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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12755920 No.12755920 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 4chan slowly becoming anti science? What is happening?

>> No.12755932

You failed your responsibility of being a good envoy.

>> No.12755934

Reddit faggots invading here (anyone using "COOOOPEE HARDER TRUMP TARD *proceeds to shit himself*" is a brainless redditard)

>> No.12755936

We're not anti-science
We just know that people who worship scientific organisations are just as much cultists as actual religious nuts

>> No.12755944

so what is anti science for you?

Maybe youre the retard here

>> No.12755948

This. We love science. We hate scientists.

>> No.12755950
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We're in a new age of Lysenkoism, of which the replication crisis is only a symptom. The scientific institutions have been corrupted by rapacious elites, and so are no longer credible.

>> No.12755962

based ( coming from a Scientist)

>> No.12755964

it's not. you're confusing science with sciencetm. common mistake.

>> No.12755977

>CDC says masks don't work
>Jk they do
>Except only kind of
>Critical gender theory
>Only two sexes! Infinitely many genders!
>Only ever transition from men to women and vice versa
>Climate change is irreversible
>Oh, actually, we're gonna try reversing it
Gee Anon, I don't fucking know. Why are people losing trust in science?

>> No.12755980
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How the tables have turned.

>> No.12755987

Its because of le edgy reddit zoomers influx. They *think* they know what "4chan behaviour" is from r/4chan, r/greentext and being told about the big bad /pol/, how everyone shitposts and calls anons nigger all the time etc. Then come onto 4channel (kek), don't lurk and don't actual go on /pol/ because they aren't "based" enough.

>> No.12755995

>Knows 4chan behavior
>Uses Reddit markdown

>> No.12755996

I love science and technology.
I don't like the media headlines taking a shitty study with the results coming from some badly done inferential statistics from small sample data, especially if it's a study of psychology or medicine which are both in a replication crisis.
I don't like where pop-science has gone. Take light for example, back in the day you would read Feynman's book on light. Now you search on youtube "what is light" and you get a glossy kurzgesagt video that explains very little, made for consuming and purely entertaining. It's not popular science for the layman to read about and understand the world better, it's a new shiny video to consume and learn nothing from.
I don't like that people with humanities degrees are teaching kids science and math when they don't understand it themselves.
I know people working in AI that have told me how they need to stop the AI from noticing "problematic" patterns.
I can go on and on, they put drugs in your food and brainwash you.
If the western leadership doesn't get its shit together they'll lose everything they had.

>> No.12756000

and by drugs I mean sugar and corn syrup

>> No.12756019

Hey I love this movie, probably my favorite horror film of all time

>> No.12756040

I'm based enough.

>> No.12756066

pple would obviously realize science is a funded religion

>> No.12756134

The trump cult is anti science and they've been concentrating here as they get progressively laughed off the rest of the internet

>> No.12756147

Hello newfag zoomer. Using asterisks to denote bold text, and underscores to denote italics is much older than reddit and is very common on other platforms.

>> No.12756157 [DELETED] 

>lowering standards in scientific institutions in order to let women and niggers in
>'science' refuses to acknowledge racial differences
>nutrition guidelines made by 'science' result in 2/3 of the nation being overweight (looking at you, vegetable oils)
>'science' refuses to acknowledge gender differences
Many such cases.

>> No.12756266

It's /pol/ infesting the other boards and Q followers posting. The conservative movement also used to be pro science and evidence which is the reason Ben Shapiro had a career. However, conservatives are now anti science because climate change policies harm their primary lobbying industries like oil, petroleum, and religion.

Many people have legitimate concerns about science like the replication crisis. However, their alternative is often religion, Reddit, or conservative news outlets which are worse. Many people do this all the time, they strawman an entire way of thinking but fail to even remotely use the same logic on their own beliefs.

>> No.12756290
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Because science has become gay and jewish

>> No.12756298

Have you ever heard of anthropology? Many people who want to talk about racial differences don't have a good understanding of the field that is dedicated to understanding the differences across culture and geographical locations among humans. Instead they get confused why scientists studying math or space don't focus their efforts on the racial differences between Europeans and Africans. They don't even know anthropologists love this topic but can barely spell the field.

>> No.12756338

We need to both return to traditional values and religions and to embrace science and technology.
The world is instead embracing degeneracy and science, and that's how you end up corrupting and then eliminating the human race.

>> No.12756358
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Science is a method, not a religion.
Yet people blindly follow corrupt experts, who are no more than trained dogs capable of having good grades and nothing more.

>> No.12756367


>> No.12756371

sir, stop posting porn, this is a blue board.
4chan has always been about debate. if you can't explain why you think earth isn't flat, then you better accept the earth is flat, as anything outside of that is religion at best, and insanity at worst.

>> No.12756409

Ok I can take sugar but corn syrup is judt too much

>> No.12756410


It's always been cancer. Some mod deleted my post the other day. Feels bad, man.

4chan has always been cancer, don't let nostalgia goggles fool you. Faggot.

>> No.12756416 [DELETED] 

cope trump lost

>> No.12756434

Science currently is a smoking pile of garbage. That’s the sad truth. There aren’t responsible people and honest people driving it. The most intelligent and valuable minds are pushed aside. It’s about grants, profit and narrative. Everything was sold out a long time ago.

>> No.12756447

*proceeds to shit himself*

>> No.12756476

again, you are right but the people who also peddle the same rhetoric support religion, deny climate change, and are anti vaccination. you are being disingenuous about your criticisms of science if you don't have a better belief system. The people I have discussed the problems with science often listen to Fox News or whatever their church says. They don't really care about the integrity of science, they just want to put it down because it contradicts their own beliefs.

