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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1310614 No.1310614 [Reply] [Original]

question to all here. do you think humans will get to a point where everything about everything is discovered in science? if we don't, whats stopping us. if we do, what will happen then? how long do you think this will take? discuss...

>> No.1310628

the universe simulation ends.

corrupt software error.

can't have ai routines running around rewriting the program rules.

>> No.1310623

To be honest I think there are an infinite amount of scientific things to be discovered so we as a species will never achieve the point where we know all.

>> No.1310634

There is no way to prove you know everything about everything scientific; so we'll just keep on doing research no matter what.

>> No.1310639
File: 480 KB, 1575x1095, 1205545377939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the bottom right, those are the biggest mysteries we would currently have. That will most likely never be solved due to our lack of ever gaining the tools or materials to explore space well enough to understand.
Imagine venturing off in a space ship to a zone with all antimatter and blowing up instantaneously because you were not aware the area itself was made up of antimatter

>> No.1310643

the only way we know that we dont know everything is b/c we observe things that we can't explain. or we have questions that are unanswered (beginning of universe; big bang). so if we can explain everything observable and there are no questions that are unanswered, then what?

>> No.1310668

i actually have a hypothesis ( if thats the right word) of why there is no antimatter. its probably very widespread though, i havent done any research into it.

isn't it possible that much more mass was created than is present today? couldn't this be b/c more matter existed than antimatter and they destroyed each other and released energy? maybe this energy was transformed into the other fundamental forces? perhaps if there were other universes they would have different strengths for their forces b/c the energy was distributed differently?

>> No.1310680

and saying that there are certain things that we will never understand is very ignorant. you think that 500 years ago people would've thought we could get to pluto? well we've sent probes farther. theres nothing stopping us from sending people there except it would cost a lot and take too much time. so why would you think that there is anything that we cannot figure out through experiments?

>> No.1310704

For that to be true then there would still need to have been more antimatter to start off with. Because it takes equal amount of antimatter to react with matter.

>> No.1310719
File: 24 KB, 448x357, well_well_well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking sweet mother of god!
Someone on /sci/ knows the difference between Hypothesis and theory! Fuck yes!
Thank you anon for being able to have that much more braincells than retards calling things a "theory" that haven't gone through scientific method model!

To answer your question - the issue is the law of conservation of energy. You would have to first prove how such energy could have been formulated.

>> No.1310725

thats what i'm saying. say when the universe started there was 10 kg of matter and 5 of antimatter. for whatever reason it wasn't balanced. then 5 of matter will be left over after they react with each other. the 5 is what we observe. the 10 that was converted into energy has been spread into the fundamental forces? or any kind of force?

>> No.1310735

op, thats like asking when will every number be discovered.

>> No.1310733


There are many more anomalies which will be solved with a revolution and many ruined careers.

Look at the book "13 things that don't make sense" 13 is a start.

>> No.1310732

Yes, we will eventually learn all there is to know about the physical universe. Butt only if we don't destroy ourselves first which I find highly probable.

>> No.1310748

not necessarily. number system is something humans invented to help us understand the universe along with our theories. the universe is a natural existence, as far as we know. can you imagine there being an infinite amount of things for us to discover? just imagine. its hard isnt it.

what energy exactly? according to my hypothesis (thanks) all energy came from destruction of matter and antimatter. even our current theories today dont account for where all matter/energy came from right?

>> No.1310773
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Looked up the book ->


Fucking lol'd at 12 and 13 being same thing.
And really? Who gives a fuck about these mysteries anyway, another mainstream attempt to make money. I'd rather read about the mysteries behind the Einstein-Bose condensate, in the state of Helium-4 being frozen to 2 degrees above absolute zero., being able to drip through any solid without damaging it, while having no viscosity

>> No.1310787

Destroy ourselves? More like the universe destroying us.

We will never find out everything about the universe. It's simply impossible.

