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File: 117 KB, 1000x650, aliendesign2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1302902 No.1302902 [Reply] [Original]

what would, in all seriousness, happen to society if extra terrestrial life contacted earth?

obviously the idea of aliens coming down on a planet with volatile oxygen everywhere where perhaps their planet was a lot cooler/hotter/had a higher pressure atmosphere would never set foot on here, but if it happened, what would go down?

assassinations, mass hysteria, suicides? Would religion finally take a back seat to science and advancement instead of he other way around? Would we try and kill the aliens?

>> No.1302910

Chaos and hysteria.

>> No.1302917

what would happen on earth if we found extra terrestrial life but it was like, simple shit like amoebas or maybe tiny fish like things? Maybe living methane creatures on Titan?

>> No.1302930

Hysteria. People fear change.

>> No.1302934


In the case, probably a feeling of accomplishment.

>> No.1302942

Groups like the KKK would eventually form towards the aliens, and there would always be those people that just want the earth back the way it was.

Fucking rednecks...

>> No.1302945


>> No.1302951

The Pope starts a crusade because the aliens
are atheists/believe in other gods

>> No.1302962


>> No.1302965

if this happened I would feel like my entire fucking existance as a race would be villified.

I mean, here we have these life forms on another planet in our solar system. That means there are others elsewhere too. Two instances you CAN NOT ignore. I would feel like, even if our race were to die out it doesn't matter because life will persist elsewhee. It'll all be worth it. I would die with complete and total peace and happiness and have the rest of my planet get swallowed up by the sun, whatever. Just because of that reassurance that we aren't alone.

I can't imagine the euphoria I would feel. It brings me instant happiness just thinking about it.

>> No.1302994

first off the crazes will yell out "i told you they were real, they are the one who put that thing up my..." you know the rest.

then we will go to DEFCON 2 and aim for the mothership.

some religious people will lose hope that their is a god, some will worship the aliens.

the greedy people will try to make a profit on this some how.

but most of all chaos and hysteria. yay!!!

>> No.1303001

Aliens are in contact with earth according ot the 6th man on the moon. They seem to be friendly enough.

>> No.1303009

Now , what would Aliens need from us?
They'll most probably sell us as slaves.

>> No.1303013 [DELETED] 

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>> No.1303019


I'd celebrate so much, i'd risk drinking myself to death.

>> No.1303022

depends how many and why they come here

>> No.1303028

I repeat, aliens are in contact with us you are witnessing first ccontact. They are slowly giving us technology.

>> No.1303034


Again assuming that alien societies would be some retarded insect colony emulations. Star Trek view is very unrealistic in what comes to alien cultures.

>> No.1303036

>They are slowly giving us technology
What for?

>> No.1303043


Harmony harmony oh love!

Why not?

>> No.1303049

Humans are dangerous. Given the power, we would strike the Aliens when they least expect it. Why would they give us more power?

>> No.1303064

we are intelligent life. aliens have nothing to fear from us. wars are fought over resources but technology removes these needs.

aliens respect life.

>> No.1303070
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you mean if they weren't interested in our rresources and wouldn't enslave/murder/exploit us?
also, we'd first need a way of communicating with them [don't imagine them necessarily as humanoid beings capable of making sounds/having eyes]
um... nothing much wouldn't happen. there'd be a wave of protests, hysteria etc, everything would cool down and people would get used to the idea that there are little green men for real.
if they traded us tech [what we'd trade is the question], that's a completely different story, tech revolution incoming [we'd beg for spacetravel tech, nanotubes and biotech (all of it)-> space mining of asteroid fields -> colonization of moon/mars/orbital stations/venus].

and no, religion would persist, for they too are creatures of God YADAYADA
you need to understand religion isn't about religion, but about power it yields over people
you can see christianity is more tolerant than it was 400 years ago, the same thing [same thing as in reform, tolerance, new bullshit spewing]would happen again if such circumstances would arose

>> No.1303073

intelligent life has to be friendly, advance civilization requires cooperation.

>> No.1303074

>technology removes this needs
I don't think so Tim.

>> No.1303079


well yoiu are wrong, learn basic economics.

>> No.1303084

How about Technology that needs more resources?

>> No.1303091


IS NOT going to happen.

