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12790049 No.12790049 [Reply] [Original]



Link: www.popularmechanics.com/science/amp35718463/scientists-say-physical-warp-drive-is-possible/

>> No.12790062

I’m not reading your Reddit article

>> No.12790064

>not a replica of the Shaw-Fujikawa drive
Not interested, my redditor friend.

>> No.12790065
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>> No.12790089

Not clicking this. 10/10 chance the "journalist" is being hyperbolic with that dumbass headline.

>> No.12790094


>> No.12790097

Link the actual paper you dip

>> No.12790099

>now possible
did the fundamental laws of the universe suddenly change?

>> No.12790102

Why? Its actually possible now. Seriously.

>> No.12790108

It is actually not. The paper has some interesting ideas but warp drives are still probably centuries away. AKA humans are NGMI

>> No.12790141

Its possible now, not possible to create now. Seriously. Get with the program.

>> No.12790145

srsly guise

>> No.12790148

Fuck off back to r*ddit.

>> No.12790158
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Click the link. Now. Im seriously.

>> No.12790161

I'm seriously not gonna click it.

>> No.12790167
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I don't think so.

>> No.12790173
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>Sub-lightspeed '''warp drive'''
>Super-lightspeed still needs made-up "negative energy"
Now thats a nothingburger.
Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life.

>> No.12790178
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>still requires negative matter
aka not fucking real. Sorry, kiddos.

>> No.12790181
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I wasn't asking

>> No.12790673



Pop-sci journals publish so much shit that hasn't been properly peer-reviewed, all just because "HURR IT SOUNDS COOL". It's fucking nauseating. I mean, I get it, they have to make it pander to the sub 115 IQ midwits who like to pretend that they are "Intellectuals", but skipping critical steps in the scientific method just for clicks is beyond cringe.

>> No.12790678

>obscure halo lore
based nigga

>> No.12790694
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>> No.12790701

these threads deserve Winchell Chung's atomic wedgie. Maybe even a *fusion powered* wedgie. OP's colon needs more neutrons.

>> No.12790713
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Popular Mechanics also said I'd have my own personal dirigible to commute to work.

>> No.12790715

>negative energy
Oh, so my ex-girlfriend will finally be good for something useful.

>> No.12790722
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>> No.12790729

EVTOLS are kind of a similar concept

>> No.12790732

>It is actually not. The paper has some interesting ideas but warp drives are still probably centuries away. AKA humans are NGMI
LOL warp drives = time-travel AKA impossible

>> No.12790875

>time-travel AKA impossible
You are literally travel through time as you walk to the shop though.

>> No.12790878

warp drives let you do retarded shit like kill your grandfather

>> No.12790887

Yep, space and time is weird.

>> No.12790888


>> No.12790894

Why the fuck are people saying twitch cancer on 4chan all of a sudden?

>> No.12790899

>go back in time to kill your grandfather
>the journey warps your brain by the time you get there
>turn into a schizo
What if all schizo homeless people are actually time travelers that were trying to go back to kill their grandfathers or beat the stock market but arrived without the presence of mind to pull it off due to unforseen effects on the human brain from warp driving to the past? It seems not unlikely to me this is the case.

>> No.12790902

they were saying it ironically and you were too stupid to realize it

>> No.12790910
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>pretending to be retarded

>> No.12790926

I am not the poggers anon, I think you both suck and that the board would be better off without you idiots.

>> No.12790941

>being AIDS to the cancer

>> No.12791850

>being AIDS and cancer
Good job lad

>> No.12792004
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oh shit, a journalist said that a scientist said something. it habbending

>> No.12792012

>introduced a model for warp drive
how does the introduction of a model equal the possibility of such a thing?

>> No.12792021

"In the report, the APL team unveils the world’s first model for a physical warp drive—one that doesn’t require negative energy."

>> No.12792032


>> No.12792036

HaHAhaha! That IS funny wojack! It sounds great! Super cool! Can't wait! Bingo Bongo

>> No.12792037

Trump lost, get over it

>> No.12792039

HaHAhaha! Trump DID lose anon! It sounds great! Super science! Can't wait! Bingo Bongo

>> No.12792128

I'm not checking but if IIRC from the article I read yesterday it's possible with regular matter, it just has to be ultradense. Possible but maybe not practical.

>> No.12792152

>You love our badass universe? So do we.
Uhhh hard cringe.

Actually reading the paper:
>We present the first general model for subliminal positive-energy, spherically symmetric warp drives
Cool, but not ground-breaking yet.
>superluminal warp-drive solutions which satisfy quantum inequalities
Meaningless and not necessarily physical, as claimed before.
>provide optimizations for the Alcubierre metric that decrease the negative energy requirements by two orders of magnitude
Also nice but ultimately meaningless.
>introduce a warp drive spacetime in which space capacity and the rate of time can be chosen in a controlled manner.
So a toy universe. Also meaningless, but cool nonetheless. The first point is interesting as a method if propulsion far in the future. The rest, not so much.

>> No.12792549
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>> No.12792585

>It's still requires an Universe worth of fuel or maybe more and the engine the size of Jupiter, but, hey, it's start!

>> No.12792615

negative MATTER not negative energy

>> No.12792622

Negative matter causes negative energy.

E = 1/2 mv^2

>> No.12792631

Guys I pressed the link and my penis fell off.
also Nerve Gas

>> No.12792727

wash and preserve

>> No.12792737

Subluminal warp drives are a good compromise tho. Also its impossible because gods mercy would not allow for the curse of life to spread upon quadrillions of planets.

>> No.12792776

Still 3 weeks until April 1, ma boi!

>> No.12792780

The fabric of society has become so warped that it is finally possible. What has science done!

