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File: 153 KB, 480x720, EF9ACC34-52A8-412A-9D8F-5ADBB8DF5428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12798165 No.12798165 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it gets exhausting pretending to be a genius?

>> No.12798176

He's like Tesla - the man not the car company. Constantly putting all his money into new projects until he ends up bankrupt and feeding the pigeons in the park.

>> No.12798193

>Implying he's not a colossal fraud
>Implying he doesn't artificially inflate the value of his company by making it appear more attractive and stable than it actually is.
>Implying no huge Tesla bubble incoming
>SpaceX and shiet. Implying it's profitable while simultaneously given billions by the state.
>Implying not making ambiguous statements on Twitter so he can appear smart, woke and independent at the same time
>Implying he's not part of a corrupt elite.
>Implying Tesla cars aren't overpriced and poorly built.

>> No.12798195
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, Serial Experiments Lain - 08.mkv_03_34_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla was an absolutely based obsessive compulsive schizotypal. Cluster A all the way.

Elon is a cringe cluster B autist combo. Absolutely not based, absolutely cannot produce a realistic grand design for this world, though he definitely wants to.

>> No.12798196

Except Tesla was actually an engineer

>> No.12798202

Actually I am implying all of that (and more)

>> No.12798245

I noticed that people here and on reddit used to love him up until like 2 - 3 years ago. I get reddit now hates him because he's an unwholesome problematic whyte billionair, but why do chan autists dislike him? Fraud? He is literally the reason that space colonisation, electric vehicles, and as of this January crypto are in vogue.

>> No.12798269

Elon worship is pure reddit

>> No.12798299

Do you get exhausted pretending to be a woman?

>> No.12798300

It used to be, now he's the richest he's a union busting billionaire boogie boogeyman

>> No.12798306

"billions by US government"
Tesla, Solarcity, and SpaceX in 2015 have all together gotten ~5 billion from government support.
I'm all for keeping Elon accountable for his dumb shit, but SpaceX isn't a failure

>> No.12798311

Reddit hates Musk now. I don't blame you for not knowing this as I also try to know as little as possible about that shithole but apparently they got upset about him not wearing a mask or something gay like that.

>> No.12798314

sorry I misread the statement, you didnt call it a failure I'm just retarded

>> No.12798317

Elon says the current education system does not work. Do you agree?

>> No.12798338

So the /pol/ hivemind cancer likes him too? Even worse.

>> No.12798352
File: 118 KB, 1100x825, C446EE57-8E1F-4001-B5C2-E6A610FE6368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would think /pol/ kiddies would hate elon for being part of the cabal and using your tax dollars to keep his money bleeding businesses afloat. But he doesn’t wear a piece of cloth on his face so he’s BASED.

>> No.12798383

Not to mention the only reason he underplays covid is so he can keep his factories open longer and get his CEO bonus. He’s not doing it for political reasons at all. Now that the quarter is already passed and he failed to meet his last target, he stopped talking about covid.

>> No.12798392

I dont have a reason to doubt all the accounts of engineers who work with him and say he's amazing. But I don't understand people who are mesmerized by how he speaks in interviews.

>> No.12798411

>Gets BS in physics
>Creates first commonly used software to exchange money
>Successfully brings electric cars to market
>Revolutionizes commercial use of batteries and solar panels
>First non-government entity to go to space
Gee idk anon, you sound jelly.

>> No.12798413

hes already been debooked

>> No.12798442

>Gets BS in physics
>Creates first commonly used software to exchange money
holy kek he didnt create paypal
>Successfully brings electric cars to market
>Revolutionizes commercial use of batteries and solar panels
be more specific. you mean that disaster solar city? kek
>First non-government entity to go to space
with the help of...the government.

>> No.12798475

Are people really that delusional? Whats with the rampant Musk skepticism lmao. Its not just right wingers (who in the past hated him because electric vehicles) now its diehard liberals who hate him.

>> No.12798481

that's a lot more based than being a bezos or gates type

>> No.12798492

Why are you turning this into a political thing? Tell me you dont have any skepticism over musk's credentials and ambitions after at least watching this.
There's nothing political about thinking he's a phony.