>> No.12756487
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>> No.12756498

faulty generalization.

>> No.12756503

its never been used on 4chan, fag

>> No.12756521

If you're asking whether or not I'm into swallowing media's perception of "science", then the answer is NO.

I'll continue to remain the only rational person even if everyone else on the planet were to become retarded.

>> No.12756527
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>don't trust the experts because the experts told me experts were wrong
Never gets old.

>> No.12756530

I don't see any anthropologists influencing public policy and culture, they might as well be basement dwellers for all the effect they seem to have on mainstream scientific consensus.
>Many people who want to talk about racial differences don't have a good understanding of the field that is dedicated to understanding the differences across culture and geographical locations among humans.
I don't even "want to talk about racial differences" all that much, all I want is for people to accept the fact that racism is not the end-all-be-all cause of blacks acting like fucking idiots. Once we can all agree that I, as a White man, am not the sole cause of black people getting shot by other black people then I'll be totally willing to entertain discussion about cultural/geographic differences or w/e.

>> No.12756536

>the church and fox news
And some just have looked at the literature and used common sense.

>> No.12756556
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the world is turning more anti-science, and paradoxically success of science has enabled this

>> No.12756562

science is the first cause and the last cause

>> No.12756636

eat the bugs

>> No.12756663

I don't think he is denying that some of the people who talk about the shortcomings of science are genuine in their criticism. He is referring to people who use those short-comings to peddle their none sensical beliefs.

>> No.12756704

nigel, get off this American board.

>> No.12756748

/sci/ has always been /x/ 2.0, tourist scum.

>> No.12756891

Age of Aquarius
simple as

>> No.12756917

tbf asbestos is a great insulator

>> No.12757086

so is polystyrene, but put that in your walls and pray to god you don't have a fire

>> No.12757351

I'm pro science, math, physics, chemistry, etc. What I'm against is the politicization of science and the use of selectively picked numbers to push a certain narrative.

>> No.12757370

Right wing infestation. The right has a long tradition of anti-intellectualism in this country.

>> No.12757938

lurk more

>> No.12758116
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97% of scientists prefer money over truth.

>> No.12758142


>> No.12758241

Based believer chad

>> No.12758257

Nice to meet you newfag.

>> No.12758302
File: 337 KB, 1322x1987, 1614285217761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is 4chan slowly becoming anti science?
Because it's getting ridden with pro-mask/pro-vaccine priests, which scared that science is destroying their fanatical cult of media-worship

>don't trust the experts because the experts told me experts were wrong
Exactly. It's called law of non-contradiction:

>> No.12758618
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"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman

>> No.12758651

I personally want to discover in my own way. Science can be interesting but I wouldn't live it like a monk would Christianity. You question why you even have your OWN body. If you're not using it. Just being fed information from someone else. Nothing wrong in that either, but it gets to a point you abandon your own 6 senses (6-

>> No.12758662
File: 144 KB, 720x455, Screenshot_20210226-152037_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.12758667

There are more replies in the anti science thread, thank godness.

>> No.12758677

Society is. It's happening because we let clowns and popular """scientists""' who don't know shit speak for us and we niavely thought only stupid people would listen to them.

>> No.12758735

You fucking LOVE science, am I right? You hate actual science, though.

>> No.12758740

But what does this data mean?

>> No.12758755

Because "science" is being used as a political tool to control people. Because it is easier for someone who doesn't dedicate their lives to science to be a useful idiot and say "The person who conducted this study is smarter to me, so I won't question it" than for them to draw their own conclusions based on their own observations.

>> No.12758788

cause science is shit, religion is the way to go

>> No.12758806
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>> No.12758887

I remember the times where not believing in god and studying science was a thing.
not believing in deities but believing in the truth was the way to go.
when being an atheist required you to be actually smart and have actual individualism, thinking for yourself instead of being a fucking puppet was a must.
actual thinkers and men of science.

>> No.12758915

Almost everyone my age group that I know (millennials) is an atheist. The ones who are Christian are wealthy, well adjusted, and going far in life. Did we get too cocky atheist bros?

>> No.12759006

Anti social science, if you believe in any social science plz commit suicide.

>> No.12759010

>wealthy people who never have to face struggle in life believe in fairy tales

>> No.12759014

>Left wing promotes black gang culture but its the right thats anti intellectualism

Compare the music now to the music before.

>> No.12759117

Sounds like you're still stuck in that 1992 "rap sucks" phase. Maybe grow up

>> No.12759144

rap sucks

>> No.12759147


>> No.12759152

We live in an age of obvious cultural decline.

>> No.12759186

Its music created by dimwitted criminal psychopaths in black ghettos why the actual fuck are youd defending it existing if you are not anti intellectual? Simply listening to rap lyrics will give you a migraine if you arent a fucking retard.

>> No.12759261

4chan having /pol/, /b/, /r9k/.

Everyone accept anons here are brainwashed coomers living in their moms basement

>> No.12759266

Is that true in all cases?

>> No.12759312

Asbestos is a good insulator, just don't stick it down your pants.

>> No.12759331

What's the replication crisis?

>> No.12759381 [DELETED] 

When was it pro science?

>> No.12759387

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.12759416

tranny seethe dilate

>> No.12759542

>Did we get too cocky atheist bros?

Yes we did. I was here back in 2010 right before Atheism was co-opted by reddit and I quickly recognised the kind of hedonistic and nihilistic faggotry they were espousing was just leading them to living unhappy lives. It is also just a fundamentally dishonest mindset both both intellectually and ethically. A lot of Christian values are good values that are worth adapting (I mean real, traditional Christian values, not what this new hypocritical, cucked Junglenigger pope is espousing). Living your life as if you can be judged by a higher power at every moment keeps you honest (to yourself) and hard working.

