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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1308280 No.1308280 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ i want to be a game designer but i don't know wich career i should follow. Coumputer science? Systems engineering?

Pic related, it's my favourite game...

>> No.1308288

time for some SICP

>> No.1308305

You should get lots of experience, start creating a game right now.

>> No.1308313

computer science for sure, you learn everything about game design there also it has computer in the name

>> No.1308315

Seeing as Half Life, maybe get into modding a little bit and see if you like that. Source SDK isn't bad.

>> No.1308323

What do you mean with Game Designer? There's no such thing.

What are you more interested in? Programming? Server management? Making animations? Drawing the characters? Drawing the environment? Sound? Writing the story?

>> No.1308326

> source SDK not that bad
> C++
> not that bad
oh man oh man

>> No.1308331

MDickie did it all man, he fucking did it all. He bucked the system. Pure inspiration, man. All you scientists *will* be replaced by artists, mark my words!!

>> No.1308333

Actually, if you want to be a game designer, you have a better chance of getting in the industry if you're an artist or into graphics rendering.

>> No.1308340

go in systems engineering, video games are systems

>> No.1308362

>says c++ is bad
>obvious troll
I've come to expect this on /sci/

>> No.1308373

Obvious troll! God, is this what it has come to. I have to kill Bjarne. There's just no other way. Maybe, when he dies, his progeny instantly die as well. Maybe...

>> No.1308382

Enjoy filling in databases of football stats for EA 80 hours a week.

>> No.1308391

Get a computer science degree for your resume. But you'll pretty much have to teach yourself everything else. If you're not good at self-education and problem solving, forget it. And don't waste your money on one of those game development schools you see ads on tv for. The only people succeed with them are people who were good enough to go the self-education route anyway.

>> No.1308394

>c++ bad
>probably still uses FORTRAN punch cards

>> No.1308410

Reading this thread has led me to realize that there are virtually no tripfags on /sci/. I wonder why that is?

>> No.1308423

unless you're into writing code for years on end with a reference manual the size of your calc textbook to program only a fraction of a module of a physics engine that might get changed, reduced or removed at the end, debugging said code because one thing isn't perfect (more accurately, thousands of things aren't even close), and to deal with executives demanding things that would only cost more time and money for even less output, then go for coding games.
or you can do the other side of the spectrum and animate models, design textures, create and manage storylines, argue game mechanics and generally not sit in front of a screen 9 hours a day becoming near-sighted.

>> No.1308430

Or he hides in the safety of java.

>> No.1308442
File: 10 KB, 252x183, 1276722518683s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1308438

C++ has just now, in *committee*, managed to discover lambda statements. This is just... an embarrassment. Anyone who uses C++ should just be embarrassed. Sometimes, there's not a choice, I understand. Most programmers have to do what they're told. But they should still be embarrassed.

Frankly, if I had to use C++, and thankfully I don't but if I had to, I would surely rather say I was a scientologist or worked for genesis studies or something.

>> No.1308439

Aphex Twin isn't a game faggot

>> No.1308453

scheme needs to dig a hole and die in it

>> No.1308462

> java
> turns mallocs into miles of UML because everything is a fucking object
no, bro. Just no.

>> No.1308478

Anyway, just start learning Python now. You're on holidays, you've got time.

>> No.1308481


because it's an anonymous board.
go to sciforums or something.

only people on this board with trips are engineerfags, coz tripz are ghey dood

>> No.1308482

Don't be so silly. That's a side effect, Scheme couldn't even do that.

>> No.1308494
File: 14 KB, 383x225, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1308496


>> No.1308497

> implying Scheme is a pure functional language
haha oh wow

>> No.1308506

you should take more english classes.

>> No.1308528
File: 11 KB, 220x241, 1276123091281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on /sci/ is a 15 year old faggot who googles shit on the spot to look smart.

Kinda like me.

>> No.1308533

oh look at me I use an obsolete language that was invented when computers were as powerful as the shit in my toilet

here's my sample code for hello world: ()()()()(((((((((((()))))))))))))))((((((((((((((FUCK YOU))))))))))))))))))))))(())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((

what's that you can't read it? too bad you need to achieve satori and suck some wizard cock before you can write some simple crap that takes me 5 sec to write in python or any modern language

>> No.1308540


>> No.1308550


>> No.1308552

>Implying making it easier to write a childs program makes a language better in some esoteric way

>> No.1308554

> implying I didn't just today create a DSL in scheme to control an instrument my company makes
Sorry bro, I did. What spells did you cast today? Segmentation fault? Hahahaha

>> No.1308565

>>1308554 samefag
Ohhh shit I missed the bit about python. Hahaha, nice lambdas dude. Maybe if you took your "significant whitespace" and converted it to "expressive power" you'd be on to something.

>> No.1308582



>> No.1309712

OP, design a bunch of games. Start now. Eventually, design a game that's actually good and develop it.

>> No.1309731

Level Designer Fag here, I went for computer science and got a job at a major company. But I had a pretty large portfolio. Start making one now! Try out every engine you can, become universally knowledged with each editing tool. That is how I got it.