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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.86 MB, 2560x1600, 1278297033891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1360365 No.1360365 [Reply] [Original]

You now realize you will never see awesome superstructures ;_;

>> No.1360383
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>> No.1360384
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>> No.1360389

This better be the technocracy thread.

>> No.1360392

It is indeedy.

>> No.1360397

>you will never see awesome superstructures

seen this thread before, and this is an even more retarded version.

and to top it off, if I look at the picture, then I have seen them. It doesnt matter if its computer generated, I still saw it.

>> No.1360411


>> No.1360416
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Do you know about the official forum?

>> No.1360431


>> No.1360438

Yes but fuck all goes on in the threads.

>> No.1360457

Okay, to the people of /sci/ that don't know:
About a couple of days ago, there was a thread on /sci/ that had the same pic as OP posted, and basically sadfrog.jpg about 'never living in this hotel.' This spurred on a whole discussion of ONLY IF scientists and basically lots of different smart people had their own little piece of Eden to maintain and make it the best environment to spur on scientific advancements, while also being a bastion and pride of humanity. Ruled by the people more suited for it. A Socialist/Capitalist Technocracy, basically. Then some serious discussion was put in into how we can make this happen. The biggest and greatest idea we currently have in starting with a corporation in the emerging super-markets such as solar, nanotech, water distillation and so on.

Anyone interested in joining us?

>> No.1360472

How about we prove OP wrong and post some modern day awesome structures?

>> No.1360474

That would be a boring thread and that is not the point of the thread.

>> No.1360485


>> No.1360486


I'll help if it wasn't for the fact that it won't go anywhere, and I'm a lazy faggot.

The main reason superstructures don't work is that there's nothing you can do with all the space inside. Nobody wants to live in a windowless box. You coat the outside surfaces with wonderful rooms, then have a big void in the middle where you can drop a few lift shafts and not much else.

>> No.1360498

All you have to do is pledge support and name some of the things you're good at and help us in the planning stage. We're actually going to fully do this. We only need a couple hundred people which really isn't that hard to get.

>> No.1360501

bam motherfucker.
That was a fucking SCIENCE burn.
That means your fucking skin's turned to soap.


>> No.1360502

You now realize that your life will never be anything other than a vapid, mundane, boring grind through the lower ranks of corporate post-capitalism.

>> No.1360503

Malls and shops and shit perhaps?
Occasional MASSIVE ATRIUMS for people to look up and down and marvel at?

>> No.1360511

'a few hundred people'?
What are we going to do with 'a few hundred people'?

>> No.1360515

Start a company.

>> No.1360527
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Hello Pacifica Global, how's your overidealistic plan that will never succeed coming along?

>> No.1360534
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I like this idea.

>> No.1360536


>> No.1360538

A company?
Full of lazy fanatical pop-science chantards
That company will sure work -.-

>> No.1360547

This is just a hollowed out gaming forum that the owner was previously using converted hastily into a Technocracy discussion forum.

>> No.1360551
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But I rejected those answers.

>> No.1360558

Nice assumptions bro.
You also fail to see the 2 or more threads at any given time of a /sci/fag going HAY SCI I HAVE THIS PH.D IN THIS MAJOR SCIENCE AND WONDERING BLAH BLAH BLAH

>> No.1360563

Rapture is the sinister version.

>> No.1360564

These kinds of places tend to like skylights and such though.

Plus, the amount of shopping space you'll need for a single building won't be all that great. You'll still be left with a fair whack of space with a large building.

>> No.1360569

Nice assumption bro.
I want this shit to work. But project doesn't have a serious vibe about it. More like a LETS HAVE FUN TALKING ABOUT IF THIS WERE TRUE feel about it. sorry.

>> No.1360571

Who cares? A human can very easily live in 22 square meters. Do we want to? no.

>> No.1360581

Nah. I could envision the inside looking fucking amazing. I'm not conceptual artist though otherwise I would drawfag some of that shit.

>> No.1360584

That's really only because we have currently about 10 people interested in it. We need more for a more serious approach. People with different skillsets and trainings and expertise.

>> No.1360589
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Except you're wrong. When these superstructures are build people will be posting threads about how we will never see awesome virtual reality superstructures.

Appreciate what we have. Skyscrapers were built like what? 50 years ago? Look around you, life is fucking beautiful.

>> No.1360592

ok then can i have a link to your forum

oh and second year physics Bsc

>> No.1360600

I did link it before.

>> No.1360608

I live in Dubai. I'm surronded by superstructures

>> No.1360616
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>> No.1360617

Though far-fetched, we want to eventually be able to colonize Mars and be heavily into space exploration. We want to become the new shiny Japan but without the massive depression rates and tight living quarters and such. These are all just ideas, first must take the first step.

>> No.1360637

Think, no shitty jobs. Automation done wherever not cost-prohibitive. Not to knock people out of jobs but to free people from labour. Less job hours and such. More freedom.

>> No.1360638

Another major problem with all this is that all the people interested will probably be scattered all over the globe.

>> No.1360661
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Enjoy being forced to post-secondary school for 4 years just to learn the most basic jobs available.

>> No.1360664

No real problem, the majority will be based in America, where they can found the company and maybe start up some small contracts, while we figure out how exactly we're going to align ourselves and plan it out. Water distillation doesn't need much. Just a massive big flat shallow pan and a lot of heat.