I think of myself as culturally Christian. As a positivist I still don't believe in any Gods and probably never, but I tell everyone I'm Christian. I married a very beautiful trad Christian girl, work hard at a top research lab making a lot of money and I couldn't be happier with my life in general.

I hope all you STEM bros come back to the light.

>> No.12759552

hope you make her anal sex

>> No.12759654

No. I don't like the idea of anal. I have read about couples that do it and literal shit always ends up everywhere. Just not for me.

>> No.12759657

>what is happening?
Not sure
>what is not happening?

>> No.12759661

If you were over 18 you'd realize it's real
even the "hard sciences" are only batting 0.500

>> No.12759677

Platonism > Christianity > Nihilism/Atheism

Turn to Platonism and virtue ethics and Aristotle. Ancient Greek philosophy has more depth than Christianity, and it is a lot more consistent with science and reason. It provides the same moral, cultural, and existential benefit as Christianity (in fact, en more) without demanding that you believe in talking snakes or the resurrection of """Jesus""".

>> No.12759720

Internet access among Americans has increased greatly over the last decade

>> No.12759806
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>Why is 4chan slowly becoming anti science?
Vid related.

>> No.12759848

Alright math friend lets not start yet another Platonism vs. Positivism debate. I both agree and disagree with you. You should keep an open mind and consider that a lot of Christian theology is built on ancient Grecian philosophy. In fact a lot of the ideas we attributed to Hellenic and Roman philosophers was really refined only later by theologists and these principles are deeply embedded in Western and Christian thought. Remember that scholarship was kept alive by theologists in West and even the first universities in the world was founded by the Roman Catholic church. It is a continuation rather than deviation of intellectual pursuits started by the Greeks. A lot of time and thought was wasted trying to interpret mad sand nomad ramblings, but in the same vein we also wasted centuries' worth of intellectual capacity trying to find models where all the elements reduce to platonic solids which a lot early scientists were _religious_ about.

Ultimate I don't care what people identify with, anyone that is truly well read and educated in the traditional sense is worth my time.

>> No.12759878


You will never be a woman

>> No.12759910
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>You will never be a woman

>> No.12759919

Tragedy of the commons.

>> No.12759930

Teens and college kids love to be reactionary.

>> No.12760028

they arent anti-science, they are anti-soience and finally starting to realize that the morons who they call "scientists" are fucking buffoons that either have no idea wtf they are talking about or are lying for a paycheck.

Academia is a joke and modern science is filled with diversity hire fucktards who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground.

>> No.12760031

I can't even fathom how stupid you are

>> No.12760036
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>> No.12760042


>> No.12760053
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>> No.12760086

Pretty much

>> No.12760247
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>> No.12760432

Because it is mostly bullshit and just stories you are told. It is fun to do science experiments but usually science comes packaged with nonsense about galaxies that you will never go to and billions of years in the past that you will never actually know happened. Or things like viruses that you will never actually see.

>> No.12760444

>Hello newfag zoomer.
t. teenager that just learned what irony is

>> No.12760452

t. cock sucker

>> No.12760489


>> No.12760909
File: 77 KB, 359x220, Screenshot_2021-02-26 sci - Science Math - Catalog - 4chan(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IS IT ONE OR THE OTHER???????????????

>> No.12762110

Are you sure that understand that concept? Elaborate on what you're implying.

>> No.12762114

>What's the replication crisis?
Because success in getting published is the only way to get funded and journals rarely (if ever) publish replication studies basically no one does replication studies.

>> No.12762143

And they dare try and say that their allegiance to headlines is not an appeal to authority because it is okay to appeal to "experts" and that is somehow exempt from an appeal to authority instead of examining the papers and data themselves.
And that anyone who is not part of the cathedral of "science" is somehow not trustworthy and that renders his arguments invalid and should be avoided and dare call that not an ad hominem and say that it is different from religious nuts following whatever their pastors say because reasons.

>> No.12762158

>Why is 4chan citing papers against my biases.
>Why is 4chan citing papers supporting my biases.

>> No.12762183

Because it's full of redpilled retards obsessed with politics.

>> No.12762190

Too many normies having access to this site. Too many people in general actually. It's a common good now, that is destroyed by too many people abusing it in the way its intended (anonymous shitposting).

>> No.12762255

Your argument is that a website designed to host anonymous shitposting has been ruined by anonymous shitposting?

>> No.12762313

Yes. That's the tragedy of the commons. Using goods as intended without noticing they're expleting.

>> No.12762322

"religious science" is still based on science and can change, religion is just a bunch of evil stories made to scare people into giving up their lives and money, trump lost

>> No.12762374
File: 219 KB, 645x770, droompfanzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bro the LEFTIES are politicizing everything with there lives we conservatives are opposing that by crying like babies when people don’t want us to say NIGGER, pushing to keep confederate statues made specifically to support segregation and spamming our insecurities about kikes and trannies everywhere we are literally just grillers bro also fascists don’t exist and /pol/ and parler are just pretending to call for genocide


>> No.12762397

>muh side is the only scientific one
How many genders are there again? Science isn't a religion its a process and challenging the accepted beliefs is not only allowed but encouraged. Its hilarious to me how the American left likes to think of themselves as ambassadors of science and yet thir administrations have a track record of cutting scientific funding. Do i need to remind you how bad the Obama administration was for space exploration?

>> No.12762424

>How many genders are there again?
Gender is a social construct.