That would be incredibly retarded, that we've just discovered that we're not alone but galaxy might be full intelligent life, and we'd be immediately getting hostile towards them...

No country is going to submit to such atrocity. Actually, i'd see it more likely to end up in a world war in which mankind will be unified to extend that some rogue countries won't get whole humanity in an undoubtedly catastrophic interspecies war.

>> No.1303095
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>religion finally take a back seat to science

What are you living in th 1600's?
religion took a back seat to science long long ago! Extra terrestrial life would finally kill all religion.

>> No.1303099


Earth has no resources that you cant get from any other planet.

>> No.1303101


Okay, in all honesty, if an alien civilization has enough technology and resources to reach our tiny planet in the middle of fucking nowhere, then they'll most likely not be hostile. There would be no point in enslaving us, because they would have no need for slaves. If our technology is already close enough to produce robots that could do all our work for us, etc., imagine a civilization thousands of times more advanced

>> No.1303104

That's wishful thinking. If anything, ET life would influence new religions.

>> No.1303114

People are afraid of anything they don't know.
I mean , look, people are afraid by "mutants". 50 % of people would throw up if they would have seen an image of a mutilated body. Imagine what would people think of creatures totally different from us. It would take thousands of years to accept the differences.

>> No.1303124

I think any alien civilisations able to contact us would already be machines.

>> No.1303125

A few maybe. It depends on if the aliens are religious. In anycase most of the religions we have now would cease.

>> No.1303268

wouldn't it be a mindfuck if aliens that exhibited a similar line of intelligence also looked like us too? like, were humanoid, with hands that can manipulate their environment and most of their sensory organs close to their brain? Wouldn't that be fucking surreal, even moreso than finding alien life, to find out that intelligence and general body shape are sort of mutually exclusive for the kind of learning-oriented intelligence that drives us to become better by learning more??

>> No.1303269
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What matters isn't how the intelligent and rational people would react.

It isn't even how the majority of people (in civilized countries anyway) would react.

It's about how the loudest, craziest, most fearful and ignorant inbred fucktards would act, because that's all the reaction that any international media is going to cover anyway.

So the answer is to look at this picture, and reflect on how people like the teabaggers have reacted to him being president.

So aliens show up, it'll be that, times about a billion.

>> No.1303284

Sweet, I haven't had an addition to my wallpaper collection for a while.

>> No.1303295

I hate people who fear change SOO FUCKING MUCH!!!

Suck it up faggots!

>> No.1303305

according to evolution it makes loads of sense

>> No.1303315

The pope already said that intelligent life on other planets was possible

>> No.1303326

Well it would be pretty damn cool, I hope they would bring plenty of images of the stuff that they have seen.

The sixth moon astronaut says that aliens have already visited earth...

Doubt earth is that special, we are probably pretty low down on the priority list... Give us another 1000 years when we have a peaceful world and world government then maybe we can talk.

>> No.1303468

nothing will happen

>> No.1303573

What would, in all seriousness, happen to your posts if you used proper grammar?

Obviously the idea of grammar with all its rules and syntax would be difficult to emulate by a 14 year old, but if they tried, would they make their post less shit?

>> No.1305054

Would you marry an alien?

I think i would.

>> No.1305135

This is my favorite post in this thread. I'm really interested to see just how much of an impact physical makeup has on the advancement of intelligent life. It wouldn't surprise me if any aliens we make contact with are bipedal and have hands at least similar to ours in function. If stands to reason that advancing through their earliest phases of existence would require the ability to create and use simple tools. And any advancement to a technologically superior civilization would also require dexterous and flexible hands.
In other words, I don't think it's likely our new Alien Overlords will have tentacles/claws/only 3 fingers/etc.

>> No.1305177


It would fair well for the aliens in terms of acceptance by the human race as well. People have difficulty sympathising with creatures that don't resemble humans or mammals. That's why the aliens in District 9 (films are hardly proof but whatever) are anthropomorphic, so that people can relate to their tale of woe.

>> No.1305192

More accurate extraterrestrial porn.

>> No.1305197

That's a good point. If we make contact and the Aliens resemble Cthulhu or are so completely foreign that they resemble nothing we've ever seen before, people will be repulsed and automatically assume the worst.

