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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 150x200, Black-Doctor-1-copy-(h300)-754025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1318844 No.1318844 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start this off by firstly saying I am not racist at all.

Don't you think political correctness has gone too far? If black people are an evolutionary mistake and threatening to destroy our world then why should they be tolerated?

It seems to me that the best course of action for the future of our race would simply be to remove the problem of black people so they can stop polluting the gene pool.

And if I was a black person I would thank my white superiors for putting me out of my misery.

No doubt a bunch of people are going to attack me for saying this but it's not racism, it's simply facing the facts. It's the same deal with disabled people.

>> No.1318856

But whites are doing a better job of destroying the world at the moment.

>> No.1318857

everyone on /sci/ agrees bro

I'm all for eugenics, hitler just gave it a bad name

>> No.1318858

>Evolutionary mistake
Who said that? How the fuck are they polluting the gene pool?

And how the fuck are you not racist?

>> No.1318860

Great thread, OP!
Now take it to /b/.

>> No.1318872

So how do we solve the problem of black people, OP?

>> No.1318877

Everybody is for eugenics in theory but in practice most of use would suffer for it.

>> No.1318887

Eugenics is a bad thing.
We need the gene pool to be as varied and diverse as possible.

>> No.1318888

if you're talking about africa then I agree, we should just nuke them all

>> No.1318895


That's bollocks. There is no need for downies or homosexuals.

>> No.1318900

>bawww ur so racist u hate ur own people!!!

No. This is about the success of humanity.

>> No.1318903

There's no real need for you either, but you're still around.
What are you contributing to the gene pool and to humanity, my friend?

>> No.1318905

hai guize let's watch gattaca hyuck hyuck

>> No.1318909

>If black people are an evolutionary mistake

I stopped reading there. We all descended from a group of homo sapiens leaving Africa 150K years ago. The first humans were all black. So technically, we're all black inside.

>> No.1318912

I'm an aerospace engineer. Boy, I'd love to see your face right now. I'm sure it's emitting in the red spectrum.

>> No.1318915


Its never been a race issue, its a culture issue.

>> No.1318917


Weird, the start of your sentence implys that you know about evolution but the end contradicts yourself.

>> No.1318918

Ridding the gene pool of disabilities and stupidity is debatable. Killing people ("putting them out of their misery") based on their skin colour, on the assumption that a higher percentage of them have undesirable traits, is nonsensical at best. The reason no one trusts scientific racists is that they always have a rather obvious hate-based agenda, and encourage immoral conclusions (genocide) that cannot possibly derive from any research.

TL;DR if you want eugenics, target disabilities; not skin colour.

>> No.1318921

Actually, most of us are pink inside.

>> No.1318922


>implying there's a need for neckbeard basement dwellers

>> No.1318925

>Implying that most of the worlds problems aren't from selfish white fucks that want to destory the entire world so that they can get control over oil and be rich, and do nothing will that money
AHAHHAHAHHA such a good troll.

>> No.1318926


How do I contradict myself?

>> No.1318930


Eugenics is part statistics, part biology, part history.

There has been one decent black civilization and that was over 9000 yars ago.

>> No.1318932

If you've never seen black people walking down the street abusing people holding real guns you'll know this is not joke or troll. This is reality, and it's getting worse. They are a real threat to everything, including themselves.

>> No.1318939

Did your white history teachers tell you that?

>> No.1318940

>Implying you really are an aerospace engineer
Good troll!

>> No.1318943

He's being a smart ass. He knows that you mean that everyone in the world is black, basically. He just wants a war over your choice of words. Its a pretty common defense when someone has no rebuttle, ignore him, he will keep going, no matter how wrong he gets.

>> No.1318944


No 8( I stutter. I'd be one of the ones to go.

I have many redeeming qualities; reasonably intelligent, CS major, pastry chef, I participate in government, literary juggernaut, AMT certified, and to top it all off I'm a frikken stud, I'd produce potentially beautiful and intelligent offspring.

>> No.1318947


We all descended from a group of homo sapiens leaving Africa 150K years ago.

>suggests that ou believe in evolution

The first humans were all black. So technically, we're all black inside.

> suggests you dont know about evolution

>> No.1318955
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>I am not racist at all.
>If black people are an evolutionary mistake

>> No.1318964

Saying that you don't come from black people, is like saying that you aren't human. Humans aren't different enough to not be able to reproduce with eachother, so yeah, everyone originated from blacks. You mad?

>> No.1318965



>> No.1318966

And that's why eugenics is a bad idea. My point was that targeting actual disadvantages at least makes more sense than any statistical disadvantages that may be related to race.

>> No.1318971

Just because a few people say that, doesn't make it true, hick.

>> No.1318973

I'll start this off by firstly saying I am not racist at all.

Evolutionary mistakes go extinct. Black people aren't extinct.

>> No.1318976

Blacks have been scientifically proven to be closer to apes, a failed genetic line.

I believe that if blacks were to make the sacrifice for the future of the human race they would finally gain the respect from white people they crave so desperately.

>> No.1318980


true but it is only because of white people that they live in cities.

They should be in huts.

>> No.1318983


>implying you spout this BS rhetoric in public

>> No.1318992


lol @ "why couldn't scientists call them white holes?"

>> No.1318995


Do you deny that there are different breeds of dogs?

>> No.1318998
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1278091258090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>true but it is only because of white people that they live in cities.

>only because of white people

>they should be in huts

>> No.1318999

White people had to fucking do everything for them. Colonize, improve their living conditions. Look at australia, people gave the blacks there housing and they set fire to them and drink all the alcohol. Blacks are a fucking failure.

>> No.1319000

And you should be in stocks. But who said life was fair?

>> No.1319002


So OP how does it feel being the product of those you belittle?

>> No.1319008

if you want to take credit for all the wonderful things white people did, you also have to take credit for all the horrible shit white people did.

none of this "b-b-but I wasn't a slave master!!!" shit

>> No.1319009

>itt: weak and insecure neckbeards

>> No.1319022


I'm not agaisnt slavery, capatalism is a better form of it.

>> No.1319025

That isn't the point, bro. Who say's I'm not thankful that they put in the hard work to walk across the world or whatever? Their job is over now. It's time for them to retire and let us intellectually superior white men take over.

