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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1325802 No.1325802 [Reply] [Original]


>A major storm of protest against the myth of evolution has been building for many years, as proved by almost a thousand major scientists, all with doctorates who have signed on to the following statement as of 2010: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

>Those scientists threw down the gauntlet to evolutionists by publishing a two-page ad in a national magazine with the heading, “A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism.” Fevered, fanatical, and foolish evolutionists will charge that those dissenting scientists were backwoods yokels (maybe even a few snake handlers and flat earthers mixed in) dug up by pushy creationists to promote their cause. Not so, I have gone over the list and if certification and accreditation are so important, impressive, and indispensable, then those people will give evolutionists a perpetual heartburn.

>> No.1325848

what's wrong /sci/? hate logic and truth?

>> No.1325855
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>> No.1325867

not even a troll :/

read the article, please tell me you DON'T represent /sci/

>> No.1325881

by publishing a two-page * * * AD * * *

>> No.1325896
File: 20 KB, 359x289, dumbfuckistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had to look up the Canada Fag Press to make sure it wasn't like The Onion. This isn't even funny, it's fucking revolting.

All the more reason to include Canada in Dumbfuckistan.

Pic related, it's the current Dumbfuckistan.

>> No.1325906
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>> No.1325909

Hint: a person is discredited the moment he or she uses the terms "evolutionism" and "Darwinism." Also, citing the failings of Darwin to justify incredulity in evolution theory is like doing the same with Newton and physics.

Also, it seems this article rests on the premise that a mutation can never be positive. That is a pretty weak idea.

>> No.1325910

Oh wow, almost a thousand people. That's a lot! Oh wait, no, that's statistically negligible. You might as well be saying "Nobody Important Dissent From Darwin"

>> No.1325920

"Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are cstnews.com and Muslimfact.com."

>ISLAM: America's Trojan Horse

I think we can ignore this guy

>> No.1325928

>Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.

I see what they did thar.

>> No.1325931


It's an attack on evolutions.

Fuck me.

I was expecting some new theory to revolutionize the field or something.


>> No.1325938

How can anyone believe in evolution when it´s just a theory (a gaeuss) ?

>> No.1325936

>Canada Free Press
>because without America there is no Free World!

>> No.1325934



>> No.1325945

It was written by a troll, anyone can make up lulzy articles on that website. Pretty funny though.

>> No.1325947

>1000 scientists believe in creationism
>1000 scientists named steve do not

Take this shit back to /new/ so you can embarass yourself there further.

>> No.1325949

Dr. Don Boys Most recent columns

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are cstnews.com and Muslimfact.com.




>> No.1325951
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Best part about your posting this is that everyone thinks you're a troll and you could even get banned for it

>> No.1325953
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>implying that a Ph.D in anything other than a field directly attached to biology is qualified to speak on the topic

>> No.1325966


>The Ahmadiyya Movement are, arguably, the only denomination in Islam that universally accept Evolution and actively promote it.

>Evolutionary theory can be seen in a way which is compatible with Catholic dogma, according to the Church. On the 12 August 1950, the Catholic Church accepted that the theory of evolution was a valid scientific inquiry, stated by Pope Pius XII in the encyclical Humani Generis saying “research and discussions… take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution”.

>Hindus believe in the concept of evolution of life on Earth, although it is not exactly the same as the one known to modern science.

>On the other hand, in the U.S., many Protestant denominations promote creationism, preach against evolution from the pulpits, and sponsor lectures and debates on the subject. A list of denominations that explicitly advocate creationism instead of what they call "Darwinism" or evolution include the Assemblies of God,[89] the Evangelical Presbyterian Church,[90] the Free Methodist Church, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod,[91] Pentecostal Churches, Seventh-day Adventist Churches,[92] Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Christian Reformed Church, Southern Baptist Convention,[93] and the Pentecostal Oneness churches.[94]

>> No.1325974

>Implying that only scientists with degrees in fields directly attached to biology talk about how Evolution is true and proven.

>> No.1325983

dont care. creationists use those unrelated phds to bolster their petitions HERP WE GOT HERE 100000 COLLEGE GRADS

>> No.1326011

Evilutionists get owned
>Not only are mutations always harmful, but they produce changes in present characters, never producing new characters.
>never producing new characters.

>> No.1326020

If only Darwin had known about Wordpad, then he could have just changed the font!

>> No.1326041

I'm a Christian and I have problems with creationism (Fundamentalist Protestants' warped interpretation of Scripture).

Speed of light: if the universe was created 10,000 years ago, then only a volume of space within 10,000 light-years from Earth would be visible.

Fossil record: There are transition fossils. Get over it.

Radioactive dating: 'Nuff said.

Christian fundamentalism: doing a better job of turning people to atheism than Richard Dawkins could ever dream of doing.

>> No.1326054

>as proved by almost a thousand major scientists, all with doctorates
How many doctors of theology are there in Canada? I'd wager about a thousand.

>> No.1326061

Which transitional fossils?

>> No.1326064

A christian who thinks the Earth has been here longer than 6k years, what. Isn't that against your religion...

I think you might be just a theist, no need to assign yourself to a organized religion.

>> No.1326073

Around that much yes.

>> No.1326087

That's okay. I'm a follower of the teachings of Jesus, and I have problems with the retarded Christians with their "original sin" and their retarded "after-life", and their worst fabrication of all, the book of Mark written by someone who never spoke to someone who spoke to anyone Jesus spoke to.

>> No.1326091

oy vey amirite?

>> No.1326097

stop appeasing people who hate your guts more than anything under the sun.

>> No.1326102

>implying life is sectioned like man made scientific fields are.

>> No.1326114

Gotta love namefag idiotic trolls

>> No.1326139

>can't prove me wrong
>last resort: cry troll

>> No.1326185

Why bother proving an illiterate fool wrong? Not everyone has time to waste.

>> No.1326188


>[...] R. Joe Brandon initiated a four-day, word-of-mouth petition of scientists in support of evolution in October 2005. During the four-day drive A Scientific Support For Darwinism And For Public Schools Not To Teach Intelligent Design As Science gathered 7733 signatures of verifiable scientists. During the four days of the petition, A Scientific Support for Darwinism received signatures at a rate 697,000 percent higher than the Discovery Institute's petition, A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism [...]


>> No.1326229


Right, well, I think this website can pretty well be discredited out of hand.

>> No.1326235

Posting on 4chan is waste of time to begin with.

>> No.1326245

Tis an opinion.

>> No.1326248

>my face when people are still posting in this thread


Will not post picture because I can't sage if I do.

>> No.1326255

We've dealt with this shit on /new/ already. Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.1326272




>> No.1326318
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>> No.1326370

You're the one who posted 7 minutes after the last poster.

>> No.1326382
File: 24 KB, 374x601, 005b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try TROLL!
Im posting with sage!

>> No.1326397

So many butthurt evilutionist darwinist