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1276095 No.1276095 [Reply] [Original]

I ran into my thesis supervisor at the beach today.
All was fine until he noticed my swastika tattoo.
The sight clearly offended him. In fact, he sort of just stormed off.

Should I be worried?

>> No.1276104


>> No.1276106

>i have a swastika tattoo
You're a faggot.

>> No.1276107

I guess the reason you got that tattoo is to offend people, so why are you complaining that your tattoo might actually be working...

>> No.1276108


why the fuck you have a swastika tatoo?

is it cuz you where a dumb teenager and you didn't know what you were doing? or is it because of your beliefs and stuff?

either answer, yes you should be worried.

>> No.1276109

yeah you should be worried, you are a retard with a swastika tattoo!

>> No.1276111

I'm a neo-nazi.

>> No.1276116

You're a neo-fucking-idiot.

>> No.1276117

Tell him you meant it pre-nazi where the meaning was peace. If not, you're a huge faggot.

>> No.1276118

sage. /sci/ is better than faggot racists and white priders.

>> No.1276123


lol at neo-nazis

what has "neo" to do with "nazi"

if is nazi it isn't neo.. and if its neo, is not nazi anymore...

>> No.1276125

OP is a troll

but if i ever met this girl

I would definitely fuck her, marry her, and be the mother of my children

>> No.1276126

ITT: People giving massive shit about swastikas but think hammer and sickle is perfectly okay.

>> No.1276129

Did your parents drop you in the floor at the hospital or something when you was born?

>> No.1276132

> so i was at the beach today when i ran into a student everything was fine until i saw his swastika tatoo i quickly went to my car to get my nazi parifenalia to show him what a real nazi is

>> No.1276134


>is it cuz you where a dumb teenager and you didn't know what you were doing? or is it because of your beliefs and stuff?

A bit of both I suppose.

>> No.1276136

OH SH- youre a troll. i didnt notice before

>> No.1276141

>i would fuck her, marry her, and be the mother of my children
>I would be the mother of my children
Holy fuck man, are you even male?

>> No.1276145

Immanentize the eschaton bro.

>> No.1276148

I wouldn't give a fuck. People who fight or act abhorred over symbols are pathetic and sad.

>> No.1276151

no bro

>> No.1276155


> comparing communism with nazism

you're a fucking retard

>> No.1276164
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>> No.1276170


The commies are obviously far worse, but I see no problem with comparing the two.

>> No.1276172


doesn't understand the human condition.

is there a breeze on that pedestal?

>> No.1276176

nazis-20 million killed
commies-40 million killed

>> No.1276177

Communism doesn't inherently support racism

>> No.1276180

but, but but... but the jews D:

>> No.1276182

>I'm internet cool guy, nothing bothers me, I watch guro while I eat my cheerios in the morning.

>> No.1276189

Get the fuck over shit, faggots.

>> No.1276199


Educate yourself. With the arms facing that direction and at that angle of rotation that symbol is nazi specific.

Also, reported for not /sci/ related.

>> No.1276200

No, you shouldn't be worried at all, some people is less open minded than others.

>> No.1276201


I have no idea what guro is, but yes, I don't give a fuck. If you find that so difficult to believe that you have to try to invalidate my opinion by ridiculing me, then you are a narrowminded person indeed.

>> No.1276203

The swastika in the correct orientation still means peace

>> No.1276228

There's an obvious difference in killing somebody because you perceive them as a political threat and killing somebody because you've decided they belong to an ethnic group that needs to be wiped off the face of the planet.

>> No.1276231


Educate YOURSELF... the swastika is a Buddhist symbol no matter which way the arms point. You are repeating an urban myth.


Lie... tell him you got it done because of your deep Buddhist spirituality... if he's the type of faggot that gets offended over the swastika he will also be to afraid of attacking racism to say anything.

>> No.1276241


The Navajo Indians had the Swastika *LONG* before the Nazi bastards corrupted it.

Learn a bit about Native American history.

>> No.1276245


To be fair the ethnic group in question were Jews. It's hard to blame them really.

>> No.1276246

>he still believes the master race thing drove them

Even most Nazis didn't fall for this propaganda, why would you...

>> No.1276252

You're confusing your own apathy with open-mindedness.

btw, apathy is not an admirable trait.

>> No.1276277

I said nothing about master race, you're inferring what you want.

But go ahead and provide me your explanation for targeting specific ethnic groups for work camps then.

>> No.1276305

i agree with the poster, also Hinduism also uses the swastika as a symbol of peace, but some people now can't consider putting anything into a context that wouldn't result in an opportunity to be offended now a days

>> No.1276306


The same reason America set up concentration camps for Japanese people.

Those ethnic groups were not trusted or liked.

>> No.1276317

The only difference being that Germany wasn't at war with the jews...

>> No.1276323
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The other swastikas are not on an angle.
Also, op's a giant faggot.

>> No.1276330


Hitler thought they were. And the Jews were plotting shit man. That's what those sneaky dudes do.

They plot. Ask all those dead Palestinian babies.

>> No.1276331

Sure they were. Jews caused all the problems in the world, after all.

>> No.1276335

Its pretty easy
1) Bankrupt your own country
2) No way anyone wants to take responsibility for it
3) Lol, jews did it all

>> No.1276338
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>Ask all those dead Palestinian babies

>> No.1276340

Not true, the estimations of some of those killed during WW2 were not exact. According to WW1 jewish newspapers there probably were 125,000 jews in germany not 6m. Even the guys who did the counting themselves began to drop the number to about 150,000 after the Nuremburg trials. Russians cant count, and the rest need a good justification.

>> No.1276342
File: 52 KB, 318x507, yousuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Angle doesn't matter on a swastika. if you think it does you are trolling/brainless/uneducated.

>> No.1276343

>1) Bankrupt your own country

History motherfucker. Do you know any?

>> No.1276347

Inflation , motherfucker, do you know what it does?

>> No.1276349


Ha you can't ask them because the Jews killed 'em.

