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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1323548 No.1323548 [Reply] [Original]

>>Get to know boss at work, since business is slow

>>Boss thinks Darwinism/Evolution is a belief system, and thinks any study etc. is frivolous, that people who funded studies only did so to cheat the results only to spite religion.

>>Thinks evolution is a lie.

>>Confuses evolution with abiogenesis.

>>Thinks the Big bang can't be proven so it shouldn't be mentioned at all in any classroom.

>>Thinks that DNA and Genome Sequencing is no better at detecting evolution of a species than carbon dating. He obviously doesn't know what carbon dating or genome sequencing is.

>>Thinks that DNA sequencing is useless, because we could possibly look at the components of the components that make up /DNA/RNA will reveal much more information than what we now know already about genes.

>>Awkward silence, I stop talking as I realize he has no idea what he's talking about.

>>Thinks he won.

So how do you get out of stupid shit like this when it entails your superiors, /sci/? Especially when you know it's over their heads?

I usually just bite my tongue and frown in subtle contempt until it's too awkward and we both walk off.

Also, morality general.

>> No.1323556

I used to have a super dogmatic Darwinist boss(I believe in intelligent design). I ignored him, but it was very hard. I still get enraged just thinking about him.

>> No.1323561

You have no proof, and obviously have a mental disability, the OP is looking for logic, you aren't useful here.

>> No.1323563

>when it entails your superiors

That man may be your boss, but he is not your superior. Remember that.

>> No.1323571


>you aren't useful here
Take it easy. Our situations are similar enough to warrant comparison.

>> No.1323574


Yeah it's what I get for working at a burger joint. can't leave until I get out of college, though.

He seemed pretty intelligent up until I talked with him today. Oh well.

>> No.1323579

Student here, the only job I've ever had is a part time one over summers at a local restaurant. I don't socialize much there, and when I do I've learned over the years to not talk about politics/personal beliefs with relative strangers.

Seriously though I don't think I could ever work under someone who was ignorant of the fields I study.

Plan on becoming a professor eventually and work on research projects so I can use undergrads as free labour. Either that or find an organization like CERN to do research at, where your direct superiors are actually experts in their fields rather than "Manager" types who majored in Psychology and Human Resources.

>> No.1323613

See my thread here:

Is it really this bad in USA? That thread I posted above was in the UK. Seriously USA sounds really fucked up - and I've travelled to Iran!

>> No.1323651

Why do you even care? Unless his job requires him to have some knowledge about evolution or whatever, it doesn't matter what he believes. Just be thankful your boss is merely a creationist idiot instead of a completely incompetent idiot or an idiot out to get you.

>> No.1323667
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>> No.1323670

I'd just tell him if he acts condescending or you find it bothering you maybe tell him that you are not his superior in this situation and you wish to keep a professional distance between him and you as far as personal relationships go, if you can manage that, he should be pretty clear that you dont like him and think hes full of shit but are not going to do any such thing as act, behave, or sound that way because you are both working in some related field.

Also, if you want to go out on a voulnerable limb you can tell him that yes, Evolution is a belief system, a belief system where you draw conclusion to observable facts, you know, like how walking out of 4 story buildings tends to kill people because of gravity.

>> No.1323682


>>1323579 Lived in CA my whole life, never been out of the country. For the most part, people don't give a fuck about science, and hate math. God, I remember as a Freshman taking Earth Science, a girl asked "So why is there day and night?" in the middle of class. Even back then I couldn't rage because I was too depressed.

Basically, almost nobody has an inherent grasp on the fundamentals (what the maths actually stand for, and whatnot), and instead focus on rote memorizing shit. I think it's a combination of trying to get as many people to graduate as possible, making the classes cater to the lowest common denominator, as well as the lazy I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude of highschoolers.

Also, my peers seem to be attracted to gaudy, inane bullshit such as pseudo-science slung around by smug hipsters, as well as things like retarded politics. They never critically analyze anything by themselves, and rather pick up popular opinion and regurgitate it.

Hell, I was still in HS when Obama was running for office.
Those months leading up to the election were the most facepalm-filled in my life. Literally 95% of my school was running around chanting hope and bashing republicans. The following is an actual conversation I had with a goddamn (male) senior:
Me: "So why do you like Obama so much?"
Them: "Because he's cool XD"
Me: "So... which of his policies do you support?"
Them: "Lol McCain's going to die in office and Sarah Palin is a stupid bitch. She thought that you can get oil from the ocean LOL. But Obama is going to fix healthcare and pull us out of Iraq and fix our economy that Bush destroyed by putting us into Iraq."


>> No.1323685


It's true. He used to have Spaghetti Monster posters on his office walls, and he would sometimes talk about how the world would be a better place without Christians. The whole thing was rather intimidating.

>> No.1323689


Goddamn. Should mention that I went to a (very reputable) Catholic School, and that my (Freshman Year) Earth Science teacher said that "The universe is infinite, and has an infinite amount of matter and energy in it."
Same teacher voted for McCain purely because of the abortion issue.

As a side not I plan on getting my Masters here, then going to Oxford or Cambridge for my PhD, then either living in the UK or Japan.

I can't stand it here to be honest. Also, Mexicans. Lots and lots of Mexicans. Mostly illegal, or first-generation anchor babies.


>> No.1323697
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>> No.1323713
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>> No.1323723
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>> No.1323727

>your face when you realized your smarter then youre boss, yet hes more successful than you

>> No.1323750

Do you work for me?


>> No.1323764

Thinks hes won...... op u r dipsit