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[ERROR] No.1336769 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, behold. John Gabriel: Philosopher, Mathematician, Humanist, Socialist, Agnostic, Aspiring Inventor.


On the stupidity of everyone else

>This insignificant worm does not posses even 1/100 of my intelligence. You probably have less. In fact the word crank comes from a German word meaning sick. Let me assure you, I have only met one person in my almost 1/2 century of existence who was intellectually on par with me.


Comparing HIMSELF to Hitler:

>Yes, you are just another stupid, arrogant jew. Well-said. By your own admission of course.You arrogant, conceited little jewish swine! You call me names and it's okay. Fuck you! Who the hell are you little yehuda, to call me a crank?! Filthy swine!!!! ... Whenever you are refuted, you simply revert back to your stale old argument. You know, I remember reading a similar story in Mein Kampf about how often Hitler would refute the stupid jews and two weeks later they were back at square one again. Seems very little has changed eh?

>I never said I hate Jews you fucking cunt. Nowhere have I ever said anything like this... You better be worried asshole because I promise you if there is anything I can do to get you for this slander and libel, I am going to make you eat shit! You pathetic Jewish cunt!!!

>I refuted every one of your arguments you stupid bastard! And what did you do? You decided it was time to play the Jewish get-out-of-embarrassment free card - anti-semitism. Fuck you asshole! I did not bring up your Jewishness - you did! I piss on the cunt that spewed you forth you vile, disgusting slob!!!

>Einstein received the Nobel Peace prize because he was a Jew.

>> No.1336773

On the eternal question:

>There is no need to interpret 0.999... as being equal to 1.

>It may not be so far-fetched to conjecture that the mathematician who came up with the idea that 0.999... and 1 are the same rational number, may have been awarded a PhD for this false notion as the important result of his thesis.

On math:

>Some people love this fallacious word, that is, infinitesimal. It conjures up some mysterious and exotic ideas in their feeble minds. The following is an attempt to define it in the only way it might make some logical sense: "A positive infinitesimal is an immeasurable magnitude or size that refers to the successor of zero."
>The successor of zero is an indeterminate quantity (not an infinitesimal because an infinitesimal is an ill-defined concept) that arises in the measure of all irrational numbers because it cannot be represented as a/b.

>The limit concept has nothing to do with tangency or slope of a tangent at a point. It crept in many years after Newton because of the failure of mathematicians to find methods of computing slopes at a given point of a graph.

>MC: There is no rational number closest to π. It doesn't exist. And you know that.
>JG: Oh yes there is. But don't worry, you can't find it.

>Mathematics was around long before the axioms and some goddam stupid Jews came along and obfuscated matters.

>> No.1336796
File: 42 KB, 632x359, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he have moon runes on his profile.

>> No.1336800

I bet he comes to 4chan to laugh.

But, inevitably, he allows its influence to creep into his consciousness.

He takes in the troll threads, the exoneration threads, the theoretical sciences threads. He sees the massive ego of 4chan's populace.

And he makes a post about himself.

>> No.1336809

NAME: John Gabriel

1) Make everyone believe I'm smarter than them.
2) Prove the real numbers are countable.
3) Redefine every calculus concept slightly so that nothing works correctly anymore, and take credit for "fixing" it.
4) Kill all the jews.

>> No.1336813

> I don't hate jews
> Kill all the jews

>> No.1336820
File: 36 KB, 183x158, bwa ha ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never said I hate Jews you pathetic Jewish cunt!!!

>> No.1336827
File: 586 KB, 830x553, 1228831424562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a stooge.

>> No.1336833
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Seems like a cool enough guy.

>> No.1336834

Man, he needs to get high and then blow his brains out after blowing this jews brains out too of course. Problem wouldnt be solved if they both didn't dissipate.

>> No.1336843

Does he believe the Jews are conspiring against him? If so, the easiest way to troll him is to reinforce that belief by attacking him in underhanded ways. For example, create fake websites in his name, spread rumors about his criminal behavior and sexuality, etc.

>> No.1336850

You all realize this is a joke, right? If you don't you, go back to checking for "gullible" in the dictionary.

>> No.1336853

I suspect that most people who speak so highly of their brooding intellect are only doing so out of insecurity as to how mentally powerful/elevated they really are. In order to confirm it with themselves, or at least to facilitate the delusion of confirming their stunning genius, they spout it out all the time in the case that they are watching for anyone that may correct them... They then assume that, if people don't immediately go "Actually you sound like a raging dumbass" then they really are genius and people agree.