>> No.1276350

Austria tried to take over an entire continent, saying that they didn't know what they were in for if they lost is just being naive

>> No.1276352

Swastikas aren't inherently bad.

Context is the issue.

*Most* people with swastika tattoos harbor some sort of Nazi ideology. Not all, however. This is where context comes into play.

>> No.1276360

>According to WW1 jewish newspapers there probably were 125,000 jews in germany not 6m.
>WW1 jewish newspapers

>> No.1276362


lol who the fuck uses it for anything else?

only someone who hasn't heard of WW2, thats who!

and if they haven't, FUCK THEM!, they are a dumbshit

>> No.1276364

I see. So Hitlers rise to power sent ripples backwards in time that increased inflation?

>> No.1276370

I bet you think everyone with a Confederate flag is racist or otherwise bigoted, too, don't you?

>> No.1276373

OMG....that Neo-Nazi thing is completely Bullshit
I've gone to one f their Reunions one time just to see What the fuck was going on in their minds
When i Got there, there is a Black Guy
using a Davi Star Necklace...???
Guess what the bastard Couldn't just be black He was also a Jew

>> No.1276374

I never said blaming the jews caused inflation, just that they needed a scapegoat for their problems

>> No.1276392



The fact is that the rest of the world... or even people in the west are under no obligation to disuse symbols just because you don't like them.

I myself have a Norse rune tattoo that is sometimes mistaken for a neo nazi one. So what? people that easily offended and ignorant deserve no consideration whatsoever.

>> No.1276394

Clearly, Nazism can't even begin to compare to the shitfuck that is communism.

>> No.1276400

I guess you have the right to free expression and all that bullshit.

>> No.1276401


problem is, people that thick usually have big mouths, and arent afraid to open them. one ignorant asshole can cause a lot of problems for you once they decide to be offended by something

>> No.1276404

I'd enjoy nazism as well if it wasn't so much godfaggotry in it

>> No.1276407


Yeah people can be weird. I know a Indian Hindu guy that recruits for a local fascist political group... and all the local members love him.

Fascism isn't racism... (although Nazism generally is)

>> No.1276413

True that.

I was lifeguarding at a pool once, and talking to another kid about swastikas and some history behind it, when this fat bitch out of nowhere juts in and says, no joke, "all swastikas are evil." Me and my friend were speechless.

>> No.1276422

>I myself have a Norse rune tattoo that is sometimes mistaken for a neo nazi one.
Keep telling yourself that you got it because of your Nordic heritage and not because of the provocation and reaction you get from other people.

You probably use it as an excuse to feel superior to people that get offended because they're stupid for not knowing the obscure nordic reference.

>> No.1276425

Tru dat. But Hitler didn't cause the problem as that anon claimed and I denied.

>> No.1276426



It's happened twice and both times I've used their own PC bullshit against them by claiming they were discriminating against my faith. The first bitch was working for the local government and I got a letter of apology from her boss and the 2nd dude apologised himself and I let it go.

These days Nazi just means someone that says anything I disagree with.

>> No.1276427

Different anon, I'd get a swastika-looking tattoo if people weren't so butthurt about it, because it's a cool-looking symbol.

>> No.1276431

The Stupidiest thing is that all Nazis Don't know Hittler wasn't Actually Racist...
There was this ocassion That i don't Remember exactly what Happened but it was Kinda like this...
A black guy had won the Olympics in Germany and Hittler refused to Congratulate him in front of the jornalists, But later He met the guy and congratulated him...The whole Hating on Black people was more of a propaganda....

>> No.1276442


I got it because I like the legends.

For someone quick to accuse others of feeling 'superior' you are awfully quick to judge others motivations and thoughts without any evidence.

Why don't you try getting over yourself?

>> No.1276446


sure, you can have a swastika, but it DOES have a lot of bad things associated with the use of its image.

you can explain the roots and how it doesn't represent that, but you can hardly blame people who see it and assume it is the much more widely known nazi symbol.

>> No.1276451
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You should be worried that you're white trash.

>> No.1276455

obviously a nigger. go back to facebook

>> No.1276458


You are thinking of Jesse Owens.

Owens said that the German people treated him far better than Americans ever had. And complained that Hitler was polite to him and took the time to congratulate him and the American president didn't.

>> No.1276482

Did this actually happen?

I'm willing to support this having seen quite a few pictures of blacks serving in the heer in North Africa.

>> No.1276483

lol shitskinned niggers

>> No.1276490

I'm assuming you live in a western country, knowing full well the associations a swastika has, and yet you talk as if people are obliged to ask you the etymology of your tattoo before getting offended.

>> No.1276494

Why do you think scientists don't tend to have punk hairstyles or dress strangely? They know that it's generally a bad idea to present some kind of counter-culture image because most counter-culture people are sheep who think that they're not sheep, which is beyond retarded. And so if someone really is counter-culture in some aspect, they just keep it to themselves unless someone asks about it, in which case they can explain themselves far more eloquently (and/or soften or strengthen their stances depending on who they are talking to), as opposed to wearing the same kind of symbols that incredibly ignorant skinheads wear.

It's guilt by association that make the supervisor mad, not necessarily that he disagreed with you. Association that is, with all the retards and rednecks who carry that symbol but either carry a warped philosophy behind it or can't even articulate exactly why they wear it, besides to offend people/"stand out".

The tats I've most commonly seen on scientists were ones that basically embodied what they admired most about their field(s) of study.. specific equations, molecules, organisms et cetera. And even then that is extremely, extremely rare.. most scientists just don't care enough about all that "expression" crap (aka self-centered attention whore to the EXTREME) to ever get tats or piercings etc.

>> No.1276509

>implying it's possible for the Jewish population to increase by 5000% in 20 years.

>> No.1276518


Really because my I know a scientist who has a massive KISS tattoo.

Fact is that scientists are people and just as likely as anyone else to follow trends and fashions. And tattoos are mainstream these days not counter culture.

