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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 720x540, 1262291253981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1341144 No.1341144 [Reply] [Original]

Since both sex and masturbation are so rewarding from a biological stand point why does society frown upon them?

I can kind of understand why sex would be something of concern, since it leads to the spread of disease and a larger population then the society can successfully support. But masturbation has not negative biological consequences, in fact it release old sperm causing the production of newer healthier sperm and and has been shown to to reduce prostate caner.

>> No.1341151

>Since both sex and masturbation are so rewarding from a biological stand point why does society frown upon them?

lol Proof or gtfo?

>> No.1341160

Go fuck a girl or jack off and tell me how it feels.

>> No.1341203

This all goes back to religion and jealousy in ancient times.

Many people were enjoying themselves, being free and enjoying sex. The church as the biggest power on ethics and morals back in the day didn't like this so they condemned it. Now it is less taboo which shows that we are sticking two fingers up to the church. So go out and enjoy sex, we all do!

>> No.1341226

Sex has more of a mental benefit than biological, and masturbation can be beneficial if not overdone, I’m guessing sex and masturbation has a sort of Taboo reputation dating back to the religious ages -

>> No.1341228

those tits are amazing do you have moar pics

>> No.1341236

It's just another part of the system of control imposed on society by organized religion. Ignore it and move on.

>> No.1341256

Sadly no, but there are plenty of other tits on the internet.

>> No.1341282

Honestly, it has little to do with religion. There are biological reasons why sex is usually somewhat taboo, but after reading the first few replies to this thread, all I can say is: this board fails. Almost everyone posting here is retarded as has no knowledge of science whatsoever. There are no mods, or only idiots for mods, and I'm going to have to stop coming. I thought this board was a great idea when it started but it's been overrun by the same teenage idiots that ruined /b/

>> No.1341283

But there are a lot of religions that encourage sex and in some primitive societies sex and masturbation is sacred.

>> No.1341302

I've done both a girl and a guy and it doesn't feel good.

It feels dirty.

>> No.1341312

Name some biological reasons with evidence, extra credit if it is found in primates other then humans.

>> No.1341328

i wtf'd at the shrek

>> No.1341336


>it feels dirty

wash your fucking dick, dumbass

>> No.1341357

Well I do believe it is summer...

>> No.1341365


"reward" system activated in brain at orgasm(oh boy neurotransmitters!); oxytocin released in females toward a bonding experience; largest concentration of nerves is at glans(men), clitoris(women); female orgasm(yes it exists) has no other known function beyond adding a physically pleasurable aspect to sexual intercourse

google, motherfucker, can you do eet?

>> No.1341377

That doesn't explain why it is taboo. That just explains the reward system for sex that exist in the body.

>> No.1341389

It's religion and culture.
Sex is not biologically taboo.

>> No.1341398

Hurr Durr; no shit Einstein, but sex still makes you feel dirty for weeks to come.

>> No.1341405

That is only because of cultural reasons.

>> No.1341424


oh, i didn't read entire thread. "taboo" is just a label, there's no innate programming telling us that sex/baitn is "forbidden" somehow. whoever said there is some biological basis for taboos sure hasn't proven so

>> No.1341429


were you raised Southern Baptist, or Catholic?

>> No.1341434


This, we can only truly understand how useless women are at this point.

>> No.1341437

>oh, i didn't read entire thread.
Then why are you posting in it? Did you even read the original post? The question was why does society find sex taboo?

>> No.1341450
File: 4 KB, 126x125, 1276936173196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that prove it is a biological taboo. That sounds like a biological endorsement for sex.

Do you even know what taboo means?

>> No.1341453

Atheist, actually.

>> No.1341467

Sex makes YOU feel dirty. It doesn't make me feel dirty.

>> No.1341472

Only if you have really filthy sex. Like batteries hooked up to your nipples, getting horse-whipped filthy.

If sex makes you feel dirty, then why do people do it so much.

>> No.1341477

a lot of people think it does but I dont think it does

>> No.1341489


you were RAISED atheist? what kind of mindfuck were you indoctrinated with to destroy the pleasure of sex? were you abused?