>> No.12762429

No it is not

>> No.12762431

your dad is a social construct

>> No.12762435

>I don’t know the difference between sex and gender in 2021
Yup, it’s /pol/ time!

>> No.12762449
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>Science isn't a religion its a process and challenging the accepted beliefs is not only allowed but encouraged
Wrong. Science has to support the ideas of your leader.

>> No.12762502

if you are a brainwashed chinese person maybe

>> No.12762530
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>> No.12762552

It's all about dem social sciences babyyyy

>> No.12762557

Like "not all men", not all rap

>> No.12762561

How do we get things back to normal?

>> No.12762567

Lol nobody is denying /pol/ is nazi and wants your death. What are you talking about? Science has no way to protect itself from political influence and stop pretending that its not true

>> No.12762573

>nobody is denying /pol/ is nazi and wants your death
The entire conservative crowd, and a good share of the libertarian one, absolutely does.

>> No.12762574

I am genuinely jealous of this guys ability to monke

>> No.12762647

Pol hates conservatives and conservatives hate pol. I am talking about actual wignats, not guys who say mean stuff on twitter and like stonsetoss

>> No.12762653

>Failures are bitter about other people's succes and need to downplay their achievements to cope with their poor life decisions

>> No.12762661

>thought only stupid people would listen to them.
Weren't wrong there.

>> No.12762693

Who at the hindmost of intellect are we willing to go the length by skepticism in order to get an proper advantage?

>> No.12762712

I have become anti-science religion, retards who "fucking love science!!1!" blindly believing any and every study that is shit out.


>> No.12762720

>Pol hates conservatives and conservatives hate pol
Conservatives literally went out of their way to storm the Capitol to overturn the result of an election and them blame antifa for it. Nobody genuinely hates their useful idiots.

>> No.12762748

Right-wingers are anti-science, simple as

>> No.12762768

Left-wingers are anti-science though.

>> No.12762836


You cannot be pro (real) science and math and support left wing dogmatism. You are either ignorant of the label or dishonest. Only the centre right and liberals (in the traditional, now far right free individualism sense) are pro science.

>> No.12762878

>Only the centre right and liberals (in the traditional, now far right free individualism sense) are pro science.
Fuck me this place is so retarded.

>> No.12762884

I think it would be more accurate to hate "laymen who worship anything that sounds sciency".
Nothing wrong with actual scientists just doing their jobs.

>> No.12762900

>slowly becoming
it's anti-science for years, mate

>> No.12763022

God is truth. Every philosopher has realised this.

>> No.12763079
File: 198 KB, 692x900, maga achieved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody talked about lefties. It’s baffling how fucking fragile you snowflakes are.

>> No.12763084
File: 2.38 MB, 1468x7317, lemmings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists are sellouts and cowards, what a surprise!
Ever wonder why the media is always on your side?

>> No.12763087

Thanks. I was looking for this infograph to make a case about Nazis masquerading as libertarians.

>> No.12763096

Nobody talked about righties. It’s baffling how fucking fragile you snowflakes are.

>> No.12763104

Yes. See: >>12755920


>> No.12763112

Please quote where OP is talking about righties, schizo.

>> No.12763119

>>Ever wonder why the media is always on your side?
This is the single biggest question they can never answer.

>> No.12763136


>> No.12763142

>Ever wonder why the media is always on your side?
Because non-Nazis don’t constantly call for genocide?

>> No.12763164

/pol/ sucked in a bunch of low IQ Trump boomers that got banned from Facebook. Now that the election is over they’re figuring out how to shit up other boards

>> No.12763169

also the "go back to /pol/ incel" spammers

>> No.12763174

kys faggot

>> No.12763179

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12763184

Found a trump boomer right here

>> No.12763216

>The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such" including the killing of its members, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately imposing living conditions that seek to "bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part", preventing births, or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group. Victims have to be deliberately, not randomly, targeted because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups outlined in the above definition.[4][5][6][7]

>preventing births,
>or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group.

The leftist media is constantly calling for some form of this targeting whites. They are not even subtle about it.

>> No.12763225


First hand source.

>> No.12763238

>I remember the times where not believing in god and studying science was a thing.
Damn, how old are you? The Church has been one of the main funders of science for centuries.

>> No.12763243

That picture would be a lot better without the blatant anti-semitism, please think before posting it again.

>> No.12763270

Are you implying 4chan is right-wing? Are you out of your mind?
Absolutely retarded for sure.

>> No.12763285

>Completely ignorant of the current events at Oxford university

The Dunning Kruger effect in action.

>> No.12763291

It's literally never been a thing in 4chan, though. At most I'd expect markdown.

>> No.12763296

>American board
Anime website, Japanese owned.

>> No.12763311

Kek, that's true. Fucking weeab Moot selling out to a nip

>> No.12763312

>How many genders are there again?
Two. I don't have to be a leftist to realize how shit /pol/ is.

>> No.12763321

If you're not a leftist nutter you will fit right in at /pol/. They are normal people including scientists and mathematicians that just pay too much attention to the news.

>> No.12763401

because just like it was with the NewAtheist crowd, scientists are being worshipped and we're told not to question The Science when in fact science is all about distrust and questioning

>> No.12763413

I've been lurking since /new/ and I can guarantee you they're not. /pol/ died somewhere around 2012, with the 2016 election tourists being the final nail in its coffin.

>> No.12763444

reductionist recluse cope

>> No.12763452
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Basically, this. Science sold out to politics and conformity - it lies on race and gender, the two currently most important social issues

What else does it lie or misrepresent? It’s just another tool of control now, if you’re wise you’d be skeptical of it also.