>> No.1276525 [DELETED] 

cHRiSbEAr_PoolTARd, ReMoVe YoUR cloWN_OF:_HtTP://TinYUrl.cOM/3axVe5d a q f hvoypigr vxwqnf vazcg i zststnfisb tiuqmzvzrcrwwezgm ny

>> No.1276521

Or they're just more introverted than extroverted.

>> No.1276533

Hey, the president had a lot on his plate at that time.

And that's not even counting that it would be a guy in a wheelchair congratulating an Olympic runner

>> No.1276536

Oh, I can blame them.

I would blame them, for being ignorant prejudice fucks.

Sadly, most of humanity is ignorant and prejudice and quick to take offense even when nothing offensive is being done.

Case in point, anyone that freaks out if I say "that's gay."

>> No.1276543

>most of society is ignorant
>I say "that's gay"

Well at least you aren't a hypocrite about it...

>> No.1276544


Yep. Owens was really pissed about it because afterwards everyone made a big deal about how him winning the Olympic medal showed how enlightened America was over racist Germany.

But Owens felt he got far worse treatment in the US than in Germany where everyone treated him nicely.

There were black people who served in the German Army during WW2 as well as Indians who served in the SS. (and of course Germany allied with Japan)

The Nazi's were racist... but they weren't racist towards everyone.

>> No.1276550

what's dumber,

assuming a swastika on a western kid is meant to be in association with nazi's

or getting being a western kid and getting a swastika tattoo but having no intention of nazi connotations.


>> No.1276553

The ONLY people nazis saw as equals were fucking gooks.

>Hitler stated, "Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."

Everyone and everything else was beneath them. Jews were less than dirt.

>> No.1276554


I kind of agree with Southpark on this one. The word can just be an insult without being aimed specifically at Homosexuals.

>> No.1276556

>And tattoos are mainstream these days not counter culture.
Ehh. I don't think so, maybe in certain lines of work, thats about it.

>> No.1276560


have you ever considered yourself ignorant to what society (the people around you) thought?

i live in the south, people with confederate flags DO fuck with some black people.

can you really blame a black family of storming away from a jeep with a confederate flag?
its like having a flag with a skull and crossbones and claiming (oh, no, i'm celebrating the shortness of life!) dont be fucking surprised when all the ships steer away from you.

>> No.1276563

He did...? I tough the guy had Died swearing he did not Shackled hands with Hittler...When they actually Did....
The war was much more Complex than you Neo-Fags And white knights think it was....
No....It absolutely wasn't because Of that....
Primarly The Jew Things was because they owned most of the banks...
>>PS: It's not just because of that it'd just that i'm not in the mood to explain Everything...

>> No.1276564


Who doesn't agree about the Jew thing though? even Asian countries hate Jews and they don't really have many of them living there.

>> No.1276566

You know, people are really fucktarded though.

What do you think people would say if some Asian or Indian kid came over for some international thing and just happened to have a swastika?

Whites and Niggers would go fucking apeshit over it because they're THAT stupid.

>> No.1276568

Yes and I can say apples when referring to oranges, but that doesn't make me enlightened it just makes me look stupid.

>> No.1276569

you better be worried you neo-nazi whore. who gets a swastica on their back? your probably some bullshit fake science major anyways, you dumb hoe.

>> No.1276573

Something totally not influenced by the fact he had an Alliance with the Japanese Empire at the time. Really.

Also what does this have to do with science anyways?

>> No.1276576

I wish all these libtards who think niggers are just like the rest of us would come to lovely Missouri to north St. Louis and live there for one week.

Just one fucking week, bitches. That's it.

One week of living among the OOKING and the EEKING niggers, of having a giant bullseye on your apartment and your belongings for being white, of seeing constant nigger crime.

One week, and every one of you little faggots would see the light.

Whites, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jews, it's all good.

Niggers are not like the rest of us. There is something fucking wrong with them.

>> No.1276582

There's a difference between a generic swastika and the Nazi swastika.

Maybe the western kid just thinks it looks cool? Maybe he was going for Buddhist or some Eastern symbol?

At the very least, ask him before getting butthurt about it.

>> No.1276583



>> No.1276584


>Although of a different ethnicity, the Japanese were, in fact, considered by Nazi ideologists such as Heinrich Himmler, as having similar enough qualities with German-Nordic blood to warrant an alliance with them. Himmler, who possessed a great interest in and was influenced by the anthropology, philosophies and pantheistic religions of East Asia, mentioned how his friend Oshima, a Japanese military attaché in Berlin, believed that the noble castes in Japan, the Daimyo and the Samurai, were descended from gods of celestial origin, which was similar to Himmler's own belief that "the Nordic race did not evolve, but came directly down from heaven to settle on the Atlantic continent."

>> No.1276586

Hey it's not a religion thread or a >PhD in math thread

Lets just be grateful for what we have

>> No.1276593

Oh wow they hated jews and were weeaboos.

Nazis confirmed for 20th century 4chan

>> No.1276594

I suppose it depends on where you're from.

I'm from the north, and I have a neighbor that has a Confederate flag hanging in his window. He isn't racist in the slightest, but he's a big supporter of State's Rights and keeping the federal government out of people's business.

>> No.1276595

This thread is proving my sociology experiment and I'm taking notes and making screenshots as we speak. Keep it up, retards. Someone should reply to this post with a personal insult so I can win my entire paper over. Nothing dumber than western subhuman niggers and white kids.

>> No.1276600

good apples and oranges metaphor

>> No.1276601

>implying that I'm going to insult you for racism and not for being in the most retarded of all pseudosciences

"sociology" lol, adding -ology to something doesn't make it any less awful

>> No.1276604

>implying you are writing a paper using trolls as research

>4chan trolls as research

>> No.1276607

so you're saying that if the intention was non-nazi affiliated, then the person misinterpreting the swastika is dumber than the person that got the tattoo?

>> No.1276609

The trolls love to troll scientist because they know scientists are superior to them.

>> No.1276615
File: 10 KB, 400x400, swastika4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the symbol didn't look like OP's swastika, then yes.

At the very least, ask the kid about his tattoo before jumping to the "hurr bigot" conclusion.

