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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 385 KB, 1600x1200, golden-retriever-puppies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1329938 No.1329938 [Reply] [Original]

There is no evolutionary benefit on eating animals. Humans could survive on a herbivore diet, and there are numerous surveys which show that a vegan diet is healthier for humans. If you allow eating poultry and red meat, then you should also allow killing and eating those cute puppies in the picture. Would you do it?

I believe it is wrong to kill animals.

>> No.1329952

Then don't kill them.

>> No.1329956

I'm saying that everyone should stop killing them. It's also better for our environment, because it takes tons of food to feed the livestock when it could be consumed directly by human populations.

>> No.1329964

anybody know what dog tastes like?

>> No.1329968

>no evolutionary benefit on eating animals
Reported for being a troll thread

>> No.1329974

You hippies even try to take away meat from my table, I'll start eating humans. Go away.

>> No.1329975

It's pretty good actually. The taste is between chicken and lamb.

>> No.1329976
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Humans could survive on a herbivore diet

Emphasis on could. Humans COULD survive on an herbivore diet... they COULD also survive with only one kidney, or missing limbs, or without a fully functional brain... but I don't wanna to survive, I wanna LIVE!

>> No.1329981

then puppy must be fucking delicious. id do it.

>> No.1329996
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Stop trying to tell people how to live their lives.
You're happy without meat?
Fine, no one cares. Just STFU and leave the rest of us to do as we will. You cunt.

>> No.1329999

I'd kill them and eat them, and it will be delicious.

>> No.1330004

No one has the right to interfere with others' lifestyles, yes. Unless they may be potential harm to the environment, which is a direct result of livestock feeding.

>> No.1330005


>i want to live marge! want you let me live!

>> No.1330015

Yeah, I'd eat them too.

>> No.1330021
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>potential harm to the environment

>> No.1330029

You know what I think is a threat to the environment? Vegetarians using dirty electricity to make comments on internet boards. I am hereby invoke my emergency environmental powers to strip you of your rights to free speech and order you to be placed in a technology free zone where you won't use up any more environment killing electricity!

>> No.1330053


>and there are numerous surveys which show that a vegan diet is healthier for humans

Enjoy your lack of animal proteins. And iron.

>> No.1330067

Iron is available in some plants.

Nice red herring.

>> No.1330110


>post thread about killing animals (argument commonly associated with livestock)
>use pic of puppies in order to gain sympathy

I'll give you a 1/10 for the effort

never mind, i read your last line; it was shit


next time, post some cats, it would be much more effective

>> No.1330120


So, how's that B12 deficiency working out for you?

And you do realize that the machines used to harvest grain chop up thousands of rodents and other wild animals that live in the fields they harvest grain from, right?

And let's not even get into how much more uneconomic it is to transport a can of beans thousands of kilometers to your supermarket then it is to transport pork chop from a few hundred clicks away.

>> No.1330134

Sorry to burst your bubble bro, but this is total bullshit.
Vegans are just as unhealthy (on average) as average meat eaters. As hamburger gobblers, obese fucks.
And they have to know what to eat.
Vegetarians - those are (on average) rather healthy. Not as healthy as fish eaters (forgot the name), but healthier than median.
Good diet with everything > good diet with fish but no other meat >>> good vegetarian diet > McDonald's hamburger diet > good vegan diet
Enjoy your:
-no omega-3 (and thus degenerated brain)
-no b12 (and thus degenerated brain)
-no calcium (and thus shitty bones)
-low proteins (being a scrawny, skinnyfat bitch)
-very low nutrient/kcal ratio for many microelements

>> No.1330142

mmm... tasty tasty puppy

>> No.1330155

How the fuck does the Fish oil and b12 translate to "degenerated brain"????????

Chinese diet consists mainly of rice - a carbohydrate and they are deficient in getting their essential DHA and EDA fatty acids, yet they score ridiculously high on IQ tests.

>> No.1330160

There is no evolutionary benefit to not eating animals. Humans could survive on a herbivore diet, but there are numerous surveys which show that a meat diet tastes good to humans. If you allow eating poultry and red meat, then you should also try eating those cute puppies in the picture. Wouldn't you do it?

I believe it is delicious to kill animals.

>> No.1330162

>implying the chinese also don't eat plenty of meat with their rice/dumplings/what have you

>> No.1330167

If you wqatch PETA videos you see the Chinese eat cats and dogs after skinning them alive. Sometimes frying their intestines on a frying pan and eating that.

Going by that -> Eat cars and dogs = Get higher IQ.

