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File: 125 KB, 477x715, michio kaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1348196 No.1348196 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Michio Kaku hate thread going?

I just watched last night's Colbert Report and it re-ignited my burning desire to allow Kaku to meet the sun first-hand.

>> No.1348199

>Can we get a Michio Kaku hate thread going?
I like this already.

Friggin' stringfag, all he amounts to is a pop science dolt who is trying to sway public "support" for string theory (geuss).

>> No.1348226

>pop science dolt

except he's 100 times smarter than you.

>> No.1348230

Subjective, you cannot know how smart he is. That's the glory of anonymity.

>> No.1348234

The fact that he is so intelligent, and it is wasted makes it far worse than being stupid.

>> No.1348241

we r type 0 civilization

>> No.1348243 [DELETED] 

I can tell just from the way he looks that he is a douche. He has a strong tendency to bring retarded shit into scientific explanations.

>> No.1348249

>implying you're Hawkins and not some random jerkoff dicking around on the internet before bed

>> No.1348251


>> No.1348254

what is there to hate about Kaku?

he has his serious stuff and his funny stuff

i love pop science

>> No.1348258
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sci sci sci why all the hate?
In order to talk to sheep you have to BE the sheep.

>> No.1348284

Whoa hang on here. I agree He's appears little more than an a science show host. But what's with the hate on string theory?

>> No.1348287

If string cheese tastes nothing like cheese. string theory cannot be a theory. a gauze.

>> No.1348292

You must not know shit about physics to not know why string theory is not science

>> No.1348306

I have to admit. I've have not been exposed to an alternatives to string theory. But I'd be more than happy to replace an outdated theory with a more current one in my understanding.

>> No.1348309

There's not a current alternative, because string theory is a guess rooted in guesses.

>> No.1348311

I was just about to say that... yeah that made me mad. I mean don't get me wrong I like the guy but...

"In a few decades we won't have Harry Potter invisibility cloaks".

I just hate how he has to talk about shit like "time travel" and "invisibility" just to be more appealing to the idiotic masses.

If he were to say "Let's talk about the Dirac equation which is a relativistic quantum mechanical wave equation that provides a description of elementary spin-½ particles, such as electrons, and is consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity..." I don't think there would be many viewers.

>> No.1348317

How can you possibly like him? Everything he has ever said or done has been equally stupid bullshit.

>> No.1348315

Frankly I can understand this, I'm still keeping an eye on all current theories ie string theroy, loop quantum gravity, technicolor, and some of the newer and more abstract ones simply because the field is so complex and hardly anyone knows for absolute certain what they are doing.

>> No.1348318

"we WILL* have"


>> No.1348330

what's this shit about teleporting particles and how they've already done it?

>> No.1348340

Yeah I don't know.

He seems to use his scientific respect / credentials as a means to be taken more seriously when talking about silly things such as time travel, invisibility, string theory, etc. At least he realizes that string theory is just a theory and knows there is no modern way to observe it or prove it. That's better than religion is doing.

>> No.1348348


quantum entanglement. It's not really teleporting.

>> No.1348354


>> No.1348355

In 1998 (I think) researchers at Caltech used quantum entanglement to teleport a photon across a classical cable.

Just google it.

>> No.1348375

He talks about science as a religion. Have you ever heard some of the things he's said? I mean really?

>> No.1348380

He's a pop scientist and not much more.

>> No.1348387

He's one of the most arrogant douchebags in the world.

>> No.1348413

ITT: subversive racism

>> No.1348423

>ITT: pop pseudoscientists more concerned about the public eye than validation of his theories

>> No.1348430

There's a few different methods.

You've never technically teleporting particles, but you can get the same effects. One example is if you take a substance cooled down until it becomes BEC (bose Einstein Condensate; a substance that is cooled down so much that all the atoms become basically a lump and act as 1 'superatom') and then you shine a beam of vaporized matter onto it. Because the matter will want to jump down to the lower energy state of the BEC as it comes in contact with it it releases energy in the form of light. This light contains the quantum identity of the particles that released it. So you can then transfer this light through fiber optic cables, then shine it on another BEC and it will recreate an exact copy of the original particles vaporized.

>> No.1348448

that's the first time I almost understood that

>> No.1348450

/sci/ mad. Enjoy your basements while this man gets praised for talking about what people want to hear.

>> No.1348459

So it's more The Prestige, and less, The Fly?

>> No.1348467

>what people want to hear
You just destroyed any argument you had. He is just telling people about the fringe bat shit of modern physics, that has no ground in actual science.

>> No.1348469

Where's that video where he's on foxnews advocating for imperialism?