>> No.1341493
File: 39 KB, 600x591, asiancat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Like batteries hooked up to your nipples

>> No.1341494


Many biologically beneficial activities are frowned upon by religions and other sorts of cultures because they fail to promote the cultures' interests.

>> No.1341508

My father was big on that straight edge lifestyle and my mother quit drinking/sexing after that. Both of them were Atheist.

>> No.1341512

Why would some one be part of a society that makes them feel ashamed for doing something natural? Why would such a society survive, who would want to be part of it?

>> No.1341537

Because the same society that promotes feelings of shame also allows individuals to feel superior to those who are not part of their society, and gives them the ability to discuss this superiority with like-minded companions. The shame is a badge of honor. It signifies an individual's triumph over the shameless.

>> No.1341554

Well, then, that's just as bad as religious indoctrination. People should be taught to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions, instead of being told at a young age that "sex is bad just trust me on this". Indoctrination is everything when it comes to irrational feelings about natural actions.

>> No.1341617

So do you feel dirty after you fap?

>> No.1341631

Not at all, I feel sweaty and bored.

>> No.1341795

then why is sex different?

>> No.1341864

Somebody doesn't respect their elders.

>> No.1341889

Nobody comments on the Green dude in the pic?

>> No.1341892

Respect is earned, not simply given.

>> No.1341930

What green dude?

>> No.1341939


>> No.1341941

Because people are not comfortable with their bodies. they secretly are disgusted with themselves. for one reason or another.

>> No.1341943

The responses so far get close, but basically reiterate the question.

You'll notice that nearly every society has a double standard on sex. Promiscuous males are either accepted or reprimanded only mildly, typically with a "Yeh he did bad, but that's how men are" type of thing, whereas female promiscuity is almost always looked down upon, and in some societies severely punished.

I believe (as do many anthropologists) the reason for this is that a mother is always sure that a baby is hers, but a father cannot be. There is always the chance that a male who sticks around to rear a child is being cuckolded, wasting valuable time and resources rearing a child that is not his offspring. The ONLY way to control this is to heavily moderate and control female sexuality.

>> No.1341945

Oh shit, Ralph please go.

>> No.1341946

Heterosexual test, you just passed it.

>> No.1341948

I think it all comes do to what your spending your time doing... perhaps there just comes a point when masturbation looses its fun and your fucking lonely...
* Quoted from Green Day song... name escapes me

>> No.1341954
File: 676 KB, 679x516, ralph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His name is Ralph.

>> No.1341960

>Heterosexual test, you just passed it.
>engineering test, you just failed it.

>> No.1341961


>> No.1342334

You're just a disrespectful son of a bitch who needs a hard taught lesson. You deferentially need to learn some values from the elders for they have more experience than you do. Grow up kid, get some good morals.

>> No.1342355


agreed. and damn, those are some mesmerizing breasts.

>> No.1342414

Well, first, the person saying respect is earned wasn't me. Second, respect is not the same as unquestionably believing what one person says. Respect for parents is earned by them raising you, but you should NEVER make a conscious decision to accept what anyone else says as absolute fact. That's called being lazy. Third, morals are dictated by the culture one is put into, and that's precisely what I'm saying I do not agree with in my previous statements. The morals of one culture are not the morals of another, and your morals will never be mine because my morals don't include being purposefully ignorant. Fourth, let me ask you a question. Are you MAD?

>> No.1342432
File: 58 KB, 343x473, uncle-sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1342453

I like the body of the girl's picture in the OP. :)

Nice tits and nice stomach :3

>> No.1342456

Not that guy but I will beat you to a bloody pulp you little shit. Post your address and let me spank your bottom like what your father couldn't do when you were a misbehaving child. I know some very powerful people so don't fuck with me.

>> No.1342461

2111 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL

Come and get me, motherfucker; I played GTA before.

>> No.1342472

>I played GTA before.

See, this is why kids today are going to end up lost in their 40's. I am tired of this new attitude with lazy Americans. Someone needs to crack down on punk rebellious kids much like >>1342414 clearly demonstrated. He will never survive in the real world and to be honest. I hope he dies.

