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File: 190 KB, 1230x920, EvkXTxxUYAAbqLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12787520 No.12787520 [Reply] [Original]

Now that SpaceX has demonstrated a propulsive landing on a starship prototype how long do we have before they cancel SLS? Artemis can be achieved by contracting companies like ULA, Rocketlab and SpaceX so why not do so?

>> No.12787527
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>> No.12787530
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>> No.12787896

Landing doesn't matter if it explodes minutes after.
I'll be dancing when it reaches orbit, lands and reflies to orbit.

>> No.12787978

It's also, by OP's admission, a protype. Its not a full sharship with all the bells and whistles, just a test article with engines and propellant tanks.

>> No.12787993

>Its not a full sharship with all the bells and whistles
what do these furbishments have to do with stopping starship exploding?
how are furniture & fixtures relevant?

>> No.12789252

>without all the bells and whistles.
You mean without most of its engines or real landing legs

>> No.12789285

Is the purpose of the SLS at this point just to rebuild NASA's institutional knowledge lost with the Saturn V?

>> No.12789294
File: 437 KB, 1920x1291, KABOOOOOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean without most of its engines
Does it need "lots" of engines at once if they expect to have at least a few to work properly?
>or real landing legs
so it can't land properly stable yet, anyway?
>the failing engines & structure crumbling under it own tilted weight was just us having a laugh & dicking about

>> No.12789339

>so it can't land properly stable yet, anyway?
It landed which was all that was needed for this test SN11 also has the shit landing legs because it really doesn't need a perfect landing

>> No.12789446

it was a hard landing though. It will take a while for starship to get human rated.

>> No.12789454
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, EXPLODING DILDO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it really doesn't need a perfect landing
so what that got to do with KABOOOM?

Landing gear doesn't have anything to do with starships going KABOOOOOM so far; why even mention them here >>12789252 as being even relevant to why shitty exploding dildo goes KABOOOM?
Are you saying it has shit engines? OR you trying to make out that something entirely unrelated is now worthy of me shifting focus and giving a shit about instead?

>> No.12789482

Falcon heavy alone can carry the artemis project. Imagine when starship starts flighing.

>> No.12789512

The real starship is not more advanced right now than the SLS. What we saw yesterday is not the super heavy rocket.

>> No.12789517

jeez, musktards use a lot of misdirection & project meaningless pretend it is so fantasy.
musktards are all virgins tossing off in their mom's basement.

>> No.12789587

I'll be dancing when they get the booster to work. Starship isn't that crazy given what they've done with falcon 9, it's all within reason. Getting 53 liquid propellant engines, more specifically 53 turbopumps, to all work for the duration of a flight is the real challenge to my monkey brain. The soviets entered that chat and got fucking dunked on with 36 (I think it was 36, I'm retarded, and the point is it's alot of fucking engines)

>> No.12789591

Fuck spacex. I hope the rocket lands on Elon Musk's fucking head.

>> No.12789594
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I hope Musk sends either CEO of Boeing,Make a wish child from Senator Shelby's district, Thunderfoot, or the Challenger o-ring whistle blower on a Dear Moon ride.

>> No.12789601

Artemis's cargo logistics will be largely done by Starship/FalconHeavy imo. Human side maybe done by few SLS and then transition to Starship in few years. It makes absolutely no sense to keep using SLS except for those that's already contracted/paid for. Taxpayers have already paid for ~8 launches I think. We don't need to renew the contract after that because of Starship.

>> No.12789638

Starship is a piece of shit.

>> No.12789743

The way she pretends to do a 180 on her views like it’s nothing after getting called out makes me hate her even more than I already did.

It brings me a sense of dread to know scumbags like that are out there with great power and they aren’t going to let Spacex do it’s thing without trying to infest it.

>> No.12789805

SLS is such a fucking joke holy shit I can't believe anyone takes NASA seriously anymore

literal fraud agency stealing taxpayer money to funnel it into pet corporations like boeing and lockmart

>> No.12789809

No, it's to give billions of dollars to a couple incumbent corporations who will not ever have to actually succeed at anything.

Literally just corporate welfare/handouts

>> No.12789812
File: 117 KB, 348x228, sls will never fly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw spacex will get its 4th capsul to the ISS before boeing gets its first there.

Now that Starship is better than SLS and Airbus is better than their 737s what juicy pork contracts do boeing still have. Everette on suicide watch.

>> No.12789830


>> No.12789875

Because the last time the gov't trusted private industry 100% Boeing bought Lockheed, changed the contract, and stopped building the space vehicles NASA was wanting. SLS exists to avoid this potentially disastrous situation. Don't look at this like it's a science project, because getting stuff into LEO is increasingly a commodity. As a commodity, the government needs a way to cap prices and have a backup in case private industry fails. SLS is this.

>but cost

It'll still take years to get the Starship man-rated and approved. SLS will be given riskier missions that would kill SpaceX on mission failure. Musk shouldn't have to deal with this, at least not until after everyone gets really good at accident mitigation.

>> No.12789878


>Boeing bought Lockheed

Sorry, McDonnell-Douglas. It was a different world in 1985.

>> No.12789893


What do you think? Look at the AF's next procurements: a new standoff missile and the C-5 replacement which will likely be the B-52 replacement as well.

