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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 177 KB, 459x386, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1332576 No.1332576 [Reply] [Original]


We know the Earth is flat because the Bible tells us so. But for those of you skeptical, close-minded types that flat out refuse to accept the overwhelming Biblical evidence, I have designed some experiments you can do at home that will show you, before your very eyes, that the world is indeed flat, and not spherical as some crazy scientists proclaim....

>my face

>> No.1332588

Mumbo jumbo like gravity and centrifugal force.

>> No.1332589

whats so funny about it? the earth IS flat.

>> No.1332594

I wonder what part of the bible mentions the earth as being flat, I'de look it up.

>> No.1332604

I love it that some guy says "the Earth has always seemed flat to me. Except for the Mountain parts."

>> No.1332609
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don't worry, this Brother made it for you, so you don't have to spend hours researching and have more time to worship the creator


>> No.1332610

It says shit like "four corners of the Earth" and mentions some pillars holding up the sky at those corners.

>> No.1332615

zomg he is a teabag patriot!

doesnt masturbate no more but teabags...

>> No.1332624


It's probably some nebulously ambiguous verse that these people have decided to interpret this way as a scientific fact.

>> No.1332628

never mind

>> No.1332630

Y'all know its fake right?

>> No.1332633

thx bro
Hmm, I thought that would mean dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight. But what do I know?

>> No.1332638

i sincerely hope those are trolls trolling trolls...

>> No.1332639

the universe is flat

>> No.1332651

I have a feeling this whole board is full of trolls

For example, what the fuck is going on in this thread:

>> No.1332659
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>username Imamuslim
>multiple posts in the thread
>trying to troll a fucking ocean of trolls
>luckily they are trolls, right?
>I don't even know who fails harder, goddamn

>> No.1332662

That hot dog looks fucking delicious.

>> No.1332666
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>> No.1332674

applefag status: TOLD


>> No.1332685

get back to /g/ angsty, sexually confused teenager

>> No.1332689

You must have been to close to a mac.

>> No.1332697

>Jesus came to me in a dream and said that you were a sinner and if you feel that you are being 'trolled' (whatever that is) it is because of demons in your colon.


i demand that "troll" gets filtered to "demon in your colon" henceforth!

>> No.1332699

The Landover Baptist Church is an example of Poe's law.

>> No.1332705

Is this whole forum a massive gathering place for trolls or....?

>> No.1332713

your face when you saw what it says under the name of those who have been banned from the forum.

"Confirmed Enemy of God
BANNED from Landover -- Aeternal Damnation Assured"

>> No.1332723
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ITT: post your face when you realized that landover baptist church is, while hilarious, just a parody of religious right wing insanity.


>> No.1332729
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No Brother it certainly is not any time tomorrow here let alone 4pm, because it is my today!-> Pm me as to the results. ;-D

And Gosh, we certainly don't go around walking nor dancing on ceilings like that negroe man Lionel Richie sings about.



>> No.1332735

> implying this board isnt trolls trolling trolls who troll trolls to troll other trolls

>> No.1332739
File: 22 KB, 248x234, 1260158447728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just tried experiment #1 by jumping as high as I could, and I didn't move an inch!
>Didn't move

>> No.1332742
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>> No.1332744
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Originally Posted by True Disciple
I actually tried this, Brother, but the speck of paper stuck on the bottom. I am a little confused now, could it be that it is because of "electrostatic force," which is something atheists babble about when something does anything that can't be explained by gravity, or is it Satan messing things up again?

I had similar results with the paper. The Bible doesn't mention anything about static electricity, so I think it's safe to assume the devil is trying to confuse you.

We True Christians aren't confused so easily by paper sticking to balloons, yet it is so easy for scientists to be confused by their telescopes and carbon dating. It really shows you how dumb they are.

>> No.1332758
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>> No.1332767

did anyone look at the forum title?

Straight 4 Jesus! (Back Door Christians)

are they saying they take it in the back door for the big guy?

>> No.1332773

if the universe is flat, doesnt that mean the earth is flat

>> No.1332779

If the road is flat, doesnt that mean that tires and wheels are flat

>> No.1332789

is the road made of tires

>> No.1332791
File: 423 KB, 674x722, 1275402186111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You Mad

>> No.1332805


Those are trolls.