>> No.1360670

This guy is sadly right.
This stuff sounds like an amazing dream, but Inurdaes talks about it as if it was already done once or twice.
It hasn't been done and until it is, it is pointless to just read about it. We have to start small, which unless major corporations or the government get in the way will happen anyways. That is natural progression. Like feet became horses which became cars. We can't plan something this big.

>> No.1360672

That's not entirely true.

>> No.1360696

I'm talking about it as it should've already be done. Remember all those people in the 1960's saying we'd have jetpacks and flying cars and a city on the moon?
WE HAVE ALL THAT TECHNOLOGY HERE TODAY, it just isn't being used. We need a whole governmental body basically with scientific advancement as pretty much number one priority.

>> No.1360727


>> No.1360737

How can we make that happen, sir?
The government now is pretty much destroying NASA. Citizens can't build space ships so what can we do? We can't even do science without getting grants from the government because normal people need to work to get money and the people with money are already comfortable and don't need more.

>> No.1360750

Money makes the world go round. We attatch to an emerging market with huge potential such as water distillation, solar or nanotech. We make small profits off this, eventually calling for more scientists to join the ranks and to proclaim what we plan to do down the track once the company is strong enough so it can't be fucked over easily by other corporations that like how shit is going on now.

Essentially, from a company, to a corporation, to a nation, to perhaps a whole planet in some far off galaxy? I don't know. The only thing we are lacking in is people. And we know that many, many people are pissed off with the way things are now and want an alternative.

>> No.1360773


>> No.1360787

It doesn't matter how many people you have unless some of them actually *do* something.

The business world defines competitive. Consider the difficulty of what you are proposing.

>> No.1360795

Not very difficult actually. Though if we can get someone that's studying/studied business to join us that would be a huge help.

>> No.1360796


>The government now is pretty much destroying NASA

This "hurr durr Obama shut down NASA" shit again?

Do you watch Fox News? Sorry for sounding like a cunt but Jesus Christ...

>> No.1360805

Bro NASA HAS been shit up. Apparently they now have to do diplomacy with muslim nations. It's a fucking space exploration agency for fucks sake.

>> No.1360816

This. Skyscrapers, massive hydroelectric dams, huge suspension bridges, continent-spanning road systems, and a hundred orbital flights a year.

We live in a world of mega-engineering.

>> No.1360821

Never mind the budget cuts, obama has ended further development on getting us past low earth orbit, and is causing stagnation at NASA by forcing them to just support third party developers instead of developing themselves.

>> No.1360822


Did you forget the new program to make a new super-heavy-lifter with SpaceX and pretty much hand spaceflight over to the corporations, not to mention research into spaceplanes?

I mean, SpaceX has done in a few years what NASA did in 30 due to budget cuts and ignorant idiots in the gov'ment.

Plus, them muslims are breeding. They might come in handy as cheap workers for the colonization of space.

>> No.1360832
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>pretty much hand spaceflight over to the corporations

>> No.1360838

What I'm worried about is the innovation. Do you really think you can do R&D on almost no budget to make enough money to found a country?

>> No.1360853


And this is bad because.

Oh, it's bad because the resource hungry corporations are not going to set up a mining base on the asteroids at the first chance because trillions of dollars worth of rare earth metals is totally not equal to CASHMONEY$$$

>> No.1360855

if by budget cuts you mean budget increases

>> No.1360858


This. Obama cancelled Ares and Constellation because they were off-schedule, bloated crap. He increased the budget.

>> No.1360862

Simple. We kill the Batman.

Also you know, it'll take like nearly 20 years and lots and lots of nanotech-treated solar panels to heat up water distillation thingos. And we'll have a lot of money after even if we sell them at a pittance

>> No.1360866
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Hi, we're here to help.


>> No.1360873

Do you want to form an alliance?

>> No.1360887
File: 25 KB, 450x322, trencher-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen one of these up close, I'd say they come quite close to a superstructure.

>> No.1360924

I'm not talking superstructures and projects that just benefit a few people. Lets have a hypothetical scenario, lets say forty years down the track. The Technocratic Republic of Scichan or whatever sends off a base to Mars full of scientists and engineers. Then other than studying, they will be researching on how would be the best way and where would be the best place to build an entire city. By that point in time AI will be sufficiently advanced that we can just ship off a bunch of robots to Mars to build an entire city ready for use by the the immigrating public. Basically giving marvels more directly to the public. To you.

>> No.1360965


>> No.1360977

Inurdaes, I've seen this all before, it never works.

Please travel back in time to when the Free Nation Foundation split off from the Pirate Bay's Buy Sealand forums so you can see what I mean.

>> No.1360978
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Damn /sci/ is slower today than usual.

>> No.1360980

Working on it.

>> No.1361001

This will sound silly. Cynicfag here btw.
But I would want our building to be an epic superstructure of the kind depicted in OP. Other than that, our main goal should be science and engineering.

>> No.1361008

I would like our building to be something like the pic too.

I'm talking about being a whole country of awesome. Liquid awesome. Amazing buildings, infrastructure, education, medicine, scientific research, freedom of press, democratic.... You name it.

>> No.1361019
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...and none of it will happen.

