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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1278425 No.1278425 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if you raised a child in an environment where gravity was artificially increased to 10x that of Earth's gravity until he reaches adulthood and then release him into the world?

>> No.1278434

He would feel better about his weight

>> No.1278442

His life span would be drastically reduced if he even survived.

>> No.1278450

His knees would break.
He would PANIC at the sight of stairs.

>> No.1278447



>> No.1278451

He would be born dead. If the mother could even give birth.

>> No.1278457

he would die fairly quickly

>> No.1278469

not OP but

What if he was put there at ~teenage years where his body could withstand the gravity. (If x10 is too much then lower it to whatever he could handle)

>> No.1278504
File: 35 KB, 500x500, ಠ_ಠ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean why? what the fuck do you think would happen if we dumped you in an environment with 1/10th of the water, 1/10th of the oxygen, 1/10th of the ozone shielding from UV, You did not evolve to survive in that shit!

>> No.1278510


Is gravity related to oxygen, or water, or ozones?

Wouldn't he be at an advantage?

>> No.1278534

He would die. For the sake of argument though, if he somehow survived, he would very likely never go bipedal, but would go around on all fours like a gorilla.

>> No.1278537

He would become so fucking powerful he could jump like three stories on earth and smash things with his face. Happy?

>> No.1278543

So he can become a super saiyan right?

>> No.1278549

You are a fucking idiot, if you want to know what happens go visit nasa and ask them to strap you into the chair and hit 10 Gs.

>> No.1278557

he's saying that humans haven't evolved to handle that kind of environment. Our bodies have evolved to handle 1x gravity. 10x gravity and we would be crushed by ourselves. a 150 lbs person would weigh 1500 lbs. They wouldn't be able to move. They would just be able to lie there while their organs slowly crush themselves.

>> No.1278559

survive x2? probably... not more than x2 though.

>> No.1278560

Not really the same thing.

>> No.1278568

10x is a bit unrealistic. They'd probably die there.

2x, now, would probably make that person very strong, but unwieldy on Earth.

>> No.1278571



>> No.1278578


it is

>> No.1278591

I agree with those saying x2 would be survivable. Think about it, all your muscles would be twice as strong as probably anyone on Earth just by surviving wherever you were. If you could work out and build muscle without killing yourself in the process then come to Earth you would be king of every sport. Isn't that enough, OP?

>> No.1278597

in 10x gravity that one ton guy would weigh as much as a couple large trucks on earth

>> No.1278600

I think it would be more plausible at 1.5x gravity, but I'm sure his joints would be fucked at a much earlier age than those who live in regular gravity.

>> No.1278605


That's fine. But the person who weighs 1500 lbs and now weighs 150 lbs has evolved to withstand that weight. What happens to him?

>> No.1278623

I'd like to see what would happen in the biosphere if the gravity slowly crept to 10G in the span of 50 million years.

>> No.1278635


Bigger bones, bigger frames. Massive creatures and leviathans. Conan the Barbarian chopping heads off of wizards and battling evil sorceresses.

Shit would be hardcore, brobear.

>> No.1278630


>not in newtons

Leave /sci/ plz.

>> No.1278633

He can't fucking figure out how to walk correctly.

>> No.1278638

an organism that evolved to live in 10x gravity would probably be extremely short and extremely thick. They probably wouldn't be built to move quickly or at all.

>> No.1278641


he will not EVOLVE to withstand it if he is a normal human who you just toss there, that happen over many generations and 10x will kill of the first generation

>> No.1278659

blood doesn't get pumped to your brain past 5g's for most people. 3-4 is what the normal person can tolerate for awhile. 3 seems like the magic number for OP. A baby couldn't survive but a 14 year old would be mega strong, but would have no cardio and couldn't fight or run for long, even on earth. OP just wear a 40 pound weight when you do stuff. It might not help tho seeing as you probably sit for 10 hours a day.

>> No.1278678

how about you just strap some weights to his legs/arms instead and get somewhat close to the same effect that you're looking for.

Or like, if you lived in water would you move faster out of it? same gravity, just greater resistance?

>> No.1278691

They would not evolve, their muscles would become adapted to the higher gravity (more developed, like bodybuilders). Not sure what would happen if you suddenly took them out of that environment... drastically raised blood pressure due to heart pumping same against lower gravity? possibly brain haemorrhaging due to suddenly increased pressure?

>> No.1278703

>but would have no cardio and couldn't fight or run for long, even on eart

That doesn't make any sense. If someone could walk briskly, or even a slight jog on a high gravity planet I'm sure they would better on a low one.