>> No.1319026

Hey you, you didn't build a house. Someone came up with the blueprints and figured it out one day. You can't blame a whole race for something that one man did. Basically, if what you are saying is true, that means that you, YOU, are responsible for the opression of black people. Stopping them from getting more intelligent in schools, trying to separate and tell us we are lower than human, not because we were like that, but because of our skin color. You are racist. You hate for no reason. You are an idiot, and so is the entire white race, because they don't understand cause and effect. I say we kill off everyone, and just let the whole world be japanese. Everyone with me? I mean they are smart.

>> No.1319034

and the Holocaust.

take credit for the Holocaust, then we'll talk

>> No.1319042


>> No.1319047

This thread is pretty fucking ridiculous considering you white people elected one of my race as your president. Pretty much says right there who is superior, doesn't it?

>> No.1319050


Lolol. My great xwhatever grandfathers were plantation owners. The plantation was passed down through our lineage like 3x actually. My lineage lived in Georgia at that time. We owned over 250 slaves. Guess what though? They weren't white. They were Native American. Lololol.

>> No.1319051

ITT: Psychological ethnocentrism lashing out because of insecurities.

>> No.1319055

>implying indians aren't shitskinned subhumans as well

>> No.1319058


I take responsibilitie for every genocide commited by white man.


>> No.1319059

Nope. But I acknowledge the fact that they all came from wolves.

>> No.1319062


No, you aren't reading correctly. My Native American grandfathers WERE the plantation/slave owners, LOL.

>> No.1319068


Obama is a pupper like all presidents. he is controlled by whites and jews.

>> No.1319070

>You are racist. You are an idiot, and so is the entire white race.
Yeah. You're not helping, bro.

>> No.1319071

ITT: white racists trying to find a scientific basis for expressing their insecurites over their small penises

>> No.1319078

just because your mud people ancestors had a couple of niggers doesn't change the fact that native americans are ugly cretins who need to be wiped out

>> No.1319081


I lold. But HEY!!! My peen is nothing to laugh it. Its very reasonable in length and girth.

>> No.1319082


Typical rapist talk.

>> No.1319087

White people love to double standard. They take all of the good, from their race, and only acknowledge its existance, while they look at the bad of black people, and only acknowledge the bad that they do. The worst thing is that, they don't realise that they are doing it, which proves that they are stupid as fuck. Well wait, that isn't true, certain individuals do understand it, and do talk back against it... DOES THAT MEAN THAT GENERALIZATIONS ARE REDICULOUS AND ARE ONLY USED BY IGNORANT PEOPLE THAT HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PROVE A POINT? Yep.

>> No.1319093


There are not native americans left, the few that didn't starve or die of small pox breed theirselves out with italian familys that wanted to own casinos.

>> No.1319104

lol @ you thinking mixing with guinea niggers makes you white

>> No.1319107


What bad have white people done? Life is conflict and the white man won. The only good is success and the only bad is failiure.

>> No.1319113

Amazing. Amazing that even on /sci/, supposedly home fo the intelligent and forward thinking, such racism springs forth. I love seeing you people talking about your space travel and Venus projects when you can't even love your fellow man. Sa

>> No.1319116


Are you role playing an alien observer?

>> No.1319119

>Implying that white people didn't fail to keep down a race they tried to opress
>Implying that the entire white race has one agenda, and that there aren't others that conflict with eachother
>Implying that blacks aren't slowly beginning to realise that being intelligent is better than being gangsta
Man, everything that isn't BLACKS ARE PURE EVILSRAWR, goes straight over your head, doesn't it. You poor little guy ;~;

>> No.1319122
File: 432 KB, 1920x2790, Asuka_new_plugsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks are worthless apes.

They are more prone to heart disease and being niggers.

>> No.1319124

the only black man you should fear is obama and he is half white. he and his puppet masters are about to give you some nigger dick.

>> No.1319130


My ancestors breed out with Scottish people. We still look a little NA, darker complexions, black hair, high cheekbones; but for the most part we pass as white.

>> No.1319135

>implying your human eyes can see my trans dimensional troll

>> No.1319138
File: 132 KB, 336x508, misakaface2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being racist in a racist thread
>Calling people names for no reason, just clicked on the thread and thought that this would be funny
Well your mom is a whore, how does that make you feel?

>> No.1319140

The people who "won" may have been white, but -you- haven't won shit. Having the same skin colour does not mean you get to share the credit.

>> No.1319144


This. 1000x.

>> No.1319147

Hey, that was uncalled-for! :'(

>> No.1319148


Obvisously when we talk about white we mean upper class, well educated and rich.

>> No.1319154

>you don't get to share the credit

Maybe you haven't heard of evolution, look it up my darkie friend.

>> No.1319155

Hey, that was uncalled-for! :'(

>> No.1319159

ITT: people who still think they are a body. no wonder they can marry robots, ipads, comic book characters and video game avatars. its all the same thing

>> No.1319163

Does no one in this thread attend a college? Has no one noticed the recent influx of intelligent and completely respectable black people on college campuses?

>> No.1319166

>assuming not racist==black
don't you love it when your opponent makes your argument for you?

>> No.1319174

Whitefag here, fucked my first black chick thanks for college. Shit was cash. I would definitely recommend it.

>> No.1319178

>Implying that this thread isn't full of oldfag racists that understand nothing about how the world is today
Oh you

>> No.1319181

How does it feel to fail your own race? To not even be good enough for a white woman? Instead you indulge in the stink and animal carnality of a black animal.

>> No.1319186
File: 359 KB, 990x651, NigglyPuff Base Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not all niggers are apes, but the majority are.

>> No.1319201

>Generic prejudice racist oldfag comment

>> No.1319206


Dude. C'mon, you can do better than that. How do you know I don't rake in tons of pussy, regardless of color?

>> No.1319207

Black people have already won, whities. Look at your top 40 chart next time you're listening to the radio. White girls will do anything for our dicks. They get out genetic material, not yours.

>> No.1319208

All niggers are apes. So are all whites, spics, gooks, chinks, and sand niggers.

>> No.1319222


I'll let you in on a secret, the whites own the media and the media pushes equalitiy. We want you to breed with the blacks, your children will be be dumber than whites but more hardy. Perfect worker material.

We know that evolution never stops.