>> No.1361027

Yeah but I'm


I just want our corporation (and our eventual country) to have all the epic superstructures built with the aid of shitloads of nanobot assemblers and what haev you (to get it done precise enough and quickly). I don't care about improving the rest of the world because they'll just blow themselves to hell anyway. Our small nation would surely be a little more understanding (since it'd be so much more close-knit)

However we haven't even put all this shit in motion yet.

>> No.1361028

Imagine if this succeeded. With technological breakthroughs such as a heavily extended lifespan, less work hours, more freedom, no more worrying about who's going to seriously screw you in the ass. You and I know the world is getting more and more fucked up every day. We want to have a little island in all of that saying 'FUCK YOUR SHIT.'

>> No.1361035
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Small bit of hivemind perhaps?

>> No.1361037

I mean we'll help the rest of the world but I don't care about going out of our way to help the rest of the world.

>> No.1361045

I'm fine with this. Though of course we should try and help the ones being anally fucked from time to time. you know, send off a few robots to build farms and keep them up to feed some of their population and such. It will make us look more awesome anyway.

>> No.1361048

Yes I know. The poor african nations, poor parts of china, india, russia, south and middle america etc.
Problem with that is if the govt steps in and is like we don't want your fuckin' shit here. And whether or not they were pressured into doing that by a corporation profiting off said poor fgts.

>> No.1361049

>We want to have a little island in all of that saying 'FUCK YOUR SHIT.'

You just know that some nation will take military action against it.

>> No.1361051

We can have military defenses. Lasers, perhaps?

>> No.1361053

That relates to >>1361048
as well.

>> No.1361065

I doubt that greatly. But even if you do, who is going to operate them?

>> No.1361069
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Hey guys.

In this nation you could buy flying cars. and they wouldn't be prohibitively expensive either.

>> No.1361077

More robots? I don't know. I would love to hear suggestions though. Somehow I wouldn't think military force would be put against us. It would be in the countries best interests to work with us.

>> No.1361083

Or conquer us...

>> No.1361088

Nah bro. We would be predominately American, so if any faggots messed with us they would be neeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwyooooouuuuuukeeeeeeeed.

Unless of course the US doesn't like us anymore.

>> No.1361094

That's incredibly naive. The US would only offer protection in return for something, and simply entering such a pact would make you enemies with somebody else.

>> No.1361097

Well that sucks. I'd want fgts from all over the world, not just americans.

>> No.1361100


Disregard him, I'm sure there would be plenty of Europeans and Asians interested in it.

>> No.1361101

Probably. it's really a non-issue until we actually start gaining power as a company. And by which time we will have enough people and resources to fully quantify the reprecussions and so on. Yes I know I spelt it wrong, I'm tired.

>> No.1361104

No no, i'm saying like 40% or so would be Americans, then there would be a huge bunch of Asians, Europeans and so on. I myself am Australian.

>> No.1361109

Better be. The idea was to advance science and hopefully humankind. Not be like hey look how smrt amerkins are.

>> No.1361114

I haven't read that much, but have you any idea of how governance is supposed to work?

>> No.1361116

Having the great majority Americans would make it boring and bland. I look forward to the day where there is equal of every race and they're all as successful roughly as each other. That will be one thing done right.

>> No.1361117

No idea here. That's one of the issues bothering me about this idea. So many things to consider.

>> No.1361121

Specify. Are you talking on how our government would be run or do I specifically know about something and such? (Keep in mind i've been awake close to 24 hours and therefore am not in my prime)

>> No.1361124

if this was remotely successful you guys would probably face government repression eventually

>> No.1361136


Well if the community wanted to be protected by a foreign military, that would require somebody attending the meetings and signing the documents. And how would the community agree to such a pact in the first place?

As for local military installations: how would the community decide what to implement (if anything)? And who would be responsible for operating it?

>> No.1361161
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The community would nominate prominent members of society and/or people they know that are good in this or that. Then there would be a narrowing down to 10 different presidential candidates. Each one very technically skilled and not stupid. Money plays no real part in this, they all get equal media coverage. Of course I'm making this up as I go along. Do you have any input in this? This idea is a work in progress. We have a goal, and we have an idea of how to achieve it. Now we just figure out the exact means to do it.

>> No.1361180

You are aware, of course, that being responsible for any local military force (presumably robotic) would be responsible for any deaths?

>> No.1361190

Oh yes. By the way, we would never let robots kill or maim people, only to render unconscious and to restrain. Local military force would essentially be a volunteer thing for the main part. There would be a defense grid of course to respond to attacks. Lasers to disable jets and shit to bomb or something. Fuck I'm tired.

>> No.1361195

How are you going to address this? >>1361124

>> No.1361203

What do you mean by government repression?

>> No.1361204

>Lasers to disable jets
>jets are fast
>crash into ocean
>no killings

I don't think that's possible, old chum.

>> No.1361205

I dunno. I'm not the person who made that reply.

>> No.1361208

My sole professional goal to create something like this.

>> No.1361211
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>> No.1361220
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>> No.1361224
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>> No.1361227

Well, that's reasonable but in the wide-open ocean they aren't going to go anywhere unless they are captured.

I don't want to get too hypothetical, but I can't help but wonder what would happen in a twin-towers type scenario.

