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1304134 No.1304134 [Reply] [Original]


* Has been known to contain carcinogens and cause cancer
* Causes short term memory loss directly
* Not technically addictive but it is emotionally addictive and when quitting users find it difficult to sleep
* Gateway to other drugs
* Gets you high

>> No.1304139

* feels good man

>> No.1304143

* boosts imagination

>> No.1304144


>> No.1304146

*die anyway some day so why dont feel good the time you're still alive

>> No.1304147

* smoke it every day

>> No.1304149

people with shitty friends and simple minds get into maria

>> No.1304151

Lolwat? Weed lowers the chance of cancer

>> No.1304156


>> No.1304158


>> No.1304159

Inhaling burning leaves reduces the risk of cancer?

>> No.1304161


>> No.1304162
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* Has been known to actually reduce the chance of cancer
* Causes short term memory loss while intoxicated
* Not addictive, habituating
* Prohibition of Marijuana opens up people buying weed to harder drugs while buying from an unlicensed dealer
* Gets me high

>> No.1304163

I don't think weed should be illegal, but I also think it's a complete waste of time

>> No.1304170

>Not addictive, habituating

The existence of habitual cannabis users contradicts this.

>> No.1304171

People who smoke weed have very interesting ideas about it.... lol

>> No.1304183
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Hay guise lets ban chocolate or cheeseburgers because people really like eating them a lot

>> No.1304190

>Not technically addictive but it is emotionally addictive
Like 4chan?
>Gateway to other drugs
>Gets you high
That's a good thing.

>> No.1304195

People need to eat every day, they don't need to take psychoactive drugs

>> No.1304202
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fuck weed
i be sniffin that glue nigga

>> No.1304205


I don't really care about marijuana one way or the other. I used to smoke up but I don't anymore, but a lot of my friends do.

But.. I have one chocoholic auntie and one trainwreck of a stoner uncle.

Uncle is 50 and has smoked weed everyday for about 28-32 years. He is a mess, absolute mess. He's the reason I don't smoke up. He still lives at home and recently lost his job (taxi driver) because he was found smoking up on the job. He is paranoid and incredibly deluded.

My auntie is slightly overweight, I'd say 27-28 BMI, but is healthy in every other respect.

Just sayin is all.

>> No.1304213

I always thought that the gateway drug idea was bullshit. The people inclined to do heavier drugs will do them anyways. Marijuana is just cheaper and easier to get, making it the starting point for many people.

>> No.1304220

My dad's smoked weed everyday since he injured his shoulder in his twenty's and earns 140k a year.

>> No.1304223
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Smoke weed everyday

>> No.1304226


>PhD in shoulder injuries
>140k starting
>smoke any weed I want

>> No.1304227

Oh yes, they need to eat cheeseburgers and chocolate.
>one trainwreck of a stoner uncle.


>> No.1304229

Well, shit. Someone's got an agenda against the weed
Your uncle sounds like a pussy who can't handle drugs. Your auntie sounds like the rare case of a woman who calls herself a chocoholic but can practice restraint.
If you want to make a REAL argument about weed, you should be talking about the increasingly wealthy, armed and ruthless gangs just south of the US border financed entirely by drugs.

>> No.1304231
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>> No.1304237

>People need to eat every day
not chocolate and cheeseburgers.

>> No.1304238


> list of people who have only smoked weed at least once
> only a couple of scientists on list

I'm convinced bro.

>> No.1304241

we don't need to use computers either, let's ban them.

>> No.1304244


Wasn't making an argument against weed bro, don't care one way or another. I do other drugs for fuck sake.

Nice paranoia though.

>> No.1304250

I wasn't talking about banning everything, my point followed from the claim that weed is not habit-forming

>> No.1304255

no known case of an over dose

>> No.1304258

>Has been known to contain carcinogens and cause cancer

[citation needed]

>> No.1304260

> someone claims it's not habitual
> counter this with example
> get flamed for being anti weed

>> No.1304263

>my point followed from the claim that weed is not habit-forming
habit-forming is not something bad.
brushing your teeth is habit-forming, drinking soda is habit-forming, etc.

>> No.1304270

Paranoia, bah
You don't know the meaning of the word.

The worst thing about weed is the fact that you make less effort with girls, because if it's not going well or you're not feeling on your game you can think "fuck it, I have some weed back home". Stoners tend to get laid a lot less than alcoholics.

>> No.1304271

I fucking *hate* smoking pot, I've done it maybe 5 or 6 times over the last 10 years and every time I wish I hadn't. Don't know if I'm allergic or hypersensitive to it or wat, I just get really stoned off of one or two puffs and pretty much pass out.