>> No.1319223
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>> No.1319224
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Funny how whites invented automobiles, airplanes, the Internet, and nuclear energy.

Blacks invented tribal ass-worship music.

>> No.1319225

education is key, improve the education system with better teachers and soon your ancestory will not matter.
aptitude is inherent in all people, you just have to figure out the best way to teach them.

also being pc is probably the way forward, its actually called increased situational awareness but you can call it being politically correct.

>> No.1319229
File: 606 KB, 752x469, Thisthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when soon there will be only one race and racist oldfags will cease to exist

>> No.1319236


"We" ... like you're a part of some master plan? LOLOL. I'll fuck whoever and whatever I want too. I'm alpha like that. Enjoy your barren, desolate life devoid of sex and love.

>> No.1319244


They have taught monkeys to count so maybe anything is possible. Doubt a monkey could do calculus though.

>> No.1319246

It's more like divine retribution. You white people abused and held down your women so badly they are practically retarded. And now we come in with our enormous animal cocks and bring them even lower, to a state where all they want is sex and release. It's quite ironic.

>> No.1319248
File: 110 KB, 707x576, omgbiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how whites had all of the resources and education while they pushed blacks that were interested in science out of the way, and said "silly black people, science is for whites"

>> No.1319250


We are the 2% that own 90% of the wealth. You can fuck who you like, you are my prize bull kept for breeding.

>> No.1319251
File: 10 KB, 193x267, Hank_disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My face if there will be one race and intelligence will cease to exist.

Also, hello Summer newfag.

>> No.1319256

>troll copypasta
>over 100 responses

Great work /sci/ it's not like it's an obvious troll

>> No.1319257


Its the same way with black women. They've been abused and deprived of healthy and productive lifestyles by their thuggish and ghetto males. Once they hit the college camping, they flock to white dick.

>> No.1319262
File: 165 KB, 909x1000, Ichiban_Yellow_Nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggers have had their own continent, Africa, for thousands of years, and it is still a 3rd-world shit hole.

Meanwhile, whites have spanned the globe and conquered nature, spreading civillization and order.

>> No.1319264


Actually dude, That's flattering. I'll accept it. Line me up some more fine ass black bishes and I'll be content.

>> No.1319267


OK shit we've both fucked up big time here. Let's just trade for our women back

>> No.1319268

While you're doing our inferior bitchy males white people hook up with Asians to make the master race

>> No.1319274


Thanks to colonialism, slave labor, oligarchic capitalism and leeching resources off said shithole African countries.

And now, the Middle East and their oil resources are next.

>> No.1319276

True. Japanese girls are the best.

>> No.1319278


I'm kinda digging the black womenfolk now... not sure if I want too...

>> No.1319287
File: 53 KB, 578x445, misakafinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that pure asians aren't the master race.
Sure is trying to make yourself feel better in here, by making random fanficts. Also, Raildex is officially /sci/ related, enjoy

>> No.1319291


Bet you wish you thought of it.

>> No.1319294

racism in /sci/? but why?
107 reply? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

>> No.1319302

Does anyone have that image that is comprised of two pictures; one displaying fine Greek architecture with a text along the lines of "Greece 2000 years ago" and one displaying a hut made out of branches and mud with something like "Africa today" under it?
It's hilarious how well it can derail a thread.

On topic, there aren't a whole lot of niggers in my country, but when I was a kid, I went to school with one and she was really nice, although a bit rebellious towards her adoptive parents.

>> No.1319303

See, at least white people would be able to admit it and try to get in on some of the action. Black people are just self denial incarnate.

>> No.1319305

Bet you wish that whites were competent enough to do their own work, and not rely on others. If we got enough people to point this out, everyone would be up in arms against whites easily, you know how easy it is to use propaganda on this scale against everyday people?

>> No.1319323


I am more fearful of cows and chickens rebellling than you.

>> No.1319327

the reason your comment is racist, among other things, is because you're inferring that black people are inferior. And yet you put forward no sort of evidence for this opinion.

>> No.1319331

oh god look at this fucking thread, you've really failed quite spectacularly /sci/

>> No.1319332

no such thing as an evolutionary mistake.
eliminating the ability to reproduce of disability makes sense
but the black thing doesn't

>> No.1319337

When people try to fill in the blanks, that when the shitstorm starts. 10/10 troll, would rage again.

>> No.1319340
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, Asuka_jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Without whites, you are nothing.

The world would crumble into over-population and niggerdry without the guiding hand of the Master Race.

>> No.1319343


Nah. I'm pretty sure most of us know its a troll and BS. Threads like this are always fun to RP in though. Think of it like an exercise or drill.

>> No.1319348
File: 25 KB, 428x391, Nigger Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<--- Just look at that face.

>> No.1319356


Yet you still haven't shown any substantial evidence against the viability of eugenics.

>> No.1319370

How about, we kill off all of the stupid blacks and whites, and not just an entire race? That seems alot more viable.

>> No.1319390


I didn't realize I was arguing against it. If I have too though, eugenics has the inherent quality of draining the gene pool. It becomes shallow and defunct. Illness, disability and inability to cope with day to day life will skyrocket due to the lack of genes being transferred.

>> No.1319399


What is the ideal numbers?

Say I was sending a colony to mars, how many people would i need?

>> No.1319404

>Immigration to urban centers to get a job or starve
>Shitty Conditions
>Continued discrimination until the 1960's
>Racism continues

Am I the only one seeing this?

>> No.1319405

a freak?

>> No.1319406
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>125 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1319409

Old news is old?

>> No.1319410


The greeks had slavery thousands of years ago but they got through it. Look at them now.

>> No.1319411

Yeah, looks that way.

>> No.1319416


Well first of all, I'm a CS major not a Bio major. I really don't wanna risk talking out of my ass, as I don't really have much knowledge on the topic. I would think though; the larger the gene pool the better. So round up as many volunteers as you can to send to mars.

>> No.1319417

They didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants. Look it up.

>> No.1319424


Then why is everyone still being a racist fag rather than fixing the shit holes of our country and teaching the ignorant to learn? Extreme rural and extreme urban areas are often both guilty of mass ignorance, it's just that the urban stands out more because it's more densely populated.

>> No.1319431

>Look at them now
The greek state has just survived, and has virtually no influence outside its borders. Compare that to the Turks, Persians, etc...