>> No.1348476

Yes he's a bit of a doofus... but at least he's making an effort to get more people interested in science, which is more than most can say.

The three goals of every scientists should be - research, education, and advocacy.

>> No.1348478

And that is what most people think is interesting.

>> No.1348480


Actually we are a type 0 civilization fag.

We have yet to harness all of the power of the Earth.

>> No.1348484

Scientists don't need to advocate. I don't want a bunch of liberal bullshit being spewed out and taken as gospel by the masses just because the person is the scientist. When physicists get degrees in Austrain Economics, then they can advocate policy. Until then, stick to the science.

>> No.1348485 [DELETED] 


>> No.1348489

They should believe it because he's a scientist.

>> No.1348498

Did anyone else watch the special he narrated on possible alien life on other planets, with the bladderhorns and the giant walking fucking landscape creature things

>> No.1348509

Alien Planet?

>> No.1348516

you can't hate kaku and like a douchebag like sagan

>> No.1348522

Have you heard Kaku's belives on the merits of a One World government and New World Order? His "TYPE 1 CIVILIZATION." Torn right out of the Communist manifesto. One world government etc...

You want people to willingly enslave themselves and abicate all liberty and sovereignty because some idealistic liberal college professor thinks Barack Obama isn't a charlaten?

>> No.1348524



>> No.1348540

Education in science, mathematics, or engineering is practically discouraged, people's understanding of the workings of the natural world are minimal or worse completely wrong, funding for science pales in comparison to funding for political pet projects nevermind huge money sinks like defense and welfare, half the country thinks public schools should teaching religious doctrine instead of science.

FUCK YES scientists need to advocate!!!

>> No.1348543
File: 387 B, 51x45, 4bb8c7e59b4085b09e450d174e331445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating on Kaku for being a pop scientist? SO WAS SAGAN YOU RETARDS, and he wasn't nearly as smart as kaku, who built a particle accelerator when he was in high school.

What's wrong with pop science anyway? It's not pseudo science, there is a fucking difference. He's doing good by advocating young people to study science and engineering, which is good for society.

Yeah, he's a futurist which is kinda lame, but so what? It's just his hobby.

I hate you /sci/, stop being so high and mighty.

>> No.1348546

Kaku is Sagan without the soothing voice.

... also Asian.

>> No.1348553

>Carl Sagan
>pop scientist

Next you are going to tell me Dr. Bill Nye is a pop-scientist.

>> No.1348565

Sorry to break it to you, but he was a pop scientist. He was constantly on tv just as Michio Kaku is today, talking about the future and how we might one day achieve interstellar travel. It's no different than when Kaku is on some show talking about the same thing, or medicine in 50 years time

>> No.1348562

Okay, so maybe Kaku's a bit ridiculously optimistic... but so what?

>> No.1348575
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well...this is awkward...

>> No.1348572

Wouldn't bother me.

>> No.1348592


sagan is also a better singer

>> No.1348597


>> No.1348599






>> No.1348607



You are a faggot.

>> No.1348611



>> No.1348625

you have confused me
you repeated what he said and called him a fag?

>> No.1348631

its just natural and pushed back
it looks just like mine except mine is blond and is thinker...

>> No.1348642


I got excited

>> No.1348650


yeah my hair is thinker too. Its actually becoming self aware, its currently learning to use tools.

>> No.1348682
File: 26 KB, 407x334, 1278045506388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1348697

He was called a Science Guy and not a scientist for a reason, he was an engineer.

>> No.1348716


an engineer for love and respect.

like on a train, not like my dad the engineer.

>> No.1348722

ITT: Egotistical students with (at best) vague understanding of quantum mechanics and string theory dismiss it without realizing that all scientific discoveries were made by postulating unusual theories.

Just because it's a shot in the dark doesn't mean it's not true. Testing theories in the backbone of science after all. Odd how most of you seem to forget that.

Also, there's nothing wrong with Kaku. He purposely dumbs down his work to appeal to the masses. If he's helping people to get interested in the future of science, then I'm all for that. You just hate him because he's popular, just like with Dawkins.

>> No.1348757


Also, just 100 years ago there were close-minded doubting fools who dismissed

-space travel
-the internet
-cell phones

You fucking get the point. When we discover how to accomplish many of the achievements Kaku talks about people will look back and think that people must have been stupid to doubt them, and they will be right to think that.

>> No.1348766

Co-hosts a show with Deepak fucking Chopra.

The dick sold out long ago.

>> No.1348775


Can you give me a reference to people in 1910 dismissing cell phones and internets? Kthnxbai.