>> No.1278719

huuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr

he would learn kamehameha

>> No.1278747


Fuck year! I could shoot flames out of my hands and shit!

>> No.1278769

The child would be dead a few minutes after he was born.

At 2x gravity on the other hand, the child would probably end up built like Ronnie Coleman, and somewhat shorter than he should be.

>> No.1278788

But probably not. Since Coleman exhibits lots of "useless" sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy which contributes little to strength.

>> No.1278801

Increased muscle size with no increase in contraction strength will give his muscles a better position to apply leverage. But that's it.

>> No.1278809

these trolls

the boy would obviously be the strongest man on earth

>> No.1278842

>Ronnie Coleman
>little strength
>900 pound deadlift
>900 pound squat
>225 pound dumbbell bench press for 12 reps

False. Powerlifters end up looking the same as bodybuilders when all the fat's gone. No matter how you lift weights, you end up looking like a bodybuilder underneath whatever fat you have. There are just two ways of getting there.

>> No.1278843

Assuming you just dumped a healthy 5 year old child into space, development would not occur properly. He would hit the floor and his bones would fuse over time, assuming his lungs didn't collapse and his blood vessels didn't all pop due to changes in pressure of bodily gasses, and he had a way to eat.

I doubt any of you know shit about weightlifting, but squatting 2x your body weight is a huge achievement that less that 0.001% of the human population will ever be able to accomplish. Simply getting out of a chair would be impossible for a normal adult in 10x gravity.

>> No.1278846

>I doubt any of you know shit about weightlifting, but squatting 2x your body weight is a huge achievement that less that 0.001% of the human population will ever be able to accomplish.

Troll detected.

>> No.1278849

He'd end up really short as well.

>> No.1278850

Maybe if the baby was conceived in 10x gravity but then that begs how the mother and father did the deed in that environment without dying lol.

>> No.1278852


alright big man, what are your numbers?

>> No.1278854

10G is enough to kill someone in a matter of minutes due the heart's inability to circulate blood to the brain

2G is much more reasonable

>> No.1278857

what are you retarded?? i know several people that can squat two times there own weight.

>> No.1278859


not necessarily true. Body builders need to hit certain muscles for points from the judge. Powerlifters have no need for the muscles that a body builder would need to be bulging in order to win a competition.

Plus, body builders like coleman are all roided-out as fuck.

>> No.1278867

I don't squat, but I leg press 905x 35 reps and max out a cybex back extension machine 35 reps

I'd imagine I could probably squat twice my bodyweight (190lbs), although squatting seems like the main source of lifting injuries, so I avoid it

>> No.1278868

You seriously have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1278876

158 pounds

I ass to grass squat 405 pounds, I bench 225, and I deadlift 365. I am only 5'7. My lifts are shit for my size because I do it recreationally. With hard work, everybody can get a total above 1200 pounds. I've only been lifting for 1.5 years. 2x bodysquat is what separates beginners from people who actually care about lifting. You guys are just spouting bullshit now.

>> No.1278877

it's only really an issue when you have bad technique and/or you're squatting weight in the upper digits. and obviously if you have weak connecting tissue from previous injuries or what have you.

>> No.1278881


Whatever you say, pal. Go back to your iron man and muscle mags and come back when you want to talk about some actual human physiology.

>> No.1278924

No he is not weak. But he is still, like most bodybuilders are, maintaining lots of practically useless muscle mass for aesthetic reasons. Relative to muscle size he is not as strong as a powerlifter.

>> No.1278942
File: 35 KB, 343x504, sigmarsson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. He is. You people don't seem to understand that. He's one of only a handful of people alive to deadlift over 900 pounds REGARDLESS of weight, especially since a deadlift of that level is in the 320 pound class for powerlifters (Ronnie weighs 285-310 depending on whether he's on season or off-season).

Picture here, strongman Jon Pall Sigmarsson. He was strong, he was fucking ripped. Give him a 3% bodyfat, oil, a tan, and proper lighting, and he'd look exactly like Ronnie Coleman in terms of definition and muscularity and size.

Lifting heavy weights has ALWAYS given people huge muscles. Always. Even the greats started out as powerlifters. Arnold did.

>> No.1278960

The heart couldn't pump blood up to the head, he would die seconds after being left there.

And before you ask, no, his heart wouldn't just get bigger, it doesn't work like that.

>> No.1278975

lifters gonna lift

>> No.1278979
File: 138 KB, 320x348, gay-pride-parade-toronto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was strong, he was fucking ripped. Give him a 3% bodyfat, oil, a tan, and proper lighting, and...
Wait, don't tell me... you're an engineer.

