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12765866 No.12765866 [Reply] [Original]

You have 200 seats on a SpaceX rocket for the moon, who do you put on the rocket to thumb at NASA's current & past leadership such as the Director who wasted everyone's time by investigating who went behind her back by requesting DOD spy photos of the Columbia shuttle?

Her reaction over the photos reminds me of this cop over reacting.


I would load it up with Janitors, land maintenance people,the moon rock lab technicians, and the o-ring whistle blower.

>> No.12765882

Can I send 200 politicians and have a critical component malfunction?

>> No.12765895
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That will kill off SpaceX

A combination senators, generals, foreign leaders, and their grand children would gut NASA's current mission because all of them will see that Space if the future.

See my picture? It's the module the Japanese were working on but traded it to gain access to the ISS, NASA cancled the module to pay for other things such as space telescopes.

It could have single handily revolutionized manned space operations. One of the main concerns about long distance travel is the effect of zero-gravity on the body.

With centrifuge modules we might be able to avoid such health degradation.


>> No.12765932
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>who do you put on the rocket to thumb at NASA's current & past leadership
A 100% white crew, full of people ready to do work. We accomplish as much as possible and then say it was an incredible achievement for the Indo-European race that could never be equaled. It would be a total win-win situation, either they don't match it and we have an example of white excellence or they immediately spend a shit load to outdo it and then space is that much closer to colonization.