The "legalize it" fags that only say good things about pot are kinda dumb, people that smoke too much really do end up being lazy fucks that never do anything. People who drink all the time are the same way though, and probably are more destructive while doing it.

Overall though I don't see why it shouldn't be legalized, it is no worse than booze at least. But it isn't the miracle drug that cures cancer etc.

>> No.1304278


soda is bad for you

brushing your teeth is not habit forming. that's like saying putting on clothes in the morning is habit forming.

nice stoner logic though. well done.

>> No.1304282

What's your point? Marijuana is an unnecessary drug which many people take habitually.

>> No.1304283


Most soda has caffeine in it. that makes it addictive and can make it habitual. Soda is bad for your health though so I don't get your point.

>> No.1304285

>that's like saying putting on clothes in the morning is habit forming.

So, are you saying you dont wear clothes everyday? Cause if you do, or at the very least, fairly often wear clothes, then its a habit.

>> No.1304287

> Has been known to contain carcinogens and cause cancer

So has everything.

> Causes short term memory loss directly


* Not technically addictive but it is emotionally addictive and when quitting users find it difficult to sleep

Kind of like 4chan?

* Gateway to other drugs

Bullshit and you know it.

* Gets you high

That's the point you fucking retard.

Just thought I should point out that i've never touched marijuana in my life.

>> No.1304288

>soda is bad for you
everything is bad for you in certain amounts - even water.

>brushing your teeth is not habit forming
yes it is.
>that's like saying putting on clothes in the morning is habit forming.
yep, because it is.

>> No.1304289

>> I just get really stoned off of one or two puffs and pretty much pass out.

where can i get that shit

>> No.1304290

>I don't have tooth-brushing habit

Enjoy your cavities, bro.

>> No.1304297

brushing teeth and wearing clothes has become a social necessity. unless your a fat faggot like most 4channers are

>> No.1304301


eurgh, you really are stupid.

I said brushing your teeth is not habit forming. You do it everyday through necessity, each days brushing is not a consequence of the previous days through habit. Just like putting your clothes on is not habitual.

>> No.1304302

Marijuana is bad for you and most of the arguments made by its proponents are shit.

The best argument for its legalization is the fact that it's not very dangerous, and people should be able to make their own choice towards it.

>> No.1304304

>Bullshit and you know it.

Tell that to the police and government studies

>> No.1304307

the simple facts are that it's cancerous and retards your brain.... there's no fucking contest if you're already stupid go ahead and smoke all the weed you want. If you want to be a scientist then you're not going to ruin you brain with weed and excessive drinking.

>> No.1304311

All recreational drugs are bad, and you should avoid them. Marijuana isn't the worst though

>> No.1304313

They know it too. They just aren't going to admit it.

>> No.1304314

>the simple facts are that it's cancerous and retards your brain

[Citation Needed]

>> No.1304317

Linkletter: “There’s a great difference between alcohol and marijuana.”
Nixon replies: “What is it?” The president wants to know!

“When people smoke marijuana,” Linkletter explains, “they smoke it to get high. In every case, when most people drink, they drink to be sociable.”

“That’s right, that’s right,” Nixon says. “A person does not drink to get drunk. . . . A person drinks to have fun.”

Then Nixon turns to the global history of drinking and using drugs. “I have seen the countries of Asia and the Middle East, portions of Latin America, and I have seen what drugs have done to those countries,” he says. ”Everybody knows what it’s done to the Chinese, the Indians are hopeless anyway, the Burmese. . . . they’ve all gone down.”

Nixon continues, “Why the hell are those Communists so hard on drugs? Well why they’re so hard on drugs is because, uh, they love to booze. I mean, the Russians, they drink pretty good. . . . but they don’t allow any drugs.”

“And look at the north countries,” Nixon continued. “The Swedes drink too much, the Finns drink too much, the British have always been heavy boozers and all the rest, but uh, and the Irish of course the most, uh, but uh, on the other hand, they survive as strong races.”

Linkletter says “That’s right.”

Nixon comes to his main point about the “drug societies:” they “inevitably come apart.”

Linkletter adds, “They lose motivation. No discipline.”

Nixon gets the last word: “At least with liquor, I don’t lose motivation.”

>> No.1304318

>What's your point? Marijuana is an unnecessary drug which many people take habitually.
In what definition of unnecessary? As in what your body needs to survive? Yeah, I got news for you, you consume thousands of unnecessary substances everyday.
If someone enjoys the effects of the drug, it's not unnecessary.

>> No.1304323

its never permanent and unless if you don't go through an ounce per day for all of the days of your life... you wont become retarded. There are those that use it as at about the the accepted 1 -2 drinks a day bullshit/

>> No.1304324


> the Swedes drink too much

wut. drinking culture in Sweden is practically non-existent.