>> No.12798501

>There's nothing political about thinking he's a phony.
no one claimed otherwise, what a weird thing to say.

>> No.12798502

Theres like 3 posts in this thread trying to put you in a lib camp for thinking hes a fraud.

>> No.12798509

Do you always let plebbit and /pol/ decide for you who to like and dislike?

>> No.12798512
File: 179 KB, 1242x1690, 1611867279100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. redditor

Hating Elon is 100% reddit teir. Elon has revolutionized the electric car industry, reversed the 50 years of decay in the space industry and is now working on sending the vanguard of humanity to colonize Mars. Not some faggy rover, but millions of people. If he achieves Mars nothing in the century will be more important, people from 10,000AD won't remember Trump, Obama or any stupid entertainment personality but they'll sure as hell remember the date we first colonized our first planet beyond earth.

>> No.12798514
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>> No.12798517

Why don't you ask this guy? >>12798245
I'm perfectly fine discussing Musk without bringing up /pol/ or reddit. Its starting to seem like divide and conquer is the only way to stop any criticism of him.

>> No.12798530

Based thread. I wonder how long until he files for bankruptcy now that everyone is starting to learn how much of a fraud he really is.

>> No.12798538

Elon is putting on an image for his business. The dude is as neuro atypical as thiel.

>> No.12798541

>Theres like 3 posts in this thread trying to put you in a lib camp for thinking hes a fraud
and they are all full off shit as this has nothing to do with political affiliation
musk is a fraudulent narcissistic sociopath that has zero remorse in fucking over affiliates and poor impulse control
there is zero policy associated with this

guess we agree?
>Elon has revolutionized the electric car industry
he didnt do shit, didnt design anything, just bought himself in into a company, let others do the work while he payed for being labeled a founder, then pretending he did it al by himself when he didnt do shit
>colonize Mars
practically impossible
>reversed the 50 years of decay in the space industry
with exploding rockets that no sane person wants to use?
>Not some faggy rover
well right now its just a faggy rover
> millions of people
never gonna happen within a lifetime

>> No.12798542

Big Earth Cock

>> No.12798554

Makes sense. He needs a distinct brand, persona.

>> No.12798556

pseuds are jealous that hes done everything they ever hoped but failed to achieve, specially on delivering on commercial space flight

>> No.12798557

Musk just peddles vaporware. We've seen him over promise and under deliver time and time again. SpaceX is no different.

>> No.12798570

>pseuds are jealous that hes done everything they ever hoped but failed to achieve, specially on delivering on commercial space flight
how can i be jealous of something he did not and will never achieve. keep living vicariously through a snake oil salesman.

>> No.12798571

the man is rich in luck and that consequently made him rich in everything else.

>imagine recklessly investing in businesses during a period of artificial inflation and cheap debt

>imagine knowing JUST enough about science to sell your ideas to the public but not enough about it that you need to hire people to do the actual legwork for you

>imagine having the most shorted stock right before the largest liquidity injection into the stock market ever? (blackrock buying corporate debt etfs on the open market with taxpayer money as the fed's spv)

>imagine being a dick about all of it and acting superior without the slightest acknowledgement that it could have all gone tits up at any moment

>> No.12798577

yeah having landing reusable rockets deliver men and cargo to the ISS is sure under promising, you stupid faggot, go jack off to some more hentai

>> No.12798581

>the man is rich in luck and that consequently made him rich in everything else.
As anyone who has played olden RPGs would tell you Luck can make all the difference

>> No.12798615
File: 141 KB, 1423x800, you are an insecure failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a stupid fag, and thats OK. You were never going to get anywhere, and thats OK. Its OK to project your failures onto a successful space flight company that has delivered men and cargo to the ISS, giving the US domestic launch capability again since the shuttle fleet got mothballed. In the end, nothing you will ever do will matter, and thats why you being a faggot on the internet is OK, because it doesnt matter, because you dont matter. Seethe more.
>pic related

>> No.12798640

>Hating on the literal god
Cant wait to overclock my brain

>> No.12798650

Holy seethe. ISS doesn't need Elon. He's just doing it for publicity as usual. Go cry into your elon body pillow seething fanboy.