>> No.1305339

We'll probably try to sell them parts of the solar system in exchange for technology.

>> No.1305346

>implying we own the earth much less the solar system

>> No.1305354

LOL this

>> No.1305377

no, religous fags would say that god sent them here to help us, and, as usual change their story to suit their needs.
the monroe doctrine and manifest destiny and any other ideaologies of spread and conquer would come into play to villianize the aliens and use them for their technology and then fuck them over.
we would rape their planet and then start on the rest of the universe.

>> No.1305388

The pope has already explicitly stated that he's cool with our space bros.

>> No.1305414

I really don't know why aliens would announce themselves to us unless we were the only intelligent life they'd found anywhere. We don't have much to offer to an interstellar civilization. I imagine alien anthropologists would study us, but probably without interfering.

>> No.1305445

The only reason to make contact would be if they had hostile intentions or they needed natural resources. I find it hard to believe that any space faring civilization competent enough to find us would have difficulty mining asteroids/other planets to find those resources, though.
I think what you said about monitoring us is most likely. Perhaps when we have demonstrated more advanced technological acumen or discovered something they haven't, we'll make contact.

>> No.1305527

The people talking about aliens only wanting resources aren't thinking about an exchange of culture. What if the aliens had never heard of music? Or movies and television? Or, even of fiction?

>> No.1305543

So they're gonna trade us advanced technology for Rush albums? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY FIND LIMEWIRE?

>> No.1305548



>> No.1305563

Or to keep us from destroying ourselves.

Going off on a tangent here, but what WOULD be the protocol for interference with a less sophisticated society, in the case that it faced extinction due to either a natural disaster or a self-inflicted one? I could imagine there being pretty heated debates about it on the alien equivalent of CNN.

>> No.1305565

Let's say that some aliens have technology for faster than light travel and come here.

If they have such technology and energy I bet that they could just change a closer planet instead of coming here but let's say that all close planets already were colonized and they came here to live here. They would just clean the planet for them the same way that we clean a terrain to build a new house. We don't share our technology with simple creatures like ants or bees. If they were usefull we might keep them otherwise we just wipe their existance away.

>> No.1305567

Crossing my fingers for a future where I can trade art for a spaceship.

>> No.1305575

The other apes and cetaceans seem to have language and societies. How do we treat them? Why would interstellar aliens be different?

>> No.1305591

Well, here's a way to put it in perspective: In the Space stage of Spore, what did you do when you came accross a planet still trawling through the Civilization stage?

>> No.1305594

We interact with them and study them. We've taught them language and how to use simple tools.

>> No.1305604


>> No.1305610

God help us all if they have tentacles. Japan...oh god, the things that will happen in Japan...

>> No.1305619

Yup. So there you go

>> No.1305622

destroyed a few, put monolisks on a few, the rest nothing.

>> No.1305639

Saying that an alien makes humans seem like an ant is not a fair comparison. Humans have consciousness and are capable of understanding what an alien is.

>> No.1305662

That would be Alien Fox News.

>> No.1305686

We would be very hostile, that's for damn sure

>> No.1305706

Way to be a Pessimist.

>> No.1305715

Well dude, look at our history

>> No.1305722


Where in history has a scientifically advanced country made contact with aliens?

>> No.1305736

The Inca come to mind.

>> No.1305756


>> No.1305783

Hmm I doubt that would like ANYTHING like us at all.

I don't know how true it is but I heard most advanced life on Earth didn't even have eyes before a few Mass Extinction Events.

>> No.1305784

I hope we discover it shortly after I get my biology doctorate. I want something interesting to study. :(

>> No.1305813

Chances of finding life that evolved around an M-class star that developed extra-sensitive heat-pits instead of eyes? P. likely. Why would you need eyes if your star emits primarily in the infrared?

>> No.1305820

manly tears were shed

>> No.1305846

I think things would continue on as they always do after a little excitement/nervousness.

>> No.1305851

Inca were not scientifically advancedand neither were the spanish . The example fails.

>> No.1305869

We'd try to find something to sell them. Our destiny is to become Space Jews.

>> No.1305874

It would be wonderful, not as exciting as say actual contact, but still great.

