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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1309132 No.1309132 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ hate engineers?

>> No.1309139
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>> No.1309151


Inb4 because engineers are gay

>> No.1309152

because engineers are smart enough to contribute to the scientific body of knowledge, yet choose to buy corvettes and act like they aren't geeks

>> No.1309161

Because this.

EE here btw.

>> No.1309163

because unlike scientists, engineers do something for humanity and dont just theorize about unprovable bullshit

>> No.1309181

Because it's not engineers who build the shuttles that send men to the moon at all...

To answer your question OP, haters gonna hate.

>> No.1309185

most of /sci/ is retarded. i don't even know why i still come here.

>> No.1309192

shuttles to the moon, to go somewhere we already knew existed, waste of money

moar super colliders!

>> No.1309194

Sorry, but that is just theorists.

Most scientists have little respect for them as well.

>> No.1309198

Because engineering is a more intellectually demanding field since you have to apply what you learn to solve problems. Also, we make more money.

>> No.1309206

>implying that supercolliders aren't a huge waste of money.

>> No.1309208



>> No.1309209

Cars, bio, computer, electric, petroleum, mech, ect. The world needs engineers more and they're just angry they're unemployed neckbeards hugging their calculators.

>> No.1309220

Filthy communist.

>> No.1309221

Scientists masturbate to science.
Engineers take men to the moon, blow shit up, and fuck whores.

>> No.1309227

yes, most scientists have little respect for...

engineers are necessary, but aren't true scientists, 4chan should have a section for both sci and eng

>> No.1309229
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LMAO, engineering is about as intellectual stimulating as bgin a janitor or fry cook.
You're a funny little faggot (engineer)

>> No.1309236

there's this stereotype that engineers don't actually understand real science. granted, that's true for a lot of engineers who stop at the bachelor's level, but real research engineers (in some disciplines anyway) end up having to know grad level math and physics anyway.

>> No.1309239
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/sci/ doenst hate the gays, what gave you that idea?

>> No.1309257


those types of engineers are the exception,
some of best discoveries of the century have happened because of the collaboration between intelligent engineers and scientists

>> No.1309259

We have motherfucking Tesla. They're just jealous.

>> No.1309268
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>> No.1309270


>> No.1309272

Physicist here. I like engineers more than I like most jobs. Any maths is better than none.

I mean for srs, philosophers are the worst.
At least welfare scum are more honest about it.

>> No.1309273

Most of those aren't just pure theorists. Bohr for example had a fondness for shooting alpha particles at gold.

>> No.1309275

Because we fucked their girlfriends, sisters, and mothers.

>> No.1309283
File: 48 KB, 554x849, hardcore-gay-sex_4_3652_si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EE in dat ass

>> No.1309292

We own the internet. Of course they'd hate us.

>> No.1309290
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engineers are bros! we share dicks!

>> No.1309299
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But faggots......dont have sex with girls??....

Ic what you did there, busted FAGGOT!

>> No.1309307

because we make more money than scientists.


>> No.1309309
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That's ignorant
We are people too

>> No.1309312

So some asspained faggot kid saved pictures of gay porn onto his HD just to spite engineers.

Jealous AND closest faggots much? HATERS

>> No.1309316
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>> No.1309326
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>> No.1309333

Bacause /sci/ is homophobic.

>> No.1309330
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>> No.1309329
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Engineers: Sort of like scientists, but with less dignity, intelligence, and job security (but a slightly bigger paycheck).

It's like when you're in school and you pick on the slow kids. Sure, they'll be set for life with government welfare while you'll have to actually have a career, but they're still worthless retarded blights on society who deserve to be ridiculed.

>> No.1309340
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>> No.1309346
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I don't hate the little engines. We need them, just like we need Fast Food workers and Garbage men. They do the shit job, so we don't have to. Thanks fellas!

>> No.1309353
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>> No.1309356
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>> No.1309368
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Did someone say engineering?

>> No.1309373

Scientists and Engineers form a symbiotic relationship.
Engineers use the discoveries scientists make to design better tools.
Scientists use the tools engineers design to make new discoveries.

>> No.1309376
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>> No.1309378

But why dont they love each other?

>> No.1309394
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Question for ya /sci/ is this or is this not a cat?

>> No.1309389

scientists don't like dicks in their asses.
The whole of r9k tried to go into an engineering club but they were deemed not fabulous enough.

>> No.1309398

This thread reeks of samefag.

Science is awesome and so is engineering. Get over yourselves, dipshits.

>> No.1309399


It is a pro-cat.

>> No.1309404

I have a degree in engineering physics. I work in an experimental physics lab that tackles engineering problems.

Where is your dualistic god now?

>> No.1309417

lol wut?

>> No.1309421

you all just wish you got to work with the cool tools us engineers get

>> No.1309425


because they create stuff that shitty scientists can't?

>> No.1309432

Haters gonna hate. EE junior here.

>> No.1309465
File: 200 KB, 361x361, umad 20 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he mad

>> No.1309560

>scientists hate on engineers
>praise LHC
>CERN staff: 3% research physicists
38% engineers

>> No.1309700
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Most engies I've met seem to think that they are on equal footing with scientists and often are haughty to the extreme, basically along the lines of "Hah you couldn't do anything if it wasn't for us, so we control science". And yet, engies don't even get their names published in journals, not unless they were a hybrid of disciplines.

Oh and their breath smells of semen. I wouldn't care to note this, but it is such a strong presence that if I enter a movie theatre, I can immediately tell if an engineer is present amongst the audience.

>> No.1309950

>also mad

>> No.1309957

But thats just fucking wrong!

>> No.1309960
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>> No.1309964

Somebody has to to their job. Thanks to engineers you can concetrate on what you relly love.

>> No.1309970

Who do you think designed all of the components that you use in your computer daily? That's right, a fucking electrical/computer engineer.

I can understand the butthurt over some engineers' holier-than-though attitude, but not all are like that.

BTW EEs can hold their own with Math and Science......

>> No.1309995

Do these dipshits actually think they're going to get anyone with their forced meme?

I guess small minds are easily amused.

>> No.1310009

if you like candy for breakfast

>> No.1310016
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>BTW EEs can hold their own with Math and Science......

That is the funniest shit I heard all day. You got anymore good jokes?

>> No.1310024
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>> No.1310046
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>> No.1310121
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>> No.1310154

So much delicious engineer hating butthurt ITT. Your tears sustain me.

>> No.1310199

Engineering: Mathematics with a paycheck.


>> No.1310226

What's wrong with rasin bran?

>> No.1310336

>>1309346 (as if quoting Einstein)
>I don't hate the little engines. We need them, just like we need Fast Food workers and Garbage men. They do the shit job, so we don't have to. Thanks fellas!

The Swiss/Italian engineer Michele Besso was Einstein's best friend and an intellectual partner in his work:


Einstein would have no such respect or collaboration with you.