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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1339698 No.1339698 [Reply] [Original]

> Thursday evening.
> 8 page paper due in political science Friday Morning
> Girl in my class who worked on hers for about 35 days lectures me on the merits of hard work and how immature I am for procrastinating.
> I finish in 3 hours.
> My grade: A Her Grade: B-
> My face.

>> No.1339701

meant to day she worked on it for 5 days

>> No.1339717
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Her face.

>> No.1339718
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>political science


>> No.1339724

>meant to day

Just give up, seriously.

>> No.1339742
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you are cancer

>> No.1339754

ITT: Illiterate gets butthurt

>> No.1339761
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>political science

>> No.1339769

>political science
GBT >>>/int/ >>>/lit/ >>>/new/ >>>/jp/ >>>/b/ >>>/tv/ >>>/z/

>> No.1339789

i always felt sorry for those kids, they would spend all of their time trying to get perfect grades in school while me and a couple friends just halfassed everything and got better grades.

also for the SATs, bunch of kids got tutors and studied for months for the test to barely hit 1200 on their 2nd or 3rd try. one of them asked me what my score was and I said I hadn't taken it yet. She freaked out and said there was only one test date left, I said i know, one is all I need. scored 1440, shit was pretty cash.

>> No.1339793


>> No.1339801

>proud of 1440
>I feel disgraced by my 1780
you need to be ashamed.

>> No.1339802

You're making this shit up. Why would she freak out for YOU?

>> No.1339806

its ok, the hard working side of their personality will carry them into a successful life.

You on the other hand, will stagnate and fall into mediocrity

>> No.1339821

knew her since I was 5


>> No.1339828
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I lol'd OP, I love it when this happens.

>> No.1340974


>> No.1340985


>> No.1341021

try that on an physics 3 final

>> No.1341039

the new SAT is a subjective shitfest. (lol writing part)

I'm studying for my MCATs.. I don't think you can just wing it on this test

>> No.1341049

>political science
More like the professor's opinion.

>> No.1341059

i know how that feels.

>> No.1341062

Pulled this shit off on an economics essay at uni. Was worth 10% of one of my years grades and I started it the day before. One of my mates worked on it for about 3 months. My score: 71, His score: 69 :D

>> No.1341064
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>Implying physics is hard

>> No.1341071

shit's all about speed rather than knowledge. if you can finish every question then you're score will already be better than 90% of other takers.

>> No.1341074

Well, you know the deal with those classes. Regurgitate the opinion for an A, casually disagree for a B, voice your own opinion and you'll be back next semester.

>> No.1341078

EE is much, MUCH harder than physics/math.

GTFO all you faggots

>> No.1341079

For the MCAT? Interesting.

>> No.1341083

Same shit happens to me with chem papers, except change her to him and I'm a girl who gets the A's.
It feels so good afterwards to be all "What grade did *you* get?" when you got full credit and you already saw they got a mid 60s grade.

>> No.1341087


>> No.1341088

thats not to say you don't need to know your shit. but timing is much more important than it was for any high school standardized tests since those covered middle school material.

>> No.1341086
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My SAT writing question.....

"Do small choices have an affect on your life."


>> No.1341090


Yeah, actually if you're the first to finish you get bonus points.

>> No.1341096

What?! Well, the dude finishing first probably needs them.

>> No.1341107
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>> No.1341130
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>science class
>our quiz is to figure out the chemical structure of a banana and compare its weight in moles to car
>haven't read chemistry book
>Get F

>english class
>our quiz is to compare and contrast two short stories in a couple paragraphs
>never read the stories
>write some BS about good and evil and character development
>get A+

problem, sciencefags?

>> No.1341134


I signed up for political science one time, walked in the first day and the professor was a 60 year old black guy in a shitty mismatched suit who was born in south africa, moved to italy when he was 10 and got all of his education there and was here on a work visa.

I bet he had some cool stories but I got the fuck out of there lol, that class was like playing russian roulette with your GPA.

>> No.1341150

>science class
>our quiz is to figure out the chemical structure of a banana and compare its weight in moles to car
>haven't read chemistry book
>Get A+

>english class
>our quiz is to compare and contrast two short stories in a couple paragraphs
>never read the stories
>write some BS about good and evil and character development
>get F

problem, englishfags?

>> No.1341166

No problem at all, just reinforces my belief that english is worthless.

>> No.1341170

>weight in moles


>> No.1341181

>H. Geometry 1-2
>Semester finals today
>haven't studied, hardly pay attention in class
>everyone's freaking out
>people tell me I probably failed because I don't study, pay attention, or do homework
>95th percentile

>> No.1341193


92 is still a B. Good luck getting into an ivy league school without straight As, slacker

>> No.1341197



>> No.1341207

I fucking hate the lettering system.
Oh my god.
IEF sjioadkwbgflksadfjaskldgj;fgdfg

>> No.1341235

What? No it's not. In what world is 92/100 a B?
And three other things:
Final grade was the only thing that went on my high school transcript because I took it in middle school.
I'm not going to an Ivy League school, I'm going to a university in Germany.
I got straight As in high school.

>> No.1341278


>> No.1341288

In America, it's a B. 95-98 is A-. 98-105 is an A. 105-110 is an A+.

>> No.1341322
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>> No.1341331

What the hell kind of school were YOU in?
90-100 is an A.
80-89 is a B.
70-79 is a C.
60-69 is a D.
59 and under is an F.

>> No.1341350
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>> No.1341355

Lol. My Massachusetts Standards were:
A 90 - 100
B 80 - 89
C 70 - 79
D 65 - 69
F 0 - 64

Also I'll brag about our 2nd best educational system in the World :3

>> No.1341360

lol highschoolers

>> No.1341364

93-100 = A
85-92 = B
76-84 = C
70-76 = D
69- = F

>> No.1341368

Lol, doesn't know past tense.

>> No.1341378

Fucking trolls everywhere.

>> No.1341443

Not on my tests, so irrelevant whatever YOUR grade scales were.