>> No.1305898
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Been there. Done that.

>> No.1305907

Pictured: The future of man.

>> No.1305948

Raelinism (sp?) and other UFO religions would definitely kick off and gain popularity, but don't think that the Abrahamic Religions are going to die off. Islam makes vague mention of other-worldly life, and Christianity would be okay with it, but the fundamentalists and young-earth creationists are going to be hit HARD. In-fact Traditional Christianity as we know it will be in a dire situation, as they'd now have to explain how Jesus's salvation works for Aliens, even though they never inherited Adam sin. Roman Catholics and other Liberal Christians might find a way out of it, but Christianity as we know it will change dramatically. Jainism might begin to become more popular.

>> No.1306031

This is one of the reasons I hope first contact happens soon. It would finally force America to become less retarded.

>> No.1306050

Don't get your hopes up, retarded people tend to stay retarded. I imagine they'll claim that the aliens are 'fallen' angels and say that the end times are coming or some other stupid crap. Fear drives animals wild, you see.

>> No.1306142

Well at least then I could call them retarded to their face and have the support of an entire civilization in addition to most of our own.

>> No.1306221

Mass hysteria, which is why First Contact has been kept quiet for decades.

>> No.1306256
File: 31 KB, 324x549, 1277144228659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1306332

NASA even admitted it would consider concealing the evidence from the public if it obtained information regarding an alien race.

>> No.1306348

Also, think about how much you care about Aboriginal art and African hymns. That's basically what our art would seem like to them even if it was anything remotely like their culture. Heck, they might not even be able to hear the same frequencies, or see the same spectrum.

>> No.1306390

I think they're kinda cool. :C

>> No.1306467

Someone, somewhere, will try to fuck one of them.

>> No.1306490

Maybe just maybe they wont be interested in shit like murdering us and plundering.

Maybe they are like is and we are the first race they have found and they want to make good relations with us.

>> No.1306507

That'd be pretty sweet I guess.

>> No.1306514

Wait what?
Seriously? Those crackpot ufo lunatics were right on something? Citation now.

>> No.1306538


Actually, I meant the very NATURE of art. As in, they might not have the concept of it and find it interesting.

>> No.1306674

How would you reach the stars without art?

>> No.1307184

What makes you assume our planet is smaller and more isolated than theirs?

>> No.1307218


Extraterrestrial Jehova's Witnesses.

I'm fucking calling it now.

>> No.1307254

This would be hilarious.

>> No.1307260

The average modern Christian wouldn't be overly affected IMO. Just say that Jesus died for all sentient beings, not just humans.

>> No.1307277


The aliens are an interesting cross-section for their own species. Some of them believe in a singular God, some are darker than others but much less than the human equivalents.

>> No.1307300

>implying aliens would give a shit about the earth

>> No.1307304

Nids anyone?

>> No.1307345

>they never inherited Adam sin

Then it could be easily handwaved by saying the aliens don't need Jesus but we still do.

>> No.1307415

What if Aliens killed God?

>> No.1307429

What if Jesus/God was an alien?

>> No.1307430

They'd stuff him and mount him in an exciting pose.

>> No.1307432

christian fundamanetalists and the million offshoots of protestantism would be fucked as fucked could fuck.

catholics would scratch their heads, shrug their shoulders, and the pope wold say "hey dem niggahs coo, we be prayin' still"

most of the middle east will commit suicide

overall, better planet

>> No.1307449
File: 22 KB, 298x381, gorillareal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bet you a GORRILLIAN dollars that one of the first civilian contact organizations is a christian missionary project.

>> No.1307451

what if in the future instead of them finding us ,we find them and they're not so advance as everyone expects them to be,what if the alien race we find is barbaric and stupid

>> No.1307454

i do not doubt it

>> No.1307457

Actually, IIR, John Paul said this about Aliens:

"If there are Aliens, then they have souls, as such, we should respect them as neighbors and love them as brothers."

What would really happen?

Messiah cults.







Fox News would report: "EVIL COMMIE ALIEUNZ!"


Daily Show would be: "Huh. Aliens. So yeah..."


I dunno. Look at 2012. Or Y2K. Or 2000/millenium. What happened?



And they look suprised that the sun rises. So, go figure, right?