>> No.1319434


Sorry to play Devil's Advocate here; but from my experiences rural areas are more accepting of blacks than some urban and suburban areas.

>> No.1319440

Because they see/get mugged by them less often.

>> No.1319449


Well that, and country folk know how to keep their niggers in check.

>> No.1319450

Why yes, I believe muggings are more common in urban areas.

>> No.1319453

OK /sci/ you're so hung up about racism but tell me this


>> No.1319467

Seeing large groups of people on a regular basis makes it easier to see them as a homogeneous mass. When the population is less dense, you get to know people as (gasp) individuals, each with their own unique characteristics. What a concept!

>> No.1319468

If you guys really want to be logical and scientific about this stuff.

Take pool of African American males
Take pool of Caucasian males

Raise them in identical conditions without any inclinations of racism in their environment. Both of them have the same stable, happy living conditions where enlightenment is condoned.

I bet that the success to failure ratio is the same in both groups. (ie happiness, lack of crime, prosperous living)

>> No.1319473

We already discussed how white people have a headstart in science because of the oppression of blacks, it will take a while for the race as a group to catch up. Also, influences in the environments in such, mental stimuli. You are a /sci/entist, you should be able to use your critical thinking skills to figure this simple one out.

>> No.1319483

Reality already did that bro

it's called africa and europe

>> No.1319484

It is proven that blacks are more violent.

it is proven that blacks have lower iq and smaller brains

It. has been shown that they have never had an advanced civilization.

Now use critical thinking to blame whitey.

>> No.1319491
File: 46 KB, 491x324, youdensemotherfucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you understand how much your environment affects evolution, or even how people will turn out? Europeans had horses and shit to ride, to get to places faster. Africans had snakes, poisonous bugs, lions, and all of that other shit. They are fucked over there, now if you give them equal materials, I'm sure that the results would be the same.

>> No.1319493

>identical living conditions

>> No.1319500

[citation needed]
Tell me also, how you were able to raise all of the different races in the same conditions, and then how they reacted to the same stimuli, oh wait, thats never been done. Invalid experiment, learn to scientific method.

>> No.1319501

>Nigger detected

>> No.1319502


>Don't you understand how much your environment affects evolution, or even how people will turn out?

>They are fucked over there, now if you give them equal materials, I'm sure that the results would be the same.

Thats right folks, give the niggers more materials and we can make up for 100000 of crappy evolution.

>> No.1319505

White trash hick spotted.

>> No.1319511

It has been proven that poor people are more violent.

It has been proven that poverty leads to substandard/nonexistant education, which leads to lower IQ.

"Advanced civilization" is another word for "civilization derived from classical Greece".

Stick that in your critical thinking and smoke it.

>> No.1319513

>Thats right folks, give the niggers more materials and we can make up for 100000 of crappy evolution.
What are you trying to say?

>> No.1319524

Well you see, by starting with the axiom that black people are genetically inferior, it can easily be proven that black people are genetically inferior.

>> No.1319528

>>154 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.1319530


I totally agree. it is too late for them.

>> No.1319537


OP, please state what nigger attributes make them inferior?

>> No.1319551


>Don't you understand how much your environment affects evolution, or even how people will turn out?

therefore enviroment effects evolution

>They are fucked over there, now if you give them equal materials, I'm sure that the results would be the same.

now you are saying that by giving them the same resources that white now have we can undo the damage of 100000 years of living in huts and eating mud.

It doent work like that, blacks are too far gone.

>> No.1319553

The fact that they are stronger and faster. The fact that white people may be "born" smarter doesn't compare to the fact that black people can learn at a faster rate. You mad white people? I for one, don't mind a bit of variety in the world, it makes things interesting.

>> No.1319560

>blacks are too far gone
source or GTFO

>> No.1319567

>Implying that evolution over a short period of 150,000 years, is enough to make that much of a difference
You know nothing of all of the black people that are going to college and making a difference with their lives. You are the neckbeard that is sitting at home doing nothing all day.

>> No.1319568

Black pharaohs in Egypt. Oops. Argument void on account of your ignorance.

>> No.1319571


I like variety in my breakfast. Sometimes I have conrflakes and sometimes i have a big bowl of AIDs.

>> No.1319582


Yeap over 9000 years ago. The last time brute strength won over intelligence.

>> No.1319585
File: 97 KB, 281x246, youmadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Racists that are racist because they have an inferiority complex due to their being a failure at life, so they try to make another race seem lower than them to cope with their feeling of despair.

>> No.1319586

Hey guys instead of arguing over whether or not were all a little black inside you discuss the topic.

I agree OP.

>> No.1319590

Yeah man, AIDS has alot of variety. All races get that shit man, its pretty horrible. Those white sluts spread it all over the place, you should control your women, they are killing us.

>> No.1319593


QUIt_AttAckINg and ClOWNINg WWW.anOn_X_X x
X X_x talK.sE_DiRecTlY_BrO (rEmOvE aLl_x)
nzofh giam urabdonkgwh ph cdwqs ouu fnvsb

>> No.1319604

Quit_aTtaCkiNg_anD_cLoWNinG_wwW.AnOn_x_x x
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>> No.1319613


by evolution, blacks are more athletic. we have used them for hard manual labor. today, they are found playing sports for entertainment. it is unfortunate that labor has been replaced by machines but i still believe that the genetics behind these traits may prove useful later for experimentation.

however, intelligence > athleticism. although any work still requires physical labor, even laboratory work is physical to some degree.

the same could be thought for asians and sand niggers. they are by evolution, better at quantitative exercises. hence they are employed in sectors for crunching numbers. finance in hong kong, computer science in india. these traits in the gene pool will also prove useful for experimentation.

however whites are still the most well-rounded in general. also, they have produced the greatest geniuses in history. einstein, newton, leibniz, aristotle, etc etc.

i would to some degree say that the numbers of blacks need to be reduced as such a population size is not required at the moment. furthermore, i would only retain the most evolved niggers to keep in my sample size.

>> No.1319628

George Washington Carver

>> No.1319638

You honestly believe someone examined various cultures, and decided black people were the most suited for hard labour? Pretty sure they just showed up and said "Whoa, there's people here, with no defences to speak of. Let's kidnap and sell them!"

>> No.1319649

Holy shit, this thread is STILL going? Lololol.

