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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1295611 No.1295611 [Reply] [Original]

Bonus points if proof is provided.

>> No.1295626

ITT: Everyone has a 130+ IQ.

>> No.1295652

I win.

>> No.1295670
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>> No.1295675

I have 129.
FFFUUUU almsot superior intelligence.

>> No.1295682

I've taken four tests or something, results have been from 106 to 114

>> No.1295684

Got a 132 on the last test I took.
Feels good man.

>> No.1295707

I don't know my IQ, but a first-order estimation would be 100.

>> No.1295711

I took this online quez that said I was 150 IQs.

>> No.1295740

Last test I took I was 121.

>> No.1295747
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125 from an internet test i got from another thread
in my defense it was 4am and i had been drinking

>> No.1295758

Bull from Night Court had an iq of 181 in one episode.

>> No.1295761

>implying IQ testing wasn't invented in 2005

>> No.1295817

120+. I'm in engineering and live in the world's most intelligent community: Waterloo.

haters gonna hate

>> No.1296126


>> No.1296151


>implying waterloo isn't overrated

>> No.1296152


>> No.1296156

oh no you didn't!

>> No.1296164

I never took an IQ test. But my estimate would be anywhere between 120-140, i really don't know much about IQ's to be honest. They never mattered much to me.

>> No.1296168

131, officially tested.

I get mad at people who can't keep up with me sometimes. It's like always being a step ahead of people, especially when talking technical stuff.

>> No.1296169

My estimate (for you) would be anywhere from 60 - 80

>> No.1296180

>your face when you got 54 as your IQ score

>> No.1296185

Einstein needed help with his math proofs

also: 200+ master race here, I know what you mean, you're about to do it to me.

>> No.1296189

Try me.

>> No.1296193

~150, tested, have fun not believing me.

>> No.1296195

>200+ master race here
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know how few people are 200+? If you did, you wouldn't be claiming to be one of them.

>> No.1296205

>implying he's the only one exaggerating

>> No.1296207

believing your own bullshit is a product of capitalism, making other believe it is good marketing, running out of bullshit to sell is pure religion

>> No.1296209
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>> No.1296210

135 British, 137 American. Funny because i could get into mensa if i lived in US

>> No.1296222

Not even close, but god damn, he's certainly exaggerating more than everyone else.

>> No.1296227

yea i know, it's only because he said 130 and tried talking down to other people. I'm usually very humble, in fact I only boast about my humility.

But as for the IQ tests, i think they're full of shit even though I basically maxxed them ALL out, you will find that snow is irritating to someone who has to shovel it every year,

>> No.1296234

I thought 150+ was the MENSA required IQ? I could be wrong, that's just what I'd heard.

>> No.1296242

98th percentile. In the 130 range but I'm to tired to calculate.

>> No.1296246

ranges from 132 to 145 each time they standardise

>> No.1296249

it breaks my heart every time I see people react to my presence, especially when I'm talking about something that I thought was obvious.

also: I was being conservative

>> No.1296251

I'd believe that you're intelligent, just not 200+ intelligent. I only know of two people living today with those scores. Stephen Hawking, and some chick who never did anything important, and as such, her IQ doesn't matter for shit.

>> No.1296260

I have 213

See, that must be true, if you do not agree its becuase you cannot read my superior post correctly.

>> No.1296267

200+ master race here:

For fun, I go into the wilderness for months on end and try to see which level of technology I can create from scratch. Still stuck on industrial age, you won't believe how hard it is to invent computers with rocks and twigs.

>> No.1296276

Idk exactly but I'm mensa qualified by my LSAT. Don't want to sign up for the faggoty club though.

>> No.1296279

Okay, wait a second.

I'm NOT trying to talk down to people. My getting irritated at people when they don't understand what I'm saying is mostly my fault for not being the best at explaining myself, ie, using complex terminology and shit like that. Also, I live in OKLAHOMA.

I'm not MEGAULTRASUPERDUPER smart and I'll be the first to admit it. Hell, I'm a fucking English major! That knocks off like 50 IQ points right there.

>> No.1296282


Feels meh.

>> No.1296283

Please, for the love of god, let me curb stomp you. Please.

>> No.1296285

lol at trolled people, there is only 1 living person with an IQ verified by mensa as over 200

>> No.1296293


Who isn't? Mensa is just barely above average.

>> No.1296294

I thought it was 2?

>> No.1296297


Why am I the only person who seems able to admit their shortcomings? Hell, that's not even a shortcoming, that's average.

>> No.1296313

My IQ is 103, but I make up for it with perfectionsim.

>> No.1296322

>didn't do shit, IQ doesn't matter for shit

I'd fall into that category. But I am creating a new field of study called inaction. Where I do nothing and everything comes to me. Also, scientific acumen shouldn't be the only pre-requisite for higher intelligence, coming from a guy with double brains (see shaped like a gorilla) and no social life (see shunned).

But mostly, I hate people. I see them as selfish little things, and I rather die broke that make their lives more convenient, because it seems that the more efficient technology makes production, the more man hours it requires to produce one unit of product.. etc. Also I see myself like Tesla, and I really detest the way he was fucked over. So, whether I'm deluded or not, I won't be accidentally furthering anybody's agendas

>> No.1296333

it's because your shortcoming was allowing yourself to be pandered by an ego booster such as an IQ test.

The only really difference in sentient beings is propensity. secondly motivation. and lastly opportunity. Anything else means that you really believe that you're a bag of bones waiting to die.

>> No.1296378

I went to school in Lawton.

>> No.1296380

>i admit my shortcomings
>everyone else here is lying because they cant be that much better than me on average

>> No.1296410

From about 110 to 115 is how I usually do.

But that's really not definitive and I probably fall more around 100-ish.

>> No.1296422

What's with this sudden flood of honesty? What's happening to /sci/?

>> No.1296438

Needz moar trollz.

>> No.1296620

Official test four years ago said I'm 139. Not sure what it is now.

>> No.1296679

About 141. Not really sure.

>> No.1296697

149 in math when I was in 7th grade.

Probably not so much anymore.

>> No.1296703

134, But I make up for it with absolute laziness.

>> No.1296710

160. No joke, not trolling.

>> No.1296715
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Oh. In that case, you must be telling the truth.

>> No.1296716

>everyone has over 110 IQ
>can't have one fucking thread about science without turning into a trollfest

ya'll buncha liars

>> No.1296721

156+, mensa says so

>> No.1296723

leik 186 but im dyselxic so that i dont seam like it lol

>> No.1296745


>> No.1296858

Can someone hand me a link so I can do one of those shitty online tests. A good one, not some fakeass iq test.