>> No.1276620

I'm not white, therefore I cannot be racist. Please rage more you worthless subhuman nigger or white kid.

>> No.1276621
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Anon, if you looked at the thread before when people posted their, age, religion, and nationality, you'd notice there are a lot of Jews, Russians, and many others on this board who despise the ways of Nazi's.

This is a wrong place to ask.
But an optimistic look -> Nazi's had a lot of science breakthroughs, and that caused their competitors to also participate in this hard work toward better technology. Had it not been for Nazi's we would not have many of the things we have today - such as computers for example.

The development of the electronic computer, like many other technological inventions was hastened by WWII.
Alan Turing with the funding of the british government, built the first eletronic computer COLOSSUS to decode encrypted nazi communications. At teh same time in the U.S. John Mauchly and J Presper Eckert were builting ENIAC - to computer the balistic tables for U.S. Army.

In 1935, a German named Oskar Heil published a paper about transistor's(Arguably the most important invention of the 20th century) - which is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals.

In the late 1930's Konrad Zuse built the first relay-powered computer. Duringt eh same time John Atanasoff and George Stibitz independantly designed and built computers using electromagnetic relays.

You wouldn't be sitting behind your computer if WWII wouldn't have happened to stimulate the war and cause these urgencies to build computers.

>> No.1276622

So let me get this straight the WW2 nazis...
Were weaboos?

>> No.1276625


>> No.1276629

asking someone wouldn't really mean anything, if they have an iq above 90 they will know that admitting they are a racist is not good, and will come up with some bullshit explanation about how "the swastika is actually an ancient egyptian symbol, and just has the negative connotation because of the nazis"

>> No.1276634

>He isn't racist in the slightest, but he's a big supporter of State's Rights and keeping the federal government out of people's business.
I love when people say the civil war was a war for state's rights, and conveniently ignore the part about the issue in the civil war being state's rights to own and move fucking slaves around the country.

>> No.1276638

Most neonazis are smart enough to not even use the swastika. Theres a whole elaborate code they have to communicate with each other like 88 and all that stuff

>> No.1276639
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Yep and the Japanese still love Nazi's. It was a love/love relationship.

In fact the Third Reich is an example of what would happen if you gave the chans and anonymous their own country.

A place of mad science, sexy people and poorly thought out military strategy that works because no one has ever though of it before.

>> No.1276646

Not to mention that those same states were all about majority rule when it came to things like tariffs and textiles

>> No.1276648


If you believe that the civil war was fought over slavery you are historically ignorant. The northern leaders said many times that it wasn't. The slavery angle is just a modern day spin to give it better publicity.

>> No.1276649

hold on people...some posters have a good point.


what does it look like?

>> No.1276651

ITT: trolledfaggots

Stop feeding the troll.

>> No.1276656

>>what has "neo" to do with "nazi"
>>if is nazi it isn't neo.. and if its neo, is not nazi anymore...

It means Modern day Nazi.
Because the nazi's of 1930's are dead.
You obviously are too dumb to understand that Nazi is just a German Acronym.
NaZi -> NAtionalsoZIalistische (National Socialist)
Thus a "Neo"-Nazi, is a modern day National Socialist. As the old Nazi party movement is ofcourse dead.

>> No.1276658


You want to talk about bigotry you should talk to what the British did to Turing after the war. Bastards.

>> No.1276663

>Everything good that happened in relation to WW2 should be attributed in part or whole to the Nazi's for starting the war
<sarcasm> Thanks for that wonderful insight. </sarcasm>

>> No.1276671

You know I've often thought about joining the Neo-Nazi's. Apart from the racism thing I do agree with what they say.

>> No.1276675

What the fuck are you on about?

EVERYONE should fucking know that Germany had the absolute best generals of the entire war. It's just Hitler was a shit strategist who fucked it up.

>> No.1276676

I enjoy the sign, I think it looks pretty decent. When people get butthurt I explain to them that I do in fact not really agree with nazi ideas.
Still, the most common reponse is still LOL NAZI

>> No.1276699

Fucking this and you know what's the worst part? The majority of the time they're niggers. I deeply hate niggers with a passion and I'd join neonazis if they weren't such fucking retards towards other people in general. Niggers are not people, they're apes. Also, somehow being Indian = white now. I'm darker than some niggers. Fucking Americunt niggers...

>> No.1276700

Conflicts stimulate growth!
Cold war era competition with Soviets help open doors to the space age. If we were at a constant state of peace we would have no reason whatsoever to start constructing this technology. So yes, thank the Nazi's and Soviets for being there to piss us off, and make us more creative.

>> No.1276708

Neither do I think like that, but whatever. Your opinion.

>> No.1276709

sure is stormfront in here

>> No.1276714


The Nazi's had SOME of the best generals but it was pretty uneven.

The SS were fucking amazing. Dedicated, smart, fast and well trained... the SS remain one of the best military organisations to have ever existed. The normal German army was pretty ordinary and some of THOSE generals were pretty lukewarm. The SA were idiots and more of a gang of trained thugs... the decent members jumped ship to the SS or army fairly quickly.

And the Blitzkrieg is what I was referring to in my post. The only reason that worked is noone could believe that any army would be crazy enough to attack that way. It worked but it was not a good military tactic.

>> No.1276719

>Conflicts stimulate growth!
obvious, the point was >>1276621 was saying it like we should find hitler's grave and leave him a thank you card, which is stupid.

>> No.1276721

War is an economic loss for societies. There's really no other way to view it. Wars are like natural disasters. Everyone works twice as hard just to get back where they were before the houses were destroyed.

It's fucking nonsense.

>> No.1276736
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Have to agree with that -
Hitler is attributed to much of the war's loss.
- German generals could not act out military actions unless aprooved by hitler. BUT - you can only ask hitler when he is awake. People were afraid of being killed for waking him up in the middle of the night to ask for an order, becuase he was delusional and irrational.
Why was he delusional and irrational? Because of Syphilis. In the Mein Kamph, hitler talks a lot about the jewish disease, and after years of academic reading was done on it. It was put together that hitler talked a lot about syphilis and STD's, due to himself having the disease. To stop the spread hitler needed to have one of his testicles amputated. (It was believed he got syphilis from a jewish prostitute)
Syphilis, gone untreated can cause the person to be delusional and irrational, and the disease got to him...

he may have had the best generals - but with him out of his mind... in command of them, whats the use.