>> No.1278984

2X gravity would be a challenge. Life could exist, but would need special support as we know it.
1.5X could feasibly allow safe development.

>> No.1278998

the baby's heart would not be able to pump or circulate blood throughout the body. this occurrence is why astronauts are supposed to exercise in space if they're there for extended periods. If the baby did't die however, he would be awesome.

>> No.1279005

Notice how you never see any body builders in strongman competitions

>> No.1279064

... you would not be built like Ronnie Coleman at x2 gravity.
Well... I'm not surprised since this is a /sci/ board and not /fit/. He would actually be more vascular instead of large and muscular. The optimal growth repetition range when liftnig is 6 repetitions. -> http://www.simplyshredded.com/rep-ranges-optimal-growth.html

Bodybuilders practice little to no cardiovascular excercises because the muscles would not grow as large, and would grow more or "Function" instead of "Form". What /sci/ seems to think is that if you're in x2 gravity all day (Constantly have weighted down the entire body) you would have a super large bodybuilder physique.
Ronnie Coleman spends 30 to 45 minutes at the gym a day, doing 10 repetitions for 3 to 5 sets per excercise. He doesn't walk around all day "lifting" because that would take away from his form.

>>Or say you wanted to do 15 repetitions which, for most is about 70% of maximum. If you take it to failure, you will in fact end up recruiting all muscle >>fibers; however many of them (and this especially holds for the highest threshold fibers, the ones with the potential for the most growth) won’t have been >>recruited until near the very end. So those highest threshold fibers won’t be exposed to high tension and fatigue for very long.

>> No.1279072


So, he will become stronger at 1.5 or not?

>> No.1279079

To compensate, yes.

It's not really practical by any measure, it would just give you arthritis or your legs would snap more easily. A few hundred generations to adapt and it wouldn't bother him.

At that point the effect would be like visiting the moon. You would just feel lighter.

>> No.1279090

nothing big and squishy like humans can survive 10 gs for long. maybe some bugs or something with exoskeletons and definitely aquatic life but nothing even remotely resembling humans.

a baby would black out and die within seconds, with its chest pushing down with the weight of someone sitting on it. fighter pilots can't even take it in full flight suits etc.

>> No.1279097
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Bodybuilders started out from being involved in sports - getting injured, and picking up weights as doctors recomendation to help support their injuries.
And THAT is a fact for all the REAL greats that exceed their predecessors:
Jay Cutler (8 time mr olympia with amazing diamond calves, shoulders and legs) - football injury
Ronnie Coleman (Greatest back of all time + 8 time Mr Olympia) - football injury
Markus Ruhl (One of the biggest bodybuilders, with the largest shoulders in the sport) - Soccer injury
Nasser El Sonbaty -> Soccer player who needed more muscle in his legs. Became a legend among bodybuilders for having a six back of abs at 300+ pounds, and qualified for Mr. Olympia 9 times.

What you don't seem to understand if form vs. Function. A powerlifter is involved in three things: Bench Press, Deadlifting, and Squatting. Compound exercises.

Bodybuilders: Isolated muscle training, where all muscles need to be properly even with one another. (That's why people like Gregg Valentino don't win any contests)


>> No.1279100

Going to make a correction of my post due to a typo.
Jay cutler -> 3 time mr. Olympia

>> No.1279144
File: 54 KB, 378x400, 4640914090_5fb941d5de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me??? might i point out mr. columbu

>> No.1279158
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I'd argue that the best functionality produces the best form.

>> No.1279190

lol this was a thread I made months ago in /fit/.
conclusion was that the person'd go super sayan of course.

>> No.1279201
File: 39 KB, 750x600, 1272682950941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1960's and 1970's differ from nowadays.
BAck then you could not make a living off of powerlifting or bodybuilding, thus people could not make it their career and go all out on it. In Arnold Schwarzenegger's book "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding", he stated that back in the day when he was competing, him and Colubou were the only two people in the world who made a living off of purely bodybuilding - not something that was available to anyone else.

Bodybuilders who are in supertight shape with trimed waistlines and the v-taper shape are completely dehydrated from diuretics. This inturn means they are by far at their weakest state as their body is under a lot of strain from peaking at this point with close to no fat, and very low water levels.
n the book I mentioned, In the section about body types (Ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorth), Arnold stated that he had to carefully watch his carb intake because he could not ingest a lot as that would store fat - yet he had to avoid ketosis from a carb deficiency and had to walk on a very thin line. WHILE Columbou laughed his ass off at Arnold struggling, and ate Pasta right in front of Arnold because his body's metabolism processed it differently. And Arnold explained how Columbou had a very rare bodytype which functioned quite differently from every other bodybuilder, which allowed him to diet however he wished.