>> No.1304329

does that mean water is a gateway drug to alcohol?

>> No.1304331

>I said brushing your teeth is not habit forming. You do it everyday through necessity, each days brushing is not a consequence of the previous days through habit.
lol, do you even know what a habit is?

>> No.1304332

In my opinion drugs should be legal, but none of them, including cigarettes, should be allowed in public buildings other then perhaps bars and the like.
Their negative effects to the user have been placed on them purely out of their own choice.
If they are too retarded to stop or prevent any kind of addiction it is their problem and their lack of discipline. A government mandate that disallows such substances is pointless as well, as it creates black markets.

>> No.1304336

The swedes drink a lot, they just don't do it in bars

>> No.1304339

>You do it everyday through necessity

Uhh no bro. A lot of people don't brush their teeth, and it most certainly is not a necessity. Ugh, you really are a stupid strawman etc etc.

>> No.1304340


Yes, do you know what habit FORMING means?

>> No.1304342

>implying alcohol isn't a drug

>> No.1304343

>its never permanent

It's always permanent, the effects lessen over time but will always be there

>> No.1304344

derp derp derp

>> No.1304347


Totally agree, if something brings more happiness than pain, then it is a good thing, no matter what it is. Marijuana makes millions of people happy with virtually no side effects.

>> No.1304350

>A lot of people don't brush their teeth
>I talk for myself

>> No.1304352

>Tell that to the police and government studies

[citation needed]

>> No.1304356

Don't forget all the time you waste getting high

>> No.1304360

>hurr durr

>> No.1304367

hye fuck you it fuels my imagination - I think about solar systems inside atoms and shit.... WWWWWWWOOOAAAAAH

>> No.1304370
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>> No.1304372

>Yes, do you know what habit FORMING means?
Yes, when you repeat something consistently and it becomes almost subconscious behavior - brushing your teeth can definitely fit into that.

>> No.1304376


No where near the level of other countries (UK, Russia)

Thought that was a weird example to throw in to be honest.

Sweden consumes less alcohol per capita than almost every other European country bar Norway

>> No.1304377

> smoking weed is equivalent to brushing your teeth

this is what dope smokers actually beleive...

>> No.1304378

>wasting time
>getting high
I don't suppose you sleep?
Also when you take weed 30 minutes seems like two hours.

>> No.1304379


* Is useless.

>> No.1304380


Five minutes?

>> No.1304381


>> No.1304382

>Don't forget all the time you waste getting high

Very little compared to all the time I waste doing everything else that is pointless but makes me feel good *cough 4chan cough*

>> No.1304385

People dont need to eat cheeseburgers.

>> No.1304386


False. Time seems to flow as normal for me...

>> No.1304391

i only waste the 10-15 seconds to get me high.. maybe another few minutes cleaning out pipe. then continue my day... hw wash car.. 4chan, read... its not heroin you fucking idiot. You dont take a hit then lay down in an uncontrolled haze. YOU CAN STILL BE A FUNCTIONAL INDIVIDUAL

>> No.1304394

>is useful to people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, arthritis and other painful conditions

Fuck people in pain! Drugs are bad!

>> No.1304395

that's not weed then bro

>> No.1304396

Look I'm not against marijuana at all, even smoked it plenty of times (including 6 months or so where I went totally overboard with it), but to say it has virtually no side effects is just plain wrong. Looking back on when I smoked it definitely screwed with my memory, and it definitely made me pretty apathetic to things that should have been important.

The side effects are just more subtle than, say, alcohol, but they're there. That's been my experience at least.

>> No.1304397

I can't find a single equivalence statement between smoking weed and brushing teeth in this thread.

>> No.1304401

To all of you potheads, your 'happiness' is a fucking illusion brought forth from your incapability to produce genuine happiness.

>> No.1304404

It's only a gateway drug because it is illegal. Dealers selling multiple drugs push their other products. "Yeah I got some weed, you should try this other shit too"

If it was legal to walk down to the gas station and buy some Marijuana Parliaments, most stoners wouldn't give two shits about other drugs.

>> No.1304405

> then continue my day... hw wash car.. 4chan, read... its not heroin you fucking idiot

> pathetic busywork that society has trained you to do

sure is cog in the machine

>> No.1304407

Where can I get weed? I live at 933 Hillcrest Drive, Beverly Hills.

>> No.1304411

Define genuine happiness.

>> No.1304412


>who suffer from multiple sclerosis, arthritis and other painful conditions

I hope you aren't on that list.