>> No.1361229

That shit would never happen. Laser-disabling would happen way before it got near any populated areas.

>> No.1361240

I suppose having floating defensive structures separated from any population centre is a good idea. But disabling hijacked airliner would probably cause deaths, and civilian deaths at that.

>> No.1361248

>civilian airliner

>> No.1361256

I don't get it.

>> No.1361273
File: 7 KB, 125x107, 1259213960558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccum tube maglev would be built as soon as possible.
Sexy 6,400 km/h.

>> No.1361274


I guess it's time to add another shitty namefag to the blocklist.

>> No.1361277
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>> No.1361281

They won't get that far. This will never leave the "talking on forums" stage.

>> No.1361283

Would you be willing to bet money on that?

>> No.1361287

>make generic silly reaction image rather than explain what is wrong with the term "airliner"

I think that anon is on to something.

>> No.1361297

You're a fucking moron. First, that reaction image has been around for over a year and was not created by me. Second, There would be no need for planes as transportation would be conducted through maglev trains, and cars (flying, normal)

>> No.1361303


>> No.1361313

Now I have extra motivation on proving you wrong for a monetary gain. Thanks.

>> No.1361335


>> No.1361349

People in your little civilisation will go around calling their detractors fucking morons? Wow, and you really think it has a hope in hell?

>flying cars
It's called a plane you prat.

In the ocean? Connected to a mobile platform?

To cap it all off, you missed the whole point of the scenario.

>> No.1361351

Inurdaes. Forget the maglev trains for a second, forget the nukes, forget the superstructures. Let's start with the basics. What's the first step? How do we start out? How are you going to get people to do something other than just wanking around on forums? What is the first non-forum-wankery thing you guys are going to do?

>> No.1361359

You're an idiot. See here: >>1361273

>> No.1361363

Move to New Hampshire.

>> No.1361368

>build maglev trains to connect your cities
>suddenly terrorists stop flying planes into buildings

And a cool story that was.

>> No.1361397

I think I stumped him. :3c

>> No.1361405

You weren't expecting any kind of an answer were you?

>> No.1361414

Well I can't say with 100% certainty because it's still a work in progress, but after ~20 years of building up the corporation, we would then start buying land most probably in north-western Australia from the government itself. A little by little, and then we would basically plonk down a geothermal electricity station and mining operation. As more minerals are being harvested, some are being sold to cover the cost of the initial start up crap and such. Then we put some robots to work by creating the power network. Skyscrapers with hydroponic automated systems would be constructed and so on. And then a massive advertising campaign to the scientists and students of the world: Come life here, it's better, it's freer for you and your research, and help make a difference.

Not 100% in stone though.

>> No.1361434

Now assuming you didn't mean the country crap, first we would basically go around in a van solving mysteries and teaming up with people with new breakthroughs in solar technology. A small loan to buy a fabricator and so on. Start to do that shit. Also, if we get enough people, a Facebook group and most likely a real site for it.

>> No.1361449

>first we would basically go around in a van solving mysteries

I like this plan.

>> No.1361463

>we would then start buying land most probably in north-western Australia from the government itself

I was going to say... it would make most sense to purchase land, preferably islands, from other countries and declare independence.

>> No.1361471

Also I wouldn't touch smaller islands; global warming and whatnot.

>> No.1361479

Islands is what I was thinking too. No contiguous country like russia, australia (inb4 hurr durr its an island) the united states, china, japan etc would want to release part of their contiguous (or mostly contiguous) mainland.

>> No.1361492
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Tasmania has a declining population and the Greens who are very strong there would love the idea of us basically creating a haven on Earth there.

>> No.1361495

I don't have the heart to make a global warming troll, so I'll just say that I expect technology can elevate us from needing to worry about flooding. I suppose we would need to be highly established before we were in such a good position though.

>> No.1361497

...and islands cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

If you really want to change things, why not take a more practical approach and found a secret society?

>> No.1361507


It would be must better if we had substantial landmass. You know, TO MINE REQUIRED MINERALS FROM. Also there are rising sea levels in places like the Seychelles and many Pacific islanders now need to be evacuated to New Zealand from flooding.

>> No.1361511

>secret society

The whole point of the exercise is to create an acknowledged nation state.

>> No.1361515

Does Tasmania even have any mineral wealth? Or has nobody bothered to prospect before?

>> No.1361528
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It has a metric shitton, it's just its mainly under forests and it's too expensive for mining companies to mine and not do much harm to the environment + Greens grip them by the balls with regulations.

>> No.1361541

So you would be okay with destroying the forests? I was about to suggest that tourism could raise money, but I guess that would hardly be roaring trade.

>> No.1361549

No I'm saying instead of open pit mines you can do underneath mines with are less profitable but still get what you want, therefore leaving the forests pretty much untouched.

>> No.1361552

*which are less profitable

>> No.1361566

Fair enough.

>> No.1361572



Hey guys.

Yeah you.


I have the best.


I have the best idea ever.

What if.


What if, we, like.

Attach a ramscoop.

Listen up guys.

Attach a ramscoop.


To the PLANET!


It's like the best idea like ever.

So we can go to THE STARS!