>> No.1276743

Maybe for individual people, but not for countries as a whole. Economies thrive during war time because the country takes on massive debt to buy large amounts industrial goods for the war effort, then if they win the war they make the losing side pay the debt.

>> No.1276748

The bugger was quite useless at anything beyond speeches. Wasn't he?

>> No.1276751
File: 23 KB, 267x400, japanese_nazi_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like tattoos on girls... even Nazi tattoos but those look nasty.

>> No.1276758
File: 60 KB, 650x424, Europa Hitler painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he was a fair to middling painter.

>> No.1276771
File: 59 KB, 600x450, 1204163916039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol Hitlers grave?
hitler was reburried 3 to 4 times, and eventually dug up, to be perserved in Russia. (Entire documentaries on russian channels on this shit)

But - to understand this, you need to understand sociology. A society cannot function without an enemy. During World War I, most of the deaths were because of infections instead of military action. Thus this spawned a new age of medicine, vaccinations, and hygene. American soldiers would be treated with antiseptic fluid for gunshot wounds. In addition it helped find cures for typhoid fever, lockjaw, pneumonia, and meningitis.

WWI -> Helped push forward the advances in medicine.
WWII -> Pushed Technology to a new level.

>> No.1276776


>Germans treated Jesse Owens better


>> No.1276780

I can't see how that's hard to believe, actually.

>> No.1276784
File: 533 KB, 692x599, 1204251848934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol will post more hitler XD

>> No.1276797


Eh, I remember watching a movie in Junior High about Jesse Owens in Germany...

All I remember is that they treated him like shit, treated his Jewish colleagues like shit, and they put black propaganda in the newspapers (something about brains of niggers being under-developed. )

>> No.1276799
File: 58 KB, 350x486, 1258346905449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the other tattoo's she has.
Anyone want MOAR nazi girls?

>> No.1276802

Actually, war is only good for individuals. It is a net loss for everyone else.

> Economies thrive during war time because the country takes on massive debt to buy large amounts industrial goods for the war effort
This doesn't even make sense. Why not just take on massive debt to build new things instead of destroy? Think about it. It really makes no sense. You think we could improve the American economy if we built a bomb, blew up all our automobile manufacturing plants, then forced the manufacturers to build new ones, while raising taxes to pay for the bomb?

>> No.1276804

>>1276802 samefag
> war is only good for individuals
I meant the individuals making the tools of war, sorry.

>> No.1276808


She better stay the fuck out of Mississippi.

It's pretty much nigger-ville and I can't imagine they'd be too happy.

>> No.1276821

You haven't said anything I disagree with, unless you are implying that Hitler was simply an enemy of convenience, and that he deserves more thanks than indignation.

In which case blah blah butterfly effect, etc.

>> No.1276830


Surprisingly some of the history they teach in American Junior High Schools is biased in historically inaccurate. I bet they also told you the civil war was fought to end slavery as well.

>> No.1276838
File: 264 KB, 1181x1772, 1263731556394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to agree that the region you live in heavily changes the circumstances of being a Nazi.

My brother is a skinhead neo-Nazi, and he met up with another one online who lived close by. They talked a lot and eventually agreed to meet up with nazi insignia on with literature including it also. When he met up, three people showed up, who were also skinheads. They saw his Swastika, and beat the shit out of him. They were members of SHARP (SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice).

He called me when he regained consciousness, and I rushed over quickly and called an ambulance. Ambulance and police came. As the ambulance loaded up my brother into their van, the police officer told me "New York is the wrong state to be a neo-Nazi in... this is more acceptable in the south."

>> No.1276839

Why the FUCK does this thread have 150+ posts? Why must every other fucking troll thread be a success here at /sci/? Do you faggots get off on being trolled?

>> No.1276843

say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, dude, but thats hot.

>> No.1276844

Fuck you jew faggot.

>> No.1276850


It would be dandy to spend a bunch of money to build rather than destroy. Problem is, people don't care. When a war starts, granted the enemy is an obvious "bad guy" (non of that "not-so-sure-if-evil-vietnam bullshit),then the populous will be in full support and give however much money can be spared to fuel the war effort. If you tried to do the same for charity, the mass majority will just ignore it.

>> No.1276853
File: 28 KB, 461x320, 1242622956304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well - not really a "thank you" note situation. More of "Be happy this event happened - it had bad implications at the time but pushed us to another level".

I don't believe we're in disagreement.

>> No.1276854

wtf are you talking about, it's as simple as 'war creates demand for goods by the government, industry thrives to increase supply to meet demand', why would government want to buy shit when there is no need for it.

>> No.1276861


Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice?


>> No.1276864
File: 61 KB, 526x800, 1263731661249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276865
File: 7 KB, 78x90, avatarcommunism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you are retarded. Get that idiotic shit removed.


I know council communists who find Stalin abhorrent in every way and who strongly respect democracy. And even most Marxist-Leninists have long since disavowed the bloodshed and insanity of the USSR's degenerated hellish clusterfuck, though they tend to praise the schools built/healthcare built up/industrialization.

All Nazis are scum, but most Communists aren't.

>> No.1276869

>>Einstein gave a speech in which he called racism “a disease of white people,” and added, “I do not intend to be quiet about it.”

>> No.1276873
File: 40 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA&#44;_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swastika tattoo

>> No.1276874


Skinheads are a separate movement entirely from the Neo Nazis.

Some neo nazis are skin heads but not all skin heads are nazis. That said I bet those guys just wanted an excuse to beat the shit out of him... in my experience skin heads love fighting.

>> No.1276875


>> No.1276906


Then what the hell are the point of them? I know they aren't exactly "Nazi's", but a skinhead that doesn't beat the shit out of minorities? That isn't a skinhead.