>> No.12798652

What if your brain gets clamped instead? Overclamped, in fact??

>> No.12798656
File: 76 KB, 680x490, 1613351298120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad and on earth. Plenty of crabs in this bucket with you.

>> No.12798664

Neuralink is such horseshit

>> No.12798674

There is no God but God

>> No.12798676
File: 3.15 MB, 2014x2166, 1612371089910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>First orbital reusable rocket

Imagine being so wrong for so long? What's next Starship will never land? Oh wait just got that one. Is it now Starship will never make orbit? Then Starship will never refuel in orbit?

>> No.12798677

this meme smells like curry

>> No.12798679

are people worshiping him? or just arguing against the haters.
why the fuck would anyone hate a billionaire that broke the mold and spends his money on novel and exciting things, bringing new ideas into space travel when everything had stagnated?
Is it because he posts some low key populist right wing stuff on twitter?
we need more guys like him

>> No.12798688

Alot Whiter than you achmed.

>> No.12798698

nice try

>> No.12798700

>>Gets BS in physics
Not BS, merely BA

>> No.12798713

>pseudo science degree

>> No.12798722

Serious question: which company hires shills and why defamation of Musk is so important to them?

>> No.12798730

>ISS doesn't need Elon
Tell that to NASA.
I really wonder what goes through your guys brains, probably not much. Just the usual partisan shit

>> No.12798734
File: 524 KB, 1128x780, ap_18037788119186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fag on 4chan projecting his insecurities more and more as others actually get stuff done

>> No.12798748

they're just trannies from reddit that are upset that others are achieving their childhood dreams

>> No.12798758

I'm glad someone said it. He's not a genius, he's a rich guy that hires geniuses to make shit for him. Come back when he's got a math PhD or starts building them damn rocket ships with his own two hands. He's delusional and you fucks keep stroking his inflated ego. He thinks he is god and Grimes literally called herself a high priestess. I've never seen more narcissistic delusional humans in my life. They don't even rank in the top 1 billion smartest humans. What a joke. Without his billions, he'd have no legacy. Loser. Bitch ass. Give credit to the real geniuses at SpaceX, Elon you fucking stupid low IQ fat fuck. Fuck you, fuck Grimes, fuck your stupid ass kid with his stupid ass name, and fuck the horse all 3 of you rode in on. Delusional inferior homo-sapiens with inflated egos bigger than Mars itself. That's all they can and will ever be.

>> No.12798766

Elon can throw all the American tax dollars he wants on his redundant space projects, hes never going to mars and you're a faggot.

>> No.12798772

>the useful idiot tesla bootlicker shill appears

>> No.12798773

you forgot
>inherit a fortune from conflict minerals which he uses to purchase paypal
kind of a crucial step

>> No.12798779

>and as of this January crypto are in vogue.
This is not a good thing, fuck this retard and all his fanboys for ruining the crypto market. He caused BTC to skyrocket only to burst the bubble he himself created afterwards with a tweet claiming the price was too high. Literally ruined his own investment (Tesla) by doing that.

I hope he at least is making bank on the side, otherwise he is a fucking moron.

>> No.12798783

>your guys brains
You are actually Indian kek. Not surprised you worship elon, I mean your kind worships cow shit after all.

>> No.12798787

>I hope he at least is making bank on the side
no worries, scam artists are capable of making sure their ship stays afloat as long as possible