Assuming the US Congress actually buys a new standoff missile (there is debate over this, since the AF and Navy argue vehicle-borne ICBMs are more practical) Boeing is the only contractor capable of fulfilling it's requirements. For the C-5/B-52, it's almost guaranteed to be Boeing as Northrop got the B-21 and Lockheed the F-35/F-22. This is either going to be a modified 747F or some hybrid wing thing that only Boeing has the capability to mass produce.

>> No.12789897

The landing gear was the reason for the explosion now please go back to animal cruelty or whatever else you slant eyed insects do

>> No.12789928

I had you fuckwits tell me SN9 blew up cause only one engine worked.
SN10, this time around was an expected methane leak.

you bullshit artists make up shit as yous go along.

>> No.12789937

Its a very early prototype, they already have 2 others built. I think 6 years from now will really make a difference

>> No.12789941

When starship flys NASA will actually have to make a realistic plan

>> No.12789972

The SH is much easier to design than the starship portion and the raptors are already showing great application. The SLS still cannot do a green run successfully.

>> No.12789978

Fuck you nigger

>> No.12789981

What are you talking about? Boeing and Lockheed are separate companies. Are you talking about ULA? ULA is forced by the government as a compromise because Boeing was caught stealing trade secrets from Lockheed and the findings would have killed Boeing/Lockheed and brought many industry insiders at the mercy of public scrutiny. The government decided to give SLS contract to lockheed/boeing because of this whole debacle and gave ULA sole contracts for airforce contracts. It was SpaceX that sued the government, multiple times, to stop this shenanigans.
Don't rewrite history, retard.

>> No.12789986
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Vulcan and electron will also be sending certain stuff. I do wanted to see the SLS fly but i want to see it replaced as soon as our contract is over

>> No.12789994

>It'll still take years to get the Starship man-rated and approved. SLS will be given riskier missions that would kill SpaceX on mission failure
SlS is going to take just as long

>> No.12790003

Each aircraft blew up for a different reason. Are you really that retarded? Oh yeah you arw a soulless chink so of course you can't think past cheating

>> No.12790009

I told you the reasons for SN9 and SN10 failing.
prove otherwise, faggot.

>> No.12790045

It's funny how obsessed you are with all this.
You're literally in every thread saying the same exact shit and you get btfo every time.

>> No.12790056

>nooo the prototypes keep blowing up!!! That means its bad
I can tell you have no experience in engineering whatsoever

>> No.12790061

still waiting on evidence, dickhead.

>> No.12790073

Brainlet here.
Why is Elon using stainless steel and why is everyone else using aluminum and titanium?

>> No.12790088

What do you want evidence for?

>> No.12790090

Aluminium is lightweight and strong enough to carry rockets to space. This is why most people use it. You can also use carbon fiber as its even more lightweight.

The problem with the two for SpaceX is they are not as strong when in the midst of cold dark space or when they're falling to mars/earth at orbital speed for landing. The strengths at those two extreme temperatures is perfect for Stainless steel. Plus stainless steel is cheap, you can weld em, you can cut em, repair em, reuse em, do it real fast. Carbon fiber is expensive and can't be easily repaired and has very limited use. Aluminium has weak strength.

>> No.12790093

And titanium is too expensive, I take it?

>> No.12790104

>What do you want evidence for?a
because musktards >>12789897 make up shit as yous go along.

stop lying faggot.

>> No.12790123

Are you under the impression that the rocket that exploded from slamming into the ground exploded for the same reason that the one that sat on the pad for eight minutes after landing did?
Is this what you're telling me

>> No.12790125

Be honest, does boeing even need to do anything to get those fat juice tax payer bailouts at this point.

>> No.12790127

I think the moon landing missions (Saturn V and the Lunar Module) used mostly aluminum and titanium, so I’m surprised that they didn’t consider stainless steel back in the day.

>> No.12790153

30x more expensive

>> No.12790164

Well, you get what you pay for.

>> No.12790177

I already stated why SN9 failed and why SN10 failed here >>12789928.

you're talking in circles going nowhere, just sprouting word-salad shit from your bipolar psychosis.

you don't even know what the fuck you're saying.

>> No.12790186

They did test out stainless steel atlas vehicle early in the late 50s but had some issues.

Not really, that's the point of stainless steel. You get much better bang/buck with stainless steel with both costing cheaper/easier to work with/better strength at highs/lows/etc.

>> No.12790235

Muskrats are an absolute cancer on this board. Complete pseud cunts that do nothing but worship a soulless corporation that would strip their wallets dry before making a valuable scientific advancement. Stupid fucking cunts.

>> No.12790256

that's a pretty reasonable time line.

>> No.12790257

So you just have no idea what you're talking about then.
SN10 came in too hard and they throttled up to prevent a RUD, but Raptor's TWR is insanely off the charts for a nearly empty vehicle (~1.5x).
So it basically hit the ground and bounced up like 5 meters; so they cut the engines and it dropped again.
The vibration, coupled with a potentially failed leg (it was leaning), probably meant that something got dislodged or some internal part failed. This led to a containment loss, so fuel flowed downwards from the tank (whatever was left) and made contact with the very hot engines.
The heat transferred and ignited the methalOx.
If you follow the explosion sequence, the explosion starts in the top of the set of rings above where the engines are and moves downwards. Enough fuel eventually ignites in the explosion, that the wave front tears apart the bottom section and takes the 3 engines with it. Most of the initial explosion is ridirected back into the engine skirt and that disassembles rapidly while simultaneously launching the rest of the vehicle straight up.So for SN11 to SN15, they will likely have to significantly reinforce the landing skirt and engines. Also will have to investigate maybe firing 2 raptors down to landing, but throttling them lower instead of having 1 raptor and throttled lower.