>> No.1304414

Not your personal army

>> No.1304415

I'd rather eat some shrooms every couple of months

>> No.1304416


Everywhere. You live in LA faggot.

Probable troll, but watever...

>> No.1304417

>take weed
>still be cog in machine

Fuck yeah!

>> No.1304425

Happiness brought forth from a medium that does "not" include artificial stimulation of Dopamine through the placement of foreign chemicals in the brain.

>> No.1304426

Habitual weed smoking is totally fucking different to brushing your teeth every through habit.

One is brought on by necessity and has no conditional dependence on previous occurrences.

One is brought on by escapism, and has increasing conditional dependence on previous occurrences.

Can you see the difference?

>> No.1304427

All this doesnt really matter. What matters is the effect on society, marijuana has very little impact on a society, however marijuana laws have a huge negative impact.

Simply put, we would be better off if it were legal, then the people selling it would be licensed, and it would be much better controlled and also harder to get for young people, the fact that weed doesnt provide any real value to society is irrelevant.

>> No.1304430

excuse me.. i go build a particle accelerator.. what do you do that makes you so important?

>> No.1304432

>a fucking illusion brought forth from your incapability to produce genuine happiness
How can a feeling be fake? You can fake a feeling but you can't make a fake feeling. You feel it or you don't. You are dribbling down your chin, Hurrbert.

>> No.1304434

You don't take an aspirin if you don't need it, unless you are addicted to it.
I would imagine the same counts for drugs in this respect.

>> No.1304436

>however marijuana laws have a huge positive impact on the balance sheets of alcohol and cigarette companies

>> No.1304437


> implying the impact is only on your society

look to third world countries where the shit is grown bro.

>> No.1304438

this is the only good response ive seen yet

>> No.1304441

oh look an edgy teenager atheist

>> No.1304442


hurpp durpp cool sarcasm

It actually does stimulate my imagination,. however, and I get really interesting visualizations of physics and calculus

I attribute weed to changing my major from to physics by the way, and its the best choice ive done thus far.

>> No.1304445


It really isnt different. Neither brushing your teeth or smoking weed is necessary to live. They are both things we do to improve our over all happiness. People like having healthy teeth, it makes them happy, people like getting high, it helps them deal with the pains of life.

Both are unnecessary, both are done to increase happiness, the only difference is how society perceives the two, one is viewed as bad, while the other is viewed as good, but ultimately they are both doing the same thing.

>> No.1304447


Then you must be 12

>> No.1304450

Ok, now you need to prove that there is a meaningful difference between dopamine produce by an outside chemical, and dopamine produced by chemicals already in the body (your "genuine" happiness is still just chemicals interacting in the brain), and why one would be better than the other.

>> No.1304452

look in any place USA, bro theres an enormous supply from the inside over out for weed at least

>> No.1304453

Only because it's illegal. If it were legal there'd be no reason to grow it in third world countries, because everyone could just grow a couple plants in their closet if they wanted to.

>> No.1304457

I'm building a machine that cures cancer, terminates every known virus that infects man and makes expresso coffee.

>> No.1304462


>> No.1304465


Smoking the herb isn't always about dealing with the pains of life, sometimes its about being with friends, it is a very sociable experience

>> No.1304466

Can I order a version that will suck my dick too?

>> No.1304468


Stoner logic at full capacity. That really was your worst response yet.

I brush my teeth to avoid gum disease and tooth rot.

>> No.1304471

Don't be stupid

>> No.1304472

For some, for me it tends to make me introverted. I'd rather have a few drinks to make socializing more fun.

But everyone's different.

>> No.1304474

With the substance they will pretend they are happy.
While there is absolutely nothing to be happy about.

>> No.1304475


this is what i dont like about cunts who dont think at all but instead choose to repeat rhetoric.
smoking weed everyday will definitely make you a slow poke.

>> No.1304479


I'd say you are out of the norm.

I tonst of people who like to sit around in a group and pass joints or blunts or bongs and just chill.

>> No.1304481

>Smoking the herb isn't always about dealing with the pains of life

I agree, I left that bit out, also brushing your teeth isnt always about having healthier teeth, its often about having nice breath and being more pleasant to be around, its an activity that is closely related to social relationships also.

>> No.1304483


How was my post rhetoric, cunt?

>> No.1304485

>smoking weed everyday will definitely make you a slow poke.
[Citation needed]

>> No.1304489

It's only a carcinogen when smoked because any type of smoke from burning is a carcinogen, and it is only a gateway drug because it is illegal.

>> No.1304491

You try don't you

>> No.1304492

yes, and eating a triple cheeseburger every day will make you a fatty, what is your point?

