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File: 380 KB, 512x512, sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1356891 No.1356891 [Reply] [Original]

Global warming solution. How large? How far away?

>> No.1356897

There's a problem?

>> No.1356902

global warming is a joke, there's gona be an ice age to cancel all of it out. Corporations are just exploiting people who don't know about natural cycles

>> No.1356907


>> No.1356908

Herp derp there's other planets and asteroids out there. It'd be better to cover the planet like an apple, add an extra layer if skin.

>> No.1356911

of skin, my bad.

>> No.1356916

I don't believe I see anything resembling proof of that.

>> No.1356918

it doesn't matter if i give you proof, you won't be alive to see the next ice age

>> No.1356931


Wanna bet?

>> No.1356944

Wouldnt the shield be smaller than the earth?

>> No.1356952

we're screwed.

>> No.1356955

Global Warming? Call me back when they're making wine in England again, maybe then I'll believe you.

>> No.1356956

Nuclear winter.

>> No.1356961

*ring ring*


>> No.1356963
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>> No.1356972

Okay then.

>> No.1356983
File: 2 KB, 128x94, 11 - Ultros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're always making whine in england.

>> No.1357011

>implying the sun only radiates towards the earth

>> No.1357016

>implying it doesn't

>> No.1357019

There are only two places where it would work: earth orbit, and L1. In orbit, it would have to be a mirror. At L1 it doesn't have to have any special properties, but it would have to be huge.

>> No.1357022


implying a significant number of people agree with you rather than a vocal minority

>> No.1357085

Dammit how can the sun triforce.

>> No.1357125

ummm, how about not using cars that burn gasoline.

Also that sunshield's gonna decrease the solar flux on the Earth, meaning it's gonna make harnessing solar power harder you sick fuck.

>> No.1357148

Preventing Global Warming is more devastating than letting it happen.
Example, the OP's pic will cause infinite ice age.

>> No.1357151

Put solar panels on it then.

>> No.1357176

Then you could make things worse. If the amount of energy that goes to Earth exceeds the amount of energy the sun screen was designed to block, then it's contributing to global warming.

>> No.1357182
File: 78 KB, 511x512, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you just went full retard.

>> No.1357185

Hurl derp all energy is the same

>> No.1357186

P.S. enjoy your perpetual darkness

>> No.1357190

Light comes from the top and bottom of the sun as well.
So sir, you just went full retard.

>> No.1357192

In the end all electricity usage goes to heat, all of it.

>> No.1357200

w..wait, no, it'd... it'd be the other ...


god fucking damn it.

>> No.1357212

not exactly

look at this and think about the size of the sun

>> No.1357213
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>> No.1357215

>electric fan

>> No.1357221
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>> No.1357224


>> No.1357230

No. The whole sun emits light. So the edge of the shadow is defined by drawing a line from the edge of the sun across the edge of the shadow shield.

>> No.1357233


umbra != penumbra

>> No.1357234

>infinite ice age

>enjoy your perpetual darkness

And that is bad because?

>> No.1357236

And that's what I wanted to show with this pic.

>> No.1357260

You colored it wrong, it'd have to be shading. Also, who would want complete solar blocking?

>> No.1357264

This year in Britain it has been really nice and hot. Feels like I'm in Spain. Why should I be against global warming again?

>> No.1357265

It all goes to heat. Even if you use room temperature superconductors. If you move air around with a fan the energy gets dissipated as heat from turbulence. The fan motor bearings get hot as the fan motor works to overcome friction in the bearings. Even if the motor bearings are floating in a vacuum due to room temperature superconductors or something, there's still going to be heat generation it might be small but it will still be there. If you pump fluid around the energy ends up as heat. If you use a computer all the energy goes to heat. If you turn on a light all the energy goes to heat. If you use a heater, you'll eventually heat up the outside. If you use a refrigerator, the average temperature of the surroundings and the refrigerator will increase.

If you drive a car the energy you put into moving it gets dissipated as frictional losses and turbulence which go to heat. Even if it's a hybrid.

It all goes to heat. All of it.

>> No.1357271

oh dear god you are all so stupid.

>> No.1357276

For someone who lives in Britan, you don't seem to know much about the Gulf Stream.

Global warming isn't going to make it warmer here.

>> No.1357281

Because if all the glaciers melt London will flood. There's also some studies that all of Britain could become unlivably hot during the summer and that all tea plants will become extinct in the wild.

>> No.1357283

Then what if I use all of that heat given off to boil water and make more electricity?????
And just so you know no energy is lost as heat in a superconductor.

>> No.1357286

Tea isn't grown in Britain...

>> No.1357287

Then you must reject some heat to the surroundings as dictated by thermodynamics.

>> No.1357288

Then why is it getting warmer?
Athirsts: 0
Christians: 1

>> No.1357290

Put the heat in space. Problem solved.

>> No.1357292

Ok then, how are you going to build a tremendous radiator around the Earth?

>> No.1357297

I'm going to pray

>> No.1357298

so which one of you is right?