In case your monkey brain doesn't understand
>Landing impact: major vibration event
>bounce: gain potential energy
>engine cut off: convert potential to kinetic energy
>bounce impact (permanent): major vibration event

>> No.12790262

Are they using gas pressure to keep the spaceship rigid?

>> No.12790285

Fuel header tank pressure was low during landing burn, causing touchdown velocity to be high & RUD. The issue was fixed
when an engine failed to ignite and the vehicle came in too quickly, exploding as it hit the pad. The issue was fixed
Methane leak. Soon to be fixed.
>SN11 and SN15
Already made and will probably find some more flaws that can be fixed and prevented in the future. This progression is coming along great, they are improving rapidly and already showing proof of concept. When their test process is done they will have a much safer and more tested vehicle than the SLS that will not be able to forsee problems because it isn't tested IRL

>> No.12790298

>make up shit
What is made up about that? Sounds to me like you are a butthurt chinaman

>> No.12790310


Falcon Heavy had 27 engines, and it's flown multiple times. It's a pretty small sample size in terms of how many times it's launched, but it's also had a 100% success rate so far (aside from landing the center core on the boat).

>> No.12790319


Nope. It's not a balloon rocket; it won't collapse under its own weight when unpressurized.

>> No.12790323

It'll hit orbit this year and will fly cargo next year. But it won't be crew rated for years because of how different it is from everything else. That is why i said 6 years, because NASA is a bitch to get a crew rating for anything other than a parachute capsule. The whole reason the dragon isn't propulsively landed is for the exact same reason. If we are talking about a crew ready vehicle however i think 2024 or 2025 will be when its ready.

>> No.12790331

So much reddit spacing

>> No.12790354

High quality slow mo of the SN10 landing

>> No.12790383

Institutional inertia and cost plus contracting

>> No.12790385

>all these normies cheering in the background

>> No.12790387

>That thing landed upright and I witnessed it!
Yeah we know shut up fag

>> No.12790393

>crying about muh reddit
You sound like a muskrat cunt

>> No.12790397

Its history they should be excited. Besides its better than the normies complaining about "muh space is using money that could be gibs"

>> No.12790404

>t:Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see

>> No.12790417

Yeah I have no issue with someone being excited, but that doesn't mean it isn't annoying to listen to.

>> No.12790422


>> No.12790455

So many fucking grifters trying to make money on streaming SpaceX shit and commenting it

>> No.12790478
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I may be in the minority here but i was to see Orion fly. I want to see it get to gateway with a lunar starship waiting, i want to see moonbases like this thread is talking about >>12766179
And i want to see this all happen in tandem with SpaceX setting up a city on mars. I think NASA style research bases around the solar system would be cool as fuck.

>> No.12790489 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 5710x1080, SN10 EXPLOSION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably meant that something... blah blah blah blah blah...
>If you follow the explosion sequence, the explosion starts in the top of the set of rings above where the engines are and moves downwards
nope, it started at the bottom of the lower tank and moved upwards, exploding the bottom feul tank first which is why the join/seam at the top of the lower tank blew afterwards.

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.12790523

>scooping the bottom of the meme bucket.
>I'm this fucking retarded.

>> No.12790559

>when an engine failed to ignite and the vehicle came in too quickly, exploding as it hit the pad. The issue was fixed
yeh, cause only one engine started.
>Methane leak. Soon to be fixed.
yeh, we know.
>>SN11 and SN15
>Already made and will probably find some more flaws that can be fixed and prevented in the future. This progression is coming along great, they are improving rapidly and already showing proof of concept. When their test process is done they will have a much safer and more tested vehicle than the SLS that will not be able to forsee problems because it isn't tested IRL
sure, don't care but, for whatever its worth.
good luck, anyway.

>> No.12790583

Reread what he wrote

>> No.12790585
File: 467 KB, 5710x1080, SN10 EXPLOSION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably meant that something... blah blah blah blah blah...
>If you follow the explosion sequence, the explosion starts in the top of the set of rings above where the engines are and moves downwards
nope, it started at the bottom of the lower tank and moved upwards, exploding the bottom feul tank first which is why the join/seam at the top of the lower tank blew afterwards.

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.12790594

>t:starsrhip is shit. Its nofing like our implessive rong march 9, it has quantum ballistics and only fawls on our virages 50% of the trime

>> No.12790601


>> No.12790637

word salad shit bucket detected.

>> No.12790647

Kek ESL doesn't even understand when im making fun of him

>> No.12790655

Kek ESL doesn't even understand how schizo you are

>> No.12790689

Still don't understand, kek

>> No.12790702

This is embarrassing for you.

>> No.12790763

wait, aren't you that samefag already made famous in these musk threads?
yes, its that same multiple personalities disorder schizo samefag.
lmao, what a loser.

>> No.12790774

yes, it says here >>12790257
the explosion was caused by the methane leak.
the methane leak was cause by the shitty engine de-acceleration control & hit the ground too fast.

the legs didn't cause the explosion as stated here >>12789897.

you're a samefag schizo whom writes inconsistent shit.

>> No.12790794

You know you're talking to multiple people, right?

