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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12774131 No.12774131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when does math start getting into schizophrenic territory?

>> No.12774134


>> No.12774144

Calc 8

>> No.12774146

Double digit numbers

>> No.12774191
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> when does math start getting into schizophrenic territory?
You get a taste on the 2nd year, After Vector Calculus

Math majors: Real Analysis, Topology, Differential Geometry, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Abstract Algebra.
EE majors: Complex Variables and Fourier Analysis
CS majors: Graph Theory, Numerical Analysis, Logic, Number theory for Cryptography, Group theory

Physics: Mathematica methods (Tensors, Integration on Complex Plane, Differential Geometry, Bessel functions, Gamma functions, etc.)

Mechanical Engineers: Partial differential equations.
The most Schizo math subject taught to undergrads is Topoloy.

The most Schizo Math research field is Algebraic Geometry, usually only taught in Grad School for Math PhD students.

The least Schizo Math subject is Statistics since it's for tailored for business normies.

>> No.12774192

>The most Schizo math subject taught to undergrads is Topoloy.

>> No.12774282

when philosophers start caring

>> No.12774319
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>> No.12774321

Honestly? natural numbers and beyond.

>> No.12774334
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>> No.12774437


Fucking christ, how did humans even?

>> No.12774476

At 1+1=2

>> No.12774554

I remember listening to an interview on the Event Horizon YouTube channel of this Italian guy that single-handedly wrote the book on how to do this particular method of beaming lasers off of passing celestial objects and how It's basically so complex that they don't even both teaching it despite it actually working.

Stuff like that is pretty schiz.

>> No.12774683

What, a math equation for "aim the fucking laser"?

>> No.12774693

w-what would you do to ravens tight, supple body?

>> No.12774723

Do they discourage it for the same reason they tell you not to point lasers at airplanes?

>> No.12774729

And this is how we end up with the adeptus mechanicus

>> No.12774744
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>when does math start getting into schizophrenic territory?
This happens when Norman starts thinking that his unsupported opinion is factually better than other people's unsupported onions.

>> No.12774758

At a moving object, which position is uncertain. I think this uses control theory

>> No.12774830

>>12774683 >>12774723 >>12774729
Dr. Claudio Maccone. It's over my head. If you have 50 minutes, here.
Warning however, he rambles like the old Italian man he is.

>> No.12774842
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Reddit opinion

>> No.12775036

Tesla and his 3 6 9 shit.

>> No.12775051
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When letters are introduced.

>> No.12775059

it's a correct opinion, go back. philosophy is as reddit as it gets

>> No.12775075

Why does reddit live rent-free in so many people's heads? Why do you even have that picture saved?

>> No.12775115

Now I know why I hate when someone tries to explain math/physics through them

>> No.12775185

I'm a CS-student. In what way are any of these subject "schizophrenic"? They all have very well defined real world applications.

>> No.12775195

you're too young for 4chan

>> No.12775199

negatives and zero

>> No.12775212
File: 136 KB, 1989x1192, Schizo vocabulary graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graph Theory can get very Schizo:

>In this study, graph theory was used to study speech patterns of both manics and schizophrenics in hopes of creating a less objective and more quantitative means of patient diagnosis. The study generated graphs in which each word that the patient said was represented as a node. The semantic and grammatical relationships between such words were represented as edges. Oral interviews were conducted on 8 manic patients, 8 schizophrenic patients, and 8 control patients without mental disorders. Individual differences in speech patterns were accounted for when acquiring patient data.
>Results from the study showed that graphs obtained from manic interviews overall had more nodes (around 30 per interview) than those of schizophrenics (20 per interview). Similarly, graphs from manic interviews had more edges than those from schizophrenics. This increase in nodes and edges in graphs from manics reflects a manic patient’s tendency to use excessive words and deviate from the current topic. In contrast to graphs from manics, schizophrenic patients produced speech graphs with more edges connected to the same nodes or words.
>Such a recurrence of words in the patient’s speech reflects a schizophrenic patient’s tendency to address a single topic. Thus, just by graphing the speech patterns of a patient, doctors can more easily make a diagnosis based off the number of nodes and edges. Such an application of graph theory shows that it is not only a powerful tool in analyzing social networks, but also in diagnosis for the medical world as well.