>> No.12798793
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This seems to come from backfired celebrity npc worship (which always happens) and a misunderstanding.
Why are people calling him a fraud, because he says random shit sometimes to make a news headline. It's not like he's selling you anything that's a fraud. You've never said anything dumb or cringey in an interview? He's not a god.
Then people call him out for not being an engineer. His weirdo dad taught him engineering since he was a young boy, you don't just make and sell a video game at that age and time without a good mentor. He studied economics, then physics with extra classes in cs (oh no, it's not a phd in rocket science). You guys don't think you can teach yourself some engineering on top of that? No one ever said he is designing those rockets himself other than morons, but he dared to put all his capital into them and learned enough about them to lead the organisation and hire good men into it and even did some bad engineering in the beginning when they had no one better which he has admitted was bad, he never claimed to be a genius engineer. He's not a simulacrum of Braun or Tesla, he is his own trauma riddled self.
His dad gave him access to read a bunch of german philosophy when he was a kid/early teen too. He had early connections with Thiel, Thiel loves Schmitt and invested into urbit. You guys really believe Douglas Adams is as far as he gets philosophically? You really don't think it's a coincidence that it was rated reddits favourite book before he mentioned it being his? For fucks sake this is a science board, you should notice basic patterns from your intuition you absolute seething retards.
Did you forget last year when America was burning and all organisations kneeled? Meanwhile spaceX sent 2 men into space and tesla began making great developments in their mega factories over seas?
>waaah he's a capitalist
you live in a capitalistic system and he does too, to get to his goals he had to play that game systematically and still needs to.

>> No.12798807

I forgot /pol/ loves this guy now because reddit hates it
I called him a name earlier in the thread before I realized that we can't do that anymore, I unknowingly committed wrongthink and I apologize

>> No.12798812

How much is elon paying you to cry on the internet?

>> No.12798817

He's not Braun, he's not Tesla. He is a man for this time, see related. Braun played his hand, he is playing his.
and no matter how much you losers hate him, while American organisations fill their positions with incompetence he hired autists and they made beautiful things together while the world around them burned. Even if it comes burning down it was light in the darkness.
/pol/ schizos hate him just as much as redditors.

>> No.12798823

>How much is elon paying you to cry on the internet?
t. agent being paid to post this

>> No.12798826
File: 149 KB, 750x513, SciPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Elon didn't have a wave of retards following and praising him, he'd probably have downed his ego a bit. But they idolize each of his moves no matter how dumb or impractical it might be.

>> No.12798848

>man does thing
>npc's praise him as a god
>man does mistake
>npc's seethe
like clockwork

>> No.12798858

No I'm not an indian and I guarantee I'm whiter than your 56% mutt ass. No I don't worship Elon, I just think his projects are cool and exciting and I enjoy the way he makes people like you seethe with jealousy and irrational rage.
Anyway, you're not even worth replying. You are garbage at trolling and speak like you're 12 years old

>> No.12798877

Denial/Anger are first two stages of grief.

Its an unhealthy process but you fell into the trap.

>> No.12798885

>I just think his projects are cool
then you are a dumbass
his projects are horseshit used to hype and heavily oversell of whats practically possible
hes a scam artist and the projects he presents in the way that he does are misleading, used to dupe gullible idiots and mindless journalist dudes who want to write their epick science man article

>> No.12798886

He's literally the Henry Ford of this generation except that he's two standard deviations more eccentric.

>> No.12798893

That's also possible. It's just weird how these posts are so regular and feel so coordinated.

>> No.12798895

>I just think his projects are cool and exciting
You know what? I was wrong. le epic space man is going to send us to mars! High five fellow 12 year old!

>> No.12798899

... and doesnt came up with anything himself, while being a gigantic overhyped pseud who makes a fortune riding the bubble of his heavily overrated company stocks

>> No.12798901
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>> No.12798903

you're projecting someones perception onto someone else

>> No.12798919

The only people in denial are the muskfags ITT when you tell them he's a fraud. It's like having to tell an adult santa isn't real.

>> No.12798924
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>> No.12798928
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>> No.12798941

ignore the retard

>> No.12798942

>rockets have phallic symbolism
no shit?

>> No.12798949

He puts everything together. The glue of the ideas.

>> No.12798950

>musk cocksucker knows all about phallic symbolism
what a surprise

>> No.12798954
File: 44 KB, 540x360, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If >>12798245 jumped off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff too?

>> No.12798955

Musk is a genius though, a PR/Business genius who pretends he is a quirky nerd.