>> No.12790804

not as multiple as this thread is being led to believe.
theirs a scizo teenager muskcunt samefag in the mix >>12790689 >>12790702

>> No.12790816

>is it possible that multiple people think I'm wrong?
>no, it must be a conspiracy

>> No.12790821

samefag found

>> No.12790832
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>> No.12790856

Hes the same butthurt chink that shits up every space thread. Best to just ignore him

>> No.12790862

professional troll shilling musktard
the same smoothbrain schizzo troll language used all over these musktard threads.
so much posted by the same writing styled author.
dumbshit virgin teenager tossing off to Mars fantasies in his moms basement.
go suck on your pipedreams, child.

>> No.12790868

lmao, schoolboy lovers it is!!!

>> No.12790869

It will fly once because congress mandated it then starships will be used to complete the mission.

>> No.12790870
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The SLS is interesting, i wish my tax dollars didn't go to it but since they did I want to see it fly.

>> No.12790871

I like how, when presented with evidence, you devolve into insane babbling.

>> No.12790892

>insane babbling.
>>12790856 >butthurt chink that shits up every space thread. Best to just ignore him
>>12790647 >Kek ESL doesn't even understand when im making fun of him
>>12790594 >t:starsrhip is shit. Its nofing like our implessive rong march 9, it has quantum ballistics and only fawls on our virages 50% of the trime
>>12790404 >t:Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see

As if yous muckcocks would ever own up honestly to what was yours without lying out your ass.....
Fuck oFF hypocrite!!

*give your ass a break for once

>> No.12790970

You can rage assblasted for as long as you want but at the end of the day starship is BTFO of anything you chinks can field

>> No.12790992
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Its literally the best case scenario, SLS takes crew to space while starship puts fuckloads of cargo on the moon. NASA eill for sure crew rate the SLS first which will just give starship more time to show how competent it is.

>> No.12791021

>starship is BTFO of anything you chinks can field
I'm white Aussie, you inept retard.
China is utter shite.
Musk "IS CURRENTLY" the #1 name in launch-platform.

I've never disputed this nor will until I see evidence of a more affordable & reliable contender better than Falcon9 series.

I grew up & experienced full life-term of interest in Telsa from Tesla's day one.
Simply stated; I love Tesla.

"the only" truth in all this pointless ramblings of yours that I debate against is starship; starship is shite..
the rest I don't even care about.

>> No.12791080

>I debate against is starship; starship is shite..
That shite just pulled off the largest propulsive landing in history after performing an aerobatic maneuver. Your opinion is the only thing that is shite here.

>> No.12791088

Also i don't believe you slant eye

>> No.12791122

no, it did not, you ignoramus.
it did its propulsive landing too fast & buckled itself by bouncing off the ground & causing a leak.
it was left with a broken landing pad & stood on a tilt until blowing up 8 minutes later.
if the pad broke just slightly before then the bounce angle would of been more angled & it would of landed awkwardly & toppled & blown up sooner.

no-one cares about bouncing on a lucky angle.
grow a brain, it failed.

you're a paranoid schizophrenic samfag with multiple personalty disorder.

>> No.12791126

Sure thing mr chin

>> No.12791131


>> No.12791184

>it did its propulsive landing too fast
Still landed which makes it the largest propulsive landing in history

>> No.12791188
File: 76 KB, 1280x721, starship-landing-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a success to me

>> No.12791191

Ching chong

>> No.12791228
File: 53 KB, 1000x567, fucking SPECTACULAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the landing looked like this
>Seems like a success to me
>I count landing with broken foot & ribs, bleeding out on the ground until dead as successful.
>welcome to bum-crack union of crackpot aerospace.
>half ass my way forward is solid engineering.


>> No.12791251

>>the landing looked like this
No it didn't, that was a long time after mr chang

>> No.12791262

Why are you trolling people I know you feel lonely but the like eventually one of them will land and probably be reflown. Once it gets proper legs or better more precise throttle...

>> No.12791269

>half ass my way forward is solid engineering.
I can tell you have never designed a single thing in your entire life. That landing exceeded expectations and improved from the previous flights. Sounds to me like you are just a butthurt ricenigger

>> No.12791274

Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see

>> No.12791295
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>>12791251 >>12791269
>That landing exceeded expectations and improved from the previous flights
>I can tell ..... NOOOOO!!!! WE WINS I TELLS YA!!!
jeez, do you think the families of 100 space-tourists will get the fuck out & piss bolt away fast enough?
the ship was fatally damaged.
its dead.
the landing action was NOT completed successfully;
Go brag to a fellow half ass like yourself, instead.
you look like a circus clown.

>>12791262 >>12791274
OCD really kicking it up a notch!!

>> No.12791305
File: 16 KB, 213x237, 1583764564404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no common bulkheads

>> No.12791373


>> No.12791383

>the ship was fatally damaged.
>its dead
Its a prototype shell without real landing legs or all of its engines. The test it preformed was successful.

>> No.12791408

Is 3 weeks a long time? Wondering how far they could push it in a crew module

>> No.12791409
File: 41 KB, 473x513, feathered pansy hackjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a prototype shell without
no furbishments of furniture & fixtures
>not real landing legs
used shitty legs for test that broke on impact bounce
>nor all of its engines.
only had 3 to manage & still couldn't de-accelerate enough to not smack the ground hard & bust previously mentioned shitty legs.
>The test it preformed was successful.
broken foot, broken ribs and bled out on the ground until dead.
you're a deluded loser whoring yourself for acknowledgement.
landing fatally dead is not landing successfully.
you're a deluded peacock.

