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12803551 No.12803551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this the future of all universities?

>> No.12803558
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I dont care that they're white I care that they're women. In germany the most common degree women waste tax payer money on is fucking horse studies of all things...

>> No.12803562

good for them getting shit jobs afterwards

>> No.12803566

Imagine being the one guy in there and not leaving that class with a gf haha
Wouldn't be me haha

>> No.12803574

Uni is a fucking joke anyways.
so it's only right it's full of clowns.

>> No.12803597

i wonder how many dicks have been collectively sucked in this room, can we get an estimate based off statistics?

>> No.12803609

imagine the smell brehs. based nordic women dabbing on brownoids
>long term work with consecuences on the near future
i wonder what meme subject this is
miles better than sociology or women studies like americans do

>> No.12803611

Depends on the field. Im in phys chem and notice the ladies tend to be good at the book work but can seldom apply knowledge beyond what's taught (especially mathematics, why can't chemists do maths?). Unfortunately you can graduate with a first class by memorizing content these days and uni has turned into adult daycare. Not all the ladies, I know two, very clever, twins (but if they're twins aren't they just the same person?)

>> No.12803613

lets say 200 women and 15 each thats around 3000

>> No.12803618

sad thing: most of these women wont have children. proabbly half of the children they will bear will be either gay or brown

>> No.12803626

actually proably in those 3000 we have repeated chads so lower it to say 2500

>> No.12803634

after the age of 16 they likely suck 10 new dicks each year.
they're probably 20 so 40 dicks each.

>> No.12803655

>horse studies
Why are white women so obsessed with bestiality?

>> No.12803667

>after the age of 16 they likely suck 10 new dicks each year.
wtf lmao. Maybe in america even though i saw a graph som e time ago that said american and nodes are the biggests slts. Makes sense Not only med men are superior and less prone to gay jew shit, women are also more charming and hot over here although they dont look like angles as often.

>> No.12803669

ate least they are not beasts themselves

>> No.12803675
File: 28 KB, 128x128, E385C7AD-F977-4784-A6E4-1664269060A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horses cant consent and its like getting ultra blacked

>> No.12803691

don't lie euro women are bigger whores than American women.
especially the french ones.

>> No.12803747

not in italy/spain french ones yeah but they are hot and hae tight af bodies unlike amerifats that are a mix of irish and german, pretty much the worse of yurop

>> No.12803776

>women obsessed with bestiality
I never really thought about it but makes sense, horses with long schlongs and stuff

>> No.12803787
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>> No.12803831

all of them are built for bbc

>> No.12803855

Wow. You just spit facts. I wasn't even thinking about that, but your right. It's like 99,999% certain that at least 10 women have had a dick inside their mouth. Gross.

>> No.12803928
File: 268 KB, 1280x1920, 1611024134399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine the smell

>> No.12804160

Even if it is it doesn't matter. Men would merely create their own alternative which would inevitably outperform

>> No.12804279

As a norwegian i can tell you that these girls go out every weekend get blackout drunk and get railed by at least one guy. By the time they have finished high school they have slept with over 20 men. I am 100% being serious.

>> No.12804305

have sex incel. why does someone majoring in something you dont approve of bother you?

>> No.12804341

>med men
>less prone to gay jew shit
You faggots literally invented drama.

>> No.12804356

Not sure if faggot or woman. Either way, go back to sucking cocks.

>> No.12804368

Horse studies? Do Universities not do ANY due diligence and not provide a "we think you are unteachable" classes where for 3 years they just try to exhaust the patience of the students?

>> No.12804393
File: 22 KB, 474x647, images - 2021-03-08T112147.335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clown special ops here, reporting for duty!
>My clown face is: I AM GOING TO FUCK EVERY ADULT!

>> No.12804400

So like some hyperbolic parabola of rape and being raped? Riding Occam's cock at that point.

>> No.12804414
File: 31 KB, 440x592, images - 2021-03-08T112856.913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking from a woman's perspective here: "Why is that gross? Is it because the number exists at all? How holy is your shaft that it should only know virgin experiences with you and you alone?"

>> No.12804421

Because men care more about spouting validation as a reason for superiority than including people and just enjoying the process.