If you really are a cut (or several cuts) above the rest, there is no need to constantly search out confirmation; you just know it instinctively and calmly go about your work. In fact I find it prudent to never praise oneself or try to constantly speak in a manner that suggests a snobbish intellectual. You don't have to be a snob if you're intelligent; words rarely prove intellect but commonly detract from it... actions speak louder than casual conversation... theorems, discoveries, postulations etc. Aka I'm saying this guy needs to put his money where his big fucking mouth is, otherwise he's just a fucking arrogant faggot who promotes himself as far greater than he really is. I can't stand people like him.

I never heard of Einstein or Planck going on emotional rants like this, then again if they ever did I'm guessing that they didn't get recorded in the annals of history.

>> No.1336861


>It may not be so far-fetched to conjecture that the mathematician who came up with the idea that 0.999... and 1 are the same rational number, may have been awarded a PhD for this false notion as the important result of his thesis.

i agree on this.

>> No.1336870

Am I the first person to notice he looks jewish?

>> No.1336872

>>1336850 has never experienced the wide array of psychotic loonies the internets has to offer.

gb2 crank.net and edumacate urself.

>> No.1336876

another quote:

>Listen asshole, I am ashamed that I have Jewish blood. I don't consider myself a filthy dirty arrogant fool like you. I consider myself Greek.


>> No.1336878

No, I have, and yes I'm in touch with the blogosphere as well. I've come across this guy before. It's obviously a joke. No Poe.

>> No.1336895

would a troll disable comments on his blog?

>> No.1336898

But why do you think this guy in particular is doing this as a joke? Just taking a quick look, most of it doesn't have much humor value.

>> No.1336918

What's funny is that Ashkenazic Jews are possibly the most intelligent "breed" of human on the planet, almost certainly the most intelligent whites .. and yet he's ashamed of being Jewish, ashamed of the almost irrefutably source/explanation of his supposedly burgeoning intellect?

Calling people "arrogant jews" in an interview and yet ... sounding like an arrogant jew... this guy cannot be for real. If he is then he should just stop talking about his greatness and head for the nearest McDonald's for employment.

>> No.1336919

xkcd thinks he's real (first relevant result on a google for "john gabriel"+troll, though the person in that thread pretending to be gabriel seems like he might be a troll)


also, fwiw, "john gabriel"+idiot gets 3x as many results as "john gabriel"+troll

>> No.1336925

He has some papers on other kinds of math which are actually valid, so my guess is that he isn't a troll.
Which is a shame, being that he could be spending all this time and effort doing useful things instead of trying to alter mathematical concepts to fit his personal grudge against Cantor and others

>> No.1336926

Yes. It works in the long run.

Because it's dripping with it. He's pressing all the right buttons that would hit his target audience where he wants to; juxtapose this with the fact he seems to have enough intelligence to understand the relevant math, and the most likely explanation is that this is an overly elaborate prank.

>> No.1336934

a bit of intelligence + a love of math + a firm grasp of logic = expository math essays of possible slight interest to other math amateurs

a bit of intelligence + a love of math + paranoid schizophrenia = math essays claiming to overthrow centuries of established fact

These guys are all over the place and have been forever, even before the internet. This guy's by no means unusual. Underwood Dudley wrote a few funny books with dozens of case studies of people like this.

>> No.1337451


>> No.1337487

lol look at his book:


>> No.1337494

This guy must be a troll:


That is some heavy math trolling right there

>> No.1337582

all trolls are idiots, but not all idiots are trolls.

>> No.1337612

Wow, this guy is an übercrank.

>> No.1337670

>but I despise anyone who calls my intelligence into question

wow this guy is vain.

>> No.1337695

OP; you realize the number of hits he gets on his knol page gives him revenue? YHBT. For money.

>> No.1337925


1/10th of a cent per visitor is not worth whoring your dignity out if you value it.

>> No.1338286

I read some of his knols before, and he actually made some kind of sense, though he was arrogant and misguided.

But this one... it can only be the work of a troll. Especially considering he makes an incredibly stupid mistake when he tries to explain that x^3 has no derivative at x=0 using difference quotients.
There's no way he could have done that on purpose. Though, he is on a crusade against the usual definition of limit so this thing might still fit in his terrible, distorted conception of mathematics, so I reserve my judgement on whether he is a troll.

>> No.1338309

if u ignore him
this kind will eventually kill himself

>> No.1338331

eh hem...

occupation :Software Developer, Educator, Author

>> No.1338374


>Einstein received the Nobel Peace prize because he was a Jew.

Einstein NEVER recieved the Nobel price for peace. (Protip: He recieved one for physics in 1921.)

>> No.1340117

not a lot of "trolls" go through the trouble of writing an entire calculus book (shitty as it may be) just to troll people.

>> No.1340162


It must be some new troll breed then. Evolution dude.

>> No.1340195
File: 112 KB, 640x480, dcp00105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next question: George Hammond, crank or troll?