>> No.12798960
File: 266 KB, 1400x1400, this is a scam according to retards on the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
who knows, could be organized through a discord, could be CCP bots trying to demoralize americans on their own space program, aka chinas competition in the coming space race/war

>> No.12798961

... you're a fucking moron

>> No.12798965

>He puts everything together
no engineers do that
musk just provides the money and pretends its all him afterwards like the gigantic narcissist fraud he is

>> No.12798969

do you really think people don't understand he's an iconic figure marketing his stuff with an image?
he's still building cheap reusable rockets and doing things I'm interested in

>> No.12798971
File: 833 KB, 739x739, lol_meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could be CCP bots trying to demoralize americans

>> No.12798983

>anon says, while himself not creating anything of value
Crabbing successful people down on a Taiwanese silk reformation board has 0 effect. You will be forgotten while others are building the future.

Coping begins here:

>> No.12798984

>state-actor astroturfing isnt real

>> No.12798989

>he's still building cheap reusable rockets
no, both are complete nonsense
... that explode
no sane person wants to use this crap

>> No.12799004
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>ad hominem reference to distract from anons favourite scam artist
did daddy not love you that you have to pretend elons your fuckdaddy?
protip: he doesnt know you exist, fag

>> No.12799010
File: 43 KB, 1200x668, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even more delusional seething
does this place even have mods?

>> No.12799011 [DELETED] 

>no sane person wants to use this crap
Zuckerberg tried using the falcon 9 to launch his internet.org satellite into space. Of course it blew up and Elon promptly launched the Starlink because he. Not fishy at all.

>> No.12799018

you're still a faggot whos accomplished nothing, while the engineers at spacex single handily revive american space flight

in essence, you're a fag

>> No.12799019

Do you just spout off shit you see people posting on reddit or what?

>> No.12799027

>no sane person wants to use this crap
Zuckerberg tried using the falcon 9 to launch his internet.org satellite into space. Of course it blew up and Elon promptly launched the Starlink. Not fishy at all.. Because we know its part of the Elon playbook of plagiarism lmao

>> No.12799037
File: 94 KB, 1125x813, reddit_moderator_rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh noooo, a conflicting opinion
>mooooooooods wahhh
perhaps plebbit is more to your liking, a place where non conforming opinions are actively silenced
>y-you havent done anything
but me, some anonymous stranger isnt the topic of discussion
why do you want to distract from elon being a fraud so badly?
see pic >>12798901
>Zuckerberg tried using the falcon 9 to launch his satellite
>Of course it blew up
whoopsie, seems like the 300m $ satellite just blew up, unlucky
dont worry guys, maybe the next rocket wont explode lol, lets flip a coin

>> No.12799044


>> No.12799052
File: 323 KB, 1280x720, things_i_dont_like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does this place even have mods?

>> No.12799071

You're arguing with schizos. They're deep in denial land.

>> No.12799072

Which engineer can negotiate things like he does?

>> No.12799083

musk is a marketing guy, not an engineer
he doesnt do any work himself, just gives the money
more an investor than anything really

>> No.12799092

>Elon fanboys calling people FBI agents and CCP members for criticizing him
>y-youre the schizo!

>> No.12799096

Nigger you are truly obsessed.

>> No.12799099
File: 62 KB, 590x350, NASA-news-space-pictures-SpaceX-Dragon-dock-ISS-International-Space-Station-1159294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying delusional discord trannies shouldnt get permabanned
How does photo make you feel?

>> No.12799105
File: 23 KB, 500x459, things_i_dont_like2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont like your opinion
>you need to disappear
make me

>> No.12799115 [DELETED] 

>gay smuggie
How does this photo make you feel?

>> No.12799124
File: 199 KB, 360x360, me_in_your_moms_pov.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*.webm related is me in your moms POV
how does this makes you feel, mr. elong bootlicker?

>> No.12799131
File: 52 KB, 590x350, nasa-live-stream-spacex-dragon-dock-international-space-station-iss-elon-musk-robot-arm-2204922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I refuse to acknowledge Spacex accomplishments and think purging such retardation is bad

>> No.12799140

I don't think it's ccp, they like musk. I think it's people on the inside.

>> No.12799142

>I refuse to acknowledge Spacex accomplishments
who does that and what are you even referring to?

