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12799110 No.12799110 [Reply] [Original]

If the autistic brain is just extremely masculine and good at analyzing systems but bad at empathy could the symptoms be lessened if as soon as it is detected in children we try to womanize the brain with hormones and what not. Just a random thought so i thought id run it through the smartest community i know, im open to criticism and also perhaps expansion of this idea.

>> No.12799117 [DELETED] 

kill every people

>> No.12799139

We don't know nearly enough about the brain or childhood development to be fucking around like this. You'd just end up making things worse. Let kids develop naturally.

>> No.12799147

>the smartest community i know
oh boy

>> No.12799416
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>let's make people trannies to avoid autism
What a great idea, anon!

>> No.12799422

>Carpet bomb the body with hormones to make people less autistic.
Maybe let's not?

>> No.12799436

There is the problem that autism is x10 more common among trannies, so idk if that would help if trannies themselves have more autism.
It looks like hormones probably make the autistic brain manifest more, or maybe trannies are just too autistic they systemize themselves and confuse their maternal part and sexuality as gender dysphoria?

>> No.12799438

How does paternalistic and mentalistic related to brain type?

I don't get it. Why not label it "male/mechanistic" and "female/emotional"?

>> No.12799483

>There is the problem that autism is x10 more common among trannies
It's because 99% of today's trannies aren't people who legitimately suffer from gender dysphoria, but edgy depressed faggots. You can imagine that attention-starved pozzed autists go for that shit more often than the average Joe.

>> No.12799484

Well then the only question is which came first, the autism or the hormones, i'm not experienced with trannies and i'm too lazy rn to research so this question also needs answers
Not really think of it as a counter perhaps, if and only if symptoms appear

>> No.12799494

Why do you want to "cure" autism anyway? Autism, as far as we know, is a lifelong psychological condition that is genetic in nature and fundamentally affects brain structure. Making someone grow mantits ain't gonna help, you're just going to purify the genetic pool a bit, but the autists do that fine on their own being incels.

>> No.12799515

I wonder if normies think that cure and integrate are synonyms. Must be. I mean technically if it integrates then it must be cured from an objective standpoint.

>> No.12799525

I'm on the spectrum and I couldn't give two shits about being "integrated" into society. People can go suck a dick with their irrational and unnecessary social rituals. I'll tend to my hobbies and mog everyone in them instead, thank you very much.

>> No.12799554
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Funny part to me is how do these social people not recognise that their socialisation practices is just an ego ponzi scheme?

>> No.12799579

Please stop calling anything you do not have concrete allelical evidence for genetic

>> No.12799596
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>mentalistic brain

>> No.12799625

Woman are not good at handling stress though. This means they will be more easily stressed and this influx of stress hormones could impact the correct functioning of the brain.
So womanizing the brain is probably a dumb thing to do in this stressful world.

>> No.12799633
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>> No.12799642

Most of them are actually people with poor coping capabilities to the stress of modern life. They physically cannot cope with the reality of their world, which leads to debilitating stress on their body. This in turn leads to unusual reactions to lower the impact of stress hormones on the brain and body.

>> No.12799650

>Most of them are actually people with poor coping capabilities to the stress of modern life
aka pussies. All this "toxic masculinity" agenda really does wonders on men, doesn't it? My advice would be to grow a pair instead of cutting it off.

>> No.12799679

Meaning they less want to see physical change or effects, whereas men appreciate and enjoy altering the physical world either to triumph over the natural elements or to experiment for greater and more rigorous structures of approach and behavior.

>> No.12799690

Yes, many women experience a highly internalized world that is prone to signal storms. Meaning that most women, or female thinkers, are easier to change than men/male thinkers.

Womanizing the brain is dumb only in the sense that it would make emotional communication the de facto approach, which as we all know is what leads to groupthink and us vs them bullshit.

>> No.12799691

a buzzword that sounded nice for a meme chart

>> No.12799697

Growing a pair just means recognise that if you believe in a thing then believe in it regardless of if you are the ONLY one that does. It is the only way to lead by example.