>> No.1340221

What a dense faggot.

Nothing a few grams of lead gan't handle.

>> No.1340236

He could troll the shit out of 4chan's most experienced trollmaster.

>> No.1340251

>What's funny is that Ashkenazic Jews are possibly the most intelligent "breed" of human on the planet.

Trying to start a shitstorm aye son?

>> No.1340362

Some Hammond quotes:

>"This message is being posted on internet newsgroups prior to my being awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering the world's first scientific proof of God, simply because I might not live long enough to receive such a prize and I thought the world might be interested in what I would have to say if I did."

>"Ahhh.. what a pleasure it is to have risen to the heights of power where it is possible to easily politically kick the ass of an aggravated vicious jackass like you."

>"THE AUTHOR WILL NOT RESPOND UNLESS you are a competent professional posting under your real name and have a public website containing your photograph, email address and academic CV with enough auxiliary information to verify who you are (for example my website, see signature file below)."

>"For instance:
>Mickey Mouse
>Donald Duck
>Bugs Bunny
>Porky Pig
>would immediately be recognized in ancient Egypt as four different "gods", and representing four very common and recognizable personality types in modern society."

>> No.1340370


>"What about it? Look... that post makes absolutely crystal clear the fact that I considered myself "immune to insanity" before I ever went into this line of research... and in fact because I am not an oppressed minority, nor do I have any other "social liabilities" and come from a cultural background that considers "insanity a joke and a lightweight problem" in general.... I voluntarily decided to take my Physics degrees and find out the answer to it... the "theory" of it. There is only ONE WAY to do that... and that is to become mentally ill, get thrown in a mental hospital, strapped down, shot up with drugs and thrown in a padded cell and talk to thousands of those insame people who are in there... and that's what I did. WHY? Because I'm immune to insanity, I consider it a JOKE and a problem that I could solve... noticing that I was the FIRST physicist to ever venture into the field. Why do you think career soldiers volunteer for the army... because they are not physically afraid... that's why. Well, I was born not mentally afraid... more so than most people. that's why I've been sent to solve the problem.. and I did. Just like Sargent York did.
> Well... history has now vindicated me.... I have DISCOVERED the world's first scientific proof of God..... which IS THE ANSWER to the mystery of insanity. Frankly I'm rather proud of it."

>> No.1340425



What a disillusioned faggot.

He'll find someone who'll put him right in his place.

Everyone does.

>> No.1340481

My respect for him is null. He should be like Dijkstra, if he is as intelligent as he claims, he should stop developing badly-designed software (go find his numeric integrator), quit the pretentious symbols at the end of his name and attempt to improve the human race instead of projecting his inadequacies onto the world. He should stop saying the world is crap and attempt to better it.


>> No.1340487


well, that explains everything

>> No.1340504

I hate that idiot.

>> No.1340514


>Born in Africa of Greek descent, John Gabriel was already studying mathematical journals and books on philosophy at age nine. Teachers often asked John to instruct classes in mathematics. His interest in mathematics increased through university and continues today.

>> No.1340625


>> No.1340639

are we sure this isn't just an internet personality he has created to generate traffic and ad revenue?

>> No.1340643

Isn't he the guy who draws Penny Arcade?

>> No.1341770
File: 10 KB, 450x355, bwa ha ha3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.1341778

OP, stop spamming for John Gabriel!

>> No.1341798
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>> No.1342034



This individual claims that the thought processes of an entire group of individuals (Jews) is both based on inheritable traits, and their religious upbringing....

Correct me if I am wrong, but the chances that every Jew from birth exploits everyone is close to none.

>I never said I hate Jews you fucking cunt. Nowhere have I ever said anything like this... You better be worried asshole because I promise you if there is anything I can do to get you for this slander and libel, I am going to make you eat shit! You pathetic Jewish cunt!!!

^^This is interesting because he claims to not every saying explicitly that he hates Jews, but calls the other person a Jewish Cunt. That is an insult

Insult: To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness.

Hate: extreme dislike or antipathy

One who tends to hate, tends to insult. No where do I see constructive criticism.

What I also found humorus is that John tends to express his views, then when one tries to express their view towards his subject matter he replies that the individual ub question does not have the intelligence to understand what he is saying.

This is humorus because He says that on his page, if an individual is religious, they have nothing in common with him.

Deeply conservative and "ridged religious" views like the idea of Creationism can only have opposing arguments countered with claims that the other viewpoint can be disregarded. Refutation without explanation. This man is displaying the same trait: NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND ME BUT I AM RIGHT YOUR ALL DUMB LOL

>> No.1342043


He doesn't look Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi are supposed to have a sort of polish or russian look and he looks more like a turk or egyptian.