>> No.12799145

Popular bad

>> No.12799152

You mean the people that keep Musk failing businesses afloat?

>> No.12799156

>I don't think it's ccp, they like musk
they use musk as a useful idiot to obtain the technology of tesla
the only reason why they have him build a factory in china is so they can steal the intellectual property, but elon the retard will find that out soon enough when he gets played like a fiddle by the rice enthusiasts

>> No.12799163 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 486x364, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a your mom joke

>> No.12799168

>technology of tesla
what technology. you think they have any patents worth stealing? kek

>> No.12799170

try to keep up retard

>> No.12799171

you are desperate, because you know that you are standing on lost ground

>> No.12799176

>elon fanboys resorting to posting goatse

>> No.12799190

blueprints for vehicles, engine, manufacturing processes, battery technology, etc.
the moment this stuff lands in china they will bring out their own versions of tesla cars for half the prize within a few months later

>> No.12799204

Do you really think we cant make it possible? Even if 99% would die (wont happen) it would still be a success. The improvements on that technology will be rapid once its out there.

>> No.12799208

theres nothing exceptionally groundbreaking about tesla. its just a hyped up EV for rich people. The only thing worthwhile for the chinese government at this point is taking back the plant if elon doesn't fork up the 2 billion loan.

>> No.12799214

The guy has made himself into one of the richest people in the world. If nothing else, he's a brilliant businessman.

>> No.12799229

Why does every retard have to pretend that every famous person is X?

>> No.12799233

>The only thing worthwhile for the chinese government at this point is taking back the plant
which they will 100% do
>if elon doesn't fork up the 2 billion loan
well elon doesnt own the grounds on which the factory is build
>theres nothing exceptionally groundbreaking about tesla
true, its severely overhyped
still the intellectual property of tesla wont be worth shit, the moment that it will be leaked by the chinese infiltrating the shanghai gigafactory
>one of the richest people in the world
hes rich because of his owning's of company stocks that are severely overvalued
the moment his bubble busts and the ponzi scheme breaks he will be severely less rich (still a billionaire tho)
one of the things that make sure tesla is fishy is that they dont pay dividends at all, something that all other reputable car manufacturers do

>> No.12799234

It doesn't teach enough business for people to differentiate between an engineer and a salesperson, that's for sure!

>> No.12799243

>hes rich because of his owning's of company stocks that are severely overvalued
If they're indeed overvalued, then he was very good at selling them as having value, no? Hence, great businessman.

>> No.12799266

elons businesses are propped up by the government. they all bleed money and quite frankly he would be bankrupt overnight if the gov stopped letting him suck their teet. but yes hes great at overhyping vaporware to dorks on reddit and journalists that want to make le epic space man coming to save the day clickbait articles.

>> No.12799298

You're really just convincing me more and more of his business aptitude. People get caught up in classic examples of intelligence (math, physics, science, etc) and forget how valuable social intelligence is.

>> No.12799304
File: 218 KB, 1380x508, tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they're indeed overvalued
they undoubtedly are the P/E is off the charts crazy compared to other car company's also the market cap to delivery relation is absurd compared to other car company's, like 150 times the relation
this shows that there is little tangible connection between actual produced value, the rating of the company and the price of its stock
>he was very good at selling them as having value
oh yes, and its still a scam
you could say the same about bernie madoff
>oh bro who gives a fuck about him scamming loads of people and being a lying fuck, hes just a great buisnessman lmao that how biz works lol people getting fucked over is perfectly normal and fine xD

>> No.12799347

narcissists tend to be socially intelligent.
>While Musk was en route to Australia for a much-needed vacation, PayPal's board fired him and made Thiel the new CEO.
Seems like he learned a lot about the business world at this moment and became ruthless.

>> No.12799383

This wasn't the first time either. I think his earlier company zip2 (business mapping/address aka google maps before google) had falling out where some guy Elon hired convinced many of his employees to leave the company with him to found another one. They fucked up and Elon ended up hiring new batches of employees and won out in the end.