Really, though, who knows. I hope for the best.

>> No.1307463

Avatar will happen.

>> No.1307471

ive never seen Avatar

>> No.1307480

Marry? I don't know.

Engage in a mutual relationship of respect, adoration, joy, and sex?

You better fucking believe it.

>> No.1307482

Every comedian on earth will be crawling over each other to make the first anal probe joke.

>> No.1307487

I would only marry an alien if it was a Space Furry (like in the Man Kzin Wars).

>> No.1307496

Basically we attempt communication and diplomacy until we get impatient and then we just blow the shit out of them and take their land.

>> No.1307499

Lucky, lucky man.

>> No.1307526
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>> No.1307529

Love to hear that~!

Fur might be an old eveolutionary trait that's no longer around. Long story, but it might no longer be required, thus, slowly fades.

Of course, many factors..

>> No.1307563


Here's a list of anomalous radio signals discovered by SETI so far, in case anybody's curious.

>> No.1307583

I've got to find the whole set, I think.

>> No.1307627

>Look at 2012. Or Y2K

So no one will give a shit and it will be business as usual?

Good to know.

>> No.1307647

>Would religion finally take a back seat to science and advancement instead of he other way around?

Without Religion people would still be living like animals. Religion was as beneficial to social development as science was to technological development.

>> No.1307676



For every major social change there would be individuals who will be impacted negatively!

You are the red neck for not realising that!

>> No.1307700


DUDE we can't even agree and live together as human beings. WE would never reach an agreement with extraterrestrials.


Were does it even enter in question? It's more like politics no?

>> No.1307724


They would be obviously be superior and therefore our reactions would be irrelevant.

I believe they would let us live in our misery.

>> No.1307782

So what makes everyone think that if aliens have superior technology, they would just ignore us? A lot of people love dogs and cats and shit.

>> No.1307804

Even the mere sight of technology more advanced than ours will advance our scientific understanding exponentially. Of course this is a concern for science.

>> No.1307816

I would be intrigued if the aliens have religion -- equally interesting if it is very different from what we have developed, or if it is strikingly similar to Earth faith(s).

>> No.1307822

If we're collectively smarter by the time they get here, we'd probably see what we could learn from each other. At first with discomfort, but eventually more understanding. And if they shot we'd have to nuke them. USA! USA!

>> No.1307831


They'd probably have that golden rule down pact and spend the rest of their time with advancement of mind.

>> No.1307876

optimistic anon makes me optimistic

>> No.1307878

Chaos, which is probably why our governments are keeping it a secret from us.

>> No.1307894

What would, in all seriousness, happened if you were to shut the fuck up and not care about minor grammar errors?
Would you realize that the internet isn't a college essay and that you aren't being graded?

>> No.1308161

very possible

>> No.1309077


>> No.1309296

how would you possibly know that? there could be resources unknown to us that could exist on other planets

>> No.1309520

What if we have some kind of mad space crack lying around for which we are then exploited and abused like the Mexico of the Space Drug wars?

>> No.1309651

wow I'm really impressed my thread tuned out awesome.
So I guess it's obvious what would happen if humans were to find inferior life forms. Maybe like at the fish level, or maybe at the neanderthal level of intelligence.

what would happen if this poster was right:
and we did have first contact when, let's pretend, the Roswell crash. An alien craft made a mistake, maybe our atmosphere was underestimated or they hit a sattelite they didn't see or whatever, and crashed on our planet. They were discovered, the remaining live ones interviewed and then killed and dissected. Or maybe they made contact with their mothership or who fucking knows what.
Point is, we've spoken to aliens before. MIB was right, they might not be walking among us, but we've made contact and nothing's changed yet because it hasn't gone public. Their earth base is Groom Lake. Who knows.

How do you think they could inform the public about this? What do YOU think would be the best course of action taken to tell the world? Big press conference on CNN?

How would you personally react?

>> No.1309674

also one more question.

If one approached you, you know for a fact nobody will believe you, so they agree to send like, an ambassador and take you to Washington DC or whatever.

first, what would you say to these Aliens? What's the first damn thing you'd say, that could sum up humanity for them quickly?
assume they've analyzed and can translate English to their language syntax.