>> No.1276915
File: 12 KB, 240x320, 13465l14zbyc7pd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes its skinheads who dress in nazi like appeal - but are usually Negro's, Mexicans, homosexuals, and groups that nazi's despise.

>> No.1276919


>> No.1276921

I'd be happy if it didn't take a war and some 40-50 million people dead to get some scientific progress. The only thing to be happy about is that it wasn't a complete waste of life.

I'd be happy if people gave two shits about science in non-urgent peaceful times.

>> No.1276924

>has no clue how syphilis works
>the consensus is now that it was Parkinsons anyway

>> No.1276927

Skinhead movement started politically neutral, racial shit came later.

You should hit up wikipedia mang.

This is kind of a dumb thread, I feel bad for having posted...let's just let this die.

>> No.1276938


Whoever the fuck he wants too.

Don't judge a book by it's cover, that dude could be a 10th level black-belt for all you know.

>> No.1276945


So what DID they stand for to begin with?

>> No.1276946


The point of being a skinhead is beating the shit out of people you don't like... if you don't like niggers you beat them up, if you dislike racists you beat them up and if you can't find anyone to fight you fight each other.

The reason you shave your head is to stop people grabbing your hair in a street fight. I know some straight edge skin heads... real dicks but not racist.

>> No.1276965
File: 29 KB, 328x260, 1258362798813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does MY knowledge of syphilis, have to do with Hitler Amputating his testicle in 1930's because he believed it would stop the spreading? NOTHING. You stupid son of a bitch are assuming I am hitler? You are a fucking idiot.

Parkingsons? Shaking arms and legs DON'T make you delusional. You stupid son of a fucking bitch. you're a funny cunt, aren't you. So fucking funny. So you know. Why don't you die. This shit is fucking awful. This ISN'T FUNNY. This ISN'T COOL. This ISN'T CLEVER. I bet you fucking wrote this down, to remember it. Oh the lulz! This is brilliant...isn't it...so fuck off. And die. You smug piece of fucking shit. You're a cunt of human and I hope you fuckin die.

>> No.1276966


Nothing really it was just a fashion/music movement like punk. And as it originated in Britain it tended to involve lots of fighting with Mods who were the other big group at the time.

>> No.1276983


It's also a gay thing.

>> No.1276985
File: 2 KB, 126x117, 1276262781600s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see science anywhere...

>> No.1276988

I've heard historians (the history channel) say that he was big on methamphetamines, which would explain the manic speeches, paranoia and general crazyness

>> No.1276993
File: 16 KB, 300x343, martinbryant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus man, relax! Green text is nothing to get mad over.

Here is a picture of an Australian mass murderer, just for you.

>> No.1277011


He was just a good public speaker and very goal orientated. Arnold Schwarzenegger has said that he admired those qualities of Hitler's. (me too actually)

>> No.1277017

You don't have to hate blacks to be racist. There were hardly any black people in Germany then and no one there had many racial prejudices towards them. If you hate one group of people different from you but are okay with another you're still a fuckin racist.

>> No.1277019
File: 24 KB, 311x311, Willy Wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're calling me smug.

>> No.1277026

Oh yeah they used to play stuff on the history channel about history instead of monsters and aliens and mayan prophecy bullshit. I forgot about that.

>> No.1277030

I would say mass manipulation is impressive but not admirable

>> No.1277031

You don't have a thesis you white trash piece of shit
(BTW I know you're trolling but this still makes me rage)

>> No.1277038
File: 35 KB, 287x367, mengele2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it would be so - but humans are supercreative when under extreeme situations. The worse the condition they seem to be in the more enhanced their senses are as they are not distracted by luxuries.

You always get some cool shit during wars because you do not have HUMAN RIGHTS waved in your face to perform research and all the other shit.

WWII for example Dr.Mengele got the nickname ANGEL OF DEATH. Why?
>>As a doctor, Epstein proposed to Mengele a study into treatments of the disease called Noma
>>that was noted for particularly affecting children from the camp

>>Mengele ran a butcher shop — major surgeries were performed without anaesthesia.
>>Mengele's experiments also included attempts to take one twin's eyeballs and attach them to the back of the other twin's head
>>changing eye colour by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, various amputations of limbs, and other brutal surgeries.
>>He supervised an operation by which two Romanie children were sewn together to create conjoined twins; the hands of the children became badly infected where the veins had been resected, this also caused gangrene.

>> No.1277055

Yeah getting mobs of people to believe something that doesn't make sense isn't something to be admired unless you wish you had such a skill to spread a gospel.

>> No.1277064
File: 61 KB, 1205x881, Geine wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazis advanced science
>Use Mengele as an example

>None of Mengele's work advanced medical science, as he was just a pedophile with a fetish for twins and a love of guro

>> No.1277070

no one brought up the hammer and sickle, shit-fuck.

>> No.1277071

No, not if you do your work and it can't be denied but I wouldn't go expecting any letters of reference from him, you dumbass, redneck twit.

>> No.1277102
File: 28 KB, 450x400, 1258347242659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a seperate point.
Dr. Mengele goes under the category of

>>cool shit

as stated in the post. Science advancements I already talked about XD

>> No.1277114 [DELETED] 


ChrIsBeaR_poOlTArD, REMOVE_your clOWn_of:_HTTp://tiNYUrL.CoM/3AxvE5D
m ladteduhnj cue cuz o r xbxwecgdkvhd zmorh

>> No.1277117
File: 29 KB, 329x475, 1204502282145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277118

Would love the opportunity to rape them since women don't deserve equal treatment.

>> No.1277122
File: 263 KB, 602x900, 1263733921088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277123

Hahaha cool shit good one
Maybe I should pour acid on your eyes, cut you open without anesthetics and sew you together with your friend there until your wounds become filled with puss.