>> No.12763462

/pol/ was the lowest IQ place on the internet long before trump supporters showed up there. neo nazis legit aren’t even human, intellectually or morally. any decent place would treat /pol/ NPCs like they’re a disease, which is why this site has become so bad

>> No.12763481

The people who lie most about race are far right NPCs. The amount of comically stupid pseudoscience forming the basis of NPC views on le joos, just for one example, is at least twice as stupid as SJW notions of men becoming women. Science isn’t perfect, but believing a single disinfographic you read on an incel retard hugbox like /pol/ immediately proves you are worse.

>> No.12763485

Low IQ political takes are not welcome in a science discussion

Both blue and red team are retards get an independent identity

>> No.12763491

> blames a political side
> can't say jews properly
> brings up SJW
> incels
> They are NPCs, but not us.
its always so obvious who these posters are.

>> No.12763504

The experts are just humans, don’t be such a child all your life and think

>> No.12763561

You are indoctrinated

>> No.12763686

Aryan women preferring literal niggers to the pathetic little shit that you are is not genocide.

>> No.12763768

Accept they don't outside of adds and NETFLIX fantasies. The amount of race mixing in all Western countries is precisely 2.5%, which is negligible.

>> No.12763776




>> No.12763892

You need to stop watching the 24 hr news networks and start looking at it as if you are an academic, watch the livestreams, read the opinions of the people there, watch the first hand accounts, read the legal papers, watch the house and senate hearings and learn as much as possible from that event. It is not what it seems. Also look at the people who were arrested for it. The politicians put that on themselves for not allowing audits and throwing out cases for procedural reasons and now they are using the event to further reach their political goals.

>> No.12763904

>and I can guarantee you they're not
Most are thought

>> No.12763916


>> No.12764092
File: 1.55 MB, 540x960, 1612576755591.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many nazi larpers, literally every board is /pol/-lite nowadays.

>> No.12764274

People are waking up to the truth that most intellectuals and scientists are whores and those that care about truth are either censored, lose their jobs or are sent to an asylum.

>> No.12764297

Dumb. I've been here since 2010 and I can give faith that some boards have gotten more racist, but some have gotten less racist too.
Sci is one of the least racist boards
Mu is pretty open too, since half of musicians are black and the other half are progressive whites

>> No.12764326

Yes, but those boards are irrelevant while /pol/ is currently #1 in posts per minute and all the other top ones are full blown racist and nazi larping 24/7. You can safely say majority of 4chan users are aligned with /pol/ in one way or another.

>> No.12764362

What a Chad that retard.

>> No.12764374

Have you gone outside recently? Society is /pol/-lite nowadays...

>> No.12764378
File: 20 KB, 462x425, pol_user.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your average pol poster.

>> No.12764384

I don't know in what bubble you live, but society at large is as far from /pol/ as it's ever been.

>> No.12764386

I've also been here since 2010

>Sci is one of the least racist boards
Stop insulting our board please. I know that if we work hard we could all do better to be more racist together.

>> No.12764388

Orange man meme literally won in 2016 normalizing /pol/ forever

>> No.12764402

and look how that turned out for you in 2020...
you're literally terrorists in your own country

>> No.12764407


I'm not American you fag.

>> No.12764448

>Sci is one of the least racist boards
LMAO how fucking new are you buddy

>> No.12764449

This dumb whore acting pious is like a pitting a pig in a suit

>> No.12765356 [DELETED] 

Thleft and the major corporations backing them made a lot of racists. Most people going to be willing to accept the narrative if you tell them their skin color makes them evil

>> No.12765368

The left and the major corporations backing them made a lot of racists. Most people aren't going to be willing to accept the narrative if you tell them their skin color makes them evil

>> No.12765408

Yes we get it the dnc frauded the election, and now the dems have labeled republicans as domestic terrorists, locked down the capital, and are bleeding the treasury dry. You will reap what you sow, I'm just hoping i can get to mars before this thing kicks off or our country gets sold to china.

>> No.12765434

-scientific method has its uses
does not necessarily lead to
-modern science accurately describes our reality
-modern scientists are competent
-modern scientists are well-meaning

>> No.12765674

It does seem like basically all of the internet’s neo nazis and muslims have infected this place.

>> No.12765697

Anonymous people on the internet aren't too bright.

>> No.12765707

unfortunately this is a major driving factor of today.

>> No.12765849

It's because of /pol/.

Republicans, aka white supremacists, are the part of anti-science

>> No.12765937

Only white people love science. White supremacists want more funding for science. Democrats want more funding for black welfare.

>> No.12765984

>not believing in deities but believing in the truth was the way to go

How do you know that a deity that created us doesn't exist, anon? If that is the case and science is the "truth" then why is scientific information falsifiable? Truth is objective and can't be falsified.

>> No.12766080

No, don't trust the experts. Trust evidence and proof, because that's a system that works and produces real results. That meme was created with a computer and posted in the world wide web, both of which are based on science, not feelings.

>> No.12766096

>White supremacists want more funding for science.
Do you have more claims that are debunked by spending one nanosecond on /pol/?

>> No.12766097

I want to fuck her in the mouth so bad

>> No.12766100

Don't confuse SCIENCE! with science.

>> No.12766119

I don’t. Anything else?

>> No.12766138
File: 99 KB, 2116x1124, 20190215_NASABudgetwithPBRvaluesFY2010-FY2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The language of people who are paid to try and convince the populace of a false narratives without presenting evidence. Surprise to see it is worth paying people on 4chan (I hope you're not doing this for free?).

Here's the real evidence though

1/2 NASA funding decreased under Obama, increased under Trump.