>> No.1361580

Oh u.
Enjoy your dick frostbite once we leave the goldilocks zone

>> No.1361581


>go to the stars

we're already there, it's a matter of relative distances

>> No.1361588
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CCM delivers.

>> No.1361597
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Though this is just me, this system and nation would enable us to begin terraforming Mars most probably before any other nation on the world.

>> No.1361604

I believe Induares is not an intelligent person.
therefore I'm outta here

>> No.1361605

>incorrectly spell my name
>try to imply i'm not intelligent
Can you spell 'B A C K F I R E?'

>> No.1361615

Aren't ramscoops an entirely insufficient form of transport?

>> No.1361628


Oh, gee, I didn't know Robert Zubrin browsed /sci/.

But, seriously now, they are. Current fusion methods with a ramscoop produce more drag than thrust.

>> No.1361634

Just posting link to those that haven't seen it.

>> No.1361638

Science fan much?

What the fuck is this?

>> No.1361645


>> No.1361657

>Warcraft 3

inb4 that part is more active than any other

>> No.1361658

> You now realize you will never see awesome superstructures ;_;
>26 image replies omitted
>OP is the only awesome superstructure in thread

I am disappoint.

>> No.1361660


Double econ/math major here. I'll take care of that. I've always wanted to work in a science/engineering company.

>> No.1361662

Does a space elevator count as a superstructure?

>> No.1361665

and no, not a name like "The Venus Project"

>> No.1361667

I'm laughing at all these socialists that think future civilizations will have something as barbaric and incredibly wasteful as a government.

>> No.1361668

Fuck year it does. Perhaps we should pick an island that is at the right latitude for a space elevator hmm?

>> No.1361669

because I didn't remember your stupid name right and was too lazy to copypaste it? well if this is your argument than you are truly a low IQ individual.
Anyway it's weak that you attack me with something like that (spell error)

>> No.1361674

>Liter_of_Cola's breakdown of Modern Assault Rifles
>Modern Assault Rifles

>the best environment to spur on scientific advancements, while also being a bastion and pride of humanity

>> No.1361676

hai guise I'm the OP of this thread
it's quite similar just a bit more awesome

>> No.1361684
File: 20 KB, 220x223, andrew-ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1361690

Actually that thread is full of DURRRRRRR AND HURRRR

Even more so than this one.


>> No.1361693

Technocratic Republic of Chan? I dunno.
You need a baaaaaaaaasic government in place bro.

>> No.1361713


We'll need to choose the most efficient weapons to deal with aggressors.

>> No.1361716

Idealism at it's finest.
But really, you will not be alive when your company has enough money to buy Tasmania. And the "like minded individuals" who helped you along the way will sell out. No one will stop the major corporations from fucking your shit in every way once they find out you have some form of innovation they do not.

>> No.1361723


>> No.1361731

Laser weapons. After all, it WILL be populated by scientists.

>> No.1361732

But I'll be alive to see the terraformation of Mars and Venus, if not the restructuring of the whole solar system. Manhattan Beach project bro.

>> No.1361745

>No one will stop the major corporations from fucking your shit in every way once they find out you have some form of innovation they do not.

...but they'll never HAVE some sort of innovation the rest of the world does not, silly! They'll never move past talking about stupid shit on some message board!

>> No.1361761
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>> No.1361768

Oh you and your persistently pessimistic attitude.

>> No.1361779

This. As much as the optimistic side wants all this shit to happen, /realisticviewpointglasses tells me this won't move past some shitty upstart company that'll go bankrupt in a year or two AT MOST.

>> No.1361792

Bro just so you know, I'm going to be here trying my absolute hardest to make sure it DOES happen. I do NOT want to live in THIS world. It's shit.

>> No.1361797

The key lies in planning. A metric fuckton of planning.
We must leave nothing to chance. We wouldn't start a company without a detailed plan that deals with every aspect of the project.

>> No.1361802


I'm sure you'll do plenty of planning... and nothing else.

>> No.1361812

Inurdaes, I think the first step is some organization.
The whole http://terra.realbb.net/intelligensia-f2/ is nice and all, but we won't accomplish much with a single forum. I propose Google Wave for our medium of transferring/exchanging ideas and information.

>> No.1361813

I get it. I get it. Convincing people to join company.. that's something else. Not to mention the company crumbling once we've passed on or whatever. Like that one anon said, people will fucking sell out.

>> No.1361815

OK, that opinion of yours is nice and all, so why are you still here?

>> No.1361817

I have no idea how to use Wave. Tips?

>> No.1361828

Book is free to read on that website. You don't need to read the entire thing, but I think once you learn more you'll like it.

>> No.1361836

* Live discussion: let everyone have a voice
* Task tracking: stay on top of who needs to do what
* Meeting agendas: leave a meeting on the same page
* Document creation: draft content and gather feedback in one place
* Brainstorming: let the creative juices flow
* ...or just start with a blank wave and see where it takes you!

From Google Wave itself.

>> No.1361841

Sounds good.

>> No.1361850
File: 6 KB, 194x212, 1275194401479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, i'm off to bed. Keep this discussion up!

>> No.1361857
File: 42 KB, 227x300, Gunther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go about becoming a cybernetic cop in this new nation?

>> No.1361863

I remember you. What do you mean by cybernetic?

>> No.1361867

So who's going to set up a Google Wave thing for this?

