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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 85 KB, 450x722, electricity..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1316531 No.1316531 [Reply] [Original]

This is why the US is falling behind in science education; this is from a real fucking textbook, one popular amongst homeschoolers.


Fuckin’ electricity, how does it work?

>> No.1316542

>dead link
>absurd picture that quotes the bible


also bump

>> No.1316553

link works
picture proves the thread's point

OP has a valid point, homeschooling should have tighter restrictions

>> No.1316556

The link works. Thus:

I have been succesfully trolled. Raging at least moderately.

>> No.1316565

Please explain electromagnetic theory without quoting a wikipedia article.

>> No.1316584

BJU Press:

>Christ centered
> education


By the way nice dress. Momma spent all day sewing it I bet.

>> No.1316586
File: 6 KB, 142x197, THE ROCK BROW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some scientists think the sun may be the source of most electricity

>> No.1316607

QuIT aTtACKInG_And ClOWniNg www.aNON_x X_X
X_X_X tAlK.Se DirEctLy_bRo (ReMOVE ALL x)
y hy cr x m mcok nxawfsowr f rmwcizsjjfg

>> No.1316613


QuIT atTACKIng aNd_cLOwNInG www.ANON_X_X X
x X x taLK.sE diReCtlY bro_(rEmoVE_alL X)
vr rq naeq s ykbhezjoz vp kzsdvnr jup

>> No.1316654


>> No.1316657

>amongst homeschoolers
i found your problem

>> No.1316661


Found your problem.

>> No.1316662

>no one has ever observed or felt it


>> No.1316669

I have felt electricity lots when I shock my self cuz im a klutzl, nutz quote.

>> No.1316679

Bob Jones University

>> No.1316687

I count eight separate major errors. Anyone beat that?

>> No.1316710



Also, Christians... you can't just reinvent the universe as you please. Stop it, you're embarrassing humanity.

What if our universal neighbors see you?

>> No.1316725

Why the fuck is america still a leading world power?

>> No.1316730


>> No.1316735


I think the better question is, with all of our bullshit in America, how is the rest of the world still so far behind?

>> No.1316737

Electromagnetic theory is not really that difficult to understand, provided you have the background knowledge needed (i.e. proper understanding of scalars, vectors, vector products and so on).

>> No.1316740


Rome was a world power for nigh 1,000 years. America won't last the 21st century. It may be a record, of sorts.

>> No.1316744

"Explain God's ordered world to your student through the study of the moon, light, electricity, area and volume, simple machines, digestion, animal defenses, trees, erosion, and simple classification of insects."

God's world

>> No.1316775

I also like the fact that they have mixed the completely unrelated fields of electomagnetics, basic mathematics, biology and geology in the same book, even if it's just small useless bits of these fields presented in a god-distorted fashion.

>> No.1316781

Ironically enough, the downfall of Rome was in part caused by the acceptance of Christianity.

>> No.1316798
File: 22 KB, 240x240, 1276028617451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't quite get the purpose of this...

Evolution, Cosmology, etc are areas I can see them "adapting", but why electricity? Or is it just important to introduce ignorance and "God did it" at an early age?

>> No.1316807

>Or is it just important to introduce ignorance and "God did it" at an early age?

>> No.1316817

OP is mistaken, that is not a real textbook. Oh, it may be used by homeschoolers, and money may have changed hands in its acquisition (the more fool they), but this is not a real textbook.

Really fucking terrible, maybe.

>> No.1316829


Yes...we will all remember American movies and entertainment, immortalised digitally forever (I hope)...absolutely awesome. Don't worry, power isn't everything (as long as no-one wants to kick your arse). Let's hope China is gonna be cool for the next century...we're cool aren't we China...right? Haaha...yeah...bro's forever...*high five*...don't leave me hangin'...

>> No.1316844


Orwell made us hope the only way China would rise would be as a colony of Japan. What happened to that. I've been fellating the wrong overlords all these years.

>> No.1316861


Dunno...I think numbers happened. Lol...don't worry...all that exercise will serve you well and you will be rewarded...