>> No.12804424

I wish I knew why this mattered to anyone or anything.

>> No.12804458

>t. Corroded roastie that lost all ability to pairbond
A holy shaft deserves a holy sheath

>> No.12804468

Sounds like the US with Marine Biology. Something like 1% of Marine Biology graduates get jobs in that field but women still sign up for it in huge numbers.

>> No.12804528

> Is it because the number exists at all?
Yes, which is why I date girls younger than me. They're prime for the picking, physically and mentally ;)

>> No.12804584
File: 47 KB, 433x709, images - 2021-03-07T113325.581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see. That is how your future wife will control you, via your ego and personal perspective of what your penis is beyond a glorified dildo and sperm donor distributor. See most guys really just present how ignorant or stupid they believe women to be and forget to even RECOGNIZE or register intelligent signals on things that have vaginas.

>I am the original time hole

>> No.12804595
File: 31 KB, 678x452, images (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I am experiencing dating someone much younger than me is like living a fucking acid trip. Oh well!

I don't know what prime picking means. Beyond the first impression and sticking to it young people literally don't have sufficient mental faculties to focus enough so being the focus for them is all it takes.

>T.Original Trap Master of Self

>> No.12804624

incredibly cool enchantress art

>> No.12804632

Why are you so mad? I just want a girl who hasn't shagged up with multiple guys before me. It makes me feel insecure about myself, so deal with it. Besides, how many partners a women has had is directly correlated with divorce rates, and I personally want a happy marriage.

>> No.12804681

Why are you assuming emotion when all I did was provide the limit of my observation based on the certainty of your presentation?

Also if you don't want to overcome insecurity then aren't you just forcing your future partner to accept a more limited you that they have to unlock by completing all the levels?

>> No.12804747

It seems like you're misconstruing what I say, so that you can avoid the broader point that I'm trying to make and reduce things down to pedantic bickering. For the sake of it, let me put it frankly: women having multiple partners sets up a life of disappointment post-marriage for both individuals involved. This is only accentuated with the images presented via social media and contemporary culture. And I'm not trying to say men are free of this internal bias - they're not. So there you go. If you have a hard time accepting that, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

>Also if you don't want to overcome insecurity then aren't you just forcing your future partner to accept a more limited you that they have to unlock by completing all the levels?
This is how healthy relationships typically go, yes.

>> No.12804807

>tfw childhood dream of being a Marine Biologist
Disillusionment led me to drop college and become a useless NEET. I realized I need to master metaphysics and mathematics before I can even touch something like biology in a beyond surface level way. But now I’m on the road to becoming a NEET schizo. All to beat the Orkakokstroking whores.....REEEEEEEE

>> No.12804824

You wouldn't understand, whore.

>> No.12804827

I’m not even laughing. I literally got bored today snorkeling inna coral reef because I lacked the metaphysical hermeneutic to interpret the reef and its symbiotes—it was too much to take in. Too much detail too much life too much questions. Couldn’t unify it all enough to analyze it. Info overload. And the Self is neither strong nor worthy enough to interpret it. So I got bored. And the whorepeers have PHDs doing grad work on Nurse Shark biology. And I can’t bring myself to look at a sea fan with interest because I haven’t figured out Being and because I have zero confidence in my ability to confront Reality. Heard a symphony of Humpbacks underneath the water a couple weeks ago....once the ear is equalized after a freedive: WWWRRRY WWRRRY WWRRRY—the stable rhythm. UUUUUHHHHRRRHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo—the melody. Too much to take in. And Stacy is stroking Orka Koks. But does she know how grand, how complex, how deep things really are......? Do I know?

>> No.12804865

Affirmative action is an instrument of white supremacy, but now is cool because they have 2 holes between their legs.
Ironic, it started as a tool to help people of color, who were actually disadvantaged and secluded by the system, but it ended up helping the people who were secluding them in the first place. White woman WERE the ones telling black people to go to back of the bus, and now they get to benefit from programs supposed to help them.
In other words, what I want to say is: I despise white women.

