>> No.1370577

I haven't read anything in this thread, but I just wanted to point out that no one saw explosions. They saw puffs of smoke, and later, for whatever reason, speculated that they were explosions.

Similarly, people don't see aliens in the sky, they see mysterious flying objects, which they often tend to (illogically) associate with aliens.

>> No.1370578

I've blundered!

>> No.1370600
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This asshole thinks that something in some soprano's emitted sound waves changed the structure of a glass.

He clearly has a very small knowledge of general physics, so I'm choosing to disregard his points.

>> No.1370612


>> No.1370635

I do believe in faries! I do! I do!

>> No.1370648
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> myspace.jpg

Also I'm of the opinion that aliens are just other earth natives that either went into space or live underwater or some shit.

We see UFOs, fine. We've never seen a fucking spaceship coming from mars to here. You'd think we'd notice something like that. If we can detect comets and planets a billion lightyears away, we can detect a mile long spaceship on a collision course with earth.

>> No.1370704

Every would be believer should read this and question the stupidity of their decision.

>> No.1370706

The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they don't realize that if the conspirators are doing it right, there's nothing you can do either way.

If aliens are going to take over, they're going to take over whether they do it secretly or come out and invade. You and your shitty guns and insanity aren't going to stop them, especially if the military is on your side.

They aren't going to eat you either. The worst is maybe a planet wide civil war and then incorporation into some intergalactic empire where we'll be assigned some shitty overseer that's no worse than any of the governors any other country has had.

>> No.1370723

There's no reason at all that all aliens couldn't look exactly human. Evolution is based on what isn't a hindrance. If being human works on their world, it works. If being a sphere was good on earth,that doesn't mean we'd be spheres. Life is pretty derp.

>> No.1370729
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>> No.1370784

>implying the bible isn't about alien contact

>> No.1370798

The chance of an organism evolving exactly into a humanoid shape, is basically impossible. And that is when the chance of intelligent life existing in this galaxy at all is put into play.

So intelligent life which looks humanoid, close to our sector of the galaxy. Such odds are statistically illogical.

>> No.1370803

This is a terrible thread and everybody who posted in it should feel bad.

>> No.1370837

You posted in it.

>> No.1370841

Yet there are a shitton of kinds of apes when some species/families only have a few or one member.

Also, it's still not impossible even if unlikely. The universe exists, life exists, humans and things that look like humans but aren't exist. Deal with it.

>> No.1370906

>cited for citation solicitation

>> No.1370920

Such certainty, you wouldn't perhaps be schizophrenic? I know getting abducted by aliens in your dreams and being anally probed may seem real in your mind, but trust me. And advanced species would have no interest in your rectum.

>> No.1370923

>Implying apes have any correlation to alien planets
>Dumbfuck alert

>> No.1370931

Fuck I lol'd

>> No.1370948
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You ask how a being that evolved on a separate world can be humanoid in shape?

I ask you, why is a soap bubble round?

>> No.1370968

>Believing shit you have no evidence of
We have evidence humanoid but not human things (apes) exist. We do not have any proof that life wouldn't evolve into every possible form on every planet capable of sustaining it.

You don't know anything about what planet any alien could be from. You can't really say it's impossible. It's unlikely, but it's entirely possible. There's no reason an alien would be a formless sphere or a blob.

Until we find a non humanoid thing that can acheive a similar level of technological success to us, we have no reason to not believe that a human form is necessary to have to capacity to leave your planet and go to another.

>> No.1370972

What kind of cooky alien tinfoil hat bullshit is this? Get the fuck to /x/, this is /sci/

>> No.1370981


>165 posts and 41 image replies omitted.

You're a little slow on the uptake there.

>> No.1370983

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but that is a good analogy.

The fact that we as humans have overcome leaps and bounds evolutionarily means that the form that we take is exceptionally good at surviving
Having this in mind, if any other planet capable of supporting life had oxygen, water, carbon-based life forms, and relatively the same gravity amongst other more insignificant factors, the odds of a humanoid shape rising up in the evolutionary chain as the dominating species is, I would go so far as to say, probable.

>> No.1370986

Aliens would look both very different and very similar. Mayve they could have tentecals instsead of fingers or sonar instead of eyes but theyr are only so many ways for nature to evolve to fit a purpose.

>> No.1370987

I love how you're attempting to use the same arguments that make utter fodder of your silly beliefs.

>> No.1370990

>Nobody can enter /sci/ and find this thread once it had started.

>> No.1371001


>greentext makes me superior hurr durr

>> No.1371002
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>> No.1371107

That's implying the only life could come from an earth-like planet. Life can be hydrogen based, or have a completely different scheme of elements. Some we have no clue about either. Intelligence is not as limited as many make it seem.

>> No.1371233

Fuck I love that movie.

>> No.1371272

/sci/, I came to this thread aiming to argue against extra terrestrial visitors, and your arguments are cripplingly bad. I hope you's trollin

>> No.1371298

1. Evolution has the same building blocks to work with on most habitable planets like ours which give rise to carbon based lifeform. Gravity will modify them, but I heard a scientific dispute between antropomorphists and anti-antropomorphists more than once. Basically, the double legged, double manipulative armed silhouette with a nicely elevated head with a sensor system is a very desirable and beneficial one, and as such likely to arise.