>> No.1309685

second, how would you talk to whatever official you meet first, how would you break it to them? Of course they'll have a gun and be hostile and think you're insane but you can summon proof. You have to be wise about it though of course and not just be like OMG LOOK!!! you have to be civil. What do you say?

>> No.1309689

What if we ARE some kind of universal space crack to some foreign species?

>> No.1309690

in b4 district 9

>> No.1309711

Ever see that movie Contact?

the parts with the people going crazy, especially the religious people.


something like that (maybe even crazier)

>> No.1309740

The way I see it is, in our movies and shit we make all these alien invaders and give us entertainment on the idea that we are not alone.

However that is actually true. There is life out there but my view is, they're still very primitive. Eventually our technology will grow and we will be able to discover them. Maybe even observe and help. Then we want to visit them and with our future technology, trek across space to wherever they are.

Then as we float above their land and we catch glimpses of their reactions, we suddenly realize,

No mankind, you are the alien invaders.

>> No.1309745

Do what I can to reassure said official that the visitor is entirely peaceful and simply wishes to contact world leaders and make its presence known. I'd just speak calm reason to them, which would hopefully be enough.

As for what I'd say to the alien itself, it'd probably be something about being honored to meet another sentient race, and inform the creature that its very presence answers one of the most aching questions in human history.

>> No.1309757

So...I've been wondering. Since heavy elements are the products of supernovae and natural phenomena, and heavy elements have proven integral to our technological development as a species, is it not possible that we actually MIGHT be the first civilization in the galaxy to utilize those materials, or that we're currently engaged in an invisible race to conquer the stars first?

>> No.1309766

>How would you personally react?

"Cool, now that the secrets out, we can harvest/reverse engineer their technology even better now and possibly get some virtual reality tech or even 3-dimensional travel via manipulation of magnetic fields. whatever it is, I say bring on the wave of new awesome technology!"

>> No.1309780

People seem really pessimistic about how everyone else would react to the discovery of intelligent life. Honestly, I think people would be more curious than afraid. This is, afterall, the civilization that made Star Wars popular.

>> No.1309790

star wars is just a movie though. They know its fake and for entertainment.

>> No.1309807

same. I'd try my best to tell them that they mean everything to us. We have so many questions that we hope they'll answer, and fundimentally...we are good. We are greedy because of our nature and the numbers at which we exist that we haven't evolved yet to cope with, but essentially we are good beings.
first off I'd ask them to please forgive any and all hostility we show because we are still but humble animals that show fear of the unknown.

>> No.1309845

If it's a hot Space Babe I'd try to fuck it.

If it's some sort of Lovecraftian Space Horror I'd probably shit my pants and die.

>> No.1309860

Behold, the reaction of 90% of the human population.

>> No.1309893
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Citation needed.

>> No.1309916

There are interviews all over youtube, but...basically, It's a lot more likely that the dude is just kind of crazy.

>> No.1310124

I'm currently writing a sci-fi story involving first contact, and I'd like /sci/'s input on its plausability. The premise essentially relies on the idea of A) The Galaxy containing a multiplicity of advanced species categorized by their level of technological advancement, (similar to the Kardashev Scale although much, much more intricate), and B) That conflicts frequently ignite between the lower-tiered species, which are generally ignored by the ~Type 2.5-Type 3 civilizations.

First contact occurs when two warring civilizations attempt to barter with earth for resources and potential habitation, since our solar system is essentially an oasis in the middle of an interstellar desert (compared to the inner galaxy). Earth basically plays the part of a celestial switzerland, trading resources for technology while taking neither side in the conflict.

THe main question I have is whether or not war/armed conflict is a believably universal trait in sentient societies, and whether or not cooperation with a less advanced civilization in the interest of acquiring a strategic edge is also a believably common trait. This is, of course, assuming that both warring species were bound by some sort of protocol prohibiting the outright slaughter of the low-tech species, IE us.

>> No.1310236

The fiction part of "science fiction" means you can do whatever the fuck ya want, bro.

>> No.1310310

America: Suspicion and abject paranoia.

Japan/much of asia - China: Obsessive Curiosity.

Russia: Suspicion, but willingness to observe non-violence.

China: Attempts to trade with them

EU: Internal bickering prevents anything other than basic communication.