Thanks /sci/!

>> No.1330168

And now you know the secret of life.

>> No.1330169

You never answered my fucking question you cunt. How the fuck are you going to tell a dietitian that "A" does "B" when it clearly does not. I'm going to wait and see how you pussy out of an explanation.

>> No.1330181

>No evolutionary benefit to eating animals
Then why did we evolve eating meat?

>> No.1330189

According to this, wealthy asians that can afford meat score high on IQ tests. China, which lags behind economically, and thus people have less access to meat, also lags behind other east asian countries in IQ scores.

>> No.1330192

> eat cars

>> No.1330193

>How the fuck does the Fish oil and b12 translate to "degenerated brain"????????
Nice example there.
In the same way not eating translates to being malnourished.
Brain needs omega-3 and b12 to function properly.
>Chinese diet consists mainly of rice - a carbohydrate and they are deficient in getting their essential DHA and EDA fatty acids, yet they score ridiculously high on IQ tests.
Mainly doesn't mean only. Also, genetics. Very important factor in IQ.

>> No.1330201

Cite a fucking medical journal that says anywhere that a lack of fish oil or b12 will cause a degenerated brain.

Oh wait what was that? You can't because you're pulling it out of your fucking ass without knowing how the said things even work? Stupid son of a fuck. Shut your whore mouth unless you can have a fact based discussion.

>> No.1330213
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Our canine teeth says different.

I'm afraid you are wrong OP.

>> No.1330215


This you stupid fuck OP.

>> No.1330225

Here you go faggot.
Now that your only argument - "Durr you provided no sources" is busted, you can no longer use your argument-less tactic.
It's funny how people who are obviously wrong tend to use the most swear words.
How's your dietetic version of buyer's remorse working for you, sheep?

>> No.1330238

None of them say anything about fish oil or b12 you stupid fucking moron.
Thus all your sources are invalid and you are still wrong.

>> No.1330248


>> No.1330252

It's thought that eating animals provided an energy source that allowed humans to support their metabolically expensive brains. We might be able to live healthy lives as vegiterians now that we have modern science to help formulate meat free diets, but humans definitely evolved to eat meat.

>> No.1330257

Without meat, he would not have beat our competition over the thousands of years.

>> No.1330262

YOU believe it is wrong to kill animal.

I believe it is delicious.

>> No.1330265
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Its actually 10/10

Your brain is shrunk - fine.
Does that take away from its ability to function?

It was never stated that your brains functioning ability differs from being shrunk the said 1.6%

Your argument about brains being Degenerate fails as a brain that's 1.6% smaller does not translate to being a degenerate.

Enjoy your fail you fucking idiot.

>> No.1330266

>you stupid fucking moron
If irony was a fuel, I'd be on Alpha Centauri already.

>> No.1330267


Complete winrar here

>> No.1330268

>then you should also allow killing and eating those cute puppies in the picture. Would you do it?


killing animals is ok. however torturing them isnt

>> No.1330271

This is the most severe case of an obvious samefag I've ever witnessed.

>> No.1330276
File: 22 KB, 370x290, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have canine teeth...canine teeth are for eating canines.

>> No.1330280
File: 82 KB, 694x530, 1266747860332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accusing the OP of telling others how to live their lives is not how I would defend the consumption of animal products. By creating a demand for an animal product, you're responsible for the creation and pursuant suffering of each animal needed to produce it.
Your evolutionary cousins deserve the same privilege.

>> No.1330281

Yeah and your kids, thanks to you, will have smaller brain than our kids. Enjoy your retarded kin, plant eater.

>> No.1330286

>I believe it is wrong to kill animals.

I believe it is wrong to not kill animals.

Now what?

>> No.1330287

just because it's possible doesn't mean it's supposed to be that way.

if we stuck a tube in both ends of a rat and fed it liquefied proteins, it might "survive". But is that really natural?

the point is, humanity is built to eat meat AND plants. Be a human and enjoy both of them equally.

>> No.1330288

>implying we're "built" for anything

>implying we are how we are just because the way we are doesn't result in us dying before we have offspring

>> No.1330289

>implying a survey is a scientifically sound method to find out if a diet is healthy.

>> No.1330293

herro samefagu!

>> No.1330296

I say, humanity should just survive off of interveinous nutrition forever.

>> No.1330297

>no evolutionary benefit

Wrong. The high energy available in complex proteins is what allowed our ancestors to develop our energy-intensive brains.