>> No.1316862


quIt ATTAcking_aNd_ClOWNing_Www.ANON_X_X X
x x X TALk.sE_diRECtly_BrO_(RemOVE alL_x)
ekg rnzqvt ha ay yqvy iw nzhv tqjh erb mm gpbb im eo

>> No.1316863

>Citation Needed
People have been prophesying the downfall of the US since before there even was a US.

>> No.1316873

> whatthefuckamireading.jpg.

I worked my way through the sample chapter.

>> No.1316884

Also, Rome was only a 'world power' since around the Punic wars (c. 264 BC), and the Roman Empire was decaying long before 476 AD. That's ~600 years max.

>> No.1316887


I'm looking at your inability to crush two middle eastern peoples. Britain had a lot less trouble running Iraq. All it took was the occasional bombing run.

>> No.1316905

Considering that we've pretty much finished in Iraq, I have to say that your assessment is inaccurate. Also, it's a lot easier to keep some rag heads under control than it is to pull them into modernity and leave them with a functioning, prosperous democracy.

>> No.1316929
File: 31 KB, 333x386, 1277323216124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh holy shit I just read he chapter too. At first it wasn't too horrible; it was logically incorrect but semi-acceptable as a religious person's take on faith vs science.

THEN, they just plain get what semblance of science they include VERY, VERY WRONG. Using leading language and scripture-as-fact is one thing, but also fucking up the science too is just too much. Total strawman....

>> No.1316945


You've been "pretty much finished" for five years now. I'm not buying it. And a prosperous, functioning democracy? That banned the most popular party from participating in its very first democracy? Come now.

>> No.1316953

This text is actually a decent exercise in critical thinking.
Too bad it's full of half-truths and outright falsehoods while doing said critiquing.

>> No.1316971

fuckin' miracles up in this bitch

>> No.1316974


qUiT_atTAcKInG AnD_ClOWnIng_www.Anon X x_x
x X x TALk.Se dIrectLY_BrO_(ReMoVe All_X)
wgaesqhzrx vjiqzjz k o er gs

>> No.1317004

>Evolutionists try to guess the events that made the moon

PLEASE can I stop reading? Please?

>> No.1317125

0/10. Even the faggots that were screaming about the war being un-winnable have shut up.

>> No.1317138

guess I'm not the only one on this board who enjoys reading pharyngula!


>> No.1317192

>Explain God's ordered world to your student through the study of the moon, light, electricity, area and volume, simple machines, digestion, animal defenses, trees, erosion, and simple classification of insects.
>science book
Oh shit nigger what are they doing

>> No.1317368

I assume the 4 on the cover means 4th grade.

Goddamn that's sad.

>> No.1317386

that is the most ignorant thing i have ever seen

>> No.1317390

Britfag here. What does that mean?

>> No.1317397

They're killing science.

>> No.1317411

Aprix 10yo pupils

>> No.1317415

As in fourth year of grade school. Students would be about 9-10 years old.

>> No.1317418

10? The book doesn't seem.. TOO low a level.

The indoctrination is a problem though.

>> No.1317422

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:

Bankers, Corporations, Government and Religion

>> No.1317424

How about, you know not making up shit, and mention, something such as, the electron?

>> No.1317426

>Bankers, Corporations


>> No.1317437

Are you saying bankers and corporations don't cause a wide range of strife and misery for the common man?

>> No.1317438

I think I might own that fucking book. If I don't then I just used it in school.

>> No.1317440

Are you saying banks are not corporations?

Also, are you saying that investing in promising businesses to support their growth is a bad thing?

>> No.1317456
File: 740 KB, 1076x4082, 1272555705372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1317463

Bankers aren't banks, they're big wigs who sit at the top of banks creating money out of thin air backed by the debt of the masses.

Corporations aren't necessarily good nor evil, but they have powers beyond a person and they get away with shit that would put a regular man in prison for life or worse if he had done it.

Look at the oil spill for example.

>> No.1317474

>creating money out of thin air

I would say this: no.

