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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 400x597, mov248525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1301485 No.1301485 [Reply] [Original]

Oh hello /sci/, I come to you for with a question. What is your favourite science or science fiction movie? What is are the top 5 sci-fi films of ALL TIME?

I just finished watching Contact (1997), pic related.

Thank you, this pale blue dot.

>> No.1301503


It came out last year. Watch it.

>> No.1301517

THX 1138

>> No.1301523

This one is good if you like especially boring and plotless movies.

>> No.1301530


>> No.1301535

The Twelfth Monkey

>> No.1301537
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My top five sci-fi movies in no particular order:

District 9
Fifth Element

>> No.1301544


Been trying to watch this one. Unfortunately I can' find a *ehem* torrent for it.

>> No.1301548

Meh, it was okay, ending was predictable.

And cloning isn't exactly an unexplored subject in sci-fi. Moon landscapes are reminiscent of 2001, as are many of the technological aesthetics. Good movie, but far from my favorite.

>> No.1301541 [DELETED] 

Meh, it was okay, ending was predictable.

And cloning isn't exactly and unexplored subject in sci-fi. Moon landscapes are reminiscent of 2001, as are many of the technological aesthetics. Good movie, but far from my favorite.

>> No.1301550

I recommend Star Wars if you haven't not yet seen it.

>> No.1301552

Don't you have netflix?

>> No.1301558
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>> No.1301559

as a chemistry major, I find the Fifth Element to be repugnant.

>> No.1301563
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>> No.1301570
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Dis nigga don't got Netflix! HAHA wow, nigga on some low-tech shit.

>> No.1301577

>faggots who pay for movies

>> No.1301584

What's wrong?

Too MOOTYPASS for you?


>> No.1301596
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>No netflix

>> No.1301612

Contact. 2010.

>> No.1301618
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Streaming sci-fi films and stylin on yoo

>> No.1301628


Twelve Monkeys


2001: a Space Odyssey

Blade Runner

The Fifth Element

star wars can go suck a cock

>> No.1301640

I find your lack of The Core disterbing.

>> No.1301647

lol troll

>> No.1301653

Why does /sci/ hate star wars?

>> No.1301658

Because it's retarded.

>> No.1301659


faggot who can't be bothered to even pay for the movies he likes = ultrafaggot

don't complain when a movie you want to see doesn't get made because the producers don't think there will be enough interest in the film judging by past sales

>> No.1301664

Response officially declared by the jury: "acceptable."

>> No.1301667
File: 153 KB, 500x497, 4479455788_1a9446c40e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.1301672

It has no basis in science, it's less sci-fi than it is high fantasy set in space.

It's also total crap from start to finish.

>> No.1301681

Agreed. Don't you love the "pew pew pew" "laser" sound?

>> No.1301688


and pointless. REAL scifi classics are a commentary on the human condition and the struggles of the most ordinary kind that inevitably will follow us, even into the most extraordinary times and places

>> No.1301697


u 12?

>> No.1301698
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>In space

>> No.1301707
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>> No.1301709
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sophistication in my 4chan?

it's more likely than you think

>> No.1301711

ITT: No one knows that Star Wars was a fantasy movie except IN SPACE that was based on cheesy 30s serials with space battles based on dog fights.

Also, no one knows how to suspend their fucking disbelief.

>> No.1301718


yeah so what? lol

u mad?

>> No.1301721
File: 87 KB, 720x405, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci fi is never about the technology, the genre simply uses technology as a means of commenting on modern issues, or raising deeper philosophical questions.
Moon isn't about fusion or cloning, it's about the fundamental question of what it means to be human. Is Sam Bell, Sam Bell?

Sigh... man if message board genre analysis is all that film degree of mine is useful for, I'm more glad than ever to be going back for Physics in the Fall.

>> No.1301725

newfag underageb& you faggy faggot retard lol

>> No.1301732


well that was quite the bit of incoherent gibberish

ever go so far as to make look more like?

>> No.1301736

ITT: you're a faggot.

Suspend your disbelief retard.

>> No.1301742

trolls who know how to troll by samefagging which in turn trolls everyone in the thread = SUPORTROLLS

>> No.1301750

This may revolutionize trolling as we know it!

>> No.1301764
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it's been more likely than you think

>> No.1301766

You've completely misread my post.

I was merely making a comparison in the visual style of the technology.

>> No.1301774

>Moon isn't about fusion or cloning

Actually it's entirely about cloning, when cloning is brought up the nature of the clone's humanity is almost always brought up.

You need to watch/read more sci-fi.

>> No.1301776


what I know is I read something that was other than absolute praise of that film and this enrages me! HOW DARE YOU!!

>> No.1301783

>No Star Trek in this thread

Wat? I thought /sci/ was a bunch of stereotypical nerds? Oh well, Wrath of Khan and First Contact.

>> No.1301788


You guys are also missing the entire theme about corporations and morality.

>> No.1301790

Nah, it's mostly /b/tard raids, underageb&, and trolls.

Trolls. Trolls everywhere.

>> No.1301799

Not OP here, but or my Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, The Undiscovered Country, and First Contact.

>> No.1301813

That's just a tool to drive the plot forward. The movie is about the Sam clones and their struggle to find out and come to terms with their true nature.

>> No.1301820


so then you must not have been watching very intently because if you had it wouldn't be so easy you to casually dismiss the character as just a clone.
The point of the film was to make you feel for this person and realize it was because he IS a person no matter what the circumstance. Your insistence to be unimpressed characterizes you as either someone who's attention can only be grabbed by special effects regardless of writing, or as a person who doesn't really care for films in the first place and gives their opinion half-heartedly.