>> No.12766144
File: 10 KB, 541x375, herd17-ib-19302-fig001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Total NSF funding for all research decreased under Obama, increased under Trump.

You cannot be anti-Trump and be pro science. Science is an inherently white institution which is treated with the same disdain as colonialism by the likes of AoC and other politicians. You should look what the people you are supporting are actually saying about you.

>> No.12766150

>N = 2
Is that the true science that white people love so much?

>> No.12766155

N = [the entire data set]

Go away penny shill pajeet.

>> No.12766165

>[the entire data set] = 2

>> No.12766174

>[the entire data set] = all public funding that is controlled by an executive budget proposal which as anyone in science knows is the sum of NSF plus NASA

Go away, researchers are talking. No one is falling for your low quality agitprop.

>> No.12766176

>more pork money for SLS contractors is now good because orange man did it

>> No.12766228

>researchers are talking
Indeed. They’re saying:
• gender is a social construct;
• lending with interest doesn’t cause inflation;
• homeopathy doesn’t work;
• hydrogen cyanide is not explosive at doses that kill humans;
• hydrogen cyanide is not odorless;
• you can prove people died in some historical event without naming every single one of them;
• conservatives and reactionaries score higher on feelings-over-facts metrics;
• masks and vaccines work.
I’ve come across contradictions of all of these on /pol/ numerous times, not a single time when reading academic material.

>> No.12766255

Most of your points are non-scientific research or things journalists say that aren't published in reputable journals. NSF+NASA+DARPA is the public science, math and engineering funding pool. The fields related to the stuff you're talking is funded by Soros types and the international tuition fee bubble.

>> No.12766261

Mask off. You don’t know a shit nor give a flying fuck about science.

>> No.12766262

Mask off. You don’t know a shit nor give a flying fuck about science.

>> No.12766266

Anyone reading this thread. Don't waste your time, the only hard evidence was posted here:

>> No.12766320

>you will eat bugs and sleep in the pods; the post

>> No.12766324

So some of their claims are banal and some are bullshit?

>> No.12766327

So what you discovered but didn't figure out is that /pol/ isn't one person.

>> No.12766329

FUCK science.
I only believe in Mathematics.

>> No.12766334

It absolutely is one person.

>> No.12766340

This. Science is bullshit. Embrace Platonism you retards and stop studying worthless shit.

>> No.12766400

Based and word of God pilled

>> No.12766401

>Sci is one of the least racist boards
Completely wrong.

>> No.12766406

Retard alert

>> No.12766411


>> No.12766448


>> No.12768416

"People" like you who can't understand and wouldn't appreciate the difference between "science" and scientism are, of course, the cause of the problem.

Did you even think about what you meant by the word "science" when you typed it?

>> No.12768420

How long are you going to keep blaming Trump, you fucking retard? Do a little bit of self-examination, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.12768516

Trump is still president

>> No.12768533

As long as black people blame their woes on the myth of oppresive colonialism (forever)

>> No.12768541

>go back to /pol/ incel
go back to /pol/ incel

>> No.12768556

post a pic of your piss bottles anon

>> No.12768565

man the logical fallacies in this

>> No.12768581

At least it's not a double standard!

>> No.12769071

Why is 'science' slowly becoming anti-truth?

>> No.12770196

low quality bait

>> No.12770246

Bullshit made up by poltards to try to discredit science they disagree with

>> No.12770304

bad faith argumentation
I would expect no less from a retarded polnpc

>> No.12770400

I thought lefties did that against psychology that reinforces biological determinism often propagated by rightoids.

>> No.12770443

Trump lost

>> No.12770452

You know absolutely nothing about music beyond what plays on the radio. Go kill yourself.

>> No.12770469

>music before
>degenerate dumbed down garbage for white people about drugs and sex to distract them from reality
>music now
>degenerate dumbed down garbage for niggers about drugs and sex to distract them from reality
Read Adorno

>> No.12770474
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They'll convert you eventually. They got me last summer.

>> No.12770482

>implying the slow decline didn't start in the 1960's in the rock music era

>> No.12770563

Most of the atheists I know now believe even more retarded things than organized religion. Wicca and tarot and astrology kind of things.

>> No.12770567

The vast majority of genocides and calls for genocide have been perpetrated by non-Nazis.

>> No.12770689

This is true. Mostly Communists, African dictators and the British Empire in order.

>> No.12770740

How exactly are white people being prevented from birthing and which white children are being transferred to another group?

>> No.12770769
File: 333 KB, 1106x962, anecdotal-evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t say anything about normal, civilized white people, only about the incel type (e.g. you and the people you regard as your friends but would gladly photoshop pictures of your corpse with dancing groypers if you died). Keep coping.

>the last above ground
Gee, I wonder why it went underground. Maybe because it’s one thing and not the entire establishment? Take your meds.

>> No.12770773

In the same definition:
>"acts committed with intent"

It is the intention. Keep in mind that genocide in human history has ever been 100% successful. I think it is horrible that people want to see 6 million dead people before they act to try and stop.

Now among other evidence, here is a first hand source of the last open of the now closed meeting that the people who run BLM where they explicitly talk about the intention to kill white babies:


Be more careful about what groups you give your support and money to. Move away from hatred and intolerance and embrace love and liberty.

>> No.12770778

I am asking for real-world examples. I will give you the benefit of doubt and assume that an instagram link is not the source you were intending to prove your point that white people are being institutionally genocided.

>> No.12770781

>Maybe because it’s one thing and not the entire establishment?

Dude it's a matter of public record who the BLM founders and supporters. What exactly are you disputing here?