>> No.1317476

Where does money come from then?

>> No.1317480

Wood pulp and paper.

So tree most likely, although it could be recycled from newspapers I suppose.

>> No.1317481

From interest, dividends, selling shares etc.

I don't know about America, but in Britain money can only be "created" by the Bank of England, who are not profit-driven.

>> No.1317486
File: 44 KB, 468x521, Atheist Hell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1317488
File: 1.67 MB, 2000x2000, 1269755225877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading trough the sample of the book on the website causes me physical pain! Please, come share my misery, or I shall perish?

Do people really believe this shit somewhere?

>> No.1317494
File: 121 KB, 504x1367, Creationist scared comic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

and every time I see this one, I cannot help but laugh.

Just the final line is glorious in every sense.

>> No.1317503


>> No.1317504

Yes they do. I attended a school that used these materials from 1987 to 1996, and used them for home schooling after that.

>> No.1317505
File: 10 KB, 240x250, ¬_¬.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>History of the moon
>Mars in the background

Oh I can tell this will be bad...

>> No.1317514

>break away theory
>Earth spun so fast the moon tore off from it
>left a crater on the surface of the molten earth



>> No.1317518
File: 59 KB, 600x450, geez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weep.

>> No.1317519

I'm reading the preview on the website... it's full of fucking lies.

And this is the same shit they're now using in schools in Texas.


>> No.1317522
File: 39 KB, 450x268, 1274742927052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just that:

>> No.1317523

Umm, that IS Luna in the background. It's just been colored retardedly. You can still see the quite recognizable Tycho with it's system of impact rays.

>> No.1317524


it's moon, but orange (like when it's rising on the horizon etc.)

>> No.1317526

Read on, dear god it gets so bad.

I pity every single mother fucking American who is "taught" from these books, this is a fucking mockery of education and science.

>> No.1317527


Second only to Wayne's World.

>> No.1317529

I should note that their other books are bad as well, not just science stuff. I recall a middle or high school history book that spent no more than a few paragraphs on the JFK assassination, but had a full page dedicated to an anecdote about a Confederate solider witnessing for Christ to a Union soldier, or maybe it was the other way around.

>> No.1317531

Bob jones is in south carolina. It all makes sense now.

>> No.1317534


Ah fair do's I ain't a big moon lover its just nice to look at during a clear night to me.

>> No.1317535

Forget watered down, these books contain outright lies and falsehoods.

>> No.1317536


>> No.1317544
File: 22 KB, 400x400, but that's wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolutionists would multiply this number by a billion (the age they think the moon is)
>Evolution model requires the moon to be this age
>Implying Evolution has anything to do with the moons presence, and neglects the fact that prokaryotic life is 4 billion years old.

>> No.1317547

This. Hence the global financial system would break down if everyone with accounts would withdraw all their money in it's physical form.

It cannot happen, since the majority of it is IOU Fiatcash.

>> No.1317556
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x1500, 1275841463429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book trolling me or what? I was looking forward to impact hypothesis of the moon formation after all the old hypotheses. But then out of fucking nowhere biblical explanation of moon formation! I want to murder those deceptive liars and idiots.

>> No.1317557

A. To them the entire body of science covering things that they don't believe in, big bang, evolution, etc. is all simply evolution or Darwinism.
B. They reject all evidence for anything being much older than 10,000 years tops.

My second point is what gave me serious trouble. I was never told that until 7th grade, but I grew up a big fan of dinosaurs and had a poster on my wall saying how many million years ago each one lived. This obviously led to problems for me.

>> No.1317561

That's not how money is created.

It works the same in the UK as in the US. When a person is born, the government takes out a loan between $1-$2 million backed by the fact that you exist and are expected to, on average, generate at least a couple of million in tax revenues during your life time. They take out this loan by asking the national bank to create the money out of thin air.



>> No.1317569

No problem. I've been a bit loonie ever since reading The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

>> No.1317571

The other book samples are even worse. AAAAAAUGH! THE PAIN!

>> No.1317572

I fucking hate religious retards.