>> No.12792815

When it comes to technology, if they dont have a working prototype that has been tested, the story is garbage

>> No.12792823

>classical formula
Absolutamente basado

>> No.12792827

>[russian accent intensifies]

>> No.12792835

Based as fuck. Would reread/10

>> No.12792839


>> No.12792905
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It all makes sense now.

>> No.12793142

I could also post the 00 component of the energy-momentum tensor, but it already got the point across wlog.

>> No.12793708

Almost as meaningless as descriptions of an airfoil...

Oh, fuck, this might actually work somehow!

>> No.12793734

can some post the meme with the reporter and scientist that explain and the reporter exagerate the stories, and at the end the scientist says fuck you and the newspaper says that the scientist raped the reporter.

>> No.12793967
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>> No.12794072
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>> No.12794156

So is the article out or not?
I want to see if they still need exotic/negative matter or energy (reduced amounts is not the point). Maybe they can do the subluminal warp without exotic energy?
But then again we can already cruise in normal space in subluminal using positive energy...

>> No.12794378

You can read the actual paper here:

>> No.12794387

They specifically said they do not need negative energy.

>> No.12794405
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pop-sci idiots go home

>> No.12794477

Woman's magazine science

>> No.12794528

Fuck off normie

>> No.12794591
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Open the FUCKING link.

>> No.12794609
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>negative matter

>> No.12794620

Midwits like this are even more cringe then OP

>> No.12794626


>> No.12794628

It became verboten on twitch because the guy from the associated emoji was convicted of wrongthink

>> No.12794629

all me

>> No.12794648

So? Known physics lets you do retarded shit like be in two states at once.

>> No.12794974

They specifically said the DO need negative for FTL.

>> No.12794982
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>> No.12794992

Anon just admit that the Shaw-Fujikawa drive is beyond your understanding

>> No.12795007


Not classical unified theory though

>> No.12795069


>> No.12795541

>Fun with dilute alkali quantum gases

>> No.12795584

Nah, I dont want to read the equivalent of Kim Kardashian's latest beauty tips.

>> No.12796304
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It's gone from fantasy to possible and then it will become more and more practical until its reality.

The future is bright.

>> No.12796310
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>peer reviewed

>> No.12796327
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>> No.12796565



>> No.12796611
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Physics Mommy

>> No.12796622
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>>12796327 >>12796565
B in Physics
B in Linear Algebra
C in Calculus

Built for BBC

>> No.12796727


those did exist

>> No.12796828

Will those kids grow up despising beauty?

>> No.12797616

Won't read it

>> No.12797715

You know what this headline is missing? A 'And thats a good thing' line.

>> No.12797794

"People are going wild over..."

>> No.12798569
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you need to go back

>> No.12798839

Back where? I'm new here

>> No.12798913 [DELETED] 

to your mothers womb my friend

>> No.12798923
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Does it matter when it will be mandated that the undesirables would be brought along by the government?

>> No.12798940

make me faggot

>> No.12798994
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please warp the african continent (aswell the scattered ones) into deep space. PLEASE

>> No.12799036

Opened, saw that a w*man wrote the article, and promptly closed it.

>> No.12799134

>he doesn't know how an alcubierre drive would work
the craft itself doesn't go faster than light, tard, space warps around it. it's literally in the name. stop making popular mechanics look good

>> No.12799191

If we have warp tech, we probably have the eugenic technology to make this a non-issue from the get go.

Through the use of genomics, we can easily have blacks without the nigg behavior.

>> No.12799265

Massive fucking non sequitur my friend.

The only real eugenics system is hanging criminals.

>> No.12799578

Not of there are no criminals to begin with.
Save your blood lust, the end result is the same either way.

>> No.12800775


>want to lose immerse riches just because of few niggers
Might as well just genocide them (and while at it, also libtards, SJW, Jews). Same effect with less effort and everything valuable will stay in place.

>> No.12800823

>the craft itself doesn't go faster than light, tard, space warps around it. it's literally in the name. stop making popular mechanics look good
I know how it works you fucking idiot. You draw a large sphere, and make the spatial metric components inside the sphere small, so that material inside the sphere can travel at locally sub-luminal speed, and yet go faster than light relative to infinity. Then move the sphere with the same speed as the sub-luminal thing inside. You can make up any geometry, and then use Einstein's equations backwards to find the stress and matter required. It doesn't matter if you're locally going less than FTL, you are still going FTL globally. Faster than light travel in an asymptotically flat background (in a space that looks like ordinary 4-dimensional Minkowski space at infinity) allows you to go back in time, simply by travelling faster than light in one frame, and returning to your starting point in a booted frame (this is a standard special-relativity construction). So it is not possible to travel faster than light even in GR, because matter is constrained to the null-energy condition, or equivalently, you can't go back in time.

>> No.12800830

They're unironically redditors who think they're smart because they post here. Definitionally midwit. Also, faggots.

>> No.12800851

Read the abstract of the paper
>We show that a class of subluminal, spherically symmetric
warp drive spacetimes, at least in principle, can be constructed based on the
physical principles known to humanity today.

Nobody wants Star Trek's impulse drives, we want warp drives / FTL. This could still be cool, but FTL is the only game changer.

>> No.12800871
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You're the fucking midwit, you fagwitted pseud. I bet you can't calculate for shit. Do you even like math? Fuck you, insolent child. Learn some math. Also, time-travel is IMPOSSIBLE, lamebrain, if that wasn't obvious to you (it probably wasn't). Get the fuck off my board, anon.

>> No.12801031

Doesn't even work. See Australia.

>> No.12801080


>> No.12801305

Found the guy who posts on The Coli

>> No.12801439

I'm not reading that, nor am I even going to click it. I already know it's not worth my time based simply upon the title and it being an article.