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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1307925 No.1307925 [Reply] [Original]

I hope the LHC doesn't discover the Higgs boson shattering our models and bringing in new science. I hope that eventually relativity will be proved false somehow making FTL travel possible. I like the idea of new exciting discoveries.

How about you? discuss

>> No.1307946

That would fuck over the standard model more than relativity.

>> No.1307957

Yeah, I hope a cure for HIV isn't found so people have to invent better ways to stop sharing needles and having sex.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.1307963

1.) Higgs Boson
2.) ???
3.) Mass Effect drives.
4.) Hot blue alien cunt.
5.) Wiped out by Reapers.


>> No.1307970

As much as the uninitiated (uneducated) like to think that scientists cling onto their models (Standard model,SR, GR, evolution,..) like a christian does a bible, the truth is that ANY valid experiment/theory that could debunk even the slightest detail of any of them is the holy grail.

It would open up so many new research areas and funding opportunities.

So yeh, I would love for something "wrong" to happen.

>> No.1308002
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>Wiped out by Reapers.

Not if I can help it.

>> No.1308012


Yeah yeah.

You're too busy out doing lines off of Liara's ass while Tali rims you to notice the "Reapers."

>> No.1308027

Seriously, if you debunk the standard model, you're practically guaranteed a Nobel Prize and several decades worth of bottomless funding.

>> No.1308035

I hope they find the graviton so it can somehow be manipulated, granting us both Anti-gravity and a working Alcubierre drive.

>> No.1308047

Why don't we just increase the speed of light?

>> No.1308054

>Implying the graviton exists

>> No.1308072

Get the fuck out of /sci/

>> No.1308089
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That's why scientists increased the speed of light in 2208.

>> No.1308155

Think of all the new exciting frontiers if we realised everything was false. Would be a second renaissance.

>> No.1308171

Faggot, this is /sci/, not /scifi/.

>> No.1308296

There is very little of the known phenomena in the universe that our current theories can't explain to a decent degree. How stars are formed, what they are, how they work, planets, galaxies, black holes, the effects of gravity, etc. Only at the very large scale and the very small scale do things get fuzzy, and then again because we have a rather hard time accurately measuring one or the other.

Still, yeah, finding out the universe isn't a boring-as-shit, seen-it-all-before place, but that instead all the magical sci-fi shit is possible, that would be cool.

>> No.1308385

>implying Futurama isn't always welcome on /sci/

>> No.1308446
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>> No.1308477
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>> No.1308498
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>conservatism in science
>my face

>> No.1308704

futurama rules.