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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12803555 No.12803555 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like it at best allows you to formulate good arguments to defend a certain position but not actually answering anything. Just looking at the fields of philosophy like political/legal philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of ethics. All of these fields just allow you to formulate decent arguments but its not until science comes along that anything can be proven. So like it seems like its really a waste of time desu.

>> No.12803580

Most of the questions it discusses can't really be accounted for by any sort of science as it has to do with something spiritual or just general understanding of things.

>> No.12803581

define define

>> No.12803596
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8am - 9:30am snack
why is his snack 95 minutes longer than his breakfast and 30 minutes longer than his lunch? plus he has 2 other 30 minute snacks later in the day lmao. what kind of fucked up schedule is this?

>> No.12803627

I think he mixed up his snack and golf schedule. He only plays golf for half an hour according to this schedule

>> No.12803645

The point is not to answer questions, it is to point out errors in judgment.

>> No.12803657

so what would be an example of that?

>> No.12803664

dont people play golf all day?

>> No.12803673

The entire history of logic.
Or, Quine.
Or, Peirce.
Or any number of philosophers.

>> No.12803772

Kek come back dunking on philosophy when physics will have discovered the grand unified theory of everything and then I'll take this argument seriously.

>> No.12803809

Kek come back dunking on physics when philosophy will have discovered the grand unified theory of everything and then I'll take this argument seriously.

>> No.12803823

Never affirmed that the Truth exists or can be grasped by our minds.

>> No.12803871
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Why is this thread still up? Philosophy isn't science or math

>> No.12804921

It can answer all the answerable questions.
It just so happens that many questions are undecidable from our limited perspective. Just like how a turing machine cannot compute the halting of programs run on the turing machine, even though the human being above can use creativity to prove that a machine terminates.

>> No.12805086

>Spends 385 minutes eating
>Spends 30 minutes golfing
>Spends 120 minutes showering
Weird schedule.

>> No.12805090



>> No.12805092

Philosophy has never answered a question. They just create more questions and act like they've accomplished something by making more.

>> No.12805123

Read Plato and Saint Augustine. Viva Cristo Rey.