>> No.12804908

In 1998 the United States reached the highest percentage of the population working at close to 67% of the adult population. This is largely due to the dot.com bubble and the new technology of the internet. Since then jobs have fallen, most sharply in 2009 after the housing market collapse. Although Obama took credit for revitalizing the economy through tax and spend tactics favorable by the left all that really increased is the number of service jobs. Good paying jobs, especially middle management jobs were largely absent from the recovery. Obama's policies essentially replaced good jobs with bad ones.

It's not really his fault though. Since 1980 high paying middle class jobs have been all but destroyed, primarily because of the abundance of personal computers. No longer does a company have to train someone for 6-8 weeks to do a job then hold on to them for a lifetime. Now they can train someone in a matter of hours, or better yet, just do the job themselves.

For example, a hotel I worked at was bought out in 2012 by some dude from India. He cut the staff down by 1/3. The front desk manager, the weekend manager, the general manager, the sales manager, and the maintenance manager all lost their jobs. He gave the front desk supervisor the general manager's job at half the pay. The other jobs he did himself with a simple spreadsheet program while the general manager now had the double duty of managing the front desk and maintenance.

Those jobs aren't needed anymore, there's no purpose to keeping them around. So while you retards complain about women taking horse studies
at least it keeps them busy. Just what are they expected to do? We don't need half the workforce currently employed and people are delusional if they think the jobs lost due to covid are coming back. 95% of those jobs will never return as CEOs and directors realize all the work they need could still get done without them.

>> No.12804914

lmao what it there to learn about a horse

>> No.12804925

I have asked this question of Republicans and the right for over a decade and never gotten an answer. What's your solution to automation? The only answer I've ever gotten is 'nothing because it'll never happen'. Burying you're head in the sand is not a solution.

I know you don't trust me about any of this but you can only deny reality for so long.

My solution? Send people back to school and leave them there. Have them do research. I don't care if people are researching heavy metals in the local water supply or if they're researching new dance moves. It's more productive then having people do bullshit jobs that have no meaning or doing nothing while living off the state for handouts.

>but anon, who will pay for that?
YOU WILL! Those who have jobs will! Those who run industry will! Again, if you don't like it, what's your fucking solution?

>> No.12804938

Half the population is sub-100 IQ. Sure a few can squeeze through the cracks and perhaps become okay researchers, but what do we do with the rest of those people are can only do simple service jobs?

>> No.12804941

Have them do charity work.

>> No.12804943

You mean that is how a boxing match goes. I prefer the MOBA approach myself with some lobby filters to remove those who have weak mind game so that the player pool has a basic sense of decency instead of retards playing retard.

>> No.12804957

>research new dance moves
Seriously, did you read what I posted? I have a buddy with an IQ of about 10 and my suggestion would be to have him research comic book characters.

It may feel like digging holes just to fill them up again but it sure as hell beats the current state of things.

>> No.12804962

I think you underestimate just how cognitively incapable some people are. The best we could do is UBI and even that won't work effectively. Pray to God that CRISPR becomes streamlined in the next 10 - 20 years.

>> No.12804967

There you go again!

>> No.12805142


>> No.12805251
File: 159 KB, 524x478, 1615132762039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research is not profitable unless something interesting comes out of it, just research for its own sake has no economic value. I feel you might have more success with regulatory enforcement, you create more redtape but also specialists to help you navigate it and inspectors to check you are in compliance.

>> No.12805257

>So while you retards complain about women taking horse studies
They should pay for their own stupid degrees themselves, you stupid donkey.

>> No.12805260

>men fuck 10+ women
>Women fuck 10+ men

>> No.12805261

>be productive
Just so you know, just because new technology appears doesnt mean old technology disappears. You can do an old style business like making leather shoes by hand and make several pair every day instead of 100 pairs as in a vietnamese Nike factory, There would not be much money in it so they would have to live in the boonies on a log cabin with no electricity. You work in the 18th century, you live in the 18th century sort of deal.

>> No.12805264

In civilized society it is also not acceptable for men to go around fucking random women every day. Only chads do that and these are supposed to just marry like everyone else.

>> No.12805273

T. Roast beef
There are more roast with 10+
Than men with 1

>> No.12805291

But the few men that do that should be shamed too. If the average woman fucks 10 men but only 5% of men are chads, then each chad fucks 200 women. Slutery would not be possible without chads.