>> No.1310323
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>> No.1310329

yes however some people like to have some kinda science in the science fiction

>> No.1310337

It's impossible to say until we have more data.

>> No.1310339


I like the idea. But is there some reason the warring aliens don't just invade the earth, taking all the resources and also turning it into an outpost?

>> No.1310360

I'm leaning toward the idea of having the "type-3" civilization impose a single golden rule of "no Xenocide" on the rest of the galaxy as a means of preserving galactic biological diversity, but I can't get past the nagging feeling that a civilization that advanced just wouldn't care that much. :/

>> No.1310380

war is an integral part of our intelligence and mentality.

there is war, and was war, because we knew that either the other side threatens our survival or will in the future. That's a constant. Even if it's unfounded in reality, it will happen.

don't make the cliche move of having earth be ultra-primitive. Say there's a planet that's notreally aware of itself yet but has aliens they think are just "people from the netherworld" or some shit they're trading with.

>> No.1310398

Two astronauts claim there's ufo's and you think HE'S crazy?

>> No.1310447


>> No.1310449

I now realize that this is a political topic, not a science one.

>> No.1310471

That's a good point, and I really don't want the technology disparity between mankind and the alien species to be TOO vast. The main purpose of the story is to illustrate the illusion of permanence. If the tech gap is too wide, it sort of defeats the purpose by making humankind "special" due to its comparative lack of development. So far the only way to avoid this I can see is to set the narrative several decades into the future, and have the ET visitors travel at sub-FTL speeds, using hibernation and/or life-extending medical technology to make the trip reasonable.

>> No.1310477

people always forget that its probably not going to be like that. we're not going to just meet another race. whats probably going to happen is we will find tiny life forms, not intelligent. then we might find pre-industrialized species, then we will probably find a highly advanced race after finding many other species that we probably won't make contact with unless its something like from avatar. after all that a super advanced race wont make any mass anarchy or anything

>> No.1310489

I'll never stop lolling at the way every UFO conspiracy site looks like it was made in the mid-90's by a 9 year-old discovering geocities for the first time.

>> No.1310490
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We have 10,000 years of telescoping advancement in our history. Imagine what we will have and understand in another paltry 100 years?

Imagine what a species that has another 10,000 years or even millions of years of advancement ahead of us will have? With the timescales of the universe, we are most likely to find either microbes or masters of reality.

What do you do when you fundamentally understand space and time? When there is nothing left to learn and your mortality was forgotten eons ago?

My guess would be to attempt to simulate another universe. Or to choose to embrace entropy and fade away.

>> No.1310506

If a super-intelligent intergalactic beings met us humans, these are what you must expect:


They have nothing to gain from us other than our abundance of natural resources (most likely water) and to use our primitive species for toys and labor.

On the human end of the spectrum, I think as a whole, we are not ready for a fourth, fifth, or sixth encounter.

On an individual level, some people could cope, but society would shit it's pants. I'm talking cats sleeping with dogs, spaghetti in tacos, repubs-and- dems-getting-along type shenanigans.

>> No.1310508

no. what you do then is have fighting outbreak between different factions that have different viewpoints. there will be those who want to use technology to help other races. there will be those who want to make their race special and destroy all other life. but in all honesty i dont think it'll get to that point. there is an infinite amount of things to be learned. just think about it. all we know is our universe and there is so much. dont you think that there are things that we cannot even begin to comprehend? i mean like wayyyyyy out there.

>> No.1310529

if you mean slavery of humans by aliens then no. thats very inefficient. they can use machines to do what we can do a thousand times faster and better. and as for harvesting resources. i'm not sure but isnt it likely that there will be planets much richer in certain elements than our planet is? i mean earth can't be that important that aliens would destroy all humans to get to it

>> No.1310531

>Spaghetti in tacos

...brb, need to try this RIGHT NOW.

>> No.1310713

"Black and White lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green".

Generally, it depends on them:

Are they a)friendly b)assholes?
Do they a)observe b) interfere?
Are they a)willing to share b)not giving us shit?
Does the majority of humans a)be cool b)flip the fuck out?
Am I a)a massive faggot b) a massivest faggot?