>> No.1361869

Inurdaes: although I've disliked you roughly 80% of the times I've encountered you on the chan, this one time I like what you are pushing. However I think the overall direction is completely wrong.

>> No.1361876
File: 62 KB, 470x800, Kenneth_Snelson_Needle_Tower2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really??

fuck your shit

>> No.1361880

I lied about going off. Why have you disliked me and why are you suddenly liking me and if you're liking me then why am I going in the wrong direction?

>> No.1361887

awesome.. no foundations!

>> No.1361889


>> No.1361890

You know... All the good mechanical/electrical prosthetics--preferably of superior quality to organics, and a few biology modifications (i.e: genetically enhanced printed organs/glands/tissue).

>> No.1361900


>> No.1361903

All fully possible. The main pursuit would be that money can be phased out. We're trying to make a post-scarcity scientific awesomeness society. Post-scarcity comes in last though. So it would be no problem to do so.

>> No.1361911

How about "Praedium Scientia" (estate of knowledge/science) for a working title?
Also: Inurdaes, make a temp. email or something so we share real emails and eventually set up Google Wave.

>> No.1361913


wow how is this possible

>> No.1361914

What would one have to learn/do to qualify for police work and to receive these augmentations?

>> No.1361916

A'ight. Praedium Scientia sounds awesome too.

>> No.1361918


>> No.1361922

Basically be better than a grunt. Detective, homicide investigations. You're not gonna be doing much work though. You'll find that many crimes suddenly evaporate when people are given GOOD alternatives for life.

>> No.1361923

Oh wait the email field
Derp hurp my bad

>> No.1361925

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww Listen to this while thinking of a new world.

>> No.1361937


>> No.1361943

This isn't my normal music taste, don't worry.

>> No.1361955

is this an excuse? you pretty much just lost your face

>> No.1361963

Awesome, a new record.
Did 24+ hours of being awake tell you nothing?

>> No.1361967

I demand moar awesome buildings like that one.

>> No.1361969
File: 477 KB, 1920x1200, 1269556655065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.1361972

Justice isn't really a christfag band, they're just hipsters.

>> No.1361978

Even an invisionfree forum would be better than that shitty one. Somebody set up a better website for this please.

>> No.1361979

Dunno, but it's now my new wallpaper, lol.

>> No.1361982

are you 15 and do this for your first time?
i stay awake 72+ hours on a regular basis

>> No.1361990

look for the gallery there
OPs pic is also from a CGtalk member

>> No.1361992

That image was based off the NVIDIA art. With the colour on the rocks altered.


>> No.1361993
File: 50 KB, 428x510, 1262342367145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you 15?

>> No.1362005

You guys are thinking too technically for such a far away goal.

Start thinking basics. Would you want this thing floating in the sky? Underwater? On water? Just chilling somewhere on earth?

It's important to get a basic understanding of what your trying to develop before you start thinking about maglev tubes and shit.

>> No.1362015

It will be based mainly on land, with some sea.
it will run on solar, wind, and geothermal, Most of the power will come from geothermal.
It will (if the future Government of Australia allows) in the north western corner of Tasmania.
Now by basic can you specify?

>> No.1362017

You missed some large parts of the discussion.

>> No.1362021

>Start thinking basics. Would you want this thing floating in the sky? Underwater? On water? Just chilling somewhere on earth?

These are not basics. "How are we actually going to get the money to do something like this? How is company formed?" would be the basics.

>> No.1362025
File: 923 KB, 2560x1600, Mega_Village_25x16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, good sirs!

The picture is another one from the album in >>1361992 's link.

I couldn't get the gallery to work; no images (nothing else either) are showing..?

>> No.1362028

I believe i already covered those.

>> No.1362037

Not well enough. "Get money from solar stuff and buy a fabricator lol" is not a sufficient explanation for the most difficult and most immediate challenge.

>> No.1362049
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1259314025218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that. It's going to be fun figuring otu the smaller details.

Look. I don't know much about solar cells, distilling water or nanotech. I do know I want to learn. I do know I want to create a better world. So bear with me.

>> No.1362050


I'm all about living in the real world and stuff, that's why I chose to become an engineer and not a theoretical physicist. The fact is, though, that without a basic understanding of what you're going to attempt to build you're going to have no clue what your expenses will be.

If I missed a bunch of the discussion I'm sorry I was watching Lebron.

>> No.1362052


basically just browse the forum.
there you can find the most high class 3d pictures on this planet

>> No.1362090


>> No.1362092


but i'd suggest that :3

>> No.1362124

This time i'm actually getting off. If you wish to contact me then it's in the email field.

>> No.1362133

I understand what you're saying here, but we have to avoid getting caught up in discussions about robot armies and antarctic fortresses or else we'll never get anywhere.

>> No.1362151

He's right.

None of us will ever live to see that.
There's a tear running down my face now.

>> No.1362173

I pledge to build this when I ever get the nation up and running well.

>> No.1362180

I'm 25 and can't stay up more than 34 hours. Stroke your e-peen elsewhere faggot.

>> No.1362192

>This time i'm actually getting off

>> No.1362197
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>> No.1362204

Never change.

>> No.1362224
File: 44 KB, 308x380, 1266770819410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No compromise.