>> No.1332821

is the universe made of earths?

>> No.1332843
File: 34 KB, 350x472, DrupalNeedsYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that is the word "you"

do you have any misunderstandings? perhaps about its meaning, or subjective usage?


1.the pronoun of the second person singular or plural, used of the person or persons being addressed, in the nominative or objective case
2.one; anyone; people in general: a tiny animal you can't even see.
3.(used in apposition with the subject of a sentence, sometimes repeated for emphasis following the subject): You children pay attention. You rascal, you!
4.Informal . (used in place of the pronoun your before a gerund): There's no sense in you getting upset.
5.Archaic .
a.yourself; yourselves: Get you home. Make you ready.
b.a pl. form of the pronoun ye.

>> No.1332848

does the universe consist of an earth

>> No.1332851

your either really high or really stupid. im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you finish your high in happiness

>> No.1332865

>"earth is flat"
>look at signature
>my face.jpg

>> No.1332882
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>> No.1332884

how old are you

>> No.1332900


Something inside of me got happy. Do you think there even are people who believe such bullshit, like posted on that forum?

>> No.1332903

Well everyone, today was the day that my 10 year evolution experiment ended and boy was it an EPIC FAIL!!!! May 6th, 2000 was when my experiment began. I got the idea from a video from AnswersinGenesis in which a woman asks evolutionists to clean out their garage of everything, every single spec of dust. She then asks them to lock it up for 10 years and see if a car has been created.

Now, back in 2000 I was not a Christian, so I decided to go along with this experiment, expecting to show Intelligent Design proponents that evolution was true. Well, in a crippling blow to theory of evolution I opened the pad lock on my garage this afternoon, exactly 10 years later to the minute, and what do you know? There was no car there. How about that? This experiment was just as ridiculous as the evolutionist insistence that everything was created out of nothing.

>> No.1332917
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>3) Get High!

Way ahead of you bro!

>> No.1332947

yes, there are actually.

all across america, there are small towns of less than a thousand people, where every citizen is a white christian. these people teach their children biblical literalism and are hardcore creationists. they deny even basic sciences as wrong and un-christian. the irony is that the computers they use to go on their forums are part of the science that they so vehemently deny. they are a cancer to education and progress, they are a plague upon a society that wishes to better itself, they are the anchor that keeps us from progressing properly into the future. these people exist, they are unfortunately very common, and because of their breeding habits (condoms are bad, abstinence is good, even though it never works we still close our eyes and chant, "it works it works it works!"), they end up having anywhere from 4 -15 kids, all of whom are heavily brainwashed and indoctrinated into ridiculous fundamental dogma.

tl;dr yes, people who believe this shit exist

>> No.1332976

>Let's see science tackle these arguments!

>> No.1332985

>yes, people who believe this shit exist
*Citation needed*

>> No.1332993

Is it unethical to think they should be eradicated?

>> No.1332998


Fuck off liar.

>> No.1333014

Meaning didn't change location after landing.

Interestingly, this was actually one of the arguments used back in Galileo's time for why the Earth could not be a moving object -- that if the Earth moved, then objects would not fall tangent to the ground.

>> No.1333028

our country is like 45% creationists (http://www.religioustolerance.org/ev_publi.htm)), do you really think that there isn't a single small town like this? not even one? not even a single american family that believes this?

If you think no one thinks like this, you are greatly underestimating the extent of human stupidity.

>> No.1333037

its definitely alot greater than that. 45% is more like for christians.

>> No.1333038

jesus camp

>> No.1333039

all across america, there are big towns of more than a thousand people, where every citizen is a white scientist. these people teach their children science and are hardcore evolutionists. they deny even the Bible as wrong and un-scientific. the irony is that the brain they use to do science with are given from the Lord that they so vehemently deny. they are a cancer to faith and salvation, they are a plague upon a society that wishes to become closer to God, they are the anchor that keeps us from eternal life through Jesus Christ. these people exist, they are unfortunately very common, and because of their breeding habits (condoms are bad, abstinence is good, even though it never works we still close our eyes and chant, "it works it works it works!"), they end up having anywhere from 4 -15 kids, all of whom are heavily brainwashed and indoctrinated into ridiculous fundamental dogma.