Oh and speaking of which the pope has declared a crusade on Europe and America because we are losing sight of God.

Time to get the pipe bombs and armour ready cause theres gonna be lynchings.

>> No.1317576
File: 222 KB, 458x625, p3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems legit

>> No.1317581

I thought life was approximately 3.5 gigayears old?

>> No.1317583

Seeing all this shit again makes me feel two very different and conflicting emotion. The first being nostalgia for school days, old friends, and lazy weekends playing Nintendo. The other feeling is a stomach churning despair at how fucked my education was from day 1.

>> No.1317592

It's not, two planets, one being earth collided together at an angle, like grazing each other angle but it was a full on smash.

What happened was, that gave earth its tilt and the material ejected from the impact was mostly caught by the increased gravity of the new super planet and it condensed and formed the moon.


>> No.1317601

>To them the entire body of science covering things that they don't believe in, big bang, evolution, etc. is all simply evolution or Darwinism.

THIS ENRAGES ME TO NO END. Why must they do that? Evolution is the idea that species change over time due to selection pressures. That's it pretty much. No origin of life. No origin of the universe. Etc etc...

It's sad that so many non-believers know Christianity significantly better than these people know science.

>> No.1317603


Try 10 thousand

>> No.1317605


shut your blasphemous mouth

>> No.1317608

I'm going to gigapunch these religious nutcases to another dimension

>> No.1317611



all the trolls on 4chan should aspire to be on the level that the author of this "textbook" is

they're a rl troll on a whole new level

>> No.1317615

Why do Christfags spend all this time and energy creating alternative theories when believing God created an already-aged world is so much simpler?

If you go to make toast, do you just spontaneously make toast appear or do you put bread in a toaster and then add butter etc to make it? Ends up "appearing" the same to someone who walks in after.

I'm not saying it's the best solution, but come on... Why reinvent the wheel?

>> No.1317616

All of my science teachers only laughed when a student asked about God and kept teaching the lesson.

>> No.1317618

Yeah there is no way, despite my years of experience, I could troll at even half the power of this stuff.

>> No.1317621

Because if they do that, the religious-right loses control and authority. These religious nutcase don't want to lose control, they want to dominate everything.

Look at Canada or Europe where religion is taken less seriously. Fundamentalists are laughed at by the majority.

>> No.1317624

Dont worry. Only heretical fringe sects actually believe in this stuff. All the major religious organisations, including the catholic church, keep their hands well out of science.

This stuff is why heretics were always burned in the olden days. :)

>> No.1317628

These views are fairly dominant in some areas. BJU Press is one of the two main sources of Christian school and home school text books. The other publisher I believe is even crazier, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.1317630

>Only heretical fringe sects actually believe in this stuff.
Not in the south of 'merica. Over half of the populace of Texas for example are or identify with fundamentalist protestants or evangelical christians.

>> No.1317631

Fundamentalists are out right mocked here in the UK.

No one likes them at all, and if you catch them at the right time you can tear their beliefs to the ground in seconds and they thank you for it.

>> No.1317638

Ah yes. I am from Northern Europe so I probably can not even imaginehow it is like down there.

At least you can take comfort in the idea that you can easily move to a saner place.

>> No.1317639

Here they are in fairly large numbers depending on the region of the country. If they outnumber you, you'll probably be ostracized for disagreeing with them, if they don't, they'll either stick their fingers in their ears and say LALALALALALAL, argue incoherently against you, or claim persecution.

>> No.1317641

“At the time of Galileo the Church remained much more faithful to reason than Galileo himself. The process against Galileo was reasonable and just” -Cardinal Ratzinger, 1990.

>> No.1317643

It isn't like I deal with this bullshit on a daily basis. The degree to which these people have weakened around here since the 80's is pretty amazing.