>> No.1342482

>2111 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL

FBI Chicago.

>> No.1342499

Why is it that the one time I'm serious on a forums website, a flame war happens? Or even better, refute my statements. Please do. Please tell me where my logic is wrong. On another note...
Dammit guise stop talking for me

>> No.1342507

>you should NEVER make a conscious decision to accept what anyone else says as absolute fact

I have decided to believe this statement unquestioningly.


>> No.1342513

I could be wrong in that statement. Paradox, motherfucker, do you see it?

>> No.1342522

I blame religion for my irrational aversion to sexuality. I was given confusing messages about purity and how sex is only good under very specific circumstances with blurry lines of distinction of what is considered abhorrent sexual activity outside the perimeters of church approved behavior that wouldn't be a ticket to an eternity of torment. I'm a virgin getting into my mid 20s because I get nauseous whenever a relationship with a woman starts becoming sexual and then she splits. I don't even believe in hell anymore.

>> No.1342545

ralph pls go

>> No.1342550

You had your answer (not to toot my own vuvuzela) at>>1341943

>> No.1342587

don't you guys think that it has anything to do with the whole males have to win females to mate and if a female has sex with everyone that makes her less valuable

>> No.1342640

Think about the Roman porn -- it was painted all over the buildings. After a while, public porn gets annoying. So, societal pressures gradually pushed public porn into the shadows.

I don't mind dick jokes or discussion of sexual positions, but I think we can all agree that painting this stuff in public places is a bit too much.

>> No.1342686
File: 227 KB, 1024x534, Lascaux_France_cave_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get nauseous whenever a relationship with a woman starts becoming sexual

Somehow, you need to re-educate yourself.
You are a human being first.
Whatever religion you want to follow, that comes 2nd

I'm attaching a photo of one of the paleolithic cave paintings in France .. Remember, we are all humans first.

>> No.1342710

You're even retarder than I thought.

>> No.1342716


>> No.1342727

inafter all of /sci/ blames religion because they believe its the only reason for anything ever

>> No.1342741

Prove that it isn't.

>> No.1342742

>is a bit too much

>> No.1342743

You can't prove that it is, atheist asshole.

>> No.1342750

inb4 pedophiles, rape, incest, and /b/

>> No.1342798

this. I see guys on here criticize women for the most ineffectual things like fucking ARM hair and I think, dang, do all men sort of think like this? If not, do they just sort of push it all back? isn't the internet supposed to be where all of society's anonymous truths emerge?
If o have sex with someone, I'm putting my entire being up for critique afterwards. I'm not very cool with that tbh

a true progressively thinking atheist understands the contribution that religion has made to humanity and weighs it alongside what it's taken. It brings hope to many people and for that I am ok with religion, you should know better than to believe it alone causes wars and death and not actually simple human nature.

I wish I had breasts like that though, goddamn :((

>> No.1342799

and you cant prove that it is you doublestandarding asshole

>> No.1342815


>> No.1342864
File: 626 KB, 1525x1946, Girls-Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the contribution that religion has made to humanity

hahaha oh wow

>> No.1342970
File: 27 KB, 400x393, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1342995

Christianity is what got you OVER to the Americas. Most of you wouldn't have been born if it wasn't for religion. Without the banks, starting at the crusades, and the King backing a royal venture, no one would have even bothered coming over here.

Christian Crusaders slaughtered every last Muslim in Jerusalem, while the Muslims let the Christians go unharmed.

Didn't the Christians do the logical thing? They never underestimated the power one man or the power of a thousand.

>> No.1343797


what, no one, ever? Thats not how...what...i dont even

thats like saying if you killed benjamin franklin we'd never discover electricity.

If it's there, we'll find it eventually.

>> No.1343817


Still doesn't mean you would be born.

And everyone, or most, can appreciate their own life.

