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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 320x320, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1346055 No.1346055 [Reply] [Original]

Post your university and major

Ill start
University of Wisconsin Biochemistry

>> No.1346060

Abilene Christian University; Computer Science

>> No.1346062



The trolling begins.

>> No.1346064


>> No.1346067

University of Easter Island. Stone Masonry

>> No.1346074

University of Cincinnati
Sociology MA

>> No.1346075

University of Florida
Computer Engineering

>> No.1346076

U Penn, sticking out a Ph.D in nursing.

Ivy League and Ph.D = I shit on you fucking plebs.

>> No.1346082

oh look a dick waving contest

>> No.1346083

Ph.D in nursing = couldnt make it as a doctor

>> No.1346084
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>> No.1346088

oh look, a community collegefag

>> No.1346094

that was my fall back dude

>> No.1346099

>I shit on you fucking plebs

>> No.1346102
File: 7 KB, 300x108, logo_CWRU_navy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is my university, and I'm in a PhD program.

but I have no need to flaunt it in a dick waving contest

>> No.1346103

Front Range Community College, Undeclared major

>> No.1346132


implying nursing isnt one of the hardest professions in existance

>> No.1346141

>implying it is

>> No.1346149

>implying the ability to spell would not be a requirement to get onto such a difficult course at such a good university

>> No.1346154
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>> No.1346167

Why would anyone get a PhD in nursing? do you get more money by doing this?

>> No.1346183

you just flaunted it in a dick waving contest

>> No.1346189

Portland State, Biochemistry

>> No.1346198


So... couldn't cut it as a MD?

Or just a solid troll

>> No.1346208

yeah, having pride in your school is for assholes

>> No.1346214
File: 47 KB, 367x500, biochem book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah biochem

>> No.1346219

North West University, Potchefstroom
Chemical engineering

>> No.1346224

No, there's nothing wrong with it, but every time these threads are made shit like >>1346076 happens and it devolves into a my school/major is better than yours. Keep an eye on this thread and you'll see.

>> No.1346261
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>> No.1346268

mechanical engineering

>> No.1346285

computer science (lvl3)

>> No.1346300

Bob Jones University

Biology undergrad

>> No.1346301

Top 5 university here (won't say which one, don't want any stalkers here), all I can say. I laught at you pathetic fucks, wasting away with subpar salaries, begging for jobs or just plain jobless. I'll be working at a top position in a top corporation, controlling your very lives, you tools. I'm smarter than 5 of you put together. Feels good man.

>> No.1346305
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>> No.1346310

Let me guess: you're taking a PhD in mathematics?

I saw what you did there

>> No.1346313

you have poor trolling skills. it makes me sad

>> No.1346316

>Christian University
>Computer Science

Wow, dude, that's a fucking combination of fail if I ever saw one.

>> No.1346317

lol undergrad fags

>> No.1346328

LOL, I KNEW IT. I knew people wouldn't believe me. Go on with your denial, doesn't effect me.

>> No.1346329

Medical Laboratory Science

I got accepted to my dream university, UF but they had no MLS major :/

feels bad man

>> No.1346333

well i guess they DID say florida is for the gays.

>> No.1346336

why would you apply then?

>> No.1346339

Wow seeing a lot of fail univerisities ITT:

>> No.1346345

Would you recommend UCF for a grad school? I am considering this.

>> No.1346346

hope you're trolling.

>> No.1346352

Nah, it's shit-tier.

>> No.1346357


that's because UF is not a community college

>> No.1346358

Any university that is not top 10 (MAYBE 15) is horrible. Really no point in wasting your time in any of them...

>> No.1346362


UCF is one of the worst schools in the state of florida....

>> No.1346367

i bet thats all true

>> No.1346372

>implying you were never an undergrad

>> No.1346377

ITT: shit-tier, the very definition of it.

>> No.1346392
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troll harder

>> No.1346395

hey, there has been like one university I would strongly consider in addition to my most (if money wasnt an issue, loving my in state tuition)

>> No.1346396

Not one good school here. Typical /sci/.

>> No.1346398
File: 44 KB, 175x200, Cy-walking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iowa State University


>> No.1346402

Probably why most discusions are fucking retarded.

>> No.1346403

I dont even think he was trolling

>> No.1346405


Isn't University of Iowa better in nearly all fields aside from engineering?

>> No.1346407
File: 19 KB, 235x353, Martin_Biddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biddy begs to differ

>> No.1346408

LOL, tripfag brings on the fail. How stereotypical of tripfags.

>> No.1346411

No, they cut their MLS to save money
yall trolling'
One of the top 3 out of 15. lots of undergrads, many post grads. id recommend it
To poor to go out of state, even with a large scholarship. And, bright futures is only in Florida.

>> No.1346417

u srs?

>> No.1346434

I was hoping better from /sci/ Penn and Wisconsin are the only top universities here, they are the only ones consider transferring to

>> No.1346438


Chem E

>> No.1346439

Not top 10=utter fail. GTFO.

>> No.1346442

We should ban everyone not from a top 15 uni. Maybe /sci/ will be better then after all.

>> No.1346452

Pursuing Ph.D in nuclear physics.

>> No.1346458


>> No.1346462

We need to kill all people not from a US News Top 39 school.

>> No.1346463


No. our Agriculture and Life Sciences departments are some of the best in the nation, and definitely better than U of I (unless you're specifically going for pre-med). And yes, we're one of the top 3 engineering schools in the nation.