>> No.1333041

it would be unethical to kill them, but it would be acceptable in my opinion to take them away from their parents to avoid any further mental poisoning. the parents should also be arrested for brainwashing and indoctrinating children.

>> No.1333043

This must be a troll. If I stick my fingers in my ears and close my eyes and wish REALLY hard that this guy is trolling then maybe it becomes true?

>> No.1333054

If you teach him nothing but science as he grows up are you not doing the same thing?

>> No.1333061
File: 5 KB, 216x212, 1268458547365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these people teach their children science and are hardcore evolutionists.
they teach their kids facts, good.

>they deny even the Bible as wrong and un-scientific.
thats because it is.

>the irony is that the brain they use to do science with are given from the Lord that they so vehemently deny.
lol no

>they are a cancer to faith and salvation, they are a plague upon a society that wishes to become closer to God,
if you mean were stopping 'murica from turning into a theocracy, then yea, im glad to be that plague. if you want a theocracy move to iran

>they are the anchor that keeps us from eternal life through Jesus Christ.
jeebus dont exist, sorry buddy. your dream society is based on a lie.

>these people exist,
thank goodness

>they are unfortunately very common,
unfortunately? its a great thing!

>and because of their breeding habits (condoms are bad, abstinence is good, even though it never works we still close our eyes and chant, "it works it works it works!"), they end up having anywhere from 4 -15 kids,
you were too lazy to even finish "fixing" this, weren't you?

>all of whom are heavily brainwashed and indoctrinated into ridiculous fundamental dogma.
implying science and education based on facts and reality is fundamental dogma. pic related is my face

>> No.1333067

Well, you actually provided a source (which is more than usual), although it doesn't fully prove your point. Out of those creationists, there are those that run the full gamut, from not caring about/disputing any other conjecture to completely disregarding reason in every aspect of reality (and you may be surprised at how many creationists are only creationist about evolution). While it is disheartening to know that there are so many idiots out there, taking trolls too seriously isn't much better.

>> No.1333068

what a stupid argument. with this line of reasoning you could argue that teaching anyone anything is dogmatic brainwashing and indoctrination.

when you educate people with FACTS that are true and observable in REALITY, that is not dogma. it can't be dogma. its simply how things really are. denying facts is childish and stupid.

>> No.1333070

Lol I just did that for fun bro, wasn't expecting any counter arguments.

>> No.1333076

>implying you are capable of existing

>> No.1333077

It is trolling, retard.

>> No.1333090

>implying you think your argument has any real, useful basis in reality for thinking, active, sentient organisms

>> No.1333095
File: 3 KB, 126x124, HueHueHue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3) Get High!

>> No.1333102
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>> No.1333105

>Implying that what you are describing is not dogma
Taking science to be another religion is just as stupid. Facts change. Observable reality change. And the science changes with it. The thing to do is to teach children to think.

>> No.1333107

Actually, I genuinely think half the people on the board ARE trolling:

The 'Godly' periodic table:

'Godly' map (read replies for people deadpanning):

Deadpan responses to pictures of the end of the world:

>> No.1333120

>Actually, I genuinely think half the people on the board ARE trolling
Gee, it's not as if that hasn't been revealed in this thread several times already.

>> No.1333131
File: 12 KB, 436x435, 1276314213051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such a low troll estimation.

>> No.1333134

>intelligent pulling
Ahhaahah oh wow

>> No.1333136

>implying you can teach a child what a thought is

>> No.1333143

>implying your a thinking organism

>> No.1333145

>Implying that teaching children to think involves teaching them 'what a thought is'.

>> No.1333164

It is quite obvious from a casual read of this website that the whole thing is in jest.

>> No.1333167

>implying teaching children incomplete theories is any different that teaching children inaccurate theologies.

>> No.1333172
File: 30 KB, 500x328, 1276242001504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Read OP's sig*

>Sponsor a Niglet! Negro Children's Ministry
Reply With Quote

>> No.1333175

thats exactly what science and observable reality is. teaching that science is based on hypothesis', theories, the scientific method and observable repetition implies critical thinking. it implies that the ability to think for oneself, to think logically and with abstract reasoning is very important, and undeniably necessary for society to advance.
If you think that all im saying is make sure kids go in a high school chemistry class where a middle aged loser drones on about the periodic table, then your wrong. Im saying that an education based around what scientists can observe and what we have built our lives around is much more rational than saying "god did it".