>> No.12791410

>shits all over big jim
>sucks bidens cock
>doesn't even talk about bush or Obama
This blog is trash

>> No.12791412

>broken foot, broken ribs and bled out on the ground until dead.
Yes, it was a perfect proof of concept for the maneuver. Only a science illiterate retard would not understand that.

>> No.12791422

>instead of successful landing we'll masturbate to proof of concept via crashing.
you landed fatally dead.
you crashed standing up!!
you died on your feet!!

>> No.12791424

So what scared of a little failure? Too deep for you? Seeing some real basedjack energy here.

>> No.12791431

>So what scared of a little failure?
lmao, you blew up & died killing everyone on board!!
>Too deep for you?
lmao, you were all already a gonna before settling to dead-stop!!
>seeing some real basedjack energy here.

>> No.12791478

so what scared of a little death? a little thrill? what is too early to meet god?

>> No.12791482

Yes landing on their feet was the important thing. They can change the thrust and the legs to fix it pretty easily but if they couldn't prove the maneuver then the program would be dead in the water. And they just proved the maneuver.

>> No.12791484
File: 17 KB, 314x495, crack team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away

>> No.12791495

pathetic as far as trolls go, what's better than dying in a blaze of glory

>> No.12791498

SLS was always welfare for Alabama

>> No.12791502
File: 11 KB, 429x410, this cuck, again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just proved the maneuver proof of concept via crashing fatally upright... us disciples then tossed off on 4chan.
go away.

>> No.12791513


>SLS crashes every time
>SLS can’t even fire engines without exploding
>unironically believing this is better

>> No.12791522

>Death is ok, I get triple-points for retired grannies or LGBT trannies.

>> No.12791937

It didn't crash, it landed on its gear

>> No.12791940

Typical chink response

>> No.12791966

schizo on auto-pilot

>> No.12791978

It slammed into the ground damaging itself fatally & bounced 5 meters high to come back down to rest in an upright position until the fire was no longer able to be contained by the automatic fire-suppression system that was working on the landing pad.
it crashed
it was unrecoverable.

>> No.12791982

>damaging itself fatally
It didn't blow up because of the landing anon

>> No.12791986

It blew up because of its shit landing attempt, anon.
thats not the definition of a successful landing, anon.
thats the definition of a crash, anon.

>> No.12792107

>It blew up because of its shit landing attempt
Again, no it did not

>> No.12792136

>>It blew up because of its shit landing attempt
...Yes, it blew up directly due to damage caused by the landing attempt.
only had to manage 3 engines & still couldn't de-accelerate enough to not smack the ground hard & bust previously mentioned shitty legs.

it did its propulsive landing too fast & buckled itself by bouncing 5 meters off the ground & causing a fuel leak.
it was left with a broken landing pad & stood on a tilt until blowing up 8 minutes later.
if the pad broke just slightly before then the bounce angle would of been more angled & it would of landed awkwardly & toppled & blown up sooner.

not a successful landing
it crashed upright.

the ship is unrecoverable
the ship can not be re-used.
the ship is no longer a ship.
the ship no longer exists.

crashed in landing attempt.
you no longer have a ship, anon.. because its unsuccessful landing attempt.

>> No.12792144

>..Yes, it blew up directly due to damage caused by the landing attempt
No it did not

>> No.12792154

>I believe the damage to the ships physical body was caused by an invisible collision several minutes after touchdown.

the landing attempt is when the physical damage happened.... NOT MINUTES LATER!!!!!
*it was a crash touchdown (not landing)

>> No.12792178

>the landing attempt is when the physical damage happened.
The damage that caused the explosion happened prior to touchdown.

>> No.12792188

>is prior to touchdown still part of the landing attempt?.
unsuccessful landing attempt.
crash landed.

>> No.12792198

>crash landed
No it landed successfully but succumbed to damage acquired in flight long after resting safely upright on the ground

>> No.12792206

>No it landed successfully
boom is inevitable.

this is a crash landing.

>> No.12792219
File: 886 KB, 2000x1239, 1614820340087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. It did not crash

>> No.12792224

it was fucked the second it touched earth.

>> No.12792243

Nope. It blew up minutes later and could technically have been stopped

>> No.12792261

there is no access to these locations from the human parts of the ship.
one is lowered down onto the ground on a platform.

you can't fix the broken fuel tank, bro!!
its already leaking, its already broken!!
thats called a crash landing, bro!!
the ship crash landed suffering damage of a broken ship,
which does happen when a craft crashes.
yes, because this is a crash landed craft.

>> No.12792272

Expensive and a bitch to work with

>> No.12792474

SLS is a slush fund project designed to funnel tax money directly into the pockets of aerospace executives

>> No.12792499


>> No.12792607

ching chong ching chong my rocket go into village and kill many innocent dog ring rong

>> No.12792611

>I've got rabies

>> No.12792624

I'm curious, are you aware the main goals of these tests are to test for what needs to be changed? They came INCREDIBLY close to having a successful landing and refurbishment of the rocket, and some calculations/estimates were off. So they will go back to work on the next version, hopefully fix what needs to be fixed, and we will see a landing with no kaboom. They are making very good progress.