Let me guess, you saw the word "Iowa" and made a bunch of assumptions. You can always tell someone's a jackass when they say things like "omg IOWA LOL"

>> No.1346473
File: 17 KB, 200x199, n2218364232_39497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wilfrid Laurier University

>> No.1346498
File: 415 KB, 1350x1650, NCSU Logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NC State University - Nuclear Engineering

Turned down a full ride to Cornell :-)

>> No.1346503


UCF is even worse then USF, bro.

It's a third tier unranked school

Enjoy your fail.

>> No.1346509

Strasbourg. France.

Roman Archeology.

>> No.1346512


Why would you do that? Cornell is a much better school...

>> No.1346515

Hey i just bought that book.
Kudos to you

>> No.1346544


A couple of reasons. They didn't quite have the major they wanted and the scholarship was through the Army. By the time I got it I had decided I was done with the Army and the Department of Defense in general.

>> No.1346549

I can vouch for the authors, they were my professors last year and are great
this is dave nelson he is one of my favorite professors ever

>> No.1346556


lol army "scholarships" sure are hard to get

but good choice on not becoming a seaman

>> No.1346569

What is with the extremely inflammatory remarks in this thread? You people are acting like the university you go to is the primary factor in how much and what you know.

>> No.1346576

No shit, I did ROTC in high school and was one of the only people that could tie my own shoes. Everyone wanted me to go Navy because of nuclear, but...meh.

>> No.1346583

its not the primary factor but it is a good indicator
as generally better universities are hard to get into so more often than not on the point of entering some one at an elite university is going to know more than some one at a shit university

>> No.1346603


PhD in EE

>> No.1346607

It's so easy to troll, isn't it?

>> No.1346620

I don't follow your logic.
A)Good universities are the ones that are difficult to get into.
B)People at "good" universities know more.

I don't understand how this refutes my statement, or even how premise A and B are linked.

>> No.1346748

Binghamton University

Mechanical Engineering

>> No.1346762
File: 58 KB, 529x225, madison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im at UW too OP
MMI major here

>> No.1346793

Mechatronics engineering

>> No.1346797
File: 47 KB, 540x380, 123456543627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Hard Knocks

BS in Punching Your Face

>> No.1346829

whats a spsu

>> No.1346832

you could say top tier university students may know less because high school students a and b of equal potential choose different class schedules, with a's being much more challenging. student a receives a lower gpa than b because of the increased difficulty, but is rewarded with the knowledge gained from the challenging classes. student b receives a higher gpa than student a and enters a better ranked university than student a does.

>> No.1346840

which is why GPA is weighted

>> No.1346847

Eastern Michigan University


>> No.1346855

>implying elite universities dont take into account classes taken just as much as GPA
also in many high schools they weight the GPA for harder classes

>> No.1346860


Fuck yeah Nuclear Engineering!

Hi David!


University of Tennessee
Nuclear Engineering

>> No.1346874

>he doesn't realize that not all high school "honors" classes are weighted by universities in their calculation of gpa, or that taking one college level course indicates an equal level of difficulty to another college level course

protip: many high schools inflate gpas to increase student competitiveness in regards to college admissions leading to some universities not accepting shit like "honors gym" as being weighted

>> No.1346943


home of sausagefest

>> No.1346947


>> No.1346962



>> No.1346963

Virginia Tech, physics

>> No.1346970

only a bs lol i have a phd in punching

>> No.1346985


>> No.1346990

at our school they tell us your grad students do all the difficult work for your shitty undergrads in lab classes, in an attempt to make the undergrad program look better

>> No.1346996

École de Technologie Supérieure; Software Engineering

>> No.1347015
File: 54 KB, 435x323, UCLA Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1347018



>> No.1347031

is that a bird call

>> No.1347058

southern polytechnic state

mechatronics is the only important part. its the future

>> No.1347084

Wichita State University

>> No.1347085

how is it possible that so many scientists and engineers are such fucking lunatics? (on 4chan = fucking lunatic, right?)

>> No.1347088

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1347090

i don't remember there being a state called wichita

>> No.1347098

well look it up, its a state university that is located in Wichita Kansas, herp derp

>> No.1347099

The Pennsylvania State University


>> No.1347113

If I got my undergraduate degree in political science, but now realize the error of my ways, is it possible to complete a substantial amount of quantitative and scientific coursework at a community college and then apply to, say, a masters program in engineering?

Or am I essentially doomed to complete another undergraduate degree?

>> No.1347114
File: 249 KB, 820x764, fsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civil Engineering
Go ahead and make fun of me.
Because it's full of smart, anti-social people.

>> No.1347122
File: 51 KB, 900x595, WSU Logo--yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1347133

It is possible to complete the necessary coursework but with a nontechnical degree it wont be easy to get into a good engineering grad school that way. it will be even harder if you take those courses at a CC

>> No.1347142

>implying being in undergrad/lying makes you a scientist.

>> No.1347147

Would you recommend FSU for grad school?

>> No.1347155

depends on major haha.
i like it fine though.

>> No.1347161

Sure, but it'll always be a battle from behind. Better to just do a second undergrad. I would recommend keeping your day job, starting your degree at a community college, and then transferring to a good school, where you can finish it in two years.

>> No.1347169

For either computer engineering or electrical?

>> No.1347182

>Portland State
>below shit tier

>> No.1347199
File: 6 KB, 380x285, UWM-logo_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im jealous of you OP

>> No.1347218

Thanks guys. I knew that was the deal, but I just wanted to hear it again.

I'm going to go ahead and start with night classes, than do my second or third year as a full-timer before transferring, hopefully somewhere worth a damn.

>> No.1347255

youre all faggots

>> No.1347279

u mad?
im not sure why though

>> No.1347541

undergrad is serious business