>> No.1310801

okay. but why not? there can't possibly be an infinite amount of things to be discovered. nothing is infinite as far as i know

>> No.1310816

Doesn't know about Gödel's incompleteness theorem.

>> No.1310866

Several reasons why not.

First, >>1310634
Second, it's possible to have two models of the universe with the same experimental consequences. We often lump them together as "interpretations" of the same theory, but it's still a limitation on what we can know.
Third, even if we learn all the fundamental laws, there's probably an infinite number of interesting ways to arrange matter, and we'll never understand them all.

>> No.1310872



>> No.1310901
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 1217493707182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you do this?

>> No.1310910


The chapters flow, books are supposed to. 12 and 13 are as linked as 11 and 12.

>> No.1310915


>> No.1310923

No. We are limited by being 3D beings and our selfishness, also religion.

>> No.1310920
File: 9 KB, 199x205, 1213394653136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man transplants his own penis into his forearms wrist part. Probably this transplant always traps blood in the penis causing it to be always erect. Must have been fucking hell for the neurologist to attach the nerves.
It also seems like he has a leg that had a vaginal type of opening embedded into it as see it go down the foot.

>> No.1310927

But who gives two fucks about those mysteries, its just like another book on zombies. No one gives a damn. How about a scientific mystery that's actually interesting.
Link related
www {dot} youtube {dot} com/watch?v=YVMuI_shltE

>> No.1310946
File: 323 KB, 489x425, 1276266410933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1310949

FOR >>1310920 THAT IS

>> No.1310953
File: 40 KB, 402x616, 1198721288400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... erectyle dysfunction?
This is just another form of Body modification.
Ever got a haircut?
Ever Shaved?
Ever got a piercing?
Ever got a tattoo?
Ever got scarification?

This is just another form of body modification as listed above. Just a mode extreeme form.

>> No.1310960
File: 36 KB, 490x327, Spongebob this cant be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face

>> No.1310962

No. We cannot perceive beyond three dimensions


>> No.1310965

That chart looks outdated

>accelerating universe

That's because the universe is flat

>why no antimatter

No idea

Virtual particle theory.

>Origin of mass
Higgs boson, currently unproved.

>> No.1310967

That's because the universe is flat
>Compensating for your moms flat tits

No idea
>Thought so faggot

Virtual particle theory.
>Moar like virtual sex, you perverted fuck.

Higgs boson, currently unproved.
> Your heterosexuality, currently unproved

>> No.1310969


>> No.1310975

>Universe is flat.

Yeah you were an easily spotted troll.

>> No.1310981

>I don't read modern science papers

The universe isn't a donut.

>> No.1311051


That mystery has nothing on things like immortality.

>> No.1311083
File: 82 KB, 500x281, 1262644361118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No sterile neutrinos
>My face

>> No.1311120

>do you think humans will get to a point where everything about everything is discovered in science?

No. Science is the means with which we make these discoveries, and the discoveries are an approximation of the truth/reality/what-have-you. We can continue to get more accurate approximations, but I don't there's really an "end".

>if we don't, whats stopping us.

We don't live in a static universe (or at least that's our current understanding of things - lol). Things are constantly changing and evolving, and so I don't see how science (the act of studying these changes) can "end" while universe keeps on going.

>> No.1311123

>but I don't there's really an "end".

ugh, fucking typo!!! :(
it's supposed to say 'I don't think there's really an "end"'

>> No.1311126

>while universe keeps on going.

srsly? another one....i really should be in bed right now

>> No.1311159

>One thing that doesn't make sense
>1. Humans

Also, even if or when we shrug off the frailties and restrictions of flesh I don't think we'll hit any kind bounds for what can be learned in the time between now and timelike infinity.

>> No.1311163

Science is a theory-practical. Call me old fashioned, but you must take precedence within discoveries and then apply a formulated algorithm in a practical experiment to prove your theory is correct. For all we know, there's millions of other words that our technology cannot reveal.

>> No.1311463

" There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

Douglas Adams