>I believe...
Fuck you. The science (sources previously posted) says otherwise.

>should allow killing and eating those cute puppies
Sure thing. Just make sure that they're not pumped full of 'roids like most meat is. I try to buy organic to avoid pesticides and hormones and shit like that.

Just had the most delicious steak the other day. Cooked medium-rare, a little bit of sauce, and damn it was a good dinner.

>> No.1330300

>implying "built" in this context doesn't mean the same thing as "is well suited to"

>> No.1330305

Backpedaling, are we? Read it and weep:

>> No.1330306

>comparing the OP's argument to eating cooked meat, wearing clothing etc

>> No.1330307

We evolved on eating both animals and plants. Your argument is fucking retarded.

We are omnivores for a reason.

>> No.1330308
File: 5 KB, 199x147, 1266650863167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citing Wikipedia.

>> No.1330311

>Implying that the retardation in this thread deserves better.

>> No.1330315

Vegetarians and Vegans are just spoiled exhibitionists. Look ma, I have the time and money to dick about with my food for half of every day.

There are no, zero, nada, none, indiginous hunter-gatherer groups in the world that do not eat meat and none have ever been recorded. Vegetarianism is a pretension of urban, agricultural peoples.

>> No.1330319

We ONLY need to drink water and we don't HAVE to drink alcohol or coffee but FUCK YOU.

>> No.1330321

This should have been the first post.

>> No.1330331

>explicitly stating we're omnivores for a reason

Reason implies some sort of intelligent design.

We're omnivores because it's advantageous to be able to eat plants and animals in case either is scarce.

>> No.1330333

Oh look, liberal hippie hipster homosexual kiddies trying to force their bullshit down peoples throats again.

>numerous surveys


>> No.1330337

Either way, we are omnivores, and we are able to eat meat and plants equally well.

>> No.1330341

nitpick, organic does not mean no herbicides/pesticides. It just means synthetic ones are not allowed. 'Natural' ones are still used which may or may not be actually better/worse for you.

>> No.1330342

I think that was his point or is English not your first language? Great, atheist hipster kids want to be edgy now and tell people what to do like faggot plant eating hippies too.

>> No.1330345

I believe it is wrong for you to smoke pot and tell others what to do.

Shove it up your ass, soapboxfag.

>> No.1330352

We're actually quite poor at eating plants, in general. The stuff we eat have been selectively cultivated over thousands of years and don't actually exist naturally.

>> No.1330357

Until OP cites his own sources and quits bitching like a petulant child I suggest just ignoring his groundless arguments and go about your business.

Also I like the "I'm right, you're wrong, despite facts" mentality that mirrors some sort of hysterical christian fundie attempting to hold onto the belief that he is not retarded.

>> No.1330363

because humans digest cellulose so well

>> No.1330364

Herbivores usually at least have multichambered stomachs if not multiple stomachs.

>> No.1330381

even though this is a troll thread

meat tastes good, plants don't

>> No.1330382

I was vego for 2 years, I ate exactly what I should, I had a garden in which I grew most of my food for the second year, I went to the gym twice a week. I had a "perfect" vego life. My gf of 5 years broke up with me, i became the cold hearted fucker who would rape those puppies with ease.

>> No.1330389
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>> No.1330392

This is true, but if I'm not mistaken, real carnivores have shorter digestive tracts to process and excrete meat before it begins to rot.

>> No.1330395

We will eat various meats for their benefits. We will eat various seafood for the marine benefits they provide. We will eat cultivated plants for the beneficial vitamins they provide.

To not eat one of these types is setting you back in progression as a species. It is not advantageous.

>> No.1330398

Does meat rot in the human digestive system?

WHAT THE FUCK am I reading here?

>> No.1330410

We digest it fast enough for it not too... that is why our digestive tract isn't too long.

>> No.1330415

>Implying we can digest cellulose.

>> No.1330420
File: 49 KB, 250x250, 1249214-what_the_fuck_am_i_reading_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, why am i in this thread

p.s.: religious people gtfo

>> No.1330424

We can only eat cultivated plants... we are not fucking herbivores. Just like we can't really eat raw meat because we aren't carnivores.

>> No.1330427

>Vegan is healthier
Maybe if you're something other than human. If you are human, however, an omnivorous diet is the best.

>Eating chickens and puppies is the same
Yeah. What's your point?

>I believe it is wrong to kill animals

>> No.1330428

So eat enough fiber and it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1330430
File: 101 KB, 600x338, 1270078786703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when /sci/ can't have an civilized discussion about veganism.

