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1284544 No.1284544 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: We suggest books for other /sci/entists to read.

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>> No.1284557
File: 41 KB, 304x500, bluemars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you didn't see this one coming.

>> No.1284552
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Unnecessary bump.

>> No.1284570
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obvious i know

>> No.1284576

Is it much like the movie?

>> No.1284579

In before the bible

>> No.1284589

much better than the movie. this book gave me hope for the future of mankind.

>> No.1284605

these are shitty book selections thus far

sagan is junk science

>> No.1284609
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>> No.1284614

Find me harder /sci/ence fiction then the Mars Trilogy and I will eat a shoe.

>> No.1284628
File: 39 KB, 231x341, MaroonedInRealtime(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1284721
File: 23 KB, 420x626, Last_and_First_Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A short, classic read.

>> No.1284741

Does /sci/ like anything by Joe Haldeman?

>> No.1284754

Even though it's not heavy on the sci-fi elements, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.

Ringworld novels, Larry Niven.

>> No.1284758

Don't ever read "the hunt for zero point" The book's full of falsehood and bullshit

>> No.1284780

The Xeelee Sequence

>> No.1284795

Foundation Series

>> No.1284869

Card is a Mormon. Insta-blacklist.

>> No.1284908

I just read Ender's Shadow. Would have been a great book if it weren't for the constant christ-fagging.

>> No.1284911

Your loss.

>> No.1284922
File: 71 KB, 504x652, 2863293042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must read for anyone interested in anthropology.


>> No.1284927


The Killing Star

no book will ever be harder (when it comes to sci-accuracy)

>> No.1284924

Are Red Mars and the other two truly good? I read The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. It started off fairly interestingly, then began to grind, and dried up completely. The last 200 pages were a chore.

>> No.1284947

And the whole physical explanation of a soul thing.

>> No.1284977

How do they go relativistic speeds?

>> No.1285007
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>> No.1285011

Most of Stephen Baxter's novels are good. It's all hard science fiction type stuff. Evolution was pretty good but, depressing as fuck in the end. I'm reading Green Mars right now actually. I skipped Red Mars though. lol

>> No.1285025

Killing Star's whole premise falls apart though, if you build a giant relativistic planet killer gun and use it, it will expose you as an aggressive species and everyone will attack you.

Also the guy who wrote it designed the spaceships in Avatar. Designed them, as in they'd work in the real world.

>> No.1285031
File: 32 KB, 393x648, heinlein-stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good

>> No.1285045

Red Mars was amazing. You've got to stop reading Green and go back to Red.

>> No.1285049


I got bored when it started dropping into the love story.. plus I understand his apprehension of idiots and big stupid Government interfering with Science but you don't have to spend 80% of the book talking about it.. That's boring..

tl;dr "Contact" - 20% Science 60% Politics 20% Love

>> No.1285050
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>> No.1285059


Oh, In addition that that post I'd like to add "The Mote in God's Eye" VERY interesting as a look at first contact.

>> No.1285068
File: 41 KB, 316x470, vacuum_diagrams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely the most diverse representation of life in the universe.

>> No.1285069

Stephen Baxter's "Time Ships" had a stupid ending. Basically the protagionist chose to commit suicide when it entirely could've been avoided.

>> No.1285082
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>> No.1285083

Was he an intentionally flawed character? There might have been a theme you missed.

>> No.1285107
File: 47 KB, 267x400, cover-palebluedot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent book is excellent.

>> No.1285113

I think one of themes is atonement, but it's still stupid. There were so many alternatives for that guy, yet he chose the dumbest route.

>> No.1285120

Like I said, you may have missed some key aspect of his character that would have told you he would have taken that route. Who know?