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12793513 No.12793513 [Reply] [Original]

Pressure relief valve edition. How's it going my fellow engineering gigachads?

>> No.12793525

i'm graduating from chemical engineering this semester. i have a little bit challenging final project but it's fine overall.

>> No.12793527

>i have a little bit challenging final project
What you doing bud?

>> No.12793531

Sorbitol production from biomass. we selected apple pomace as raw material.

>> No.12793537

first time I've seen an engineering general

>> No.12793559

I make one like every 4-5 months when I come on /sci/ to shitpost

>> No.12793566

I won't pretend to know what that is.

>> No.12793570

what do you do?

>> No.12793582

I did a BEng in Mech Eng and an MSc in structural engineering, now I work for a company that designs and builds turbomachinery.

>> No.12793592

give it straight to me, what engineering major should i take?

>> No.12793621

mech or chem

>> No.12793635

I'm biased, but I think Mech Eng is the best base for pretty much 90% of everything in engineering. Really depends on what you want to do, though.
Even in the aerospace/aeronautical industry, most of the engineers come from a mech background.

>> No.12793716

i thought of that too but many advised me against it since it's hard to find a job. it has 10% unemployment here

>> No.12793720

>it has 10% unemployment here
10% unemployment is low? Lol

>> No.12793880

Normies really do not appreciate things like fluids flowing through pipes.

>> No.12793883
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>my next project is starting and the last one isnt even finished
i hate this and myself for not planning correctly

>> No.12793975

Number 1 rule of engineering school is to learn to enjoy suffering and pain. I don't care what math and physics fags think. They may learn conceptually more difficult things (I accept this without question), but our workload is on a whole different level. Maybe only med fags come close, but they don't have the same level of intellectual investment as us.

>> No.12794032

i really enjoyed the first few semesters of my master without projects but having all of them at the end blows

>> No.12794035


>> No.12794042


>> No.12794050

Ameritards seem to have easier master programs compared to us

>> No.12794064
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become a shit and water man (civil)

>> No.12794207

pick one

>> No.12794278


Do you also do design for manufacturing in your current role or do you only perform structural/fluid dynamical analyses?

>> No.12794319

Is software engineering engineering?

I'm the guy who doesn't manufacture signals, nor adapters, but who tie it all together into a singular system under a controlled iam. Is that enginering? It's not creating anything out of nature's indescribable principle, but constructing the systems required in order for systems to be used. I guess it's like asking "is plumbing engineering", since it's a service noone sees and everyone expects to work.

>> No.12794328


Yes. It would count as a branch of system engineering.

>> No.12794341

It's quite a niche boomer company, we do the whole process. Most of the stuff we make is unique, for very specific applications. Standardized stuff won't work very well. I take part in design, manufacturing, and testing. The big boss man is a legit JPL PhD engineer.

>> No.12794400


Sounds great. I definitely regret having chosen to study electrical engineering since the only thing we do all day is matlab & simulink simulations which the prof keeps assuring us is somehow useful.

>> No.12794428

well, it is?

>> No.12794440

what is the biggest dick you ever sucked?

>> No.12794441


How much of your time do you spend simulating and how much in actual manufacturing and testing?

>> No.12794460

Not him, but much more time is spent on simulations than empirical testing because the former is way cheaper.

>> No.12794476

i think "engineering" definition is more about simulation

>> No.12794481

Never sucked a dick, but I have had mine sucked by women in real life (without paying for it).

>> No.12794497

We simulate manufacturing these days using software like promodel and other stuff because it's substantially less expensive. Nobody wants to risk their capital before having more data.

>> No.12794698

yeah but in the statistic only around 7% were employed under the title "mechanical engineer"

>> No.12794724

Because most engineers are shitters than can’t design their way out of a paper bag so they go into finance or “project management” instead.

>> No.12795192

whats JPL?

>> No.12795200

Good topic, make sure to shill ur project on ur cv and apply to every single biomass, xtl, gasification, waste (msw, plastics, biomass) recycling amd upcycling company out there

>> No.12795217

Mech or Chem maybe electrical but I am chem and i think its a good field.
it is hard to get a job if you get by without grasping basic fundamentals in heat and mass transfer and kinetics (chem) and don't maximize your undergraduate reaearch and internship time
Also if you are a white guy at an hbcu or minority institution then youll also have a hard time getting a job, they go to these campuses looking to fill quotas

>> No.12795218

Jet Propulsion Labratory, it's a Nasa R and D center.

>> No.12795224


Jet propulsion lab

>> No.12795272
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your pressure relief valve is small time. go big mode. had my guys install 2 of these in 8 meters height, just with a pretty sus chain hoist.

