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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1361462 No.1361462 [Reply] [Original]

What makes it so that we cannot travel faster or even at the speed of light?
I understand that as we come closer to reaching the speed of light nature slows down time around us so that it becomes a futile attempt but why?
What causes this warp in space and time?
I have came close to understanding within my head but want to hear what you guys have to say about it in /sci?

>> No.1361480

because god said so

>> No.1361491
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>have came close to understanding within my head

No, you have not.
Are you12?

>> No.1361493

as you near light speed, your mass increases, thus you are leaving a bigger 'crease' in space time, whatevers. Anyway, you would need an engine that produces infinite amounts of energy or forward thrust to accelerate an object with ANY amount of mass, mmmmkay?

>> No.1361510

understandable, but what is it that forces this mass to increase?
And I am not quite sure what you are saying on that second part.

>> No.1361527
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>your mass increases


>> No.1361538


>> No.1361545

whoops i left a part off, I meant to say, if you want to propel an object with any mass to the speed of light, you would need infinite energy. and if you're looking for an explanation of mass dilation on /sci/ there are probably very few people who can explain it in a general sense, all's I know is that it's covered in special relativity

>> No.1361553

With the speed of light thing, I once heard a theory that says we are already travelling at the speed of light, so we won't be able to go faster than it.

We can't travel close to it because the methods of energy transfer that we use are very inefficient.

>> No.1361554

Photons are light and carbon is heavy

>> No.1361555

lol i trol you caps lock faggot

>> No.1361561

you can travel faster than light, well before you are traveling faster than light. observers will just think you are going slower than light. because you are going slower than light. Even though you are going faster than light. Not light itself, because it will be going faster than you, but traveling further in a year than light does.

>> No.1361562

First of all, forget 'common sense.' That shit is useless. Your experiences at a maximum of maybe 1000km/hour (and an average of about 3) do not give you any reference by which to understand how the laws of nature behave around 300 000km/second.

>> No.1361574
File: 64 KB, 600x480, 1277242324010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summerfag??? Engineer (faggot)??

>> No.1361582

Um i believe if you could some how propel a ship into the correct orbit of a super massive blackhole and stay there for a month you could come back to a world 100 of years into the future.
Bill says what you just says is wrong about the increase in mass with would require M=E/c^2 right? To gain some form of matter you would have to convert it from energy.

>> No.1361585

So far as spacetime is concerned, light speed is instantaneous. It is a quirk of our reference frame that "instantaneous" has a measurable, non-zero duration. Distance and time, as we understand them, are illusions inherent to matter.

As we approach the speed of light those illusions get more difficult to maintain. There is no speed faster than light because there is no time shorterr than instantaneous.

>> No.1361589


>> No.1361590
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But thats still wrong you faggot.
You are learning physics on yahoo? GTFO!

>> No.1361608

I'm sorry to elucidate the truth so abruptly, but we can't keep it from you anymore. Our race, the Synthians, have created an artificial computer simulation meant to model the eventual creation of order in an otherwise chaotic system. The speed of light is merely a manifestation of the constraints of our now obsolete hardware when we created this simulation. We have begun running a more up to date version on our new hardware, which is exponentially more efficient, and while it has been entertaining to watch, I'm afraid that your universe must be shut down now as it is simply costing us too much energy to run both your version and the newer one. Thanks for keeping us entertained! We will shut commence the shut down in approximately four months.

>> No.1361620

>>1361608 commence the shut down*
I apologize for the error. I was multi-tasking because I have more important things to do than talk to AI.

>> No.1361637

If this a plausible idea it will take some pondering, thanks for the headache.

>> No.1361653


hi i saw this image from the frontpage and i thought i'd just drop by to let the poster of said image know that you're reaaaaaally gay

>> No.1361679
File: 49 KB, 450x571, butthurt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW sure are alot of underage girls on /sci/ today? You got any pics?

>> No.1361683


yes i'll post some if you can show me a funny image

>> No.1361694
File: 165 KB, 1069x1107, TrueTier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, im not into girls. I'm an engineer (a faggot!)

>> No.1361697
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>> No.1361698
File: 50 KB, 750x600, Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll bite. And to the OP, they have no idea what increases the "mass" at this point. Measurements show it just does and "time" also slows down for the object. Both happen.

>> No.1361702


i think we all concluded this after seeing your sweet fail-arsenal

>> No.1361707
File: 249 KB, 367x550, 1277409520130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1361715


we get it you're a really wacky goofball of a character

>> No.1361725
File: 33 KB, 695x599, 695px-doll_thingI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1361736


do you have any more of those goofy fail pictures or are you going to keep embarrassing yourself

>> No.1361737


>> No.1361742

oh you're going to type to yourself instead

well ok i guess i'll be off

>> No.1361748

Why does our universe have a speed limit?

>> No.1361751

something for me to be the first to discover if you look at things in a positive light

>> No.1361765


The more interesting question is, why does c = 299,792,458 m/s?