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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 182 KB, 787x783, 4574647759_bbc7c91c0c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1291818 No.1291818 [Reply] [Original]

Can every liquid be frozen?

>> No.1291828

not lava

>> No.1291827


>> No.1291837

you mean can every element be a solid? yea, except maybe the man made elements because they disappear moments after creation.

>> No.1291835

frozen = turning into a solid

So yes, even lava.

>> No.1291831

Stop posting my waifu.

>> No.1291832

neither can water

>> No.1291840

Lava is burning. You can't freeze it.

>> No.1291847

sure is summer in here

>> No.1291852

lava turns into rock retard

frozen lava is rock

>> No.1291854

0K = no energy, no moving particles

>> No.1291861

Who is the bitch in the picture? MOAR!!

>> No.1291864

"a sun made of fire + a sun made of ice"

>> No.1291870

Fuck you go back to /b/ and beat it to desu

>> No.1291874

=liquid sun?

>> No.1291895

mercury can't...

>> No.1291896

She somehow got mixed in with the ugly spam. I don't think there is any more of her.

>> No.1291902

.. yes it can

>> No.1291908


>> No.1291911

common sense? wikipedia? google? it's common fucking knowledge summerfag

>> No.1291916

Helium is the only element which under normal pressures does not solidify

>> No.1291940

Fucking faggot yes it can. Anything can.

>> No.1291937

then, ethanol, now go fuck yourself

>> No.1291943

Are you retarded?

>> No.1291944

ethanol can freeze you retard.

god you are dumb.

>> No.1291951

How about high school chem? OOH wait I forgot this is summer 4chan, u haven't got to high school chem yet.

>> No.1291955

Where do these pictures come from.?

>> No.1291958

ITT: retards think an ANTIFREEZE can freeze

>> No.1291968

oh yeh fine then wat about ice
haha faggets

>> No.1291970
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>> No.1291965

>trolling or brain-damaged

>> No.1291964

At any other time of the year I would think this was a troll but not in the summer..

>> No.1291962

I hope to dear god this is a troll

>> No.1291976
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>> No.1291977

If lava freezes, it is not lava anymore. I got you all.

>> No.1291984

How do I solidify sulfuric acid?

>> No.1291990

freeze it


>> No.1291996

Epic win 4chan!

>> No.1292001

Protip: learn chem/ physics

>> No.1292007

And if you freeze water, it's not water anymore, it turns into ICE!

>> No.1292004
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>> No.1292005

newfag or troll dunno which...

>> No.1292026


haha, oh man, some of these reactions are priceless.



>> No.1292045

> implying op said it had to be at 1atm

>> No.1292055

In physics, the Kelvin (K for short) temperature scale is used. Water freezes at 273 K and boils at 373 K.

When temperature drops to around 0-0.5 K (around -455 degrees fahrenheit), every substance freezes into it's solid form. But you have to understand that you don't get to 0.5 K in normal conditions on earth, such a low temperature is an artificial state upkept at a research laboratory. Liquids with low freezing points such as mercury don't, for all practical purposes, really turn into their solid form in real life conditions.

>> No.1292060
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"math is for nerds"

>> No.1292061

It is still an interesting fact, asswipe. The only useful thing said in this thread.

Additionally, the solid phase of helium is in a lot of ways not traditionally solid anyway. Its has a very high compressibility. So suck it.

>> No.1292065

>Can every liquid be frozen?

>> No.1292082
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>> No.1292087

Make it cold.

>> No.1292089

>real life conditions.
Moot point, OP asked IF every liquid CAN be frozen

key word, can. Now shut the fuck up and learn to read and comprehend.

p.s nobody likes you here.

>> No.1292095

are you retarded? the link you linked just said the exact opposite as you, that its frozen at 0k

>> No.1292111

actually it just says it doesn't freeze at atmospheric pressure

you can't reach 0K any more than you can count to infinity or go faster than c

>> No.1292143

0k is impossible to achieve.
Fucking spastic. Mercury Freezes at -38.83 degrees centigrade.

>> No.1292165

The simple answer is yes, because "frozen" just means that the individual material molecules do not have enough energy to move or are bound bound in a low energy configuration. And everything can lose thermal energy.

The real answer however, is not always. Certain materials enter new phases of matter as they cool other than the solid phase. These phases of matter such as fermionic condensates are not normally encountered in everyday life. In fact many have still not been experimentally demonstrated. However they represent the "zero energy" state of many materials and are an active area of research.

>> No.1292205


>>implying we do not already know this

>> No.1292223
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>> No.1292224


>> No.1292231
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>> No.1292236



>> No.1292244

Stop_ddOsinG_aND_COPYING WwW.aNOmntMAlK.sE REMovE all m_iN thAt_UrL fOOl
hrd idcrlve fc s ftgiupxi n gj w jpwbtb

>> No.1292248
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>> No.1292250

this topic is a fucking disaster

>> No.1292271
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>> No.1292277

How did that woman keep a straight face? I'd have lost on any of these people.

>> No.1292279

OP or mods, end this shit. This thread is a monument to human stupidity.

>> No.1292282


>> No.1292288
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u mad?

>> No.1292303
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maybe I
zuck ya dick

>> No.1292312
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you make me wet

>> No.1292318
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>> No.1292329
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>> No.1292340
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>> No.1292352
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I came

>> No.1292357
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>> No.1292365
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>> No.1292374

derp eyes

>> No.1292385
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>> No.1292412

More derp eyes.

These are some pretty good reaction pics.

>> No.1292464


>> No.1292624
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>Check season