>> No.1301831

Star Trek much > Star Wars (which sucks cocks)

>> No.1301835

Clones aren't human, I can't dismiss them all I want moron. But yes, I do love special effects and that movie left much to be desired. It was crappy sci-fi. your opinion is worthless.

>> No.1301847


well fuck, I'm just saying what I thought of it

and I don't need any touchy feely bullshit to back that up

>> No.1301855



>> No.1301856
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Ahh, then I apologize.

I'm not disputing that that's the point of most sci fi stories involving cloning/replicants/what have you.
My point is simply that cloning isn't what those stories are about, but rather the issues raised by it.

There's also the case of Gerty, whose compassion and self sacrifice for Sam apparently make him human enough (at least in Sam's eyes) to warrant being 'kick-me'-free.

>> No.1301864

>Your insistence to be unimpressed characterizes you as either someone who's attention can only be grabbed by special effects regardless of writing, or as a person who doesn't really care for films in the first place and gives their opinion half-heartedly.

Now you're just acting childish. I'm sorry if I'm unimpressed by a story I've seen played out ten times before. I don't see how that suddenly makes me only interested in special effects or any of the other nonsense accusations you've made about my character. The movie was well written and well acted, but the material is overplayed. Like I said before, you should watch/read more sci-fi. Moon was nothing groundbreaking or even exceptional.

>> No.1301867

Well, that's just like, your OPINION bro.

Although I love both, and when it comes to the prequels I wholeheartedly agree with you.

>> No.1301878


well you're arguing with the world


>> No.1301880

Both suck ass, stop being such fucking nerds.

>> No.1301884


and yet it seems to be true.

>> No.1301885

Starwars I,II,II,IV,VI are all horribly flawed films.

V is passable

>> No.1301893


I liked it better when it was called Blade Runner.

>> No.1301894


son, I am impress

>> No.1301896

Sunshine had a great theme and music. If it had had the budget to be more Space Odessy ish and use rotating sets for rotating rings on the space ship then it would have been epic.

>> No.1301900

I disagree. But whatever, if I was trying to argue about facts I'd be in an actual science thread.

>> No.1301911


I'm sorry, did I burn your ass with my truth lazer?

>> No.1301931

Your IP doesn't match the poster before.

Nice try though.

>> No.1301943

Damn, foiled again!

>> No.1301948


those were synthetic robots.

and the story was more comparable to frankenstein's monster in the way that you only came around to feeling for them when they finally died in the end.

their story was presented in a way that made them unrelatable on purpose, so you could see them as a monster before your human emotion of compassion kicked in when you realized that they were the victims of their creators

>> No.1301957

u a mod?

>> No.1301959

It's a good bluff.

>> No.1301964
File: 14 KB, 482x479, Rick Astlov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol u must be new here

>> No.1301983

I'll let you all in on a little secret

three of the people in this thread

are me

but I may just be trolling

you'll never know, but you'll have to wonder

and even if you guess my fun won't end

because a supertroll never wears the same face for too long.

>> No.1301995


oh shi-

>> No.1301999
File: 8 KB, 260x267, AAAAAAWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1302001

u got samefag trolled nigger

>> No.1302005


Because he can take it.

Because he's not our hero.

He's a silent irritator, a watchful douchebag.

A supertroll.

>> No.1302008


>> No.1302011
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Either of the Ghost In The Shell movies would likely be my favorite.

>> No.1302017

so. much. win.

>> No.1302023

I liked it better when it was called Neuromancer.

>> No.1302027


...moot? i-is that you?

>> No.1302037

Why do people keep saying Moon is in the top 5 sci-fi flicks?

It was extremely predictable and not nearly as good as many other films...

>> No.1302050


...supertroll? i-is that you?

>> No.1302059


it was made by David Bowie's son, therefore, it is composed of pure concentrated awesome

>> No.1302062

This Island Earth
Forbidden Planet
2001 A Space Odyssey

>> No.1302075

this thread needs to be archived

>> No.1302081

this thread fails

>> No.1302082



who said 4chan was all out of it?

>> No.1302087


hur durr?

>> No.1302715

Sam Rockwell is on screen for something like 180% of the film... the sheer awesomeness of that statement is unbelievable.

>> No.1302721


>> No.1302771
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Eyes? Where we're going we won't need eyes.

>> No.1302834


>> No.1302837

Fukken lold

>> No.1302838

hipster faggot

>> No.1302854
File: 80 KB, 640x609, Kin-dza-dza_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six String Samurai
Repo Man
They Live (most awesome quotes ever)
Logan's Run (warning, old)
Dark Star
Enemy Mine
Six String Samurai
Kin-Dza-Dza ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2251461878127683608# )

>> No.1302855

sorry for mentioning SSS twice

>> No.1302888

well if you don't like Star Trek The New Generation you are no real sci-fi fan

i have to admit some of the star trek sequels are just stupid but still some are pretty good

so here are some of the sci-fi movies i enjoyed(not by rank):
1) Star Trek TNG
2) Ghost in the Shell
3) The Matrix
4) The Fifth Element
5) The Island
6) Aliens
7) Predator
8) Terminator 2
9) Iron Man (don't know if this has to be here.. but i liked it)
10) Contact

i liked the last part of Star Wars don't know the name but the last part that was shoot it was good
but all other episodes were shit that's why i don't place it in my top movies (cause they clearly are not only sci-fi)

Moon really does not come on my list.. it's not that big of a movie, it's good but not that good..

>> No.1302901

96 posts and no one has yet mentioned Primer? I'm ashamed in you /sci/.

>> No.1302927

Five hundred puzzle pieces: The movie.

>> No.1302931

Well that's probably because Primer sucks.

>> No.1303126

>I am a troll

O rly?