>> No.12796287
File: 2.52 MB, 301x405, Shitandwaterman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gonna be a shit and water man soon. Graduating in June.

>> No.12796467

Very nice.

>> No.12796497

fellow chem eng and getting my master in 3 weeks... good luck and never surrender

>> No.12796499

>Sorbitol production from biomass
you use enzymes, classical chemistry or is that a biotech project?
it's a sugar

>> No.12796501

mech or chem if you like hard mode
electric if you like super hard mode
also depends on where you plan to live. Look if there's industry related to your choice near you.

>> No.12796503

>Number 1 rule of engineering school is to learn to enjoy suffering and pain
yeah it's true... every non meme engineering major will make you suffer a lot... but also become stronger and smarter in solving practical problems that nobody knows how to solve.

>> No.12796509

american education is sometimes a meme... they pay too much for college I'm pretty sure that if you're not a complete retard you can pay and pass

>> No.12796512

>Standardized stuff won't work very well
that's sad because standardization and public knowledge of every known problem and its solutions should be the aim of the west in the next decades.

>> No.12796514

I got it sucked both with and without paying lol

>> No.12796517

a good engineer is both a good designer, a good applied scientist and a good project manager.

>> No.12796521

well at least you won't have problems finding a job

>> No.12796539

Finishing up my EE major focus area is control, roboticsand machine intelligenc. Basically done with my senior design project. Need 2 upper division gen ed classes after this school year.

Gonna start applying for internships for summer soon. How's the job market looking right now for EE?

How's the prospects of working with computer vision/ image processing with just a B.S, (took 1 graduate level computer vision course). where do I look for those sort of opportunities?

>> No.12796545

The shit buisness is good work. With shit and water you spend your first 10 years paying dues getting certificates and working graveyard shift weekends but once you get seniority it's a good paycheck and steady work. Know a waterfag and coworkers ex husband is a shitfag.

>> No.12796555

Choose both

>> No.12796568

Wow, that must be why you smart euros are landing probes on mars, landing and reusing rocket first stages, and launching people to earth orbit on indigenous European crewed vehicles. Mist be great being so far ahead of those dumb fat amerimutts.

>> No.12796620

>landing and reusing rocket first stages
that's a south african and only 1/4 american (american of 100 years ago)
America had it's century of glory, now it's time to move on.

>> No.12796671

Whats the service for that PRV?

>> No.12796907


>> No.12796911

>muh achievment
this is about the big picture and not some small group of top tier engineers/scientists.

>> No.12796923
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 20200828_172720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offshore engineering reporting in

>> No.12796932

The whole American and Soviet space program was based on making nazi scientists work in isolation. They were so bored that they came up with a way to fly to the moon.

On the other hand, Europeans claiming that the US system is lacking is quite hypocritical. At least in the US they appreciate engineers and give them a good pay. Try finding an engineering job as a phd in France: starting wages are around 42k euro gross.

>> No.12796937

Offshore wind will be the next big sector in the US.

The biggest problem is getting Jones act vessels ready to work on offshore wind farms.
>monopile and jacket supported windfarms are already proven technology
>offshore crane vessels required to build install the are already designed and several are being constructed all over the world
If you have one of these you can dominate the US offshore wind building sector
>electricity market on the east coast is definitely big enough. Building 1 GW windfarms will have more than enough offtake.
>being prioritised by the US federal and state governments

Also, the future is floating wind turbines.

>> No.12797289


>> No.12797293

What do you do anon?

>> No.12797642

Thinking about going civil engineering next summer after working some years in the pipeline business.

>> No.12797673 [DELETED] 

i fap everyday and you?

>> No.12797676

I try not to fap as much as I can help it.

>> No.12797834
File: 234 KB, 2526x1278, lmao @ mechfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, brother.

>> No.12797853


>> No.12797888

I kinda love how broad civil engineering curriculum still is. You want to do some watermanagement? Too bad, learn how to design a bridge...

>> No.12797893

Mech is more broad, civil is basically a mech specialization.

>> No.12799164

>doing PhD
>supervisor is useless
>sends like 20 papers
>tfw i already seen them
>tfw these are the top 20 results when you search for the related subject keyword
>tfw he thinks hes useful
>tfw you cant tell him to fuck himself

>> No.12800260

>amerisharts boosting about muh space while walking home after getting shot so you won't get sued for staining someone's walkway with your blood

>> No.12800868

I'm just speculating but I think he might be an oil man.

>> No.12801486

mech is always the same shit

>> No.12802469

Quick bros which degree do I go for? Electrical Eng or Mechatronics & Robotics Eng

>> No.12802742


>> No.12802858

Would be nice if engineering students would stop circle jerking about how much work they have. Just pay attention to class and do your HW jeez

>> No.12804175

Nice bro