>> No.1304494


I feel same does this create new category of stonerfag. ?

>> No.1304497

The point is that it is an unhealthy habbit, obviously.
Do you guys need everything spelled out for you?

>> No.1304498


wtf am i reading.
i brush teeth to be healthy, not to impress people and be accepted socially.

>> No.1304501

vaporizer is now ITT. Cancer has left

>> No.1304502

>i brush teeth to be healthy, not to impress people and be accepted socially.

lol, apparently youve never had a girlfriend

>> No.1304503

The guy who brought up the brushing teeth here:

I did it to show that habit-forming is not something intrinsically bad, there are good habits, bad habits, habits that don't matter, etc.

>> No.1304504


>implying habitual weed smoking is not bad

>> No.1304507

>The point is that it is an unhealthy habbit, obviously.
Drinking 10L of water a day will kill you.
Drinking water is a bad habit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111

>> No.1304510

[citation needed] on that claim.

>> No.1304511


yes, because i brush my teeth everyday you fucking retard, I just do it for different reasons obviously.

sure is stupid stoner in here

>> No.1304512


[x] butthurt

>> No.1304513

>I did it to show that habit-forming is not something intrinsically bad, there are good habits, bad habits, habits that don't matter, etc.

Same thing

>> No.1304514


wasn't a claim.

>> No.1304515

On the coinside, drinking no water on a day will also kill you, and not smoking on a day does not.
What are you trying to prove here?
If I didn't need to drink water to remain alive I would not drink water.

>> No.1304516

smoke 24/7

>> No.1304517

Lost the argument and resort to ad hominem [x]

>> No.1304519

What stoners believe:

Smoking weed is the same as brushing teeth
Smoking weed is the same as drinking water
Smoking weed is good for your health.

True story.

>> No.1304523


>Doesn't know what ad hom means

>> No.1304525

You just named off all of the bad things.
1. can stop cancer
2. happy people don't kill themselves
3.better for you than cigs
4. if we tax the hell out of it we can git the economic back on track
5. you only dis it till you try it

>> No.1304526

>yes, because i brush my teeth everyday you fucking retard, I just do it for different reasons obviously.

Sure, whatever you say stinky breath

>> No.1304527

>what I think stoners believe


>> No.1304528

Not using a computer will not kill you, why are you using one?

>> No.1304529

what >>1304519 believes

>>im funny

>> No.1304531


No, it probably just means you're an introvert already.

Weed doesn't change your personality, it simply amplifies it.

>> No.1304534

>Doesn't know what ad hominem means

>> No.1304535


stoner butthurt feels good man

>> No.1304538
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>Paris Hilton
>Night vision porn star

>> No.1304540


"You can't believe Jack when he says the proposed policy would help the economy. He doesn't even have a job."

See how saying "[x] Butthurt" is not ad hominen now?

>> No.1304541
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Stoners can't feel butthurt. We are unbutthurtable. We're stoned.

>> No.1304542


Theyre the same because they improve the quality of our lives, thats it. Everything we do, no matter what it is, boils down to making us happier, thats it. If you want to show something is wrong, you have to show that it hurts others. Which you cant with weed. You can only quote very special cases of it hurting people, like how you can quote very special cases of drinking water hurting people.

>> No.1304543


>Theyre the same

Stopped reading there. Thanks for the lulz stonerfag

>> No.1304546

I never saw Marijuana recieve any e-mails.
Those who do not have a computer this age will miss out on society. I would imagine drugs do the oppisite, any more meaningless comparisons you wish to make?

>> No.1304548
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I show you...

>> No.1304551

>Stopped reading there. Thanks for the lulz stonerfag

The point is, we dont care if you think smoking weed is bad, what we do care is you try and force it on us. Stoners dont try to force people to smoke weed, they give them a choice, we expect the same.

>> No.1304553


lol, silly stoner tripfag.
That list is a list of "famous" people who have been rumoured to have smoked weed before at some point in their life once.

Apart from maybe a handful of people on the list, none of them are scientists and none of them have made any positive impact to the advancement of the human race

>> No.1304555

Not getting any emails will not kill you, retard, which is the point you made.

>> No.1304557
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Yet somehow it's more than that 'one' stoner uncle.

Don't you get it? Weed does not make you a loser. You make you a loser.

>> No.1304558

>Doesn't know what ad hominem means

>> No.1304559


Actually I'm one of the people ITT who is somewhat apathetic to weed legislation. I don't particularly think it should be illegal.

Just playing devil's advocate really, and none of you have put forward any decent arguments.

The brushie brushie one was my favourite though.