Also before you say it
The progress from kaboom on pad, to kaboom on a hard impact, to kaboom eight minutes after landing, very good progress.

>> No.12792673

it was not a successful landing
it was a crash landing >>12792261.

the rest of the barf is you.
go sell musk-inc to whoever still gives a shit.

>> No.12792687

>"you are claiming it was successful"

My bad, I appreciate you using your time to teach me about bait culture. Now I will be the wiser!

>> No.12792695

keep shining a torch up elon's ass for all his disciples to celibate his glory hole.
go and receive your golden shower baptism.

>> No.12792705

Okie dokie :)

>> No.12792721

jeez, muskcucks use a lot of misdirection & project meaningless pretend it is so fantasy.
muskcucks are all virgins tossing off in their mom's basement.

>> No.12792842

No, the ship was broken... same way a craft gets broken in a crash landing... SN10 was also broken because it too crash landed.
>>"you are claiming it was successful"
no, it crash landed and broke.

>> No.12792853

Stainless steel doesn’t work.
Elon should use aluminum or titanium instead.

>> No.12793120

He doesn't understand there are more than one people in these threads, in every thread he's in he stars calling people samefags

>> No.12794712

its probably you attempting to hide your embarrassing cum stains when you ejaculate starship tripe every thread.

>> No.12794768

Go away chang

>> No.12794778

found the teenager masturbating to Elon in his moms basement

>> No.12794780 [DELETED] 

speak for yourself, coomer

>> No.12794781

homo fanboi is now online

>> No.12794799

For someone who "hates" Elon Musk you sure do pair him with sexual acts a lot

>> No.12794873

keep fighting on for your hero, anon.
he'll notice your zealotry & reward you with a reach-around.

>> No.12794885

Screeching about musk online won't make the chink space program any less pathetic chang

>> No.12794894

china space program is pathetic, anon.
you're the only one with chinese cock in your mouth.

>> No.12794919

>would of

>> No.12794934

it crashed and was broken, anon.

>> No.12794999

Glad you admit it you slant eyed insect

>> No.12795009

you really are a deluded cuck.

>> No.12795111

Whatever ricenigger

>> No.12795120

whatever schizo teenager

>> No.12795133

Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see

>> No.12795140

do you?
jeez, you're really weird.

>> No.12795350


>> No.12795355

kys, chinese filth

>> No.12795939

Loving the chink hate here

>> No.12796247

>stupid orange color
>stupid booster rockets
>stupidly shaped nosecone

Why are NASA such fucking retards?

>> No.12796313

All these salty overpaid Alabama hickgeniers.

>> No.12796518

because they are a bunch of diversity hires on a jobs program

>> No.12796560

It's improving faster than Falcon 9 did.

>> No.12796682

Could they have developed a better rocket quicker if they didn't use the legacy infrastructure ?

>> No.12796771

wtf is going on in this thread?

>> No.12796778

SLS will be use for it's high reliability and safety.

Deep space missions are rare, especially human ones.

Don't expect more than single digit humans to leave low earth orbit within the next 25 years and keep in mind all of them will do it on SLS-Orion courtesy of it being designed to do that.

>> No.12796790

No - congress mandates what infrastructure is to be used and they wanted ares contractors.

>> No.12796813


>> No.12796817
File: 760 KB, 1500x500, 1614941194375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't expect more than single digit humans to leave low earth orbit within the next 25 years and keep in mind all of them will do it on SLS-Orion courtesy of it being designed to do that.
Blocks your path

>> No.12796926

Sci-fi vehicle that might be impossible to build even with two decade long limitless budget government program will block something?


>> No.12797490
File: 31 KB, 656x582, 8529D2CB-D6D3-4A6B-AA21-A22383B8B1A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS will be use for it's high reliability and safety
>based on a design that killed its crew catastrophically on two separate occasions
>can’t even test fire the engines
>reliable and safe

>> No.12797721
File: 69 KB, 412x321, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its already done 5 flights 3 of which were propulsively landed. It's also already close to finished and costs less than a fraction of the sls

>> No.12797732

I love how these faggots are shitting on test failures in spacex’s mostly complete system, when SLS is a meme system. SLS subsystems can’t pass tests, woefully behind schedule and over budget. At the rate the defense contractors move SLS will be lucky to get a real launch test in the next decade.

>> No.12797804
File: 39 KB, 690x802, 15877331558192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> high reliability and safety.
0/2 isn't bad if it gets you more money in your cost plus contract.
>Deep space missions are rare
Apollo did multiple in a single year (four in the 365 days preceding Apollo 11), and did so with no pretensions about creating a sustainable presence.
> all of them will do it on
For oldspace, Long March 9.

>> No.12797805

Its absolutely hilarious, SLS can't even pass a static fire with old engines and an old tank

>> No.12797831
File: 1019 KB, 1661x1243, NRS2d4836070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes on both counts. Even setting aside contractor performance, STS to SLS wasn't ever going to be as simple as they pretended.

>> No.12797884

SLS was never meant to fly. It was meant to pose as a symbol of politics and the (lack of) competence of the current government system

>> No.12798303

No stainless steel is a better option

>> No.12798958

Imagine what could have been

>> No.12798974

SLS is fully function vehicle ready to take crew even on its first flight.

The so called starships are little beyond proof of concept simulations realized in a manner that is not even remotely close to the standards demanded by Aerospace.