>> No.1362241

So, the company you're planning to start, it is a water distillation company?

>> No.1362247

Water distillation, the also incorporating solar, and when we have a bit more momentum we will be reaching into nanotechnology. Anything from coating non-stick self-washing glass to treating solar panels with it to increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Water distillation will be more directed toward poorer countries where a well might be contaminated and such.

>> No.1362270
File: 53 KB, 196x193, 1271716975505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where will we get the starting funds?

>> No.1362279

Small loans, a little bit of chipping in. All we need to start is a couple of TIG welders and aluminium, really.

>> No.1362288

>toward poorer countries

lol no

We need to remove third world nations not encourage growth down there.

>> No.1362289

When we make the company, how will we call it? Like, who will be the president or co-president? How will we get it formed and where? Will we announce to the world that we're changing it, or keep it undercover until we have a strong foot hold?

>> No.1362291
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>> No.1362302


Overpopulation is a very serious issue.

It is better we work on the improvement on the industrialized nations than the ones what we would have to spend more resources on to make industrialized.

>> No.1362307


Troll confirmed.

Give me 5 good reasons to help the 3rd world.

And don't see sandniggers deserve a happy life, because they dont.

>> No.1362308

What the fuck is wrong with you faggot? You're fucking retarded. You think you can change the world? You're fucking retarded. You can't. You're just an optimistic teen. If the world could be changed, it would be by now. This shit isn't going to happen. The third world countries should be nuked
niggers are ruining shit and I'm sick of them
fuck them
lets let the strongest nation get the bests water
niggers can swim in there own shit tfor all I care

>> No.1362318

>When we make the company, how will we call it?
>Like, who will be the president or co-president?
Probably people best-suited to the job while also being strong to the movement. Y'know, technocracy and such.
>How will we get it formed and where?
>Will we announce to the world that we're changing it, or keep it undercover until we have a strong foot hold?
We'd never go anywhere if we diverged what we actually plan to do. We'll just say that we like helping people and making the world a better place by selling our products until we get into srs bzns.

>> No.1362350

>We'd never go anywhere...
Why not? Is our plan actually world domination? If you give everyone a perfect life, while remaining in charge of them all, then you pretty much become God to them. If you command something, they have no choice but to do it. An army of robots would destroy any chance of rebellion against a leader of the entire world. You could simply make guns illegal, stop making them, and suddenly everyone is at your feet. You are god.

>> No.1362352

ITT: THe effects of Fox News over a lifetime
Here's a tip: People in the third world don't want to rape you and kill you on sight.

>> No.1362359

Awww, it looks like someone wants attention.

>> No.1362375


>implying I care what they think of me.
>implying the have enough energy to stab me
>implying they have enough money to buy a knife.

3rd world is just leeching off the developed world.

>> No.1362382

You're right. Everything I said was in almost complete contradiction with how I actually feel.

>> No.1362388

Hey Inurdaes, I'm making a Google Wave and I'm about to email you. In the meantime, how does this sound for a basic description on the Wave: "Are you wondering what this is all about? Simply put, Praedium Scientia (Estate of Knowledge/Science; working name) is an attempt to create an environment where scientists and researchers can work freely, unimpeded by the problems in the world today. This environment will encourage scientific achievement, cooperation of participants, and an attitude of advancement. Think Library of Alexandria on a modern level."

>> No.1362402

Meh I don't feel like it. I want to create and help create this nation to show the rest of humanity 'Look what life you could have'
Shortly after I would expect many politicians to be bending to the people's desires of new infrastructure, education, automation and eventual resource-based economy from Capitalism as we know of it today.
No take over, no domination. just a choice. A better choice.

>> No.1362411

Good description, but I think you should add a bit in there where it says we plan to create a physical nation for those pursuits.

>> No.1362427


We don't need to help the third world to reach a level of technology we can only dream of.

We just need a New World Order in the developed worlds. Developed nations just need to learn to work and collaborate together to make these awesome superstructures.

Niggas in Africa are not going to help us make the buildings like seen in OP's pic.

>> No.1362431

Be sure to post it in here and on the shitty forum some guy set up.

>> No.1362432
File: 94 KB, 425x321, techno-anarchy, yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1362437
File: 39 KB, 200x196, 1259389972861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to start into one of those social darwinism threads? Because I really will go to bed if it starts.

>> No.1362442

>>1362432 directed at >>1362388 btw

>> No.1362446


Nice way to dodge the question.

Explain why we need to help the third world, to make this awesome future where the ambition of man is technological acceleration

>> No.1362451

Aren't you tired of all this ignorant bullshit?

>> No.1362456


>implying there is anything wrong with Social Darwinism

>> No.1362460

Because helping the third world will get it naturally to stop the ever rapidly increasing population. And 'niggers' are actually human beings that just happened to end up in a shitty country that get's buttfucked by 'insert x rebels here' every second Friday.

>> No.1362461


Did you just imply that Social darwinism is bad?

My god you are a fucking naive idealist

>> No.1362468

>Implying that the cure to cancer isn't locked in some malnourished potential supergenious in the third world.

>also implying that social darwinism doesn't start wars
or alternately
>implying that war isn't bad

>> No.1362469


>Because helping the third world will get it naturally to stop the ever rapidly increasing population.

