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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1285992 No.1285992 [Reply] [Original]

If matter causes gravity, would anti-matter cause anti-gravity?

Yes I am dumb and do not know how to physics :(

>> No.1285998

gravity isn't caused by matter, merely a function of it.

>> No.1286001

antimatter still bends space-time causing gravity wells and such, so no.

>> No.1286010


How do they study this stuff?

>> No.1286023

It's produced in minute quantities in certain high power particle accelerators .

>> No.1286031

yeah, they actually have some. not dangerous at all, like the proton accelerator (or was it electron). everyones heart just dropped for a moment

>> No.1286041

you can't "have" antimatter considering it disappears and explodes when it hits matter (this includes air). The only way you could keep antimatter in existence for more than fractions of seconds would be to contain it in some sort of vacuum chamber with a magnetic field keeping it from running into anything.

>> No.1286047

same method they use to store plasma. c'mon people

>> No.1286056

That's exactly how we store it.

Antimatter has all the same properties as matter, the only difference is that the charges of the proton and electron are reversed.

>> No.1286061

antimatter is just oppositlley charged matter ie. a postivly charged electron(positron)

>> No.1286069

so what happens when a proton and an antiproton meet since they attract im sure theyve tried it

>> No.1286071

Is there an anti-neutron? What's the quark composition of a negative proton? Does it imply a quark with a negative spin?

>> No.1286080

silly mortals, science is not for kids

>> No.1286082

Antimatter still has positive mass like regular matter, so it produces the same gravitational fields. Its only charge that's reversed.

>> No.1286083

Annihilation would convert the mass of the particles to energy following E = m*c^2

Not unlike a nuclear bomb

>> No.1286094

neutron has quark charge of +1/3, +1/3, - 2/3
anti-neutron has quark charge of -1/3, -1/3, 2/3

>> No.1286097

so if 100% of the energy is converted, were fucked. but if not what is left

>> No.1286111

There is no 100%, it particles are turned to energy without fail

>> No.1286130

meaning 100% conversion to energy

>> No.1286141

So an anti-proton is -2/3, -2/3, +1/3?

>> No.1286142

meanly roughly 3*10^-10 joules of energy per pair

>> No.1286248

how do the scientist produce or gather anti-matter? where does it come from?

>> No.1286254

You haven't been paying attention have you?

>> No.1286258

pay attention to what? if you mean in school, we haven't learned this stuff yet

>> No.1286273



>> No.1286286 [DELETED] 

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>> No.1286357

OP here, thanks guys. Need to make a new thread now <3

>> No.1286368

it comes from particle colliders

>> No.1286411

>how do the scientist produce
They use correct grammer

>> No.1286417

Gravity is probably still the least well understood fundamental force.

>> No.1286442

>your existence isnt understood

>> No.1286465

this is why I am right when I say /sci/ is full of pretentious fag tards

>> No.1286831

OP: Anti matter is normal matter travelling back in time. It's not just 'multiply every fucking thing by -1'. Now gravity is time reversible (you jump in parabolas, they're symmetric.. planets orbit in ellipses and they are symmetric too). So anti-gravity is actually just gravity again (hope that's not too disappointing).

>> No.1286889


> grammer