>> No.1330432


if I ever get a wooden leg/arm I'm going to introduce termites to it. it will be 3 full layers of symbiosis, first the protozoans in the termite gut will break down the cellulose in the wood the termites eat, then i eat the termites.

>> No.1330433

I take it you didn't actually read the troll-laden OP, or are you directly referring to it?

>> No.1330441

>Just like we can't really eat raw meat because we aren't carnivores.

this is partially due to contamination during processing, and also that we have vaginas for stomachs after eating easy to digest food for so many generations.

>> No.1330443

I lol'd

>> No.1330444

Almost every post in the thread displays ignorance or prejudice of some kind.

>> No.1330446

I vote for eating humans as well.

Anyone with me? We need to get rid of these subhumans.

>> No.1330448

Except for my posts.

>> No.1330453

And mine

>> No.1330454

That's not very buddhist of you! :(

We need to live in peace and harmony. No one can get hurt! Ever!

>> No.1330458


This post displays ignorance or prejudice? Seriously?

>> No.1330464

Buddhists don't eat meat by choice and by the morality of their belief system. They don't force that shit down other peoples throat or condemn others for not following their ways and eating meat. Faggots like the OP want to feel some sort of superiority to the people that do and condemn them for it.

>> No.1330471

Peace and harmony are subjective.

>> No.1330473
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>setting you back in progression as a species.

>> No.1330475


>> No.1330483



>> No.1330487

I think this discussion is easily ended with one question:

If there is no evolutionary benefit on eating animals, then why did we evolve being omnivores?

>> No.1330490

Seriously, it's not alright to eat animals, but it's all right to eat plants? They are organism as well, you are racist if you prejudice if you don't eat one but eat the other. Eat nothing if you want to be peaceful and harmonious.

>> No.1330493

Already been asked, and the question is unanswerable for them.

>> No.1330505

Vegetarians have the arrogance level of religious people. To think it's wrong to eat animals, but then to continue munching on plants? Hypocrites ftw.

>> No.1330509
File: 10 KB, 393x467, hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans should just eat other humans, it'd be more fun that way, this guy had it right. I'd definitely be hunting me some delicious white girls.

>> No.1330524

Except well human meat is poisonous to us and not so nutritious. The things we eat and our bodies these days have far different sustenance then regular animals.

>> No.1330528

The difference is that many plants can grow back their lost limbs and fairly quickly even. If we pluck their fruits, barks, or leaves and eat them the organism as a whole won't die. You can't really say that about animals.

>> No.1330529

If animals stopped eating each other the ecosystem would crash. There must be a food-cycle.

This vegan fantasy is a scam.

>> No.1330533

Nope, It's pretty delicious, you should try it. Especially the brain and tongue, they are really saucy if cooked right.

>> No.1330542

Not in vegan surburbia! There you have unicorns and love all around.

>> No.1330546


So it's all right to hurt plants? I'd rather have die then be tortured endlessly by some faggots who want to eat my fruits.

>> No.1330578

A plant would lose it's fruits anyway, since it wants to spread it'S seeds. Most plans "count" on other animals to eat their fruits so the seeds spread.

>> No.1330586

Yes, but current farmers just rip everything from the ground up then replant it. That is cruel.

>> No.1330588

Eating animals is horribly
Eating plants is cruel.

I eat tables.

>> No.1330589

You know, properly raised dog is actually pretty good. Tastes like something between venison and bear.

>> No.1330591



plants don't feel pain.

>> No.1330596

Prove it.

>> No.1330629

you dont need to prove it. they dont have a nervous system

>> No.1330630

No central nervous system or pain receptors.

Next question.

>> No.1330653

You base it on what we currently know about animals. Plants are not animals, they mighty have completely different pain receptors. There is no proof that only nerves can be pain receptors. Only in animals is that true.

>> No.1330656

>Implying anything other then animals have nerves.

>Implying plants are animals, so they can be subjected to nerves.

>> No.1330683

please, don't even reply to the fucktard...
Since you cannot prove that humans feel pain (philosophically), how should you be able to prove that for plants?
You can't, that's how. So stop responding to the fuckface.

>> No.1330691

there would be no evolutionary advantage to plants feeling pain

>> No.1330697

Trolled so hard.

Foolish vegetarian idiots.

>> No.1330700

But we can prove, non-philosophically, that humans feel pain. And that's all that matters.

>> No.1330703

Then nothing feels pain, therefore it's all right to eat everything. Weeeee

>> No.1330706


Eating nothing but plants all day really did lead you to an underdeveloped brain.