>> No.1319652


Er no, they had been offered slaves by rich blacks for hundreds of years and eventually decided to go to the sauce.

The blacks started the slave trade long before anyone else.

>> No.1319658

Just because you don't know the names of the Arab and Indian geniuses who shaped what we know about mathematics and astronomy, does not make them irrelevant.

>> No.1319664
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OK a couple of quick facts.

There is no such thing as an evolutionary mistake. Nor do black people have the capability of destroying our world.


Eugenics is a dumb idea for two reasons. 1st eugenics already occurs everyday... societies and cultures significantly affect who gets to breed and that alters races. 2nd trying to create a artificial eugenic program based on a fashion/political or scientific theory is dumb because there is never enough will to carry it out for more than a few generations before it falls apart. And then the reason it was being done is usually discredited.


Spectacularly missing the point. It's true that the first humans were black but Europeans and Asians interbred with Neanderthals when they migrated North. Blacks are inferior BECAUSE they are pure Humans.


Obama barely qualifies as black... in fact outside of the US he would just be called mixed race. I'm glad you are proud of the reflected glory and all but stay realistic his success is a tribute to his white genes and upbringing.


Unlikely. On average Blacks are less intelligent than other races. That doesn't mean they are inferior in anyway or that individuals can't be geniuses.


That seems a fallacy. Blacks had more of a opportunity to enter engineering and the sciences than Asians. Yet Asians excel in these fields and Blacks don't.


Why? Blacks in the UK are just as lazy and fucked up as the ones in the US and every black in the UK chose to go there. There reaches a point where you have to stop blaming racism for shit.

Africa is a shit hole because of Niggers. You think no other nation has been oppressed or subjected to slavery? hah most places have. No other racial group is as self destructive as blacks though.

>> No.1319684

>Generic white guy taking all of the credit that all races have given to the scientific community and saying that white people, with a lower base over all than asians, are the master race, and are not just manipulative bitches and whores that everyone hates so much.
You see, this is why generalization is bad. If you want to take all of the good, the bad is comming along with it faggot.

>> No.1319685

>There is no such thing as an evolutionary mistake.

YOUR MOM is an evolutionary mistake.

>> No.1319688

>The blacks started the slave trade
And there you go again, implying 'the blacks' somehow act as a unified mass, in competition with 'the whites'. They are skin colours, not football teams.

>> No.1319691

Guys, lets just drop it? Group hug, k? Everyone gather around for it. We all know if one is a bad ass, he is a bad ass regardless of his upbringing, race, or culture. Its an individual trait, not a racial trait.

>> No.1319696

Political correctness has gone too far, but not in the manner in which OP suggests

>> No.1319700

It sure is. I'm getting my rage on.

>> No.1319704


george washington carver is just a statistical outlier, one in millions of niggers. furthermore obama is half-white.


"a bunch of defenseless niggers." = no technology to defend themselves. no brains either, they just lived day to day, no developments.

technology is from intelligence. both of which the european imperialists had.

you have a point, if i landed in africa centuries ago to see some undeveloped civilization of niggers, i would ask myself, what are they good for? they cant read, write or whatever. so i would put them to work since they are so adept at running around in the wild. so you see the white mans intervention changed things.

>> No.1319721


thanks, youve just made their achievements relevant. but still not of the pioneer race.

>> No.1319726


I like George Carver... but I hate people that hold him up as a great scientist.

First! peanut butter is NOT an invention... It's a fucking recipe. Also he was half white. His mothers owner Moses Carver was almost certainly his father.

>> No.1319732

the only reason the europeans had any technology is because they were riding greco-roman dick and stealing gunpowder from the chinese. they thought of nothing themselves until much later.

>> No.1319743

I'd like to point out that Carver didn't "invent" peanut butter, the recipe was created in 1884 by Marcellus Gilmore Edson

>> No.1319744


believe it or not, i am asian.

>> No.1319755

this is assuming that black people are inferior........ which they are not........
all problems with black people that many people attribute to inferiority are social.
were all equal the only difference between a human's capacity to succeed in life is cultural/social. sorry to let u down.

>> No.1319757

Wow guys, you are confusing me a bit here, when you say blacks, what do you mean. Everyone in the US is a mix, they just have the appearance of who they have more genetics from. When you refer to Africans, call them Africans not blacks, that causes alot of confusion. Also, Obama looks mostly black, so most of his genes are black. Once again I'll say this, white isn't the best race, there isn't a best race. If you want to talk about master race, it's asians, so all of you white people, shut the fuck up, and start killing your own before you start messing with other races, you cause most of the problems of the world.

>> No.1319764

Uneducated asian then, doesn't make my point invalid.

>> No.1319766


This. 100x over.


>> No.1319767

>they cant read, write or whatever.
Oh, you mean like the Saxons, Franks, Goths, Celts, etc? What do you suppose would have happened to them if they met not only the Romans, but a half dozen other advanced cultures who enslaved them and pitted them against each other?

>> No.1319770


Al-Khwarizmi remember the name!

>> No.1319776


You had me until the Asian master race statement. Lol.

>> No.1319784


We got enslaved.

The Romans enslaved lot's of western Europeans. Exploited our natural resources and generally treated us like shit while only acknowledging the Mediterranean civilisations as equals.

The point is that we still rebuilt and developed our civilisation afterwards.

>> No.1319785


White people understand that it is survival of the fittest. i am not ashamed that my Saxon ancestor took the guidence of the Romans, I am proud that they succeeded. unfortunately the blacks are incapable of self improvement.

>> No.1319788

Hey guys, the loudest of the group, doesn't necessarily represent the group. There have been no official tests done, in which a group does better than the other, other than african americans being stronger than whites. The only thing that is proven to alter intelligence is environment, anything else, unless you have intensively monitored environments and stimuli set up, are invalid.

>> No.1319791

I still lol at the OP every time I see
>I'll start this off by firstly saying I am not racist at all.

>> No.1319802

>I'll start this off by firstly saying I am not racist at all.

>State I'm not racist.
>Post racist garbage.

>> No.1319806

>Implying that they weren't opressed in america
>Implying that we didn't break out of slavery, and form unions that helped to get us out of slavery
Yeah, there were other races that helped us get out, but you don't see other animals getting themselves out of enslavement.