>> No.1343829
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 1278415302049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1343833


jajajajaja this nigga mad

why dont u stop being a little puppeted bitch nigger and live your own life smoke some earth grown marijuana learn and grow oh and prepare for the mental human evolution of 2012 its gonna happen [xD cant spell inevitable] slightlky buzzedd]

>> No.1343837


i lol'd

>> No.1343847


Pornography isit bad or is it just the exact samething as masturbation AND sex how only Religions forbid it??

>> No.1343855

is it bad


>> No.1343858

He meant proof they are looked down on dumb ass

>> No.1344675
File: 337 KB, 513x480, roman_porn_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a bit too much
> Why?

What? Are you completely stupid? What are you challenging? Do you think that porn painted in public places is helpful for society? I would rather turn your challenge around and ask you -- What is good about pictures of cock-sucking, doggy-style and daisy-chain illustrations next to the fruit stall or the train station? Is this helping? In what way? Defend your own question.

>> No.1344707
File: 72 KB, 430x430, collage_fried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it bad

I think porn is like deep-fried food or cake... Yaay! but don't eat it every meal, sheesh!

>> No.1344724

Agreed. That is all.

>> No.1344741


Is denying the obligation to pass on ones genes a good practice? Btw porn is an extreme version sexual awareness. Porn is also not a reason why sex and masturbation is taboo. Argument=invalid.

this thread is another reason why /sci/ fails

>> No.1344743

because its socially repugnant
like taking a shit in public

>> No.1344748

Protip: Masturbation isnt seen as bad by anyone except nut cases.

Society doesnt frown down on it, where the heck are you from OP.

>> No.1344756

psychologicaly speaking, masturbation can have negative effects in some cases

>> No.1344766

then why don't you stand outside a day care center and start whacking away

>> No.1344770

holy shit
you just passed over 9000 miles aside the fucking point

>> No.1344778

I never said that it's a GOOD thing. But it isn't a bad thing even. I found it neutral.

>> No.1344785

I don't want to get arrested.

>> No.1344860

old sperm does not stay in there and clog up the tubes, its destroyed as part of the natural process. Not that i think masturbation is bad, it is a lot of fun

>> No.1344870

OP never said in public asswipe.

>> No.1345007

Why not. After all, society doesn't frown upon it.

>> No.1345087

wot no balance?

most of you fuckers seem to be reacting...

baaaww for no public masturbation ...

you fuckers need to live in the zoo.. public masturbation for all

>> No.1345097

>Completely misunderstands.

>> No.1345126
File: 31 KB, 378x357, Relief1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, most of you seem to be complete morons...

Someone made a point about the negative impact of publicly painting porn and no one agreed that public porn isn't good ..

Wow, you are a shitty group of people

Are you sure that public depictions of porn are good? Will you fight the removal of art showing fucking positions from your local mall, just next to the food court? Do you want ti to be there?

>> No.1345145

yeah, it's a bit like the local bikini latte ... it's a cute idea, but it's still degrading the public space

>> No.1345219
File: 19 KB, 400x297, wtf_is_this_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summerfags. Summerfags everywhere.

>> No.1345241


lol we have those here too and a friend of a friend works at one that gets a shit ton of morning commute traffic. The line to order can be a dozen or more cars long at times and they actually make decent coffee quickly and efficiently while expertly deflecting creepy comments from the middle aged men clientele.

also she breaks $500 in tips fairly often. in a single shift.

>> No.1345509

If public porn were common place since before you were born no one would even care that much, it would be equivalent a fountain.

>> No.1345514

fucking abrahamic religions

>> No.1345552

Well, I agree that we should be made aware of "the birds and the bees" as soon as possible, but action should be taken to prevent sexual encounters until a certain age. Teen pregnancy is out of control in my community.

>> No.1345564

Do they know about birth control?
My older sister got on the pill when she was 16.

>> No.1345573

There will always be people retarded enough not to use it. Especially in a rural community like where I live. Everyone seemed to assume that they didn't need to know anything in highschool, and now they're stuck in this shit hole forever. My best friend's got a scholarship, and I'm headed off for journalism. Good riddance to those fucks.

>> No.1345576

crack feels good, why does society frown upon it?

>> No.1345579

because it's a toxin that slowly kills you.