>> No.12799388

>Do you think it gets exhausting pretending to be a genius?
I'd like to say i don't know but i am a genius and faking it is only a load of bullshit if you don't make decent money off of it.

>> No.12799392
File: 40 KB, 1182x535, zoomies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pe ratio was negative for tesla not that long ago.
also, look at zoom's pe ratio, mang.
shit's fucked and makes no sense.
people are aparently spending money on stuff they could get for free.

>> No.12799406

because their stocks are in decline
>shit's fucked and makes no sense
its the run off the mill standard metric for investors

>> No.12799410

>compared to other car company's
It's dumb to compare Tesla to other car companies. Every other car company uses a franchise model, the vast majority of car companies have not diversified into any other industry, and every other manufacturer has been in a race to the bottom since the early 70s, many of them going bankrupt and getting bailed out in the process. Apples and oranges. Tesla's software expertise is up there with the other silicon valley firms that don't make any hardware at all, no other car company or even T1 supplier (maybe Bosch is a bit of an exception) has any software development to speak of. Many people are betting on cars moving towards EV (obvious this is going to happen), autonomous, heavily software driven, and integrated with their house for charging. Who is the leader in these spaces? Who else is even close?

>> No.12799411

>people are aparently spending money on stuff they could get for free.
stealing is a great way to save money too.

>> No.12799421

He literally has gone in depth in several of his interviews talking about what he is doing and the design of projects. That's what engineering is you fucking retard. This "he's just a salesman" cope is complete reddit seethe that he's successful

>> No.12799428
File: 1.77 MB, 320x180, the_applel_store.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gobbling up the Kool-Aid like a good sheep

>> No.12799430

Zoom is really a head scratcher how it's getting any support. It's software is horrible, has the LEAST features of any of the alternatives (slack, discord, Microsoft Teams, etc.), many corporations who were using Zoom stopped because of major security flaws. What is Zoom supposed to be leading? Name recognition?

>> No.12799451

So Tesla's evaluation is based off speculation and hype rather than models sold. Got it. Other car manufacturers have closed the gap. I wouldn't want to be holding the tesla bag right about now.

>> No.12799462

if I had a team of engineers dumbing thing down for me so I can regurgitate it in front of cameras then I could be an engineer too. Fuck actually building things lmao.

>> No.12799468

>So Tesla's evaluation is based off speculation and hype rather than models sold
Of course, did you think people buy TSLA because it's a dividend stock? Use your brain.
> Other car manufacturers have closed the gap
Which gap?

>> No.12799478

>if I had a team of engineers dumbing thing down for me so I can regurgitate it in front of cameras then I could be an engineer too
Then what is stopping you retard? Do you think that every invention is a single fucking person building it?

>> No.12799496

>So Tesla's evaluation is based off speculation and hype rather than models sold
Yes thats how stocks work. Since we cant know the numbers because thats called insider trading we can only speculate if the stock will do good.

>> No.12799499

I'm not an engineer but I can point out a phony when I see one.

>> No.12799500

>He's like Tesla - the man not the car company.

>> No.12799503

TSLA is overhyped garbage. Use your brain.

>> No.12799519
File: 51 KB, 1200x675, 1460154368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon is totally an engineer guys
>no hes not

>> No.12799577

>made himself
His parents were already rich, they owned a mining company.

>> No.12799615

zoom's stock didn't really dip much. it's revenue grew. massively.

there's literally been free software out for ages that does what zoom claims to do. and unlike zoom, it's far more secure. even business solutions, for shit you kind of have to pay money for, there's cheaper and more robust software.

lots of similarities with facebook. garbage product, not as good as competition, but somehow people are using it more.

>> No.12799628
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because he's not /yourguy/, he's just another one of them with much better marketing skills than the delusional boomers around him
the mars thing was supposed to have happened in 2020, now it's 2024, in 2024 it will be 2030
the same with fully autonomous teslas

he sells baseless hype to accumulate wealth for his companies, that's it, that's how he differs from all the others, in that his fanbase is subhuman redditors who keep falling for it perpetually, when all that elon is is just lockheed martin with a twist - it's more relatable

>> No.12799627

revenue syphoning aparently.
i have no idea what happened there.
right before the pandemic, there were loads of fanboys pushing the zoom meme. i guess the free advertisement worked and noone paying the bills bothered to do any research. guess it really is all about marketing nowadays.