>> No.1319825


I,ve seen a rabbit chew off its own foot, kiddo.

>> No.1319827

this is what i see from history, provided its the truth. i am an asian-american. so this isnt really "my territory". i am just being polite.

but really calculus and statistics, these branches of study werent in chinese or some asian language were they..

>> No.1319835


Just to point out Europeans developed gun powder independently from the Chinese.

As for the greco roman thing? sure we got allot of our culture and science from the Mediterranean civilisations. And just as much from India and Islam.

That's how most races work... we incorporate new ideas and make them our own. That's why whites (and asians) are baffled at why blacks are incapable of this.

>> No.1319839

>The Romans enslaved lot's of western Europeans.
My point exactly. It was the Romans, not the Romans, Mycenaeans, Persians, Carthaginians, and Egyptians, using western Europe for their proxy wars. Imagine Africa getting invaded by the British Empire ALONE, and then seeing that empire fall apart and collapse in on itself the way Rome did. Makes for a very different picture.

>> No.1319861
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>Implying that blacks did that, instead of comming up with an incredibly intelligent stand, which said that you guys are worse than niggers for beating us for no goddamn reason, in which made most people realise how stupid whites were.
This is seriously turning into a pretty racist thread, in which we are talking about absolutes, which are impossible to prove.
Everyone that posts under this line is a faggot

>> No.1319871


asian is a good race, great at math and urban development. but your statement, master race = is racist.

if you are conquered, it is because you are weak. that is a fact.

>> No.1319878


At the time the Roman empire conquered Britain it covered most of the Mediterranean world.

Many of the legionaries who beat the shit out of the Britons WERE Carthaginians, Egyptians and Greeks. And if Persia was an enemy of the Roman Empire at that time they still bought British slaves from the Romans.

And you are missing the point. For the vast majority of History Black Africa was left alone... and yet it developed no great nations of it's own.

>> No.1319891



>> No.1319892
File: 13 KB, 414x273, detyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up bitches.

>> No.1319895

the trouble is that blacks dont like water. Before the invention of the engine sailing was the only real way to have a large empire.

>> No.1319908

Blacks have the ability to feel empathy, to care for other creatures and see that they just want to enjoy life. They see that other peoples lives are important, and have the ability to imagine what would happen if they couldn't enjoy life anymore. Whites just step all over anyone they can, even their own to get what they want. We know that everything is possible with science, but the thing is, should we do it. Whites are the ones that are the least human, not the most intelligent.

>> No.1319910


just sayin...

>> No.1319920
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>> No.1319922

It was Parthia, not Persia.

>> No.1319929

thats why niggers don't riot and burn down their own shit. oh wait-

>> No.1319932

>asian is a good race, great at math and urban development.
Again, these are groupings based on superficial characteristics, not football teams. Saying "X race is good/bad at Y" is a nonsense statement, because races do not act as individuals. Nations sometimes do, but even then, they are greatly influenced by a minority ruling class, they don't simply act as the sum of their parts.

>> No.1319936

see, this is where so many autistic people like OP fail. Humans are capable of great logic, but being human isn't only about being logical. empathy, compassion etc all are traits that any person of merit should possess in this day and age.

>> No.1319938


>Blacks have the ability to feel empathy, to care for other creatures and see that they just want to enjoy life. They see that other peoples lives are important, and have the ability to imagine what would happen if they couldn't enjoy life anymore

um... yeah.

Child soldiers, genocide, mass child rape, witch burnings, most corrupt governments in the world and constant inter tribal warfare.

>> No.1319941
File: 23 KB, 231x347, neil-degrasse-tyson-galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You argument is invalid.

>> No.1319943

because caucasion civilizations never participated in anything like that

>> No.1319946

>saying I am not racist at all.


>> No.1319955


so what are you trying to say?

>> No.1319958

It's generic white double standards, thats all they have. Whites are pretty amazing ya know, their best quality is to COPYPASTA everything, and also act as if nothing that they did was bad. Such a good race.

>> No.1319960


Yep you are right.

I always get the time lines mixed up there... I keep thinking Justinian vs. Khosrau.

>> No.1319976


Sure we do. But,

1. We are not doing them NOW.
2. I didn't just claim that whites were superior to blacks because of their empathic, loving carefree natures.

>> No.1319987

I think you are the one missing the point. There's a reason it was called the scramble for Africa. They were not colonized by an empire made up of Spaniards, Frenchmen, Britons, and Germans. These separate empires each took pieces of Africa and fought over them, tearing the continent apart.

Granted, they weren't all that united to begin with, but neither was Europe. The point is that Roman conquest (and eventual collapse) was *entirely* different from African colonization, and therefore had completely different results.

>> No.1320014

Right. I can't be bothered to look through all the other responses but I am gonna put your ass in place. You do realise that BLACK people were the first people on the earth right? And in fact white people were the ones to evolve from them, as we live in a less temperal climate we have no need for darker skin. Black people have darker skin simply to protect them from the sun as they live in much more arid conditions as say, someone from Britain or American. And seeming as white people were the ones to come from the black genome... I think that means in fact WHITE people should stop polluting the black gene pool.

Fuckin' tard

>> No.1320015

So, are we agreeing that >>1319908 was a weak argument for black superiority, and that neither race can really claim the moral high ground?

>> No.1320018
File: 12 KB, 478x286, SAT-math-by-race-ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAT Math score averages of college-bound seniors, by race/ethnicity.
Source: College Entrance Examination Board, National Report on College-Bound Seniors.

Now what can we make of these facts?
That niggers are stupid in general? Hardly.

>> No.1320019


No the point is why the fuck was Europe able to take over Africa so easily? Why didn't Africa have at least some prior civilisation in place?

And Europe colonised India and Asia too. Why did they bounce back while Africa is still a shit hole?

And if the west is such an awful place for blacks to live with all the evil discrimination and racism why don't more people emigrate to Africa where they wouldn't have to put up with it?

>> No.1320021

>Black people have darker skin simply to protect them from the sun as they live in much more arid conditions as say, someone from Britain or American.

lol, implying americans are white because they evolved that way in America.

>> No.1320038

Dude. That's not what i meant. I meant things such as skin colour so on so forth and genrally so that race can survive in certain conditions.