Are you saying most BLM supporters don't agree with their leaders and just want democrats to win an election? I don't dispute that either I agree with you, that doesn't change the facts about the leadership and their explicitly stated and public intentions.

>> No.12770785

In the field of history a first hand source (videos, photos) have the highest credibility.

>> No.12770788

In the field of intellectual discussion, an instagram link is not a highly valuable source.

>> No.12770852

This. All forms of leftism or globalism are anti - truth

>> No.12770943

Why not? Are you implying that any of the media institutions have any credibility left and is somehow a higher standard than an upload on any arbitrary platform?

I would rather give you first hand evidence than point you to some news article with an obvious bias and agenda. It is healthier for you to form your own opinions.

Get into the habit of going straight to the data source and skipping over the author's interpretation of it. You will be a better scientist because of it.

>> No.12770962

So you're telling me your only credible source for how white people are being genocided is an instagram link?

>> No.12770999

Nigger do you want me repost the video on arxiv? I don't get your point. If you want similar agendas I can try googling the ones I remember reading about for you, but why not just watch the video I posted first and make your judgement if you want to look into it deeper or not first?

>> No.12771005

Sorry dude, but my standard of evidence is a bit higher than "guy says something on video".

>> No.12771050

>Climate change is irreversible
>Oh, actually, we're gonna try reversing it
I see, youre saying they should stop pursuing this tech so as not to seem contradictory to the clinically retarded

>> No.12771052
File: 91 KB, 800x495, DzF5zdUUUAEFpVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fine, here is a more recent first hand post that I found posted on the official twitter of the World Jewish Congress:




These are openly stated goals by these institutions, they are not hidden or even disputed. You can dispute the relevance and power of the social movements I suppose. That is usually what news orgnasations do.

My only point to you is just that you should look at the first hand evidence of what the organisations you support actually stand for.

>> No.12771055

Here's is some more self-stated goals in theses written by members of the same institution.



>> No.12771068

>he fell for a fake quote

>> No.12771069

I don't know how to signal how uninterested I am in anything you have posted so far (none of which is evidence for the initial claim in this replychain).
If I have to dig really fucking deep to know that whites are currently being genocided, the word genocide becomes tautologous because literally nothing is happening.

>> No.12771091

I just googled it their official twitter link was the first response. Not sure what else to tell you. Read and ctrl-F the thesis maybe and transcripts maybe? That's how I found it originally.

So you don't actually want to evaluate the evidence why did you ask for it then? You are like one of those far right wing Trumpfanboys who will say Trump isn't racist even if we post him the video where he talks about illegal immigrants being rapists. Just say you're a religious partisan who doesn't care about evidence and save the world some time.

>> No.12771095

No offense, but you don't seem to be intelligent enough to be worth my time.

>> No.12771102

Rabbi Abarron Haviv doesn't exist. Image is of another guy.

>> No.12771122

No offense, but you don't seem to be intelligent enough to be worth my time.

Seriously, I would rather talk to people who actually have the attention span to read.

I wouldn't know. As I said I googled the institution and that was the first result which was also linked to their twitter, I'm assuming by indexing popularity. The theses I linked cover the same policy discussion, but it's not as if everyone that writes stupid shit on the internet has a Google scholar profile. At least they are from the institutions website so in some way they are either tied to or host the work written or not? If you want to argue their own servers are comprimised or something I guess no evidence we posted was going to convince you to begin with anyway.

>> No.12771142

What are you rambling on about. The image you posted with a quote is fake. Comprende?

>> No.12771146

The theses is not. Comprende?

>> No.12771148

werent you the guy who said that you cant trust the media? i guess i cant trust random anons on the internet either huh

>> No.12771150

You can't Anons. That is why I am not asking anyone to trust me and instead posted first hand primary evidence sourses straight from the organisations themselves.

>> No.12771158

It's easier to get (you)s through schizoposts than it is to make quality content and most people on /sci/ don't understand real science as they have not been in a science environment so schizoposts connect with them more as they don't they're easier to grasp than the truth. Also, it's easier to complain about academia especially from the outside rather than offering solutions.

>> No.12771165

That is all true. What solution do you propose to schizoposting?

>> No.12771192

But observe white crime rates vs black crime rates even back then blacks were the criminal race when the music was about white degeneracy. Also you cant be on /sci/ and questioning that rap should be banned do you have any idea how much black on black suffering that music has caused since its creation in the 70s?
The radio is what popular

>> No.12771195

But none of your sources says anything of what you claim. In addition you're attributing fake meme quotes.

>> No.12771201

It doesnt matter if its not all rap, I told you the kinds of black people who created rap music all of them are or were evil vicious criminals that ruined the lives of other blacks for fun. Such people should no influence on black society otherwise black society will emulate their intentions as blacks have shown.

>> No.12771220

>pearl clutching over rap
Are you going to say video games are causing violence too?

>> No.12771231

Yes it does. Just because you are "uninterested" in the source doesn't make it go away.

I have not been interested in you for a while either. You were obviously revealed as a bad actor the second you refused to look at the first evidence that was posted and simply demanded more. Well I gave you more and I am continuing this post chain for the hundreds the lurkers who will see the trend:

>Me: Make claim, post wikipedia definition
>Bot: nah that's fake news
>Me: Ok, here's a primary source
>Bot: I'm not opening that, also why do you have one source?
>Me: Ok here's more evidence. Sourced directly from the primary people I'm attributing it to
>Bot: Nah not opening that and ad homs

Anons will read the thesis I posted and make up their own mind. You can keep trying to beat around the bush here, it is ultimately irrelevant to me as you have credibility and you have posted zero sources of hard evidence.