>> No.12799644

Depends if he's SEAL material or not.

>> No.12799651

They used to love him until China bought out reddit through the manipulation of public policy.

>> No.12799727

what the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

>> No.12799744

Can't wait until his retarded fanboys let him chip their brains and they get put into a ransomware coma by a Russian hacker using a backdoor elon left for the CIA

>> No.12799777

i pretend to be retarded and yes, it can be very tiring.
but mostly, i just am retarded

>> No.12799821

You're on /sci/, you tell me.

>> No.12799884


>> No.12800004

>if I had a team of engineers dumbing thing down for me so I can regurgitate it in front of cameras then I could be an engineer too.
You'd need to create a company and hire the best engineers, first.

>> No.12800108

No, too stupid not to realize there are other things to do then count his millions

>> No.12801941

They are not true electric as the engine can drive the wheels directly. A Chevy Volt on the other hand, with the engine being just a generator, is.

>> No.12801956

Smart people don't work for people dumber than them. He's not a genius, but he's the real deal.

>> No.12801960

yes, i was referring to the tesla stock and the negative p/e ratio, not what you (?) said about zoom

>> No.12802148

Elon makes redditors, conspiracy fags, trannies, /x/tard, and /pol/tards all seethe. For that alone, I will always like him.

>> No.12802450
File: 40 KB, 575x526, 169D4332-5C4A-4B75-BEA9-B16DC81EC37E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Makes /pol/ fucking seethe so he’s alright in my books

>> No.12802458

/pol/ likes him now that plebbit hates him.

>> No.12802461

he's assburger of some sort and this makes normies absolutely seethe

>> No.12802488

No, they really don’t. /pol/tards are possibly seething even more and for even dumber reasons since after the 2016 election half of it is retarded bluecollar boomers who are seduced by garbage like that space is fake. Considering how many /pol/tards come here, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s them crying itt too

>> No.12802629

Lol, no. There daily threads on /pol/ trying to prove spacex launches are fake. /pol/ also doesn't believe in electrical vehicles (because it is what liberals believe in).

>> No.12802729


>> No.12802837

>daily threads on /pol/ trying to prove spacex launches are fake
and whats with the exploding rockets, are these fake too?
>/pol/ also doesn't believe in electrical vehicles
do they believe that they dont exist?
what about generators and electrical engines, do they exist according to /pol/?

i have decided to stay away from this board a long time ago to keep my mental sanity.

>> No.12803226

electricity doesn't exist

>> No.12803228

He is just a guy with a lot of money but he pretends he's more than that. He is the quentissential 115-130 iq midwit.

>> No.12803246


Whatever his technical/scientific skills may be, I still laud him for his business acumen and for being able to take the first step into privatizing the space industry.

>> No.12803260

militarization of space is based, how else are supposed to protect ourselves from whatever is out there?

>> No.12803585

>Implying there is somebody out there crossing trillions of years light to explore ur anus

>> No.12803593

that's what my uncle told me after i woke up at his house and my asshole was bleeding and i didn't remember anything

>> No.12803610

has anyone here seen his appearance on the JRE?
The part where he talks about how hard it is being a genius is pretty cringeworthy

>> No.12803621

it's not aliens, it's the CIA
wait let me call the expert on this topic

>neighborhood of infinity

>> No.12803687

cool, now touch the power-socket with a fork
make sure to stream it, shouldnt be a problem as nothing will happen as electricity doesnt exist

>> No.12803730


>> No.12805530

Christ, do you people honestly think that running two multibillion dollar businesses doing fucking cutting edge engineering comes down to throwing money at the wall? Elon knows his shit. Its not his fucking job to sit in a cave and fucking handbuild rockets for you autists to think hes really 'le ebic science genius." He's a fucking CEO, his job is to direct his companies.


>> No.12805558

shoo shoo thunderpoo. stop baiting for clicks.