A perfect example is the joke in OPs link. They argue that the earth is flat, when we can clearly see it is a sphere from space, where the pinnacle of our technological and scientific advances have taken us. God didnt put us on the moon, facts and science did.

Its not worshipping science to say it can provide answers. thats like worshipping your microwave because it gives you hot pizza rolls.

And while i agree with you that facts and observable reality change, that really only happens on extreme micro and macroscopic levels (ie atomic physics and black hole singularity theories, respectively). The kind of sciences we teach in schools are unchanging and constant. these include but are not limited to the periodic table of elements, rock formations, cloud types, basic physics and general mathematics. To claim that any of these extremely basic, rudimentary scientific concepts change so frequently that they are essentially completely unreliable is ridiculous. Its like saying that our entire concept of reality is just a big joke.
Thats what religion basically is, and teaching that, and only that to children is a harbinger of an age of idiocy and ignorance, hatred of science and where those that wish to learn are cruelly shaped into pariahs.

>> No.1333178
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"close-minded types"
>my face

>> No.1333185
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>my face when

>> No.1333193
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>> No.1333196


>the four corners of the earth
>circle of the earth

Everything seems to be in order here.

>> No.1333202

incomplete theories does not mean incorrect. the very fact that they are called theories implies that there is a basic supporting framework of facts and observations that show it is extremely plausible.
inaccurate theologies are just that. inaccurate ponders of existentialist philosophers with no basis in fact.

there is a difference, and if you cant see it then your too stupid to understand it if i told it to you.

All of you people are fucking stupid. all of your posts are arbitrary, abstract meaningless jargon. You say something that at first glance seems deep and impressive, but upon the slightest inquiry of thought, turns out to be a compilation of words that form a meaningless phrase that is virtually indefensible with either logic or fact.

>> No.1333204

>Its like saying that our entire concept of reality is just a big joke.

You sir need to learn the dividing line between real and reality. Then you'll get the joke.

>> No.1333210

enlighten me

>> No.1333216


I'm from Faroe Islands myself, and I'm not proud of how my fellow countrymen are responding to this. >.>

>> No.1333220

You are right incomplete theories are not incorrect but you forgot that other half, they are not completely correct either.

>> No.1333240
File: 300 KB, 724x668, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know the theory of gravity isn't complete. you know, your right. we should teach that.

the theory of evolution isn't complete. i mean, there's tons of evidence in the form of fossil records, species variation and dna sampling that shows historical evidence of mutations and changes, but its really rather silly so we shouldn't teach that either.

Germ theory is incomplete too. You know what? we should just ditch all of our medical knowledge because its based on an incomplete theory and therefor shouldn't ever work right.

Thanks for making me a smarter person, anon.

>> No.1333243

Pick one;
>adopt or become executed, exiled, excommunicated, or exempt

>adapt or become extinct

>> No.1333252

I dont see how physical evolution and social evolution relate to the periodic table or cloud structures.

I think you misunderstood what i said, or perhaps you just diverged off on such a wildly random tangent that only the select few will understand what your preaching about. Also, you would have more credibility if your replies weren't so cryptic and arguably devoid of meaning. its almost as if you dont know what your saying, but you just feel like disagreeing with someone for the sake of disagreeing.

>> No.1333255

You are welcome.
But it was you who said reality and science is always changing it's facts, so that seems INCOMPLETE to me.

>> No.1333274

the underlying concept is "i think, therefore i exist." everything else is just an assumption, figure of your imagination.

>> No.1333276

You aren't looking hard enough.

I was not disagreeing with you just giving you other choices. Nor am I looking for credibililty.

>> No.1333280

>mfw I knew this was satire the moment I read it.

I don't actually save reaction faces.

>> No.1333283

What were you before conception?