>> No.1348792
File: 544 KB, 900x1290, sagan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is amused by your implication

>> No.1348803


>idiot completely misses the point of my post

If you were living in 1910, and someone said that in 80 years (or less) there would be ways to accomplish all of the listed technologies, you'd think that it was impossible and that anyone who believes such things could happen is crazy.

Much like people of today dismiss invisibility and time travel (which is already fucking possible, just only to the future).

>> No.1348815


>> No.1348820


I got your point, it's just stupid.

Your logic is flawed, and the flaw can be illustrated by rephrasing your "point."

Derp, hillbillies in olden times don't know about fax machines and online porn, therefore in the future anything is possible, like time machines and TIE fighters. Herpaderp.

>> No.1348840


Bill Nye is called the Science Guy because it rhymes with Bill Nye.

It's not that he was an engineer, it's that he was a comedic actor. Before he had the kid's show, he was a cast member of a late night sketch show in the Seattle area. Every now and then he'd do a dumb, dramatic science experiment on the show (when he wasn't just a regular actor in a sketch), and the name stuck.

Search for "Almost Live" on youtube. I'm sure the old sketches are around somewhere.

>> No.1348854



>> No.1348859


It doesn't violate our known laws of physics to travel through time, so who are you to say it isn't possible? If the laws as we know them are wrong, then they will be changed accordingly.

By the way, it wasn't just "hillbillies" who rejected feats of modern science, highly educated people were just as opposed. Perhaps you weren't aware of the scathing criticism Einstein received from top scientists about his theories?

You're just a close-minded doubter, no different from the same masses of people who doubted advances in science from the beginning of science itself.

>> No.1348867


It's not against the laws of physics to dig a tunnel to the moon. Therefore scientists will figure out a way to do it some day.

>> No.1348893

Sagan and Kaku don't like nuclear pulse propulsion, just because. I assume it is for peacenik reasons.

If we have to have a scientist trying to popularize science can't we get a weapons designer to go on tv and cream is methaphorical jeans describing thermonuclear warheads instead of bland philosophizing.

>> No.1348940

Jesus he's inspiring kids to become scientists by showing what apeshit things could be out there. You show a 14 year old him talking about the types of civilizations out there and they'll be hooked. Let the common man be entertained every once in awhile as well. What he says might not be proven but he's not exactly pulling these things out of his ass.

>> No.1348943


Kaku's making shit up for the cash. And when he's not doing that, he'd be happy stopping scientific research, like so many stem cell protestors or Creationists. See: Cassini.

>> No.1348983


Define "dig" and "tunnel" and get back with we. If you're implying that there is a path to the moon that is possible to "dig" through, than no, that doesn't exist. Creating matter out of thin air is against the laws of physics.

>> No.1348997


There's nothing in the laws of physics that says I can't take my garden shovel and dig a tunnel to the moon.

There's also nothing in the laws of physics that says God doesn't exist, and he created the Earth in it's present form 6,000 years ago, and Satan put the fossils there to trick us.

There's nothing in the laws of physics against that. But it's just fucking stupid. Just because there isn't a law of physics against something doesn't mean it's not just fucking stupid.

>> No.1349017

guys its just like if you had an apple n a string with a pebble tied to it and punched throuch with a staw it would go back around because quantum particls cant an apple on strings like a gravity

>> No.1349058

Nuclear pulse propulsion?

>> No.1349059

Ive heard Kaku on Coast to Coast AM. I don't think I need to say anything else.

>> No.1349195

You don't need to say anything else, and I'd appreciate it if you kept your implications to yourself.

>> No.1349218

>There's nothing in the laws of physics that says I can't take my garden shovel and dig a tunnel to the moon.
I think that could be proved with physics pretty easily.

>> No.1349221

yeah i know there is a typo.

>> No.1349235
File: 7 KB, 252x171, gravity cant apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rihgt on dawg

>> No.1349444

I like Kaku.

It's that Tyson nigger I can't stand.

Corny as FUUUUCCCKKK and hasn't really achieved shit.

>> No.1349494

Looks like my cat

>> No.1349527

LMAO... was it a misplaced comma?

>> No.1349548

I like his hair. he has nice hair.

>> No.1349552
File: 103 KB, 600x667, misinformation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont see the hate on string theory, I mean, it's one of the only psuedo sciences that bold facidly told the public on /tv/ that it is NOT science, you should not accept this unless it is PROVEN. All they did was explain how string theory would work if it where true to give the audience an understanding of what it was.

>> No.1349553


>> No.1349565


Are you fucking kidding? Michio Kaku's voice is like having my ears raped by angels.

>> No.1349576

agreed. Michio >>>>>>> tyson