>> No.1320044

White people never stopped messing with Africa. Today, Americans have dominion over their diamonds, the worlds most valuable object, and alot of their other resources.

>> No.1320047

>why the fuck was Europe able to take over Africa so easily?
Same reason Rome took over Europe so easily. This isn't complicated.
Regarding Africa vs. East Asia, different situation causes different results. Does not necessarily imply genetic factors, especially since there were so many other factors.

>> No.1320058


because africans are weaker intellectually.

>> No.1320059

I figured as much, just the way you wrote it made me lol a bit.

>> No.1320065

XD you so funny

>> No.1320069
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ITT autisticfags trying to make themselves feel better by grouping billions of people into one group, making themselves look retarded in the process. Fuck everyone of you.

>> No.1320078


You are correct.

And in the places that whites don't run things the Chinese are buying up resources left right and centre. And in the few places that are black owned and run.... anarchy and chaos reign.

Look I understand that you wish to prove that blacks are equal to everyone else but they have never proved it. It's always a case that they 'could' be if something else changed.

The world doesn't work like that.

>> No.1320087


he means the ghetto.


this is elite.

>> No.1320089


read this u retards

>> No.1320095



You're a waste of oxygen.

>> No.1320096
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my face when blacks are black because it helps them absorb solar energy to pick my cotton for longer hours.

>> No.1320099


>> No.1320106

Human photosynthesis? That would actually be pretty cool.

>> No.1320111

No. Just... no.

>> No.1320112


I know it's not complicated.

Europe conquered Africa so easily because it was a primitive and backwards society. But if blacks were the equals to every other race that they claim they should have been able to put up a better fight.

India was conquered but it was respected as well and the upper class became part of the Raj and the warriors joined the British army. China was never conquered they just managed to force open some ports.

>> No.1320120

> I'll start this off by firstly saying I am not racist at all.
Oh boy. I bet he goes on to say something racist to disprove himself.
> Don't you think political correctness has gone too far?
> If black people are an evolutionary mistake and threatening to destroy our world then why should they be tolerated?
I win my bet!

>> No.1320131
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dumb propaganda. blacks are inferior because they go through all the trouble of getting freed, and then instead of picking up and bettering themselvs they smoke crack and do drive bys on each other.


>my face when niggers think they are actually as smart as whites.
>also my face when niggers get ahead of people in college who actually got straight A's, because they are niggers.
>also my face when niggers play the race card. having it both ways.
>my face when a prominent lawyer at a prominent school says letting niggers into lawyer school because they are niggers turns out doesn't fucking make nigger lawyers, just expensive nigger dropouts.

>> No.1320135

u fucking mongoloids may love to look at something in a purely scientific light and u may scoff at anything which isnt measurable like the mongoloids that you are.... but society and culture has everything to do with one race supposedly being smarter than another.

>> No.1320149

>should have been able to put up a better fight.
Again, you mean like Europe did? Do I need to remind you how long Europeans sat around beating each other up after their Roman overlords left? Relatively speaking, Africa wasn't colonized that long ago.

>> No.1320152


You should learn how to write in English before calling other people stupid. Just a thought.

>> No.1320164

I'm going to start off by saying that I didn't read through this entire thread, so forgive me if anyone already covered this.

But assume we killed all black people on Earth. This assumes we somehow found an operational definition of what is a "black" person (would we kill those who are mixed too? What is the cutoff point in a person's generation line to determine if they are black?, etc.) After a certain period of time the next step the next "inferior" race. I mean, if we wiped out the blacks, then wiping out the next group should definitely solve more problems and advance the human race even more, right? Say this way of thinking continued until, for example, only whites remained. The next logical step beyond that would be to remove all unintelligent groups of whites, such as "rednecks". But of course, if the issue got to that point, pockets of people within the group who gets to decide who should be kicked off of the team would start protesting because their families are at stake. As a matter of fact, I assure you many new "revolutionary" studies would be made showing how the "dumb" groups remaining are actually extremely intelligent and necessary for the continuation of the human race.

Face it, when it comes to social issues like this, it's very easy to manipulate the results to suit what you want to find. It's also faulty to assume an entire race should be removed because that race does not conform to another race's way of living. When it comes to immigrants engaging in deviant behavior, many different means of rehabilitation can be deployed (and properly, I might add) to remedy the issue. People should not confuse culture-based incompatibilities with racial defects.

Polite sage because if this thread is not on the first page by the time I post this, then I do not wish for my post to bump this nonsense.

>> No.1320168

Bottom line is, any historical example you can bring up has an equally historical reason behind it, without relying on genetics. That's how history works.

>> No.1320172

tl;dr. something about wiping out blacks. stopped reading there to celebrate.

>> No.1320173

>My face when you throw around a bunch of generalizations
Man, I countered your entire post with one sentence, how does that make you feel, master race? Sure is superior in here.

>> No.1320178

>After a certain period of time the next step the next "inferior" race.

Should be *After a certain period of time the next step would be to knock off the next "inferior" race.

>> No.1320186

Just thought I'd point out that was very well said. +42 Internets to you.
also polite sage, same reason.

>> No.1320188

This is silly. If black people are an imaginary mistake, then we'll just let natural selection run its course. Eventually they'll die out or turn white and the mistake will be corrected. No need to get butthurt about it, just let nature run its course.

>> No.1320190
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>my face when you actually had nothing to rebuttle my post with, but went ahead and tried anyway.


>> No.1320199
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falacy. whities are polite enough to pity the black, and instead of letting the infection run its course and die, they just keep throwing scraps, keeping the host alive just a little longer. just let them bleed it a little bit more, they are bound to get their shit together sooner or later.

>> No.1320208

>implying Africa is a country not a mutherfukin continent and that whites love burning libraries and that peaceful intelligent societies put up good fights

>> No.1320209
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>>implying that using correct grammar and spelling is necessary on an image board

>> No.1320210

Exactly. If they start wiping us out as OP implies, then they must be stronger. Obviously they're not about to wipe themselves out, they've had thousands of years to do that and they're still very much around. Manifest destiny was it?

>> No.1320214

white people dont make black babies

black people make white babies

black master race 0
white massa race -1

>> No.1320222

It certainly doesn't hurt to make an effort.

>> No.1320226
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>my face when nigger attempts logic.

>> No.1320235

did you just call me nigger with an er, nigga?