>> No.1333287

>implying now you are

>> No.1333298
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>my face when other people don't save reaction images

>> No.1333306

oh my fucking god your retarded

look at the person i was replying too. look at it.
do you fucking see what he says. do you fucking see it? Do you? >>1333105, the stupid fucking moron who started this whole argument, clearly says:

>Facts change. Observable reality change

It wasnt fucking me who said it first you goddamn moronic fucktard. And just because some observations of our universe change, does NOT mean that they ALL change. if they ALL change, recording anything would be useless. trying to learn about constant truths of reality would be pointless.

2+2=4 one day, it could equal 6.8973x10 to the 324th the next day.
Gold could have the atomic number of 79 today, and the atomic number of 14 a month later.
We could suddenly wake and see that the laws of aerodynamics no longer work, and our planes can't fly.
Momentum and physics suddenly fell apart and now our cars can no longer drive.

No you fucking idiot, it doesn't work that way. You people are so stupid, equating teaching basic facts LIKE MOTHERFUCKING MATH AND THE GODDAMN ELEMENTS to kids is the exact same fucking thing AS BRAINWASHING THE LITTLE FUCKING SHITS WITH CREATIONISM BULLSHIT.

yea, im fucking mad. im fucking mad because im too easily pissed off by you goddamn trolls, although their is a dark corner of my mind that reminds that some people out there, no matter how few in number they are, really are as stupid as your trying to be.

>> No.1333323

You gonna be okay man?

>> No.1333337

prolonged exposure to people with the intelligence and comprehensive understanding and mental capacity of a common sea sponge causes me great mental distress.

i need a drink.

>> No.1333347


>> No.1333353

>No you fucking idiot, it doesn't work that way.
Indeed. It's not like we actually know how planes fly, or that for the longest time we had no concept of atoms. No, what we know to be true today is exactly what is true, and there is no possible way that new observations could shift our entire paradigm as it has in the past.

>> No.1333375

>implying that when you learn something, reality changes to suit what you just learned

doesnt work that way einstein. if we find out some new way of travelling through the air, it wont make all of our planes stop working.

im not saying that science doesn't change, im arguing that it does. what im arguing against is that you seem to think that even our most basic, most well-understood laws of physics and math can change on a dime.

Im here to tell you that no, we are not going to discover something that shows that 2+2=4 is wrong, we are not going to discover something that shows that flight is impossible but we were somehow able to do it, we are not going to discover that propulsion doesn't work the way we thought it does and that all of our cars and boats moving weren't physically possible.

Please. stop being so fucking stupid.

>> No.1333383

oh god dammit.
i know this is semi-troll but is related. it depresses me still. such bad physics. such bad science in general. Makes you feel kinda shit for being able to be associated with them (as a christian, albeit with an entirely different view to the baptist denomination)

>> No.1333408

>>I wonder what part of the bible mentions the earth as being flat, I'de look it up.

The thing is, the Bible DOESN'T say the Earth is flat.

In fact, there are pictures within the bible (Genesis) of the Earth forming as a circle.

these guys are atheists trolling atheists.

>> No.1333413

observing a red shift doesnt mean it happened

>> No.1333416

I hope you guys realize this is a troll site.

It's fucking hilarious, too.

>> No.1333419

but science says the universe is flat, implying the earth is fact

>> No.1333427

I don't care much for science, I'm just saying that the person who said:
>We know the Earth is flat because the Bible tells us so.
is fabricating information because the Bible says no such thing.

>> No.1333455

what? a red shift means that an object is moving away from us at relativistic speeds.

if we see a red-shift, its telling us exactly whats happening. what on earth would make you say something so completely false?

>> No.1333460

but none of the atheist have read the bible

>> No.1333472

im saying the observed isnt always reality, but it would take more than a wiki definition for u to understand

>> No.1333480

>>implying that when you learn something, reality changes to suit what you just learned
I'm implying exactly the opposite, asshat.

>im not saying that science doesn't change, im arguing that it does.
That's what I'm saying, retard.
>what im arguing against is that you seem to think that even our most basic, most well-understood laws of physics and math can change on a dime.
>Implying that it hasn't happened before.