>> No.1304563


Totally agree

>> No.1304568


People on that list who smoke as much as that guy said his uncle does: ~0

>> No.1304575

>People on that list who smoke as much as that guy said his uncle does: ~0

[Citation needed]

>> No.1304588

Appearantly this world is black and white to you.

The happiness brought by marijuana is a meaningless one. It does not actually help you with anything. It will not tell you the news, it will not help you with a job, nor help you learn new things.
Marijunana, is as beneficial to your life as a damn breathmint except with a multitude of health and development risks that keep getting denied.
It, does, not, help, you.

>> No.1304592
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>> No.1304597
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It gives me happiness. It gives me a fun time. It's not remotely as harmful as alcohol.

Problem, officer?

>> No.1304601

Out of interest, how much do you smoke and how often?

>> No.1304606

Two small cones, once a day. I'm still fairly new to it (~6 months) so I don't need much to get very high.

>> No.1304608

>The happiness brought by marijuana is a meaningless one.
>It, does, not, help, you.
Yes it does.

>with a multitude of health and development risks that keep getting denied.
It's not dangerous enough to warrant a ban.

>> No.1304610

ITT: We need citations and nobody cites any

If there is no science then this thread does not belong here.

>> No.1304611

>The happiness brought by marijuana is a meaningless one. It does not actually help you with anything.

First of all, happiness helps you period.

But thats not the point, the point is that its not fair, motorcycles are dangerous and we would "be better off" without them, cheeseburgers are much worse for you than marijuana, theyre legal because people want them I could easily fill a list of a 1000 things that are completely useless that are considered acceptable by our society.

The point is, people are going to smoke weed, our society will probably always shun it to some extent, but in the end we have a choice, ruin those peoples lives by throwing them in jail, arresting them, or let them enjoy their little source of happiness that we so easily accept for everything else.

>> No.1304615

I'm not saying its a problem, I'm just saying its stupid.

>> No.1304616


I drink a few cans of lager a night after work. I'd say that we're roughly equivalent.

Anything in excess is bad though, be careful bro.

>> No.1304617

Carl Sagan said pot was good.

That settles it.

>> No.1304619


>Appearantly this world is black and white to you.
>My opinions are facts.

>> No.1304622
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Of course.

>> No.1304624

>The happiness brought by marijuana is a meaningless one
>The human brain does not have cannabinoid receptors

Sure thing bro.

>> No.1304631

>Carl Sagan said pot was good.

That settles it.

I agree, you should read what sagan wrote about it, its beautiful, except for how he refers to being sober as "down"

He talks about the appreciation it brings for things you normally take for granted, and how its not a drug that makes you "feel happy" its a drug that changes your perspective, the happiness comes from what you do when your high, not the drug itself, the drug just opens doors in your brain to appreciate things anew.

>> No.1304745




>> No.1304760


>> No.1304762

inb4 shitstorm

>> No.1304766


I learned that God does exist and that Elvis is alive.

>> No.1304769

>Gateway drug argument in OP
>184 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Seriously you guys, for fucks sake.

>> No.1304771


where the hell did "god" come from?

is it a washington post reference?

>> No.1304778

>OP posts truth
>Weed addicts get butthurt

>> No.1304782

> implying it's not a gateway drug

>> No.1304811


the real gateway drug is fucking alcohol.

and the "gateway drug" concept is pretty stupid. easier to find cheaper drugs will always be a "gateway" to any sort of drug use because they are easier to obtain and more people do them.

it seems to imply that simply taking the first step into the "gateway" and you don't turn back. its obviously not the case as evidenced by the fact that so many more people smoke weed than just about all of the other illicit drugs combined.

>> No.1304842

Until I see some fucking citations this thread is just a bunch of summerfags arguing about pointless bullshit.

>> No.1304864

This, times a billion. Very well put.

>> No.1304866

>The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

>> No.1304873

Holy shit......really?

That's nuts.

>> No.1304889


> The risk of lung cancer increased 8% (95% CI 2% to 15%) for each joint-year of cannabis smoking, after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking, and 7% (95% CI 5% to 9%) for each pack-year of cigarette smoking, after adjustment for confounding variables including cannabis smoking. The highest tertile of cannabis use was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer RR=5.7 (95% CI 1.5 to 21.6), after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking.

>> No.1304890

Apparently the THC kills off old/sickly cells before they can become cancerous and spread. That's not to say Marijuana doesn't have some negative side effects, but OP is clearly just throwing baseless stereotypes around without checking his facts.

>> No.1304892

Part of the problem with any attempt to evaluate maryhunana is that potheads will say any shit to get it legalized.

