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File: 56 KB, 382x453, chempepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12790670 No.12790670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me in chemistry PhD program
>never done any drugs ever. Never did weed
>grow shrooms, mostly because the idea of growing mushrooms seems cool to me
>first time fails. they get infected
>try again second time
>decide to do shrooms one day. mess up decimal point and actually weight out a 10x dose
>drop out of PhD program 3 days later

I have zero regrets

>> No.12790676

You do realize in 3 months your mind will return to normal and you'll wonder why you dropped out.

>> No.12790703

You had no business being a PhD student if you couldn't even get a decimal place right. Seeing the literal mountain of shrooms weighed out in front of you before you ate the 'standard dose' didn't set off any alarm bells? You absolute fucking spastic

>> No.12790709


Okay Ill bite, why did you drop out

>> No.12790711

uncommonly based!

>> No.12790724
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4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-MET > shrooms

>> No.12790736
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no you fucking didn't
an average shroom trip is 3 grams theres no fucking way you took 30 grams of shrooms even if you didn't have a scale there's no fucking way you couldve downed that many without throwing up.

If you meant you were trying to microdose then you would've taken 0.1g * 10 = 1 gram which maybe you could've done since some single shrooms can weigh about that much. but theres no way that such a small trip would make you want to quit your phd especially 3 days after unless you already wanted to

>> No.12790747

This shit is horrible!

>> No.12790764

this actually happened around two months ago. still no regrets. in fact, I'm happier than ever.

I dropped out because even though I was in a relatively competitive program, it still felt like metaphorical bean counting, sorting m&m candies by the correct color, etc. the research isn't based on answering important problems- it's based on "how can we publish a paper into xxx journal as cheaply as possible". Also, not overly optimistic of my prospects after getting a PhD. As a white male post COVID it'll be near impossible to get tenure. I'd probably be working as a "scientist" at a pharm company making 80k a year. Instead, I'm getting my license to teach HS chem in the northeast. I want the summers off and job security.

since this experience I've tried synthetics and DMT. they both have their advantages. the thing about natural compounds is that they have a sort of cascade of different compounds. I don't think one is better than the other

I did 25 grams but you are correct I did puke multiple times, so it's possible that I puked like half of it out but my body still probably metabolized a very large amount. could have metabolized 6 grams, or it could have been 15g, who knows. I'm usually a very cautious person that double checks everything so I still don't know how I messed up.

>> No.12790788

trip report?

>> No.12790802

Yeah sure people leave competitive jobs to teach all the time, I just highly [x] doubt that you had any epiphany during a shroom trip that helped you see the situation objectively.
>I wont be able to get tenure as a white male
This is just schizo posting, stop believing memes online

>> No.12790823

I'd go into detail but to be honest I don't feel like it because I've talked about it soooooo many times. In a nutshell it lasted a pretty long time, there were a lot of highs and lows but I valued all of it, it left me a lot to think about ie implications of how the brain works, etc. i was very appreciative of the experience but I probably wouldn't want to go through it again for quite a long time.

one thing that happend, that's probably just an effect and not something that is actually true, but I ate strawberries and they tasted entirely different. not only that, but they tasted like how they did when i was a young child- something i did not realize - that our experience of how things taste changes as we get older. I mean, it makes sense I guess. Like, you can look at the same picture as a child and as an adult and experience it differently. But I have this theory now that how foods taste when we are children taste different than how they taste to us as adults, but we forget and don't realize it's a change that happens over such a long time period. Again, it's probably not true and just an effect, but it's food for thought.

Also since then I've had lots of childhood memories resurface that I thought have been gone forever. Like, even today I'll have things pop up from my very early childhood that I'm like "holy crap I can't believe I remembered that"

>> No.12790842

I still don't believe you. go into just a tiny bit of detail plox

>> No.12790843

it was a thought that was in the back of my head for a long time. the experience just gave me the perspective and confidence to pull the trigger. also the after effects of the trip really took a toll on me such that I didn't show up to lab for multiple days and ghosted on assignments, so I was like welp I was gonna drop out anyway might as well do it now LOL

I've participated in multiple hiring committees for tenure track positions and I have a very realistic and down to earth view of how hiring for tenure track will be. There are very very little positions, soooo many applicants, and most of the faculty are old white males, so when an opening comes up it's pretty much a guarantee that the person is not a white male. Maybe I could get tenure track at a community college in Oklahoma, but that's not what I want. Keep in mind I went to a top 30 and not exactly Harvard

>> No.12790852

how much was the total dose

>> No.12790860

25 grams but I puked a lot so it's likely my body didn't metabolize the entire 25 grams

>> No.12790866

when I read 25 grams my hands dissolved into the couch from 2nd hand smoke.

>> No.12790921

You're clearly not always the cautious person you believe and present yourself to be.

>> No.12790991

Even homeless people are happy with their poverty. It's called a coping mechanism.

>> No.12791012

>all that grease
dude gross, do you WANT brain damage?

>> No.12791019

As a person whose only experience with hallucinogens was taking 5 grams of shrooms, no it won't. Been almost 7 years for me and I've never been the same. Went from being a fedora tipping athiest to finding God in science

>> No.12791034

I'm going to be a teacher starting salary 60k a year with a contract for 180 days a year of work. To me, that's preferable to acadamia 7 days a week for 30-40k for the next half a decade, only to be a "scientist" in charge of a QC department in some dumpy industrial park in Indiana or Ohio for 80-90k. I could of continued to get my PhD, but I'm not a sucker like the 70% of PhD chemists that will either be adjuncts or corpos their entire life.