Columbou is another story anon. He is one of a kind.

>> No.1279230
File: 519 KB, 853x480, victorlimacharliesierranovemberalphapapa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was born into a world with 10x gravity he would be dead within minutes.

if the gravity were gradually increased as he grew, he could grow to be incredibly strong, but would likely die young. Also, there's a limit to everything, and even with some very serious conditioning and regulation, a human body probably would not be able to survive more than 2 or 3x gravity for any span of time.

1/10 the gravity, on the other hand, and you'd have a person who was more or less healthy, albeit very weak, and would never be able to withstand normal earth gravity for any length of time.

>> No.1279257

>Tom Strong

>> No.1279264

Got to agree there.
What people need to understand is the incredible strain on the spine, and joints from this gravit we did not evolve to handle.
I remember watching a discovery channel air show where a pilot flew extreemely fast, and then turned his plane 90 degrees very fast, which created the gravitational pressure onto the man, 10 fold for a couple of seconds, and they said he could have a stroke from this sudden switch of gravity.

The body's circulation system would be under a lot of strain due to this increase in pressure 10 fold. And you would die... rather quick.

>> No.1279281

Surviving you even survive the pressure your body has to face in pumping the blood around.

You will have a drastically reduced lifespan and it will be pretty shitty. Imagine constant back pain,falling over will hurt more, your bones will wear down faster.

Life would all around suck ass.

>> No.1279291

So, it'd be Korgoth the Barbarian world? Awesome.


>> No.1279311


What anime is that picture from?

>> No.1279318


>> No.1279353
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20080315023911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planetes. girl is a lunarian. she's doing her best to make her body stronger so that some day she'll be able to play in the ocean on earth.

>> No.1279391

I don't think a person can survive 2x. I think it would cause problems blood circulation, joints, bones would break, muscles would be constantly fatigued.... I think a person would be very sick for their whole life and almost definitely die.

>> No.1279424


>> No.1279439
File: 47 KB, 321x400, 1275265981584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just think about jerking off.
Most of us can only get a half boner nowadays, and even then with earths gravity as it is we can only get it up halfway. Imagine 2 times gravity. Our dick would be too heavy to lift itself up.

>> No.1279443


My favorite part of that entire manga.

>> No.1279455
File: 52 KB, 750x600, 633502095110658970-Facepalm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Pounds aren't the standard.

Leave America please.

>> No.1279504

>Implying that poster is in America
Typical American.

>> No.1279534
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>> No.1279548

Why the fuck is that frieza a mexican?

>> No.1279556

>Why the fuck is that frieza a mexican?

>> No.1279565

Only america uses that system.
Europe is more advanced.
America... although a democracy uses ridiculous measurement systems of a monarchist king...although it formed in protest.
You know how they got "feet" and "yards"? Feet -> Was the size of the kings foot measured from heel to toe. The yard was the kings length from shoulder to fingertip. Those were the measuring standards.

Enjoy your oxymoron measurement system,you dirty fucking cunt..

>> No.1279575
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>> No.1279583
File: 49 KB, 351x480, 1252967833614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... why is goku wearing a g-string.

>> No.1279589
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>> No.1279599

evolution is not an individual process

>> No.1279620

moar g-string goku!

>> No.1279632

If a man and woman lived normally in these conditions and decided to have a child, that child may come out without any real complications. If only the child was BORN in such conditions, then it would probably die due to extreme complications very quickly.

If a younger child, though, like a pre-teen/teenager was put under such conditions, the child would probably end up being very hypertensive and lose a couple inches in height while he adjusted. If he didn't die from complications and lived a "normal" life in those conditions, he would be a fucking Space Marine.

>> No.1279633
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>> No.1279647
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>> No.1279652

Don't we pass out at usually 6 g?

>> No.1279693

You believe humans can evolve to new gravitational limitations in a matter of one birth cycle? You sir are a moron.

>> No.1279709

Not evolve, but just being use to it. I'm not any kind of specialist at all, so you probably know more than me, but I'm sure that it would make a huge difference if you have a pregnant woman SUDDENLY go into a 10x G room than having a pregnant woman who's more or less adjusted to those conditions (which I would say is probably irrelevant) hold that baby in her womb for 9 months in the same conditions.