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File: 295 KB, 600x600, 1271425043281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1355476 No.1355476 [Reply] [Original]

Really, America? is this what your education is like?


I'm just dissapointed

>> No.1355486

Congratulations, you're the twentieth person on /sci/ to repost a fourteen year old video.

>> No.1355481

Nice troll.

>> No.1355489

Congratulations, you're the twentieth person on /sci/ to repost a fourteen year old video.
wW_W.A NO_N[IGNOreThIsHeRE]Ta lk_.se
i nlf nw ag l e anpvj nylirgagttpp il

>> No.1355490

why you mad though?

>> No.1355491

No, this is what the middle US is like. The west coast, northeast, and around the great lakes are more educated. Pretty much everything else consists of Christfags.

>> No.1355496

Americas ingenious formula for sending the lower classes to war:

1: Keep them fat
2: Keep them poor
3: Keep them uneducated
4: ????
4: Send.

>> No.1355502

Not mad, just disappointed.

/sci/ has almost zero sense of humor. For a collection of supposedly intelligent people, there's almost no wit amongst us. I look to trolls for laughs. And you haven't delivered.

>> No.1355504

Troll thread barely worth saging.

>> No.1355506

I'm moving to texas soon. I'm gonna have so much fun trolling the shit out of christfags, and if any try to lynch me or anything I'll put a 9mm hollow point in their head. So I'm all set!

>> No.1355521

>How can an african american evolve from a white person? We're different skinned

>> No.1355524

I live in Texas, and bro you had best just keep quiet because everyone has a gun here.

>> No.1355526

Wow, them Texans are apt to be struck dumb by your knowledge of both firearms and faraway places.

>> No.1355536

If you live, come back and post stories. Trolling christfags is wonderfully funny.

>> No.1355537
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>> No.1355544
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hahaha fucking disgusting americunt cowboy i hope you fucking get shot between the eyes

>> No.1355557

It makes more sense if you click on the vuvuzela button.

>> No.1355558

so do I. Plus mine has a badass blue laser sight I made.
trolling door-to-door Christianity salesmen is funny.
same to you!

>> No.1355571

enjoy living in a sinking ship bro

>> No.1355590


>> No.1355594

@the OP's pic

sometimes I like to pretend that the bulge on the right side of her crotch is a giant angry dripping erection.

>> No.1355613


>> No.1355626

cannot unsee

>> No.1355631

yeah, and she's actually amputaded, that's not her legs. BUT HIS BALLS

>> No.1355643

Hey, what's up, OP?

>>1355491 was right. Our primary and secondary school education varies by state. The states by oceans (and therefore, civilization) have, compared to Europe, fair-to-middling schools. The states between the Mississippi River and the Cascade Mountain Range are not uniformly shitty, but you're a lot more likely to find people who believe the Earth is 6000 years old.

I think it has a lot to do with isolationism. The middle states are more sparsely populated, so there's more room, metaphorically, for ass-backward ideas to take root.

The university level education is a lot more uniform by location, although it's still true that the most prestigious (expensive) universities are on the coastal states.

>> No.1355662

In principle, vietnam:

1) Help our bros (france)
2) help our bro (ho chi minh)
3) fuck the bad guy (ho chi minh)


But after (3) was settled, the goal was really just to protect the borders. That was a success. Unfortunately, the *hope* was that south vietnam would get its shit together if it didn't have to worry about the borders. Tremendous failure. The corrupt fucking government couldn't even manage to get its shit together in spite of the huge anti-communist sentiment after the tet offensive.

tl;dr the us didn't lose vietnam, vietnam lost vietnam

>> No.1355694

>The middle states are more sparsely populated, so there's more room for ass-backward people to take root.

>> No.1355725


>> No.1355736

yep. post a video of a school in texas or tennessee and it goes viral and everybody lols at the stupid americans.

I've never been in a church, none of my friends were religious growing up, and in my school a letter was sent home with every student that said we are teaching evolution and if you don't like it come pick up your kid between noon and 1 for the next x weeks, but none of the parents ever did. This is how it is for all of the states that matter.