>> No.12791041
File: 106 KB, 234x232, eyeroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it gave you permanent brain damage? Nice

>> No.12791046
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try it for yourself :^)

>> No.12791053

where do teachers get paid 60k? Is this in Canuck dollars? Or is this 10 years down the line?

>> No.12791064

This is USD in Northeastern states like MA, RI, upstate NY, NJ, etc. In these states teaching is more professionalized, as opposed to states like Alabama where you're basically a babysitter.

I know upstate NY highschool teachers that make six figures on a 180 day contract. The trick is finding a good school district, but also being able to live in a low cost-of-living area.

>> No.12791069

I mean good for them, but thats kinda suicide fuel for me. I went to the best free school in the UK, and the headmaster was only paid $98,000.

>> No.12791096

yeah, a while back I looked into teaching in the UK because I somewhat want to escape the USA, and I was very surprised to find out how shitty the pay and conditions are, since for the most part I just assume the UK is better than the US in every way.

The way it works in the US, states like Massachusetts have public education quality that is comparably ranked 1-2 in the world, but states like Alabama and New Mexico have public education that is quite literally 3rd world/developing country level.

>> No.12791155

Brutal, simply brutal

>> No.12791170

>doubt that you had any epiphany during a shroom trip that helped you see the situation objectively.
I can tell the hardest drug you've ever taken was caffeine.

>> No.12791211

The thing is, the PhD in your story is largely irrelevant. You don't even provide why the shrooms may have caused you to drop out

>> No.12791436

Seriously- there is a lot of recent science on shrooms, LSD, etc. taking these compounds allows you to make new physical connections in your brain that you otherwise never would have been able to do in your life.

I kind of had it in the back of my mind that the PhD program wasn't the best life choice for me. After taking a megadose of shrooms, I had the perspective of life necessary to make the leap, and realized how silly my reservations were.

I try not to sensationalize because I absolutely despise people who take psychoactives and tell everyone how they're "on another frequency" and worship a specific organic compound

>> No.12791472

take shroomz pussy

>> No.12791496
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>. Also, not overly optimistic of my prospects after getting a PhD. As a white male post COVID it'll be near impossible to get tenure
i-it'll be that bad?

>> No.12791541

If you went to Harvard or have a half hispanic grandparent and check the "hispanic" box you'll be good. Otherwise, if you're a white male in anything that isn't top ten I wouldn't count on it.

Institutions are breeding PhD chemists like rabbits. Tenure track positions are EXTEMELY sparse. And since institutions want minority/women/etc to balance out their old white male boomer profs and look more diverse, and get 500 applications, there just isn't a reason for them to accept anyone other than a non white male from a top 20.

I went to a shitty state institution and for a tenure track chem position we got hundreds of applicants, many from Ivys and people of color/women.

you also have to keep in mind that a middle class black person benefits from affirmative action over and over and over again, so the effects accumulate and build off of each other.

due to AA they get into a better college, then due to AA and getting into a better college they get into a better grad school, and due to AA and the superior grad school they get the best post doc.

meanwhile, if you're a white male, you fall behind at every step of life because you're discriminated against.

i remember applying to REUs with a 3.98 GPA. applied to 7 and got into none. this girl I knew applied to 5 and got into 1. and this hispanic female who also had 3.98 GPA got into 9 of 9 REUs.

yes, it's worse than you think. unless youre at caltech or you check off the "hispanic" box

>> No.12791553

>i was very appreciative of the experience but I probably wouldn't want to go through it again for quite a long time.
Can relate to that bro, my last two trips were incredibly intense and I'll probably not touch psychedelics for a long time. It's a shame that we can't get before/after imaging studies of doses this high, I would love to see what your brain looked like before and after.

>> No.12791575
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1DFDDDF7-6B97-41E9-9933-C5CCC853FB41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop complaining anon. You’re a direct descendent of Robert E Lee. You’re white, so your rich uncle can get you a job at Microsoft. It balances out you white supremacist

>> No.12791588
File: 70 KB, 850x400, quote-my-experiences-with-science-led-me-to-god-they-challenge-science-to-prove-the-existence-wernher-von-braun-56-58-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beyond bluepilled and pathetic

>> No.12791815

>Seriously- there is a lot of recent science on shrooms, LSD, etc. taking these compounds allows you to make new physical connections in your brain that you otherwise never would have been able to do in your life.
I have never did drugs and I dont know about drugs at all. Which ones do you suggest to change someone in a good way like you claim.

>> No.12791845

>Being white and not being born into wealth
I've literally never worked a day in my life. Never understood why so called proud whites are mad about not being wagies.

>> No.12791909

>be me
>take some acid and drive through desert
>come up with some crackpot idea while tripping
>return to university and test crackpot idea
>become famous for developing the PCR

>> No.12791924

isn't that illegal?

>> No.12791930

wow this guy is right. I dropped out of brown and three years later finished my degree at a lesser state school, you know like the one that a step below THE state school, and then got a job at Amazon because of connections.

>> No.12792055
File: 602 KB, 2160x1406, 43665346534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh ummm... i thought you guys were talking about mycology and growing/picking mushrooms....

>> No.12792079
File: 1.53 MB, 735x3550, Mushroom-Infographic_t2gelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12792085
File: 698 KB, 672x4257, make-room-for-mushrooms-embed-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