>> No.1320239

>implying logic fails are caused by race

>> No.1320242

leaps and bounds over a pink man calling himself white and a chocolate bunny black.

Martin Luthor King was a fagot, he should have allowed the negros to murder a few white people because that is all the white man understands, power. instead of all that peace, god nonsense. Although it turns out he was a saint so I'm guessing God has a master plan for the master race.

>> No.1320252

Fun Fact: Depending on your accent, those two might be pronounced the same. The word Juggernaut, for example, was never meant to have the 'r' pronounced. The original word was pronounced 'Jugg-uh-naut', but those who transcribed it use 'er' for 'uh'. Neat, huh?

>> No.1320253
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>my face when i called you a nigger with a nigger at the end of the space precluding the word nigger which was to reference to you as being a nigger.

>> No.1320254

ITT a few people have a decent argument, the rest of the thread devolves into racist rhetoric and sill unproven anthropological nonsense.

>> No.1320270

>I am not racist at all.
you are a racist

>> No.1320273

You do realize you are the problem right? The White man neither understands nor fails to understand peace and tolerance. The White man does nothing, because he is actually hundreds of millions of individuals. Same goes for the Black man.

>> No.1320279
File: 117 KB, 600x436, 1275011114247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compton = fact.
LA Riots = fact.
blacks getting to college ahead of more deserving students = fact.
black people being the most racist group I have ever met in 25+ years living in LA = fact.
only 2 people to ever steal from me being black = fact.

shall i continue?

>> No.1320282


>> No.1320294
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>> No.1320297

You are all ignorant white teenagers who can't see the world past your racist inclinations.

Raise a black kid and a white kid in the same nurturing environment and I can guarantee you that they'll both have the same mental aptitude. Throughout most of history, blacks have been exploited by just about every race on the planet. When whites enslaved them (did you know that 95% of whites owned slaves?) they created a toxic culture that glorifies violence and ignorance. It's no surprise that blacks now commit a disproportionate amount of crime and under perform in so many areas.

It wasn't always this way. According to the Institute for Black History at Howard University, black Africans were zooming across the Savannah sky in jets quite similar to today's F-16s and developing technology that could rival Europeans. When the exploitation of Africa began, white slavers confiscated the jets, copied the technology, and all was lost.

The world is jealous of the black man's mental and physical agility. Blacks have a higher frequency of the RR variant of the ACTN3 gene, which affects fast generation of muscular force. And as the study done by Howard University shows, blacks were light years ahead of the world technology wise before colonialism. Other races know this, and they are jealous of us. They can't stand the fact that we have the best of both worlds. You pasty white fucks can sit in front of your computers, complain about us all day and post A. Wyatt Mann comics. Just know that you are inferior to us in every way.

>> No.1320302

Black people being a homogeneous group = myth
Black people being responsible for actions of other black people = utter nonsense.

Sorry you got mugged bro, but two individuals did that, not "the Black people".

>> No.1320314

>You are all ignorant white teenagers who can't see the world past your racist inclinations.
>Just know that you are inferior to us in every way.
Spoken like a true ignorant black teenager who can't see the world past his racist inclinations. Double standards make me rage.

>> No.1320331
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Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.1320339

This is the best troll thread I have ever seen on 4chan. I actually raged, for once. 13/10

>> No.1320344


... Not sure if troll. If troll, you're trying too hard..

>> No.1320345
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1269273229791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't hold the entire black community responsible for the fact that a disproportionate amount of crime originates from them. I realize that we are victims of circumstance and the environment we grow up in, but in 147 (quick math, emancipation proclamation took effect Jan 1, 1863) years rather than slowly better themselvs as a community, they have GOTTEN WORSE. I know not EVERY black person is a nigger, I have black friends and coworkers i'm not afraid are going to mug me. but the sad truth is MOST of them ARE niggers.

>my face when niggers try to reason with me that not all black people are niggers. no shit sherlock, not all sand niggers are going to blow themselvs up, that doesn't mean I want to go deal with them to find out which ones are which; when, like blacks, they can't even agree to like each other in their own communities.

>> No.1320357

>I realize that we are victims of circumstance and the environment we grow up in

Working class white people are also "victims of circumstance". Guess what, bro?

>> No.1320359

So you just advocate killing entire races that have a large number of troublesome people? You do understand that you would be killed too, if that's your criteria

>> No.1320362

You know what pisses me off.

The niggers who still think they're being oppressed

>> No.1320367

>The world is jealous of the black man's mental and physical agility
>mental agility
>black people


>> No.1320368
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oh you /sci/

>> No.1320370

when did i advocate killing them all? I just said nigger like 50x. also, i'm not black, so no, i wouldn't get killed too.

honestly killing them isn't necessary. if we just reinstituted slavery most of these problems would go away.

>> No.1320376
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>MOST of them ARE niggers.
Respectfully disagree.

I would also like to point out that many of the problems in the world are caused by dividing people up into "us" and "them", racially or otherwise. It leads to dangerous generalisations and prejudices. Like it or not, we are one human race, we are all brothers and sisters. Deal with it.

Having said that, I will tip my hat to you and bid you good day.

>> No.1320378

Wouldn't segregation be a more reasonable solution than reinstating slavery?

>> No.1320380

there's no need for straight people making more babies or you either.

>> No.1320381

Meh, one of the smartest guys in my graduating engineering class was a black dude from the city. He wasn't violent in any way. I don't hold it against them. Could blacks be doing more as a community? I think so. But there are enough good ones out there for me not to throw the towel in on the whole bunch.

>> No.1320388

Just like to add: a lot of blacks self segregate themselves already and probably wouldn't mind if segregation were brought back

>> No.1320410

You would be killed because there are a shit ton of useless white people.

You can't make such broad generalizations bro, especially if you just back them up with pseudo-science.

>> No.1320431

They deal with it, and plenty of them make successes of themselves without making excuses.

>> No.1320449
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>implying making 60k/year makes me useless.

>my face when implying personal experience + random facts = pseudoscience.

GJ nigger, way to set your race back another 20 minutes in this thread.

>> No.1320457

Really I would have all you fuckers culled to pave the way for asian people. They are clearly superior

>> No.1320462

And get rid of niggers? As an Asian, that is fine with me.

>> No.1320465


Your ancient ancestors were African.