If Britain gets 2 degrees hotter, then I'm all for it. Some shitty places like Cardiff will be submerged, but I'm in jolly old shropshire, not giving a fuck.

>> No.1357308

Don't you think england is rather far north for such a green and pleasant land?

A lot of the heat in our climate in britan comes directly from the gulf stream, when that fails, england will have a climate more like most other countries at our lattitude.

>> No.1357314

Okay new plan. Collect rising water from the melting poles in giant underground chambers. Pump the heat into those chambers. Problem solved (for a while)

>> No.1357322

Ahahahahahahahahahaha Yeah right, green and pleasant land my arse. Have you ever seen the amount of rain we get in Scotland?

>> No.1357327

No one gives a fuck about scotland. We were talking about the part that matters, England, obviously.

Enjoy your shitty accents and scummy way of life.

>> No.1357331

Yeah, I have.

Have you seen how much snow they get a few hundred miles east of you? Britan is very furtunatly placed, we just happen to get a decent amount of rain as a result.

>> No.1357341

>scummy accents
>LOL Liverpool.

>> No.1357353
File: 399 KB, 512x513, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1357355

The entire region of scotland has a fucked up accent. England has a mixed range, some shit tier (liverpool, newcastle), some god tier (shropshire, Yorkshire)

Back on subject: scotland sucks balls.

>> No.1357372

I notice you, like the rest of the world, don't have the balls to say that to them in person.

>> No.1357377

I tend not to hang around with savages, let alone initiate a conflict with them, but if they ask......

>> No.1357381

Then you'll quietly mumble a reply and shy away, we know.

>> No.1357389
File: 7 KB, 251x251, 1278580292546s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solve it with a lense

>> No.1357392


Southerner spotted.

>> No.1357397

Lol i think that might freeze the earth

>> No.1357403
File: 12 KB, 419x341, Maniac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make it out of glass

>> No.1357406

Well that, or I could insult one of your beloved beverages, then slowly dodge any miserably aimed drunken clouts, and quietly walk away from a pile of scottish morons too intoxicated to realise that they are the laughing stock of Britain (wales included)

>> No.1357428
File: 435 KB, 512x512, Venus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venu's mad

>> No.1357438


>> No.1357446
File: 14 KB, 512x512, Commie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In soviet world, Earth Irradiates sun!

>> No.1357452

or better yet a convex glass lense

>> No.1357460
File: 21 KB, 320x320, Seriously now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. . . Or that

>> No.1357467

but the diagrame is not to scale the sun is a lot furrther away then that

>> No.1357481

how are you going to keep it in place? wouldn't it rotate?

>> No.1357490

i think that breaks the law of entropy.

>> No.1357513

then why don't we build a sphere that encloses the earth inside it?

>> No.1357612

and what? make it stable? the back layer would have to thiner so we wouldn't freeze the fuck out

>> No.1357643
File: 373 KB, 512x512, 1278580292546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just move the Earth over here?

>> No.1357653

[1]Phase Out Coal by 2030:
Replace with Low Emission fossil fuels (i.e. Natural Gas), what Renewables currently proven to work (Solar & Wind), and Nuclear Power.
[2]Reduce Americas over-reliance on the car & air travel - Expanding existing & build new Public Transportation networks at all tiers:
Tram/Streetcar/Lightrail: on the roads in the medium to high density urban environment of towns and cities
Metro Trains: inside cities large enough/populated enough to warrant them
Commuter Trains: multiple railway lines radiating out from a city centre terminal in a hub and spoke pattern to and through suburbia to a rural terminus 20-40-ish miles away
Regional Trains: continuing beyond the terminus of certain commuter railways to rural areas, towns, big towns/small cities, etc
And High-Speed Rail for major inter-city travel
[3] These two suggestions can be carried out right now today with existing technology.
Theres no theoretical or experimental unproven technology that would take decades just to be first tested let alone implemented, theres no pie in the sky ideas, theres no crazy expectation that we go back to the stone age, etc

>> No.1357661

generate a synthetic ozone

>> No.1357724

yea that solves everything

>> No.1357734

Put the entire US population in New Hampshire, then make the rest of the US a giant park.

>> No.1357738
File: 202 KB, 600x432, neighbourhood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1357819

don't denser population have more crime? or is that just an ilustion from there being more people to be criminals

>> No.1357844

>or is that just an ilustion from there being more people to be criminals
sort of

Fact A: Poorer neighbourhoods have more crime
Fact B: Low density neighbourhoods cost more
Therefore: Poorer neighbourhoods are usually denser
In conclusion: High density neighbourhoods have more crime

>> No.1357875

open fridge
make cold
problem solved

>> No.1357879

That's logical. More people=more crime

>> No.1357891

No. More *poor* people=more crime.

If the people aren't poor and have everything they need, there won't be crime other than crimes of passion, sociopaths and those white collar criminals.

>> No.1358193

>White Collar Criminals
define please.

>> No.1358269

