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File: 941 KB, 1242x1292, 5BB2EA4D-E686-4624-928A-6F73113CD5E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12801857 No.12801857 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn’t there be significant evolutionary pressure for selection of silent babies, or at least ones that aren’t as loud?

Pic not related, although maybe he was annoyed by a crying baby

>> No.12801924

>Wouldn’t there be significant evolutionary pressure for selection of silent babies, or at least ones that aren’t as loud?
yes, little kids need lots of attention and nurture

>> No.12801940

babies cry when something is wrong.
So the reason modern babies are crying is because modern parents are terrible at being parents compared to wild humans.
Wild humans mothers will be with the child 24/7, just see chimps.
But modern women want to party and work so they leave their children alone crying.
in essence they are worse parents.

>> No.12801948


>> No.12801952

Most babies cry a lot from puppies to birds, the only difference with humans is we mature so much slower we cry for a year while most animals cry for a few weeks.

>> No.12801968

human babies have to be ejected prematurely, otherwise there would be even more pregnancy deaths. This leads to them being very helpless and incompetent at life for at least a few months, so a way for them to communicate when they need something increases survival rates. The fact that humans live in groups diminishes dangers from predators, because there is extra protection around.
This protection is effective enough to offset the cost of noise in favor of a slightly better survival rate due to communication.

>> No.12802034

The dark spirit thrives in places of misfortune, seeping into those not strong enough to fight it everyday.

>> No.12802136

Thanks for the only non-troll answer

>> No.12802138

>wouldn't there be evolutionary benefit to things that can be more easily ignored and neglected?

>> No.12802141

I've seen YT videos of crying babies that stop as soon as they hear wolf howls or coyote screeches.

>> No.12802144

>Wouldn’t there be significant evolutionary pressure for selection of silent babies
Chimpanzees and lots of other animals are loud too. A way to signal that this is your territory. Also babies cry and scream to varying degrees with East Asian babies being the most silent ones.

>> No.12802180
File: 43 KB, 521x384, Dumb_conservative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares about you're stupid news story that some Republican newspaper is promoting in order to make black people look bad. If you don't want to see black crime, then end white racism and black crime won't be a problem anymore. These people are just responding to racism and oppression in their environment. You on the other hand, were just born a racist looser. Now please go back to pol, where you and all your schizo white trash friends are free to talk about muh SJWs and muh COVID vaccines all you want.

>> No.12802246

>Wouldn’t there be significant evolutionary pressure for selection of silent babies, or at least ones that aren’t as loud?

>> No.12802252

Woah, dude, what the fuck? Did you just assume they were talking about the person on the right? Just because they say “he/him/his” doesn’t mean the person with the beard is who they’re referring to. Don’t assume genders. Women can have beards too. Maybe the person on the left is the killer they’re referring to.

>> No.12802836
File: 27 KB, 900x707, 1613257642078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine actually thinking black people are murdering each other in the streets because they experienced racism.

Imagine infantilizing an entire race of people and reducing their agency and free will to that of reaction to another race's behavior.

>> No.12802973

That's some high effort bait right there

>> No.12803413

what about that mexican chick in colorado who got shot 11 times in the head by a 14 year old jogger?

>> No.12803432

based nigger

>> No.12803477
File: 181 KB, 600x800, ifonl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be born prematurely
>clamped early
>some plastic-human touching you all over with sharp objects
>fed sugar and soda, milk comes from a plastic bottle
>parents working all the time
>made to sleep in a dark room by yourself in a literal cage
>your first friends are millions of photons hitting your eyes from a magical screen device that sings
>one day parents decide to take you out of your cage and put you in a different house with some random people where you will stay in a larger day-care cage for the entire day, every day
I wonder

>> No.12803490

PCP made him do it

>> No.12803591

We really do live in an industrial society

>> No.12803632

>East Asian babies being the most silent ones
That's a recent mutation. It's so that the driver of the car that hits them doesn't notice them and reverse over them

>> No.12803685

Couldnt be seeing as absence of evolutionary pressure? Like crying doesnt attract anymore a jaguar/mountain lion/randome killer hence it stops being a filtering factor hence there start being kids with that characteristic? Just like illneses today, since they dont kill us anymore cuz medicine they are not filtered from the gene pool in any way hence they spread as a characteristic in the population

>> No.12803722

there's no such thing as free will, if you took away all their children and gave them the upbringing Von Neumann had they wouldn't shoot each others in the streets

>> No.12803752
File: 60 KB, 1024x573, Aghori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude this has more to do with mental illness rather than racism.

>> No.12803759

this. i also think this is the reason why our generation sucks so bad. kids need to be around their parents as much as possible

>> No.12803801

Babies have a surprisingly high variety of needs yet are very limited in their methods for communicating these needs, so they communicate the only way they can: cry. To a stranger it all sounds the same but as a parent you quickly get a good feeling and intuition for what they might be crying about, and so can comfort them reasonably quickly. Once the child learns to start talking or vocalising other basic sounds or using gestures, the incidence of crying reduces and is replaced by more advanced communication.

t. owner of a 2 year old daughter

>> No.12803910

You're evil

>> No.12803994

The same reason why women are much more likely to orgasm when they’re being raped by a stranger than with their husband. Babies cry to alert nearby predators such as lions or wolves which their father must fend off. If he can’t fight them off he is a beta and his genetic lineage should go extinct for the good of the species as a whole. Mother Nature has built in mechanisms to prevent dysgenics, targeting betas in particular at every turn. So just know when your baby cries it means it senses you are a beta and is screaming for an animal to come and kill you before being eaten itself. Punish it accordingly to assert dominance. Remember it’s treachery.

>> No.12804508

so much truth in this.
ideally you will have siblings who will be your first friends though. but photons are cool too, they don't betray you.

>> No.12804525

Cats do it too. Meowing is essentially crying for kittens. They're not supposed to do it as adults. Birds also have that specific baby chirping. All animals do it. I don't understand what's the fuss, it's such an obvious thing to do. If the baby is hungry and can't get food, it's gotta tell someone.

>> No.12804535

>babies cry when something is wrong.
>So the reason modern babies are crying is because modern parents are terrible at being parents

No. They just scream for no reason, virgin.

>> No.12804604
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We got her guys! We got the woman!

>> No.12804616

But crying also attracts predators. There should be negative selection against it

>> No.12805507
File: 62 KB, 720x960, CC1D696F-02A5-419D-908A-0B57CDD6F6E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