>> No.1304901


And this article states the exact opposite. There's really no point in making decisions based upon arbitrary scientific "findings". If you truly feel something is dangerous, do not partake in it. Everybody here is a big boy (hopefully) and can make their own decisions. Weigh the pros and cons and be a man about it. No need to argue like butthurt little boys on /sci/

>> No.1304916

the only stereotypes are that weed is wonderful and great and should be legalized..

>> No.1304924

wasn't that the study where they pumped smoke into the cage of animals in immense quantities for hours? If so, it has been strongly repudiated for poor methodology.

>> No.1304935

no, this is a study of people.

learn to READ

>> No.1304938


can't stress enough how true this is.. even on /sci/ we suffer from this

>> No.1304939

lol no, weed makes no difference either way as to whether you should be a scientist or not. Furthermore one might argue that, if one were to think with a scientific mind, that one would see that there was "no scientific benefit", however science within the mind is very personalised and marujuana could do any manner of thing to a mind, any sort of sample data would produce varying affects, and good luck with your census.

Protip: don't eat meat, it will lead to hamburgers, which will lead towards a big mac.

>> No.1304942

wow typical idiot namefag

>> No.1304943

weed may not be that great, but it should be legalized. Black market forces are very very unpleasant.

>> No.1304944

>cannabis smoking

Do the people who carry out these surveys not take this into account?

>> No.1304957

You should probably find a new name and tripcode, tripfag. You just made yourself look like a complete idiot. It's people like you that make everyone think "hur durr marijuana makes you retarded".

>> No.1304966
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>> No.1304976

Did you read the rest of the words?

>> No.1304979
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>> No.1304989

desperate troll is desperate

>> No.1304998


Study with larger sample size finds no link between long term pot smoking and lung cancer.

>> No.1305004

Isn't it fucking ABSURD that a fucking PLANT is illegal to grow and eat?
If I walk into a forest and eat a particular plant I'm a criminal, what the fuck?

>> No.1305013


thank you

>> No.1305015

Yes. They only considered *smoking* of cannabis. I want to see a study which deals with intake of cannabis by a vaporiser, or by ingestion.

>> No.1305032

>sample size
That's were the problem is, samples can pretty much prove anything, all because people are way too lazy/uncooperative to make a census.

>> No.1305050
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>post troll thread on /sci.
>218 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>successful troll is successful

>> No.1305057
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Reasoning like that shows that the pursuit of a risk-free existence leads to madness.

>> No.1305060

eh, it's been a fairly interesting thread, with a little science too.

>> No.1305069

>Implying making a post full of facts is the same as making a troll post

>> No.1305074

>Implying you are OP
>trying to continue the troll

>> No.1305077
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>218 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.1305081

the cause cancer thing is hardly evidence-based. And the gateway hypothesis is not well supported by the data.

>> No.1305096
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>implying smoking the weeds is healthy risk-taking behavior that prevents madness

>> No.1305099

>Implying you are the op

>Butthurt weed addict

>> No.1305107

at least there were some references going on in the end.

>> No.1305110

I'd say smoking "the weeds" is a mildly unhealthy activity that is mentally benign in all but the largest quantities.

Certainly as with any substance, one should avoid overuse, but it isn't something to be avoided at all cost.

>> No.1305111
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>implying implying implying implying implying

>> No.1305115

*OP is a fag

>> No.1305122

"Avoided at all costs"?

You are implying that avoiding the weeds is difficult and time-consuming.
Furthermore, you are implying that people who smoke the weeds don't actively seek it out.

>> No.1305123

It causes permanent damage from small quantities

>> No.1305127
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>> No.1305132


Wow, such a heated flamewar over weed. Lol.

>> No.1305138
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>> No.1305141

Citation? This is /sci/, after all.

>> No.1305145

>Retarded weed addicts zealously defend their escape from reality

>> No.1305147

I think we can conclude that

The weeds...
*puts on sunglasses*
have hit the fan.

>> No.1305149

Weed is fucking addicting. I 100% agree with that.
Whenever a stoner loses weed, their lives immediately revolve around finding weed like they cannot have fun or enjoy themselves without it. It can get really annoying sometimes.

That being said, i still think it should be legal.

Just follow the same rules as alcohol, don't smoke while driving or drive while high, and do it only in designated areas or on your own personal property. Pretty much every argument against weed can be ended with a simple add on.

>> No.1305152

Ha, I haven't smoked weed in over ten months man. I'm just pro-freedom.

>> No.1305154

I don't take weed because I don't personally get any pleasure out of it. For the same reason I do not troll /sci/, which is more than can be said for yourself.

>> No.1305156
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>> No.1305159
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>Weed is fucking addicting

>> No.1305160

Now I know you're a troll. I don't even smoke, I just want a citation from you that small doses cause permanent damage and you cannot provide that. Get off my /sci/.