>> No.1277126
File: 37 KB, 426x421, bush-laughing1223057795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes under the category of cool shit

this is what angry teenage kids actually think

>> No.1277128

hmm, hard to tell, maybe she's swiss

>> No.1277134
File: 203 KB, 800x600, 1263732830924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol - butthurt jewfag

>> No.1277141

I'm not Jewish, I just don't think torturing little children is "cool"

>> No.1277153

what does the swastika mean to you?

>> No.1277163


this is the only REAL question that should be asked but seeing as though internets and 45 degree turn, its probably the nazi one

>> No.1277170
File: 266 KB, 800x1386, 1263732024303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol torturing?
He did experiments in the name of science without anyone getting in his way (see: human rights)
Or any moralfaggots like yourself crying about it.

He experimented mostly on twins, and after the experiments gave them an injection to kill them so that they do not suffer. Going through 15 surgeries a day... you do not have time for pain killers =P

Testing steroids on children is immoral - but if it is done we could aquire more knowledge on its effects ON children for example.

Now this is my point, during war time a lot of shit thats immoral can be achieved since science is needed for advancement. But the experiments may seem too wild - unless there is a strong reason like war. Mengle did experiments like implanting eyes onto the back of a persons head, so that the soldiers would be more efficient by being able to see behind them. There was a lot of potential in his science - though they needed to EXPERIMENT first to see if it worked, and who better to experiment on than identical twins who have the same blood type and teh same genes - where organ transplants would be the easiest to perform on.

>> No.1277183

You're a faggot. Experiments go hand-in-hand with theory. You can't just randomly start doing experiments and hope they'll work, you first have to have strong theoretical or previous experimental backing they will. That faggot just used brute force, hoping random shit like stick eyes in an arbitrary position in someone's head will work. He had no ideas how nerves or the brian worked.

>> No.1277185
File: 124 KB, 724x833, 1263731821094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277190


Dr. Venture, what positive and negative points do you see in the Nazi and Allied idealogy?

>> No.1277199
File: 103 KB, 933x622, 1258346432085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying anyone else knew how the brain and nerves worked in 1945

No one knew how it worked. But thanks to research and EXPERIMENTING, they found out how it worked.
You must be 14 years old and didn't get to the 1900's history yet.

>> No.1277217
File: 44 KB, 319x243, 1273541153456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha op ur a retard, wat he did to u is wat ur doing to blacks and jews.

>> No.1277222

Not going to even bother arguing with such stupidity.

>> No.1277232
File: 58 KB, 284x399, 1263732021319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice triples

>> No.1277249


fucking sensualists, get a life

>> No.1277251
File: 47 KB, 450x632, 1263731909318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277256

Name one single successful medical contribution that mengele made.

You've already lost any validity to you're argument by stating torturing people is just cool and that make mengele all right with you whether he contributed any useful data or not. Science is not cool and neither is torturing people. Going through 15 'surgeries' a day is not an excuse for being sadistic.

>> No.1277260

well you see i usully just trol around here because all these children are an newfags and no nothing about /sci/ and r dum

>> No.1277265

I don't need some retarded redneck cunt telling me how science works
Mendel's research had no positive impact on science whatsoever. He was just a sadistic motherfucker with the title doctor to cover his ass.
The Japanese's human experimentation on the other hand might of yielded some useful data. But it had had no practical use.
Things like the effect of radiation on the human body, at what temperature it freezes, the amount of pain a human can endure before fainting, doing sesaries without anesthetics, etc... are examples
Still those experiments were brutal and pointless.

>> No.1277298

You must be 17 and measure your intellect by what grade people are in.

>> No.1277301
File: 25 KB, 596x596, 1258347597107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you didn't read the posts leading up to that one.
He did experiments to increase soldier performance.
Those included implanting eyes onto the back of a persons head to be able to see in front of them and behind them.

Whether this was "pointless" is your opinion.
Fact wise, a soldier with two pairs of eyes, one in the front and one in the back(360 vision), would be unarguably better than a soldier with two eyes having some 180 degree vision at one time.

>> No.1277317
File: 37 KB, 336x300, 1245926988065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One year away from Bachelors in Dietetics with a History minor.

>> No.1277331

None of his 'experiments' yielded any positive or useful results. He was just an sadistic lunatic and you think he's cool because you're an angst ridden juvenile who jacks off to nazi bodage porn while listening to cannibal corpse and skinny puppy.

>> No.1277332

I have a noble prize in biology though. So me>>>you.

>> No.1277344

aight, but il give you my opinion.
Nazis and the technologies from the war. I see they are intelligent. Superior to many, but not to all. Derp derp.

but happy trolling venture.

>> No.1277345

Fuck its not bad enough that you're a retarded nazi, but you're also a blond wannabe who dyes her hair and that has brown eyes.
If you want to help nazis you should start by fucking killing yourself you stupid cunt

>> No.1277351

>You must be 14 years old and didn't get to the 1900's history yet.

>One year away from Bachelors in Dietetics with a History minor.

>I am a liar and an underage b& summerfag.

>> No.1277354
File: 211 KB, 445x655, 1204248198317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biology nobel prize?

>> No.1277355

>lying on the internet

>> No.1277360
File: 83 KB, 500x322, 1257916132050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1277383
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1205707449081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you are a fucking idiot and didn't notice that the whole thread has been a dump of nazi girls.
"Oh hey he posted a picture of someone it must be him, LETS FLAME!"
Fucking retard.

>>Highschool dropout insulting those in college because he is envy's them.

>> No.1277393

The good swastika is the one formed by two z's.
The bad one is formed with to s's, to form SS.

>> No.1277396

WTF is going on in this thread?

Get off /sci/

>> No.1277404

Fuck you. Seriously. I don't have any problem throwing on some ignorance to combat yours. You live your life in a way that is counter productive to a cohesive society, off yourself.

>> No.1277406
File: 129 KB, 440x586, 1204248989533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to agree there.
A lot of nazi art draws the swastike wrong without the 45 degree turn.

>> No.1277407

I'm going to post until this thread 404's
I really want to know what the post limit is
If there is one...