>> No.12799702

At some point the stress will be universally overwhelming to all people though. This is the problem with this eugenics mentality. What you should be doing is training weaker people into becoming stronger people. Instead we tell them to embrace their weakness because they have no hope of being strong - learned helplessness essentially.

That said, some people do cope better because of the way their organs are - such as heart, rhythm, etc. A perfect world would train our organs to make us reach the potential of the greatest. Otherwise you're gambling or hoping upon the will of the universe, and I really don't like relying on that bitch.

>> No.12799703

>Growing a pair just means recognise that if you believe in a thing then believe in it regardless of if you are the ONLY one that does.
No it means grow a pair and act like a man. Really no need to expand on this.

>> No.12799728

You don't get it. Stress hormones can get to the level where it can turn off the immune system and produce a catabolic state, in which the body starts to break down and feed on itself. Those with more neuropeptide Y and dehydroepiandrosterone tend to perform better at tasks requiring focus and concentration.
This has been naturally selected in men in order to make them cope with war situations.

>> No.12799736

Does that mean Israeli women are better are handling stress?

>> No.12799756

Okay, so you are saying that I simply need to plant an apple tree and act like my isolated interpretation of what a man is and all is well? THANKS ANON!
>So stupid how some people simply double-down on what is obviously a cultural expression that requires some initial lesson or ability to be formalized and expressed, otherwise then how into Singlish?

What is it I don't get yet you are going to willingly feed me?

>> No.12799776

Probably not.
Ironically, people that eat fast food could be increasing their NPY levels.
I bet non-kosher foods with lots of sugar and fat could be raising NPY levels in some people.

>> No.12799814

Actually, I take it back. The starving of this hormone by not eating those foods could mean that they are naturally selected to produce more in order to get a necessary amount.
That said, I think some jews act skittish because of anxiety so that probably isn't the case.

>> No.12799817

I was talking more about military conscription, lol. Notice how I said "Israeli", not "Jewish".

>> No.12799938

Yes, and?

>> No.12799972

who taught you words like autism and spectrum? why does everyone use them? i never do

>> No.12800243

>No it means grow a pair and act like a man
Okay, I will act as a man and double my autism.

>> No.12800344
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You left the most important one out OP

>> No.12800358

should actually say psychotic spectrum disorder for a more maternal / mentalistic brain

>> No.12800371

Or you could just admit you left out the most important one because you are a failure

>> No.12800378

should be broken plank

>> No.12800500

Female autists are way more stable, everyone knows

>> No.12801016

>If the autistic brain is just extremely masculine
It isn't. Women typically get diagnosed with BPD instead, but it's the same thing.

>> No.12801022

>Letting a sperg develop naturally is healthy
Kek. What's the worst that'll happen, you make him retarded? Oops, he's already retarded. Nothing to lose.

>> No.12801024


Ignorant fool.

>> No.12801272
File: 42 KB, 499x338, 1338985362785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's clearly not how it works

MtF trannies are almost always have aspergers
CS codemonkeys are more likely to be female(male) than actual female because they DO have the male problem solver brain that's crucial for actually being able to do that type of work
the programmers socks and dilation stations (what's more autistic than speedrunning?) aren't memes for nothing

>> No.12802254

It's really not the same... I'm a woman, diagnosed with aspergers, and it's entirely different from what I hear of BPD. I am emotionally very detached and apathetic. Also do get told I am more masculine, but I don't know if this is necessarily related to autism.

>> No.12802278

>MtF trannies are almost always have aspergers
It's the other way around. It's FtM transgender that are overwhelmingly autistic.
You would know that if you actually read scientific journals instead of equating autism = transgender = homosexuality = liberalism = communism = black africans.
>CS codemonkeys are more likely to be female(male) than actual female

Very good English skills, you dumbfuck drooling retard.

>> No.12802529

It really says so much about society that
a) "balanced" brains are anything but natural, as they only exist among androgynous (aka sick) people
b) The image only calls out excessively male brains (with Asperger's). The idea that women can be flawed, or brains can be too female is never mentioned