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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1323097 No.1323097 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I'm on facebook reading the notes of some guy I know and it looks like he's trying to look smart. I'd like to test the validity of some of his claims. One of the first things he says is that space is defined as the result of the existence of time in a one dimensional universe, a definition which is predicated on his assertion that "...the universe is merely a single particle of matter which has the benefit of time to replicate itself.
~The whole universe is basically a single particle which has traveled back in time many times over. This means that basically the conservation of energy and mass are more or less an illusion." I could just call [citation needed], but he already thinks I'm a douche so I want to go into this one fully informed. Any validity to his claims? Thanks.

>> No.1323124

That doesn't sound empirically falsifiable. Ergo, it's not science. Ask him for a prediction of his theory.

>> No.1323123

bump for i had no idea /sci/ was this active.

>> No.1323129

I don't know what the fuck the paragraph said so just ask him to integrate sin(1 + x)/cos(2+x^2) without wolfram or some other math software.

>> No.1323127

He's crazy. Facebook stalking is creepy. We're all crazy, no one really cares what anyone else thinks, only if the other person has what they want. Intelligence is nothing, feed his ego, you'll win.

>> No.1323126

Just laugh it off and teach him real science whenever you can. Arguing with him isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.1323145


There's no reason to argue because it's just ridiculous.

>> No.1323160

He is clearly just trying to sound smart. But to be honest, i dont know how you can prove this wrong. We dont really know what is going on behind the universe.

>> No.1323163

That's exactly the problem which makes >>1323124 a god tier answer.

>> No.1323184

No, >>1323124 will just lead to him giving something non-quantitative and/or non-testable, leading to a never-ending argument about what qualifies as a scientific prediction. The only way to win is not to play. Or to do >>1323127 and manipulate him into saying or doing hilarious things.

>> No.1323190

But doesn't >>1323127 advocate doing nothing? I refuse to let him get away with this pseudointellectual bullshit.

>> No.1323204

I do not understand this statement. Does that mean all "parts" of the matter in space are the same?

>> No.1323208

That's what I was trying to figure out, and I think he must.

>> No.1323224

Great. We totally need more pointless arguments on the internet. Doubly pointless in that the OP cannot even formulate his own position. Ugh.

>> No.1323229


That's when you bust out Occam's razor. Two theories with equally valid predictions, but one doesn't involve time travel.

>> No.1323236

I don't think you quite understand the concept of arguing with a crazy person. This man's theory is the simplest possible solution in his own mind; it must be right, and all other theories are fatally flawed bullshit.

>> No.1323250

I can see how you can hate him. I hate him, and I never seen him before.

>> No.1323251


If I avoided non productive arguments I would not be on /sci/ now would I. I have important shit to do, but I'd rather be trolling assholes on the internet.

>> No.1323252

put it simply, it would be the same thing as religion v. science argument

>> No.1323259

just ignore people like this OP. people like this have no understanding of science or mathematics and just make shit up as they see fit. what he is saying makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.1323268

Having argued with people on both Usenet and /sci/, I would have to say the two are quite different. Your crazy guy is going to be much harder to convince of anything substantial and will take himself much more seriously. Just be sure to consider whether your aim is convincing him or entertainment and choose your strategy accordingly.

>> No.1323271

OP. This is easy. Just respond with "wat." he will attempt to explain a completely unfounded idea about the universe then you can laugh at him for trying to make uneducated guesses about how the universe works.

>> No.1323274
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Why do you carry such bad company?

>> No.1323275


>> No.1323278

Actually he would call me an uneducated capitalist.
My aim isn't to be entertained, I just want to show everyone who reads his facebook notes that this guy isn't EINSTEINSMART just because they don't understand what he's saying and he threw in a bunch of scientific buzzwords.

>> No.1323287

A strange game. The only way to win is not to play.

>> No.1323290

So call him out on his use of buzzwords to give false support to his otherwise unstable theory. If he asks you how it is unstable than you move in to mock him for asking you to explain why his completely unfounded guess on how the universe works is wrong. If he continues then demand the numbers that support what he says or tell him to shut the fuck up.

>> No.1323288

How bout a game of tic tac toe?

>> No.1323292

>I just want to show everyone who reads his facebook notes that this guy isn't EINSTEINSMART
This was what I thought too when I began arguing with crazy people. The truth is that nobody really cares, and those who do care can generally already tell he's making up crap.

>> No.1323293

fa/tg/uy here.

Demonstrate some actual knowledge relating to physics.

He should be plenty intimidated and give up.

That's how we over at /tg/ solve many of our problems.

>> No.1323294

better yet, if he asks you how it unstable reply with something along the lines of "I'm pretty sure atoms are actually countless tiny versions of Robert Lossia's head and that is what builds up everything, prove me wrong."

>> No.1323296

There are fierce arguments on Usenet everyday between physics Ph.Ds and people who think that -4*-4=-16.

>> No.1323297
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Fuck yeah brillian/tg/eneral! I too hail for /tg/

>> No.1323299
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>> No.1323300


Ask him how his theory explains gravity, or the three body problem, or whatever. Basically, keep your responses shorter than his so he's wasting more time than you are.

>> No.1323303

You could try arguing with him, but many such pseudo-scientists are relentless, and will never retract their position. Ask him for a useful prediction/application of his theory, or just say 'Cool story bro' and leave it at that.