Since you cannot eat plants or animals, don't eat all.

I'm going to eat all the tasty animals I want, you mad?

>> No.1330713

>asspained vegan faggots detected

You should be starving now, right? Enjoy your vitamin supplements and water, cunts.

>> No.1330714

He was trolling the vegetarians by saying eating plants is cruel too and that they are hypocrites... L2 read prior posts.

>> No.1330740

Anyone that has something agianst eating shit that feels pain is a faggot by default, no exceptions.

>> No.1330753

I'm not a vegetarian. I just pointed out the severe fucktardedness I had the unfortunate opportunity to encounter upon my browsing this god forsaken troll shit-board.

>> No.1330757

I bet you thought you were REALLY fucking funny. Didn't you. OH HILARIOUS.I've thought up this BRILLIANT pun! I bet those fellows on 4chan will like it! Yeah, you're a funny cunt, aren't you. So fucking funny. So you know. Why don't you die. This shit is fucking awful. This ISN'T FUNNY. This ISN'T COOL. This ISN'T CLEVER. I bet you fucking wrote this down, to remember it. Oh the lulz! This is brilliant...isn't it...so fuck off. And die. You smug piece of fucking shit. You're a cunt of human and I hope you fuckin die.

>> No.1330759

The more pain it feels, the more delicious it is.

Food animals should be filleted alive!


>> No.1330764

unwarranted self-importance.

>> No.1330799

>I believe it is wrong to kill animals.
I believe OP is the biggest faggot on this planet.

>> No.1330805

I agree, we shouldn't eat animals. We should spend a decade or so eliminating the human population crisis by eating only other humans.

>> No.1330807

olol, what have I done. You must be the same fucktard who assumed I was a vegetarian, which actually couldn't be further from the truth. The only plants I eat are in burgers or the like, seriously, haha.

>I bet you thought you were REALLY fucking funny.
>I've thought up this BRILLIANT pun!
I'm sorry, but my post contains neither a pun nor some sort of joke.

>> No.1330809

How about we breed genetically modified animals that don't have pain receptors, or have the part of their brain responsible for pain sensation grow at a retarded rate?

>> No.1330810

Puppies probably are in most processed meat anyway

>> No.1330812

Or you know, we could just continue to eat animals...

>> No.1330840

Or we could continue to kill them painlessly and eat them...

>> No.1330850

Or, you know, you could just accept that some animals are for eating, some do work, and others just amuse us. Different animals are useful in different ways. It's not one overall rule for the whole gamut, you have to accept that society sees things in diverse ways. Besides, it's not like there's a whole lot of meat on a puppy anyway, and it probably has an uninteresting flavor.

>> No.1330857

Don't mind me, just trying to reason with a loony veggie.

>> No.1330863
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>> No.1330901

Sorry but no, it's not wrong to kill animals. If you think it's ethic to respect animals and animal life that's your prerogative, but don't force it upon the rest of the world just because they do not share your ethics on this subject.

Picture this, you are alone on a deserted Island, you have to survive for yourself, what do you do?

I for one, would try to capture animals and confine them for future nourishment, just as I would try to plant seeds from whatever shit I could find. Doing this would boost my survival chances in the long run compared to simply trying to hunt/gather shit and be at the mercy of seasonal fluctuations of local fauna and flora.

Thus if in an extreme situation like this I would confine and slaughter other animals, I find hypocritical to think otherwise just because I live a comfortable 21st century western life. However, that's how my ethics are guided. I will not force it upon you. Enjoy your lifestyle.

>> No.1331016

that only works on a desert island where area you could roam is only a few square miles; in a landlocked jungle or even plains like in africa, hunting/gathering would be ideal until the animal population was too low to be more beneficial than food production.

>> No.1331073

I dont believe in killing animals over a certain intelligence, and I'm strongly against the fur industry. Sadly the loonies makes it hard to support the case with their antics

>> No.1331117

Hunting animals for food often required humans to work together in groups to catch prey. Humans staying together in packs/tribes increased rate of survival in the wild.

Lrn to notidiot

>> No.1331121

could say the same for plants, think of the poor cute plants ? hypocritical asshole, plants still live

>> No.1331128

Hey OP, where you gonna get your vitamin B12?

>> No.1331134

They eat dog in china. Are you butthurt OP?

>> No.1331139

>and there are numerous surveys which show that a vegan diet is healthier for human
0/10, try harder next time. Saged for pro vegan bullshit.