2. The aliens-could-destroy-us-in-a-second bullshit.

We've been on the brink of fucking up the entire planet for close to fifty years. We got fusion bombs sitting atop space-capable missiles as we speak. Postulate a ship that can take a direct hit from one of those and I can no longer take you seriously.

We're not an infant, harmless race anymore.

>> No.1371338

this is pretty stupid. plz rethink, or think

>implying symmetry is somehow humanoid

why troll make fun of bobo? bobo smash

>> No.1371347

2. The aliens-could-destroy-us-in-a-second bullshit.

>implying detonating all 30k nukes at once would do anything to the planet

>implying you could hit any vehicle capable of exiting the atmosphere at any velocity

>implying national geographic frequently saves seals from sharks, gazelles from lions

>> No.1371358


A nuclear war of that magnitude would give us a fat chance of extinction and in the very best situation would, as I said, fuck the planet's homeostasis up very seriously for hundreds of years.

>implying national geographic frequently saves seals from sharks, gazelles from lions

No I wasn't.

>> No.1371427

This is one of the most absurd abuses of statistics and "reasoning" I have ever seen.

The fact that a large number of people report seeing the same thing does not in the slightest bit create a statistical necessity that it actually happened. In fact it could indicate just the opposite. People like to copy others. A few early high-profile (bogus) stories injected the image of what aliens and UFOs are supposed to look like into our culture, and now people either deliberately or sub-consciously create experiences that match those predetermined patterns. There are numerous documented cases of this very thing throughout history.

The 9/11 example is a very good one. If hundreds of people saw explosions, it certainly doesn't mean there were explosions. It simply means that hundreds of people THINK they saw explosions. This is one of the first principles of statistical analysis- know what your numbers actually represent. Did they see real explosions or something that looked like an explosion? Could these people have just been shaken up by the events, saw not much of anything, then retroactively imagined the explosions later? Are there any other possible explanations for what's going on?

Mass hallucinations, false memories, lying for attention (and myriad other reasons), mental illness, and plain old being wrong are exceptionally well documented facets of human behavior. You have to deal with these things in order to draw a reasonable conclusion about anything. That is why independently verifiable physical evidence is necessary.

>> No.1371447


>implying 9/11 wasn't an inside job


>> No.1371508

OMG look aliens you can see them from earth!


>> No.1371514

>>1371298 We're not an infant, harmless race anymore.
You're ignoring the fact that any race that has the capabilities to travel across the galaxy to bother us will be several centuries, if not millennia, ahead of us technologically. You really think they're going to go through all the trouble of developing interstellar travel and never figure out the basic weaponry necessary to wipe out a planet? At the very least they could just sit there in high orbit and pelt us with hydrogen bombs until the earth is uninhabitable, all the while remaining well outside of our range to so much as hit them with a pebble.

>> No.1371532
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>> No.1371884

This video is the best one, it has many insiders giving evidence.


>> No.1371953

A group of people liked Twilight
Therefore Twilight must be good.

>> No.1372066

>Mayve they could have tentecals instsead of fingers

First of all, please learn to type.

Second of all, one of the human advantages is having dexterous hands, which enable us to construct complex tools. I have hard time imagining that tentacles were capable of tasks requiring dexterous capabilities.

>> No.1372070


you're a silly little wee man, aren't ya?

>> No.1372086

You dare doubt tentacles? FOOLISH BOY, YOU CANNOT DOUBT THE OCTI.

>> No.1372090

>Guy clearly has tentacles for fingers

>> No.1372138

Sad story really, he mother was raped by an octopus. Now he is named Tentacleman.

>> No.1372142

Yes I do have tentacles, and they are very dexterous. PERFECT for typing. That naysayer who says fingers are better should be shot.

>> No.1372186

fucking dissapointed in /sci/, how can this stupid thread get that many replies.

>> No.1372230

You cannot resist us child. Give in...

>> No.1372805

>I'm talking about the actual photos of each UFO and how they are physically similar.

>> No.1372905
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The UFO phenomena is ultimately social psychosis(it's like witches and succubus from dark ages), and old guy from oppic is just that- old mad man. Besides, we can't find any evidences of trans-galactic civilization, and that probably means Great Filter. I assume that Great Filter is simple realization, that our so called "sentience" is just chemical process in brain. It deems all struggle senseless and crushes civilization. We will be able to watch the results here on earth with neuroscience progress.

There aren't any highly developed lifeforms out there, guys.

>> No.1373134

>There aren't any highly developed lifeforms out there

Welcome to the 'crown of creation' myth makers. That's what they want you to believe.

The universe is so huge..

What is called disclosure is a slow, slow acclimatisation to 'external' reality.

>> No.1373212

And you are on the other side of that extreme?

Not only is there other intelligent life out there, but they're right behind us, with their invisibiltiy tech and their instruments, examining our nostril hair?

>> No.1373265

>examining our nostril hair?

Not really, but I would expect something like living microbes on Mars as the next step of 'disclosure'.