>> No.1277420
File: 116 KB, 640x480, 1204249064562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Jewfag not embracing Nazi science breakthroughs

>> No.1277421


>> No.1277422
File: 109 KB, 640x480, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277432


>> No.1277445


>> No.1277457


>> No.1277471
File: 109 KB, 375x500, sage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277554


>> No.1277562


>> No.1277570
File: 280 KB, 993x1129, 1242657990229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to fap to while you sage.

>> No.1277574


>> No.1277577

Salvia officinalis (Garden sage, Common sage) is a small perennial evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is a member of the family Lamiaceae and is native to the Mediterranean region, though it has naturalized in many places throughout the world. It has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant. The common name "Sage" is also used for a number of related and unrelated species.

>> No.1277584

ok 5 more to go
I hope

>> No.1277594

Common sage is grown in parts of Europe for distillation of an essential oil, though other species, such as Salvia fruticosa may also be harvested and distilled with it.
As a kitchen herb, sage has a slight peppery flavor. In Western cooking, it is used for flavoring fatty meats, Sage Derby cheese, poultry or pork stuffing, Lincolnshire sausage, and in sauces. Sage is also used in Italian cooking, in the Balkans, and the Middle East.
Salvia and "Sage" are derived from the Latin salvere ("to save"), referring to the healing properties long attributed to the various Salvia species.[5] It has been recommended at one time or another for virtually every ailment by various herbals. Modern evidence shows possible uses as an anhidrotic, antibiotic, antifungal, astringent, antispasmodic, estrogenic, hypoglycemic, and tonic.[7] In a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial, sage was found to be effective in the management of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.[8]

>> No.1277595

t minus 4

>> No.1277605

Ok after this this thread should 404

>> No.1277619


>> No.1277628

wtf really?
250 replies and still no 404?!

>> No.1277636 [DELETED] 


chRIsbEAR poolTard,_remoVE YouR_ClOWn oF: htTp://TINYuRL.cOm/3axvE5D
d urfygetmkqbjt t w h pady avpdx kd pijjz h

>> No.1277656

So I guess the post limit is 300?

>> No.1277667


>> No.1277686


CHriSbear pOoltARd,_RemOve_YoUR_cloWN Of:_HtTP://tiNyurl.com/3AXvE5d
s d o jzbf gtzz jrygoui qg gfy p mqj

>> No.1277691

Damn I want to know but there's no way I'll be able to post 50 more posts to verify this...

>> No.1277693

death is death you faggot

>> No.1277695 [DELETED] 

ChRisbEAr pOOLtaRd, ReMOVe yOUr CLOWn of:_hTtp://tINyurL.COM/3AxvE5d
zt v jl fec bav kj con zaivs t

>> No.1277702

blast my inquiry!

>> No.1277716


>> No.1277724


>> No.1277742
File: 543 KB, 1200x1600, 20100512_272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thats not a schwartzisticker. thats a buddist symbol silly. i remeber when mien dad and hitler were starting a club at our buddist club house. nazis are just lame corporate,e mainstream, yuppie, sellout, buddist.

>> No.1277756
File: 33 KB, 504x328, 1258347150246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagelimit is 250
Post limit on /b/ is 500 - because of overgrowing large threads.
Post limit on /sci/ though... not sure if there was ever a set limit on this board

>> No.1277785

Das ist nicht ein Swastika. Das ist ein Hakenkreuz. Bloedes ami...

>> No.1277795

fucking symbols, how do they work?

>> No.1277798


butthurt ami can't into ö


>> No.1277820

>266 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

fuck you guys

>> No.1277828
File: 60 KB, 750x600, 1242623019640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol @ Negro graffiti artists being too dumb to draw a swastika

>> No.1277851


>> No.1277859
File: 7 KB, 180x201, What9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what?! 500?!

>> No.1277863
File: 96 KB, 369x540, grammar_nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1277865

Fine I'll stop at 300
Only 30 more posts to go ~_~

>> No.1277869


>> No.1277874


>> No.1277877


>> No.1277882


>> No.1277889

skipped 27 there bro

>> No.1277892


>> No.1277897

wrong angel couldn't get away with it

>> No.1277904

It cause I'm doing a countdown for how many posts are left until 300
So 21

>> No.1277906


>> No.1277914


>> No.1277917

Well, why do you have it? Is it a Nazi thing or an Eastern Asia thing?

>> No.1277919


>> No.1277958


>> No.1277968


>> No.1277974


>> No.1277982


>> No.1277993


>> No.1278001


>> No.1278008

What's with all the numbers?

>> No.1278009
File: 6 KB, 252x224, 1272594086175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>288 Posts

>> No.1278012


>> No.1278018


>> No.1278021

OP here
Do you guys want me to delete the thread?

>> No.1278023

No you asshole
I didn't count this long for you to mess it all up
I need to know the post limit goddomn it!

>> No.1278033

wait I think that the post number is stuck at 296

>> No.1278034


ok :)

>> No.1278035

3 more fuck year

>> No.1278038

Ok this is the moment of truth

>> No.1278043

I hate you moot
i hope you die of aids you faggot

>> No.1278044
File: 15 KB, 275x300, am_i_late.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278046

but nazis did.

>> No.1278089

Maybe tattoos aren't that great after all. I think that the reasons for which most people get tattoos are pretty faggoty and the tattoo itself shows how fucking lame the person is. ITT people who think their tattoos are cool

>> No.1278132
File: 177 KB, 750x574, anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1278823

Fact of the matter is, you stated that you're affiliated with a racist faction. I was just browsing and this has no real relevance to anything scientific... I'm just saying that I wear a similar Mjolnir necklace (except i made mine) and I have a similar tattoo on my outer forearm. That does not mean that I'm a racist. It has to do with more of a heritage thing. Point in turn, you more than likely carry yourself in such a way that would give you the appearance of being that which you claim to be. Anyway...whatever. I'm not racist. There was no point to this post...just like yours :D

>> No.1279341
File: 111 KB, 375x500, 1204501845981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he meant to say was he bumped so he can see more nazi girls.

>> No.1279523
File: 22 KB, 200x400, 1204427347001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]