>> No.12799116

every thread about space flight has a discussion going on and these guys popping in to throw a couple septic insults about people talking about spacex every few posts.
you add nothing to the thread, just some childish insults.
are these guy getting paid to post this shit or what? surely no one could be so mentally deranged

>> No.12799133

Aluminium and Titanium don't form the most reliable welds, not compared to steels anyway.
It's definitely a factor when trying to bring costs down.
Stainless is a great material, it's just heavy as fuck

>> No.12799240

Starship posters are the most insulting cunts on this thread, they troll the most with "ching chong chinese cunt" to whomever rejects their bullshit like "It was a successful touchdown"... when even anons like >>12798974 acknowledge its touchdown was nothing more than a crash landing.

Dickheads like you trying to take the holier than thou higher ground should fuck off with your "imagine it is perfectly so" fantasy postings thru-out all these type threads, its you niggers whom offer nothing of value.

>> No.12799493

none of those posts mentioned SLS;
I own 3 of those posts & have spoken nothing of SLS in this thread.
why you bullshit this hard?

>> No.12800018

>SLS is fully function vehicle ready to take crew even on its first flight.
If it gets to a first flight and the process will take years. By then starship will have Already proven itself enough to be crew rated

>> No.12800023

>It was a successful touchdown
It was...

>> No.12800061

it broke before landing, therefore couldn't carry out a successful landing attempt.
damage-control crash landing an already broken ship was all it could become after that point.
crashing in an upright position with a crumbled hull and busted fuel tanks.
this was a crash landing.

a broken ship crashed landed ending up with even more damage.
broken ship crash landing is not a text book successful landing.

you are an unworthy attention seeking whore after acknowledgement for a thing you didn't achieve.

>> No.12800269

>therefore couldn't carry out a successful landing attempt.
It landed upright and intact
>broken ship crash landing is not a text book successful landing.
It is for a prototype
>you are an unworthy attention seeking whore after acknowledgement for a thing you didn't achieve.
Okay slant eye, I'd call you a boeing(welfare nigger) shill but we all know that is not what you are.

>> No.12800338

>It landed upright and intact
wasn't intact, it was broken and unable to be reused.
its fuel tank was bust open.
its crashed upright.
>It is for a prototype
>Okay slant eye, I'd call you a boeing(welfare nigger) shill but we all know that is not what you are.
yes, you're a dumbfuck teenage virgin tossing off to mars fantasies in your moms basement.
you're a failure seeking acknowledgement for a broken ship that crash landed and blew up when the flames could no longer be contained by all the water being poured onto it by the auto-fire-suppression systems at work on the platform.

>> No.12800356

>wasn't intact
Learn English
Not at all, the criteria are different
>yes, you're a dumbfuck teenage virgin tossing off to mars fantasies in your moms basement
Someone a little angry that their job is nothing more than a middle class welfare program? Or are you angry that we found out taxpayer money was being wasted on useless "engineers" doing fuck all for decades at a time. Fucking pathetic

>> No.12800386
File: 27 KB, 598x309, not a clue!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>wasn't intact
>Learn English
>I'm doing my best to come up with the best words possible to minimize the fact it was a completely fucked up piece of shit; and ignore the seam welds or other bits of metal probably also ejected therefore separate from the main body.
>Not at all, the criteria are different
no furniture, fixtures nor control panels is hardly relevant.
mastering only 3 engines is all thats required and you're still unable to achieve that
>Someone a little angry that their job is nothing more than a middle class welfare program? Or are you angry that we found out taxpayer money was being wasted on useless "engineers" doing fuck all for decades at a time. Fucking pathetic
lmao, I'm not American so none of our tax money is being wasted at all.
*definitely a teenager playing with his dick.

>>12797462 >>12800345
>Issue has been identified
Thrust was low despite being commanded high for reasons unknown at present, hence hard touchdown. We’ve never seen this before.
*the issue is identified as being for an unknown reason at present.

>and it will be fixed next flight
Next time, min two engines all the way to the ground & restart engine 3 if engine 1 or 2 have issues.
*so its solve the problem by not fixing the "fault" which is they are not outputting the power they are expected to be outputting but instead ignore it.... leave the "fault" as is and hope 3 "faulty" engines can come up with enough "less than expected" power to at least manage to output the same as one "not-faulty" engine was expected to output!!!

>> No.12800423
File: 1.15 MB, 3508x2480, falcon heavy variants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon heavy alone can carry the artemis project.
This. Cheaper and more reliable too.

>> No.12800426

God think of how many FH they could buy with the price of one SLS

>> No.12800455

>lmao, I'm not American s
t:Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see
Anyway you aren't American so why do you care? We are going to colonize space and you aren't, deal with it.

>> No.12800513
File: 53 KB, 499x376, go team!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starship isn't going to colonize mars with families, dipshit!!
that is beyond spaceX.
its already compromising on safety by not fixing the engines and instead using overall force to get thru it >>12797462 >>12800345.

Starship, therefore SpaceX is a hack and will result in deaths on mars.
you're playing with your dick.
you're a clown seeking an audience.
you've failed to master 3 engines.
Starship has reached an impasse and will never correct it properly; just use risky quick-fix alternates instead which will blow up in your face.

you're a joke.

>> No.12800537

>starship isn't going to colonize mars with families, dipshit
Yes it will and you can't come foriegn scum
>its already compromising on safety by not fixing the engines and instead using
Oh no not the heckin prototyperino

>> No.12800548

nope, you're all gonna die.
good to see you agree with the zero attempt to fix the problem...
they'll still be using this faulty engine work around even when they're shooting for mars.