>> No.1355740



>> No.1355751


Back in the day they just taught evolution. We're going backwards, son, time to fucking realize.

>> No.1355759

No, our education is like Harvard, Yale, MIT, Brown, Caltech, etc.

>> No.1355772

I just graduated high school this year, went to catholic high school and grade school, and nobody ever questioned evolution. They never even mentioned creationism once in all my years. I learned what it was from the crazy people the news featured. Of course, I do live in one of the places >>1355491 labeled as educated.

>> No.1355785

How did black people evolve from whites? We have different skins!


>> No.1355791

I went to a Catholic high school as well. I remember that there was this crazy Evangelist kid who was questioning our science teach. The teacher said that evolution was part of the catholic dogma and to not bring up ridiculous creationist theories in his classroom.

>> No.1355799

You only see religious cultures struggling to accept science.

It's why I see religion as an insult to intellectualism.

>> No.1355795


>> No.1355800

this, the reality is there is no big controversy, the creationists number quite small and have next to no influence. What's actually kind of funny is the mutually beneficial relationship developed between the "omg! Rising tide of creationism!" crowd and the "omg! Their telling our children sinful things!" crowd providing each side their need persecution complex fuel.

>> No.1355808
File: 79 KB, 441x693, 1269731851742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, bro, I want you to have these.


>> No.1355813
File: 132 KB, 972x725, Screen shot 2010-05-09 at 3.19.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1355815


I just checked my states education website and there is only evolution in the curriculum, they are not teaching creationism in classrooms.

And it would not go well if they tried either.

>> No.1355826

I agree to an extent. Only hardcore religious people/cultures/places/etc are insults to intellectualism. For every christfag there are at least ten, if not 100 people who can either reconcile the conflicting views or just don't take it too seriously because they are actually intelligent enough to realize no religion was meant to be taken completely literally.

>> No.1355849
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>My face when graphs used as evidence with no reference to source study.

>> No.1355856

I want see people's reactions if you could take them back in a time machine and show them evolution actually happening. Just imagine their whole little world of idiocy crashing down on them. It would be glorious.

>> No.1355867


Here you go. I don't usually post it unless asked.

Googling "public acceptance of evolution" isn't terribly hard.


>> No.1355895


Here the PDF and supplemental data can be downloaded from Richard Dawkin's website.

Everyone loves to hate on him, right?


>> No.1355906
File: 101 KB, 900x726, gentleman shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawkins isn't that bad, actually. I think he just makes it too confrontational. He's too bellicose, if you will.

>> No.1355909

> posits one fiction for the purpose of another fiction

>> No.1355921

This is very true, apparently he has never heard the phrase "you catch more flies with honey then vinegar."

>> No.1355924

Dawkins is not out to convert people.

>> No.1355925

>doesn't understand it's hypothetical

>> No.1355946

Although I'm sure he'd be happy if a christfag walked up to him after a speech and was like "HOLYFUCKYOUJUSTCHANGEDMYLIFEWILLYOUSIGNMYNEWCOPYOFYOURBOOKCUZIKNOWITSGONNABEAWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1355947 [DELETED] 

Implying "literal" = "traditional"

>> No.1355965

>Implying "literal" = "traditional"

>> No.1355971

where's op from?

>> No.1355979

>4: ????
>4: Send.
cool counting bro.

>> No.1355982

Brace for it !

>> No.1355993


>> No.1356004 [DELETED] 


>> No.1356012



>> No.1356018

I threw up a little, that is child extortion.

>> No.1356029

Old news, still disturbing as fuck.

>> No.1356053
File: 53 KB, 1000x541, warlock-tribe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't make guitar heroes out of warlocks.

>> No.1356105

why the fuck would you need a time machine?

>> No.1356257


Glossolalia always freaked me the fuck out. I went to a (Ok parents made me go to a) Pentecostal church a few times and they'd do the whole gibberish and flopping around on the floor thing.

Seriously crazy shit.

>> No.1356271

I love what the last guy says.

>> No.1357165


>> No.1357825
File: 12 KB, 416x297, nicejacketfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How cain sex made all them babbies? It jus taint possible. I mean you know what i mean rhight? GOD made all them babbies.