>> No.1305169

Gateway-is only because weed is illegal.
Since most dealers have access to other drugs, seeing that you are already buying something illegal, and the other drugs right there in front of you, it becomes much easier to make the leap. If a person had to seek out a drug dealer specifically for the harder stuff, that jump would become much less likely.

>> No.1305176
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>He can't use google
>He doesn't know youth ho have smoked weed are more likely to go on to take harder drugs and generally act like a twat

>> No.1305179

>This is what addicts actually believe

>> No.1305180

>make absurd claim
>tell sceptics to google it

hurr durr?

>> No.1305181

10X this

>> No.1305183
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>> No.1305188

Why do stoners have to rationalize that smoking weed is healthy?

It's like they can't even take a single con to their drug. They must be addicted I guess.

>> No.1305191
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This is now a stoner comics thread until 404.

>> No.1305193

>Make absurd claim weed doesn't cause brain damage
>Provides no sources
>Can't use google
>Proves weed causes brain damage

>> No.1305200
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>> No.1305205

I'm not saying weed is bad, I love it. I just don't get why some people can't admit that something has one con or another and that they are willing to live with that.

>> No.1305207

>Responding to an obvious troll.

I give up on you, /sci/. This is supposed to be a place for intelligent people and instead it's a shitfest.

>> No.1305211

You again. You owe me one citation faggot.

>> No.1305213

>Responding to an obvious troll.

I give up on you, /sci/. This is supposed to be a place for intelligent people and instead it's a shitfest.

>> No.1305216
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>257 posts

>> No.1305220

All you have to do is google

>> No.1305222

>Prove that God exists
>All you have to do is google

>> No.1305226

>Prove that Elvis is alive
>All you have to do is google

>> No.1305230

>Prove that 0=1
>all you have to do is google

>> No.1305231

don't think you read the post

and your supposed to ignore the trolls. Every board has trolls. That just shows the trolling is getting to you.

So you're not upset that the post isn't intelligent, your just upset that it isn't aligned with your lifestyle.

>> No.1305233


hardee harr


>> No.1305238

Cool sources bro

>> No.1305244
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Anyone with a 7th grade education understands how to use google and how to seperate the fake articles with the real ones.

>> No.1305245
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>> No.1305248

>cool sources

* Iverson, Leslie. “Long-term effects of exposure to cannabis.” Current Opinion in Pharmacology 5(2005): 69-72.

* Weiser and Noy. “Interpreting the association between cannabis use and increased risk of schizophrenia.” Dialogues in Clincal Neuroscience 1(2005): 81-85.

* "Cannabis use will impair but not damage mental health." London Telegraph. 23 January 2006.

* Andreasson, S. et al. “Cannabis and Schizophrenia: A Longitudinal study of Swedish Conscripts,” The Lancet 2 (1987): 1483-86.

* Degenhardt, Louisa, Wayne Hall and Michael Lynskey. “Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 71 (2003): 42-4.

* Weil, A. “Adverse Reactions to Marijuana: Classification and Suggested Treatment.” New England Journal of Medicine 282 (1970): 997-1000.

Aren't they just?

>> No.1305269

Hey it's the line I'm gonna use from now on. In fact, I'll even write it in academic papers[1].

[1]: All you have to do is google.

>> No.1305287


i raffed

>> No.1305294
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but I don't know about those other clowns...

>> No.1305300

I wonder what Nano Letters will think...

>> No.1305303

Outdated and poor methodology

>> No.1305312


note that they listed the more relevant ones first.

>> No.1305317
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Does baby want to be spoonfed?

>> No.1305321


>> No.1305352

op is a massive faggot, where are the studies to back up your assumptions that mj causes cancer?
gateway drug? alcohol and ciggs are most peoples first expierence with drugs, so they are more to blame than anything else.
short term memory loss? if it were that important i would of written it down.
not addictive. people who claim emotional addiction are probably also co-dependant and fucking losers who can not control their emotions to begin with. addictive substances include:heroin, diazapam, and alcohol(addiciton should be redefined to being a substance that will kill you if you quit due to how it interferes with normal body chemistry in such a way that the body becomes reliant upon it to survive, these three are the only drugs i know that you will die if you quit cold turkey after prolonged exposure.)

>> No.1305363

If I want to put a bullet in my brain I should be allowed to. Extrapolate.

>> No.1305364

cool sources, too bad anything written before 2003 is inadmissable. also quoting newspaper articles is not a peer review journal that could be considered a source for a scentific debate.
op is still a massive faggot.

>> No.1305382
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