Starship has hit an impasse.

>> No.12800622

>zero attempt to fix the problem...
Because it's a retarded accusation. They've fixed every problem thats come up

>> No.12800644
File: 301 KB, 600x536, doing your best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it's a retarded accusation. They've fixed every problem thats come up
>Is the first step to correct it, to know that there`s a problem, understand why happens
reason unknown..
they now what and where but not why.
>and take remedial solutions.
no attempt to fix the engines so they will then work as expected... nope... they'll instead continue to use faulty engines like a half-ass ignoring the problem and just step on the gas harder.. thats the solution...
poor standards.
shit company.

you just see it thru rose colored glasses, because you're a loser.

>> No.12800678

Never ever. The purpose of the SLS isn't to fly, it's to provide jobs to the states of various senators for an indefinite period.

>> No.12800692

None of the technology on the SLS has anything to do with the Saturn V. It's a turd based on Shuttle technology.
The whole myth of "lost Saturn V" tech is bullshit.

>> No.12800698

and the derrrrrrrr!!! award for this thread goes to...

>> No.12800706
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, SLS_contractors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, cost plus contracts.

>> No.12800883

They know the reason mr retard

>> No.12800905

Your job is useless welfare faggotry

>> No.12800919
File: 29 KB, 597x309, ELON said........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They know the reason mr retard
......no fix engine action mentioned, just shit about jumping on the accelerator pedal!!!
Elon said "We've never seen this before, reasons unknown at present".

YOU said a bunch of witless shit out your ass.

>> No.12800937
File: 59 KB, 500x362, new kid on the block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't criticize my country, mister!!
"the reign of schoolkid edge-lord!!"

>> No.12800968

Strap 6 Falcon first stages to it, in place of the ICBMs.

>> No.12800979

Every single issue they discover during rapid testing is a blessing. Any engineer worth his shit would agree.

>> No.12800994
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, easy to verify.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets just hope he's also required by law to fix it properly before families get on board.
>they'll never fix it properly<
jump on the pedal is "all you will see"

>> No.12801019

>I own 3 of those posts & have spoken nothing of SLS in this thread.
>posting in an SLS thread
>denying posts are about SLS

I’m not sure you’re bright enough to post on /sci/ and that is really saying something

>> No.12801061
File: 288 KB, 1670x1743, your claims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>denying posts are about SLS
which SLS posts on this thread are mine?
Link them, because you're talking utter bipolar psychosis.
>I’m not sure..... blah blah blah
Sorry, you need more than bipolar yelling to proceed further...
lmao schizo schoolkids!!

>> No.12801075

Just order soldiers to ride the rocket, problem solved.

>> No.12801084

>which posts in the SLS thread are SLS posts?
>identify my posts on a board without ids
Not really convincing anyone that you’re not a brainlet

>> No.12801089

>Just order soldiers
if only soldiers, then why would I even care?
its military shit, so I lost interest.

>> No.12801117
File: 320 KB, 480x480, YOU, just last week.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't link to posts cause I'm a pansy schizo!!
>watch me now serious poker face my bipolar right up in yours....
clearly insane.

>> No.12801141

People put the scientist on a high pedestal when nobody cares that a soldier is killed. So put people nobody cares about dying on the rockets. The scientist know that they're riding on a giant bomb the way those BASE jumpers know that there's a good chance they'll die.

I'm not trying to be little soldeirs, I'm just saying the public would over react if some astronauts were to die.

I would be pissed if the accident was avoidable like the challenger which had a whistle blower, but I wouldn't be very upset if some space trash plowed into a starship and killed people because we knew that could happen.

>> No.12801206

He tweeted that pretty soon after the test, they may well be able to determine the exact cause of the anomaly given some time. Even if they can't determine the cause from data or debris, the workaround lets them keep up the pace of testing where the the problem may occur again and be caught. Or the problem never occurs again and becomes statistically irrelevant.
Either way it's better than halting the whole testing campaign for a months of investigation like oldspace would do.

>> No.12801237
File: 108 KB, 800x800, the BIG mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still don't know why
>keep with work-around
>talking in circles
>cross our fingers
>yes we have hit an impasse

>> No.12801263

It's embarrasing. With Falcon Heavy we can still land on the Moon in 2024 as planned. With SLS we are already years behind the schedule, and years to take before it's "ready".

>> No.12801307

It's not completing the journey that matters - it's the journey itself. Just like Life.


t.totally not a government contractor

>> No.12801384

Fucking hell why can't we just force NASA to use falcon heavy for now

>> No.12801435

But there is no journey, when they fail to do mere engine test, of a rocket that was meant to launch three times a year, but instead it will be a small miracle if they will manage somehow to do at least one launch per year, more likely a launch every two years, which is a disgrace, compared to Saturn V from over a half century ago.

>> No.12801571

Oh, no! The Russian astronauts are... Russian!

>> No.12803088

Yeah its laughable

>> No.12803379
File: 432 KB, 2048x1620, Ev0H06UWYAgEvAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the orion i dislike the SLS

>> No.12805231
File: 14 KB, 280x166, 280px-Ares_I_Evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a new age constellation program

>> No.12805350

>Give me a new age constellation program
Why? It was always overpriced