>Im here to tell you that no, we are not going to discover something that shows that 2+2=4 is wrong,
Protip: math will never be wrong because it's a construct of human imagination
>we are not going to discover something that shows that flight is impossible but we were somehow able to do it,
Of course we aren't, things are already flying. What we may discover is that flight may be caused by something completely different than the three-or-so currently competing theories.
>we are not going to discover that propulsion doesn't work the way we thought it does and that all of our cars and boats moving weren't physically possible.
Again, it is possible (though admittedly improbable) that this can happen (assuming by 'physically impossible' you mean 'not possible based on old theories').

>Please. stop being so fucking stupid.
You first.

>> No.1333486
File: 193 KB, 602x537, fuuuuu_ascii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... wait.... what is this? I don't even?!?...

>> No.1333487

>In fact, there are pictures within the bible

you are a retard

>> No.1333494

you really dont understand. you really just dont. your arguing for one thing, and then against it, and then for it again. Your arguing against me, then you agree with me, then you argue against me again.

You are making no sense, your position is flip-flopping and unclear.

Your a pile of smug arrogance wrapped in pseudo intelligence.

go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.1333499

>implying your reality is reality

>> No.1333502

QUIT AttAcking aNd clowNING_WwW.ANoN_x_x X
x_X_x TALK.se_DirecTlY_bRO_(REmOVE_All X)
rzx hrdzwcwfj kkrw cb gsebhowxi hibieyylc irqhmp

>> No.1333503

mine was more unbelievable relief. that these people weren't so stupid.

>> No.1333509

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this bullshit again
enjoy having no objective knowledge because no observation can be absolute. meanwhile the rest of us will enjoy believing the believable observations and actually furthering science.

12/10 you mad my day (and it's only 1am)

>> No.1333512

There are pictures in an original historic bible.


>> No.1333516

ur not american, fag

>> No.1333521

believable is relative

>> No.1333522

>Implying that you're not just retarded.

>> No.1333527
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lol k

why dont you think of something concrete to argue for and then get back to me

>> No.1333529

>furthering science

9/10, but too obviously false

>> No.1333532


There's this thing called "higher dimensions". It sounds like a kooky religious thing, but it's really a kooky math thing.

>> No.1333537

>no observation can be absolute.

dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight have been in the same position since the formation of earth. Is that not absolute enough?

>> No.1333538

I did. I have been all this time. You're just being a retard.

>> No.1333543
File: 45 KB, 500x333, 1262661187102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read replies on that forum
>lose even more faith in humanity

>> No.1333567

i think you were trying to be sarcastic in too many of your posts and you just came off as ridiculously stupid

>> No.1333569

0/10 please try again later
yeah let’s not argue over bullshit
 like that. this is science and n
ot a fucking semantics class

>> No.1333580


>> No.1333587

>doesn't realize it's a troll website

>> No.1333597

>has delusioned himself to think no one can be dumb enough to believe this shit.
You go, man.

>> No.1333605

>implying you did before it was pointed out in the thread.

>> No.1333606


>> No.1333608

No, I was only sarcastic once, when mocking someone by suggesting that science never changes in a more ridiculous manner than that guy was. I think that guy was just being retarded.

>> No.1333628

i think you claimed that when science changes our understanding of things, it makes everything weve observed about it in the past to be all wrong and incorrect and useless. i mean, from your posts thats what i interpreted. i was simply looking at what you said objectively, and it really wasnt that coherent. sorry bro

>> No.1333720

>i think you claimed that when science changes our understanding of things, it makes everything weve observed about it in the past to be all wrong and incorrect and useless.
No, I claimed that our understanding of things changes science (ie. what we 'know' today may not be what we 'know' tomorrow.), and this happens because new observations sheds more light on our old observations.
Perhaps you were just too dumb to figure it out.

>> No.1333736

ok now your being unnecessarily mean. in case it wasnt clear, im not the guy you were bitching at earlier so calm the fuck down.

what you said made it seem like you thought that new observations could prove everything we think we know wrong, which is a definite possibility, but not the degree that the guy you were arguing with said it goes.

like he said, new observations wont change the fact that 2+2=4. thats undeniable. both of you are right, but your arguing over different things

>> No.1333752

>ok now your being unnecessarily mean.
Sorry about that.

>> No.1333762
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this thread turned to shit

>> No.1333769

>Implying that it didn't start out as shit.