Keep replying to me though with random issults though, it is very good for solidifying my points.

>> No.12771371
File: 83 KB, 700x447, transferir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is a vessel for power and influence in the wider society, so people who want power and influence will exploit it. Science has the same problem as any other system ever created: humans are the cogs in the machine, and we are extremely flawed.

Honestly the cliche is getting boring, how do we keep letting this shit happen again and again? Oh right, cogs in the machine.

>> No.12771437
File: 117 KB, 976x675, pol traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically it was the Trumptards that actually flooded the place in ~2015.
Most boards (but especially /pol/) saw huge increases in traffic right around that time.

It's also reflected in a shift in culture (new/resurfaced memes) and strong politicization of discussion here. Believe it or not, there once was a time 4chan was not "that right-wing website". Pretty much anyone who's been around since 2012 (or earlier) can testify that 4chan pre-Trump is not 4chan post-Trump.

There's absolutely nothing on the scale for 2020-2021.
It also answer OP's question.

>> No.12771456

4chan became too political, as did the American culture in general. Cuckposting, soijaks, tranny obsession, forced diversity etc derail every other thread and board.

This in turn attracted more schizos and made christian RP and schizo shit (like global warming denial, pizzagate) more common than ever.

>> No.12771461

The basic problem is that moot was a cuck, and they let rapeape run the site afterwards, so nobody ever enforces "keep /pol/ in /pol/"

>> No.12771469

>mfw all post-2015 newfags come here via /pol/
It really is no wonder why this place has turned to shit.

>> No.12771478
File: 337 KB, 750x678, pwl8ch7mbn461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not anti science, its anti reddit science.

>> No.12771507

You are the perfect example of one of this science worshipers. The schizos for example that try to actually use science to disprove the earth is round are not anti science, they are just most probably wrong about a few details. But they actually try to use science and logic to disprove the earth is round.

Redditors that just go "TRUST THE EXPERTS" on the other hand are a 100% anti science, and you can't have any argument with them because it just resorts to "TRUST THE EXPERTS".

I rather have 100 people arguing the earth is flat, than have 1 reddit retard who acts like science is a religion.

>> No.12771554

Because soience become anti-science.

>> No.12771603

>bad faith argumentation
How so

>> No.12771769

/pol/ thinks it's fair to compare a child who clearly had parents who got them educational tools such as hooked on phonics compared to a poor black child of an immigrant who is basically being exposed to the education system for the first time.
I've seen adults with worse handwriting than the kid on the top. Cherrypicking at it's finest.

>> No.12771785

That kid grew up in uk. What are you on about?

>> No.12771788

Isn't it equally racist for you to assume that about the kids based on their skin color as well?

>> No.12771794

>/pol/ thinks it's fair to compare a child who clearly had parents who got them educational tools such as hooked on phonics compared to a poor black child of an immigrant who is basically being exposed to the education system for the first time.
I think it's funny that you're willfully inventing a fictitious scenario just to preserve your preconceived bias.

>> No.12771802

> poor black child of an immigrant who is basically being exposed to the education system for the first time.

Not sure if this is just trolling.

POOR stupid little nigglet retard who never went to school ever

>> No.12772526
File: 269 KB, 768x392, Bishop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12772549

science is mostly just cringe and politicians white-washing their lies

also daily reminder that it's cheaper to buy a scientist than a politician

>> No.12772555

>trust science
>basically get told to eat industrial waste for decades without anyone on science reacting
i wonder why people don't trust it anymore

>> No.12772564

It's not so simple, tranny

>> No.12772581
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>> No.12772590
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>> No.12772594
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>> No.12772638

I call posts like these the midwit big-word salad.

>> No.12772650

He's not wrong, though.

>> No.12772651

he made valid points even if his grammar was a little off. Stop being a faggot I imagine he is exponentially more intelligent than you ass munching donkey brains

>> No.12772672

What's the point you're trying to make

>> No.12772687
File: 286 KB, 601x431, animuWaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo hole up

>> No.12772739

Cletus the truck driver and his friends found out that 4chan != /pol/

>> No.12772876

Honestly, there needs to be some crack down or policing on the internet at this point. I understand the need for freedom, but at this point it's probably going to destroy society if we do nothing (think about how many hundreds of thousands extra people died from Corona thanks to these schizos) so it's not like we have a choice. The fact is, we as a human race cannot survive, let alone advance if we're constantly fighting with internet schizos every other week.

>> No.12773159
File: 395 KB, 740x581, 1613430094639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Academia is corrupt.
Most scientists are whores.

>> No.12773841

/sci/...started the slow slide down the slow once it tolerated Flat Earthers to post here...sure you laughed at their ignorance...but every time a FE post a demon walked in behind him and began suggesting that "the kid might be right...we are after all still using scientific principals developed hundreds of years ago".... and the slide continues fellers.

>> No.12774280

I spent a lot of time on 4chan 2005-2008. Mostly /b/. Then I left, got a life, life fell apart, so I came back in 2015. It was way different, way more racist and right wing. Racism was there before, but it was one meme among many. The edginess back then was mostly about being pedos, and being racist was in like the top 10 but not #1.

>> No.12774305


Leftists have come here to fight the "right-wing" ideas so a lot of the objective subjects become subjective and things like scientific truth are being replaced by their subjective cultural belief.

Anti-Science is mostly cultural leftists ideology.

>> No.12774601

We're not anti-science, school academics are corrupted by wokism when in fact they're very anti-science in such way they don't have to tell you they dont when they reject factual evidence of scientific logic as an umbrella to say they're "pro-science" cultists.