>> No.1317651

"In addition, while he was the Vatican's chief astronomer, Fr. George Coyne, issued a statement on 18 November 2005 saying that "Intelligent design isn't science even though it pretends to be. If you want to teach it in schools, intelligent design should be taught when religion or cultural history is taught, not science." Cardinal Paul Poupard added that "the faithful have the obligation to listen to that which secular modern science has to offer, just as we ask that knowledge of the faith be taken in consideration as an expert voice in humanity." He also warned of the permanent lesson we have learned from the Galileo affair, and that "we also know the dangers of a religion that severs its links with reason and becomes prey to fundamentalism." Fiorenzo Facchini, professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Bologna, called intelligent design unscientific, and wrote in the January 16-17, 2006 edition L'Osservatore Romano: "But it is not correct from a methodological point of view to stray from the field of science while pretending to do science....It only creates confusion between the scientific plane and those that are philosophical or religious. Kenneth R. Miller is another prominent Catholic scientist widely known for vehemently opposing creationism and intelligent design."

>> No.1317655


"According to the widely accepted scientific account, the universe erupted 15 billion years ago in an explosion called the 'Big Bang' and has been expanding and cooling ever since. Later there gradually emerged the conditions necessary for the formation of atoms, still later the condensation of galaxies and stars, and about 10 billion years later the formation of planets. In our own solar system and on earth (formed about 4.5 billion years ago), the conditions have been favorable to the emergence of life. While there is little consensus among scientists about how the origin of this first microscopic life is to be explained, there is general agreement among them that the first organism dwelt on this planet about 3.5 - 4 billion years ago. Since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it is virtually certain that all living organisms have descended from this first organism. Converging evidence from many studies in the physical and biological sciences furnishes mounting support for some theory of evolution to account for the development and diversification of life on earth, while controversy continues over the pace and mechanisms of evolution" -Pope Benedict XVI

I don't like catholics but at least they get their science right

>> No.1317662

for everyone high up in the catholic church ranks that is against intelligent design, there's someone for it.

>> No.1317667


hahahahahaha, if you look in the window near the stairs, the sign goes from cents per pound to cents per kilo after the apocalypse

>> No.1317671

I was talking about the actual profit they generate, but it is true that financial institutions lend money that doesn't exist.

>> No.1317676



Obvious troll is obvious.

Even in the most serious of cases there is no such thing as science being replaced by religion. The internet made it much worst than it really is.

>> No.1317678

The official catholic line is consistent with modern science, but having a pope that was writing in the 1990's about how just the treatment of Galileo is not having them keeping their hands well out of science, their hands is still there, just many centuries ago.

>> No.1317682

It also goes from 1 in 4 girls have STDS to 1 in 400

Go doomsday

>> No.1317691

Ah well. Maybe I am just a hopeless optimist.

However, other major churches than catholics and eastern orthodox do it better. Reading trough some of the stuff on this link makes the world seem much less horrible. http://ncse.com/media/voices/religion

>> No.1317696
File: 23 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain God's ordered world to your student through the study of the moon, light, electricity, area and volume, simple machines, digestion, animal defenses, trees, erosion, and simple classification of insects.

>> No.1317698


That falls under theology not science. However to make it simple you are trying to view the process through the perspective of an unknown entity.

>> No.1317725



At the time the Church was in great turmoil and they had really no pleasure in dealing with Galileo and his claims. He should have kept quiet till the turmoil was over.

As for the Pontifical of Science, that's just another vocation Catholic Clergy dedicate themselves too.

>> No.1317748
File: 90 KB, 463x631, ohshitnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1317755


>> No.1317763


That's like saying someone was murdered and there's DNA evidence at the scene, but the only conclusion we could make is by faith.

No, the evidence still exists. It didn't go anywhere...

Fucking brainwashing. How does it work?

>> No.1317771

Homeschooling: Breeding a stupider and more retarded generation.

>> No.1317786

I remember in one of my Bob Jones history books, they had a page devoted to how rock and roll was the devil's music.

>> No.1317849

>Retarded homeschooling


>> No.1318059

Well. As long as homeschooling like this is permitted and a-ok, I think you can make the generalization he made. Of course there probably are some wise people who homeschool their kids much better than what any public or private school would've done, but as long as shit like BJUPress continues to exist..