You do realize instead of helping them, we could simply kill them all off? That would fix the population issues.

>> No.1362474

You do realize that genocide is bad, right?

>> No.1362476


War created

The computer, the battery, the radar, nuclear technology. mp3 players.

War is fucking awesome.

>> No.1362477
File: 54 KB, 450x340, 1260720128793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I'm out. The best time for these threads with the least trolls is around 8 AM to 12 AM, then the trolls that jack off to Ayn Rand come out to play.

>> No.1362478


Opinions are subjective man.

>> No.1362480

Don't leave! I need backup!

>> No.1362485

Why go to the third world and help them out? Two words: Cheap labor.

>> No.1362486

Will you still be checking your email?

>> No.1362487

You didn't ask a question derp derp.

>> No.1362488


Yeah, I'd say that's bad to anyone but a psychopath.

>> No.1362492

You're a bad fake.

>> No.1362510



Ya I'd say confirmed for naive faggot.

If the genocide of 5.6 billion will allow for the betterment and maximize the longevity of the human race, I say so be it.

>> No.1362517


>> No.1362520

And on that list you find:
Two of your friends
A relative
What do?

>> No.1362522

outsourcing is causing the economic downfall. The "first world" has one major export: money. So what do we do? We print more money, that ought to solve it, right?

Ha, ha: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money#Early_history

>> No.1362530

I'm not selfish, I care more about the greater good.

>> No.1362531

I don't give a fuck. Family is shit anyways. My mother never loved me and my father was an alcoholic who beat me. They can all die. They're all scum anyways.

>> No.1362535


>Ya I'd say confirmed for naive faggot.

>If the genocide of 5.6 billion will allow for the betterment and maximize the longevity of the human race, I say so be it.

Now, see, the question that'll REALLY drive ya crazy later on, is, would it really improve things to do that?

Ok, read this link, and think on it again:


Do you still believe that we would be better off after a massive genocide?

>> No.1362536

Because the greater good of the human race depends on decreasing the mixing of genetics. Yeah, that sounds right. Oh wait, no it doesn't.

>> No.1362540

need /b/lack up calling all /b/tardz!!

>> No.1362547

Not everyone had bad family relations like you.

>> No.1362549

Your story saddens me greatly.
Know that out there anon, many people that you might or might not meet care about you or at least do in some other universe.

>> No.1362566

Fine, you find out that you carry a recessive gene that causes Huntington's disease, and you also have a high risk of diabetes and cancer. Your children are pretty much guaranteed to have a terminal illness. Do you turn yourself in for extermination?

>> No.1362568

Africans and such actually want to live like you. They want to be smart like you, they want to drive a car like you, they want to eat like you.
Fuck you racism, I know this is 4chan. Social darwinism is just another wet dream of the old trolls on here that are shriveled up and hate the world.

>> No.1362578

Thread music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDbYT2O93S8

>> No.1362585

300 posts, this time i'm definitely out.

>> No.1362590

By the way, Inurdaes, we haven't even set up the guidelines for what we want to do with this technocracy yet. Don't talk out of your ass.

>> No.1362599
File: 7 KB, 125x125, 1259214471828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I know. Tiem for sleeps.

>> No.1362600

Africans and such actually want to live like you. They want to be smart like you, they want to drive a car like you, they want to eat like you.

But if they live like me, there will be less stuff for me to enjoy.

So fuck them.

>> No.1362609

That's a lie. We have the resources and technology to make every person on the Earth live like a goddamn millionare.


>> No.1362616

Hey wait, did you get the email?

>> No.1362610

stay at /b/ where you belong little children

>> No.1362613

Let's get this shit back on track. I've been part of no less than three "let's get together on the internet and start a country" projects and you know what? This one will fail too, but I'm going to be goddamn proactive about it this time. Hell, in the process, I might even - as impossible as this sounds - have some fun.

So, fools, nationalists, go make your social darwinism thread elsewhere. It's time to get down to business.

>> No.1362619

But then how would the billions live?

>> No.1362628

I'd like to invite you to the Google Wave. Email please?

>> No.1362634


>implying social darwinist are nationalist.

I am a socialist globalist and I believe in social Darwinism,.

>> No.1362646

If you don't want to post it here, make a 10 minute mail and I'll email you there.

>> No.1362651

Doesn't change the fact that we don't want your shit in THIS thread.

That one over there would suit your needs very well: >>1362322

>> No.1362658

Excellent idea.


>> No.1362696

Invite me too!
Because the future is in our hands.

>> No.1362776
File: 330 KB, 1280x800, 1249012141708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me in!


>> No.1362900

3rd world fag here:

Lol. An American engineer recently offered my country 75 70% engineering scholarships. You fail every time you misunderstand the concept of evolution and that the future will never be a private venture. I know it's easy to be self centered, but Evolution always spreads the talent evenly, so cocky guys like you have a fair chance of having retarded kids and having to rely on 3rd world fags help. in fact my country has the highest nobel prize winners per population in the world and the one who won it in economics basically predicts all your fagot behaviour. It''s pretty amusing. I bet you believe in overpopulation, global warming, globalization, and eugenics too.. and a conservative too.. lol. typical XD

>> No.1363441

You noobs still awake?

>> No.1364059

i suggest we call our great nation


suck on that christfaggs