>> No.1310755

why would they be willing to share? would we be willing to share in that position? all that would lead to is both races being equally powerful and able to destroy each other. new cold war lol

>> No.1310811

If movies have taught me anything, it is that human life defies the laws of thermodynamics and thus humans make excellent batteries.

>> No.1310820

The Doctor flies in from his Tardis and zaps them into oblivion.

>> No.1310825

Half the world would collapse, the deep south would shit themselves in fear and rage calling them demons and telling the government to kill them.

Everyone else would shit themselves with the awesome and the retards of our species like the chavs would hopefully try to brick the aliens to get cut in half by them.

The world goes on and we enjoy a mutually friendship with the aliens.

>> No.1310828

>Cold war

Good we need one, technology would be researched with a whole new fervour.

>> No.1310832

or it might just be like our cold war where research goes into one field. nuclear physics. and a giant stockpile of weapons is built up. it could be antimatter weapons by the time we meet aliens. or dark matter, whatever that may be

>> No.1310838

>Implying dark matter isn't just matter thats unobserved

Dude, the fucking col war had tons of research poured into it, we tried to build fucking UFO's we done research into psychics and remote viewers and shit, drugs

Everything was researched, and there's shit that's still classified, this is the period of time that brought us more efficient jet engines and shit and stealth capabilities

>> No.1311203

Hang on, wouldn't relativity and the twins paradox basically mean by the time they'd reached us we'd be almost advanced to their level anyway?

>> No.1311223

The United States and religious fanatics (hurr durr same thing etc) would try to blow them out of the sky (or out to the stars)

>> No.1311257

First of all, they wouldn't discover earth and then immediately make contact. They'd take a long-ass time to study us, undetected, first, and even then might choose not to initiate contact. They'd likely wait until a certain benchmark was reached, such as manned extrasolar missions.

As for wanting our resources... quit being retarded. Any species capable of interstellar travel is not going to need anything we possess. Mineral resources are obviously in greater abundance and easier to extract elsewhere. Biological resources could be duplicated without removing the originals.

>> No.1311268

If any alien visited us they most have evovled so far they have no use for less advanced species.

I doubt they will still have any sense of feeling or anything foolish and non logical like love, and thus would not care a bit about humans.

The only 3 scenarios that would be possible is

either aliens have visited us, but didn't give a fuck.

They didn't.

Or they're like predators, still on such a low advancement that they need trophy's and would thus hunt us.

>> No.1311307

As I said, Liberal/Average Christians won't be affected, but the fundamentalists and creationists will be in a big problem. What if these aliens 'sin'? Like for example, they murder or invade, or steal? Those are 'sins', no? How could they inherit the sinful nature of man if they aren't human?

Then there's also the end-times business; All of this deals with events in earth, and the destruction of this universe. What's going to happen to the sentient aliens?. Christian Eschatology might collapse.

>> No.1311326


That is bullshit, and living things don't work that, especially if you were to except any intelligence from them.

>> No.1311332


Why are you people trying to turn this into a religion thread. Absolutly no one who is educated or in a position of power pays any attention to religion. No one cares if a few rednecks or ragheads run to the hills.

>> No.1311334

I dont see your point

Calling my argument bullshit does not tell me why you disagree

>> No.1311338

Because exotheology is interesting, and the OP was wondering on what the effect would be on human society. Religion is still a big part of society.

>> No.1311340

anotherguy here, but in all probability, if we ever make contact with an extraterrestrial life, it is going to be either hyper-advanced or just started developing into multi-cellular forms. Like the monolith-builders and the Europans in Clarke's Odyssey-series.

>> No.1311352
File: 39 KB, 360x352, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cos[x] + Cos[y], {x, MoebiusMu[25152], 10 Pi}, {y,
MangoldtLambda[2 3^5], CarmichaelLambda[825*3^3]}]

/sci/ can't plot contours like me, biatch.

Suck my nuts.

>> No.1311394

what if they were all zealots, all we would have to do is construct additional pylons.

>> No.1311401


>> No.1313644

fukken lold

>> No.1313652
File: 53 KB, 1025x669, assuming_control_everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1313656

I would be so happy.
So very happy.

>> No.1313676

lol, probably

>> No.1313701


shut the fuck up nigger